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2004-03-22 Israel-Palestine
Yassin now floating pink mist
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Posted by 11A5S 2004-03-22 12:11:08 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [37 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 A big success for the IDF. Reason to celebrate certainly.

Looks to me like theyre trying to clear the ground for Dahlan to take over when they leave Gaza. Word is that while Dahlan dominates Gaza city, Hamas/AAMB dominated Rafah and the smuggling tunnels to Egypt.

Getting Yassin also makes it harder for Hamas to spin Gaza withdrawl as a victory.

Next target Rantissi, I presume.
Posted by liberalhawk 2004-3-22 12:21:11 AM||   2004-3-22 12:21:11 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 Was he awarded a medal for his efforts in the Palestinian struggle posthAmAsly? Ah, haha.
Posted by Mahmoud, the Weasel 2004-3-22 12:22:30 AM||   2004-3-22 12:22:30 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 To the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus":

And off to HELL!!!
Posted by Edward Yee  2004-3-22 12:26:32 AM||   2004-3-22 12:26:32 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 SWEET!!!!! Ululation time!

YA YA YA YA YA YA Allah Akbar!!!
Posted by Damn_Proud_American  2004-3-22 12:34:00 AM|| []  2004-3-22 12:34:00 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 And let's not forget to fire AK47s in celebration.
Posted by JFM  2004-3-22 12:44:02 AM||   2004-3-22 12:44:02 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 Yes! Yes! YES!!!!!!!
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2004-3-22 1:01:52 AM||   2004-3-22 1:01:52 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 Check out Little Green Football's photo tribute to the wheelchair swarm.
Posted by Steve White  2004-3-22 1:03:34 AM||   2004-3-22 1:03:34 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 Are you all Ameropathic ZionNazis?
Violence Breeds Violence. Who started it? The US and Israel started it.
Posted by PeaceNik 2004-3-22 1:08:21 AM||   2004-3-22 1:08:21 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 Violence Breeds Violence.

but the element using Hellfire missiles and the AH-64 will have more success breeding.

Bye, Yassin. It's been a ride. You got off lightly. May you burn in hell.
Posted by badanov  2004-3-22 1:16:30 AM|| []  2004-3-22 1:16:30 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 Wrongo, PeaceNik--the Arab Muslims started it right after Israel declared nationhood in 1947 and they've never stopped.
Ask around, read some history and keep up!
The Islamists were the ones that decided Israel shouldn't exist and that all Jews should be killed and Yassin was the prime pusher of this.
That's what it's MOST EXCELLENT that he's a blood stain and a mangled wheelchair!
Posted by Jen  2004-3-22 1:21:38 AM|| []  2004-3-22 1:21:38 AM|| Front Page Top

#11 I hope this guy says hello to the 3 H's (Hitler, Himmler and Heydrich), as well as Stalin & Beriya.

Somebody get Hamas a mop.
Posted by OldSpook 2004-3-22 1:27:29 AM||   2004-3-22 1:27:29 AM|| Front Page Top

#12 PeaceNik, you dumbass. It doesn't matter who started it. Yassin was one of the most evil sons of bitches to ever curse this Earth and the world is a better place now that he's been blown to shit.

And you know what, it doesn't matter who started because we're gonna finish it.
Posted by Damn_Proud_American  2004-3-22 1:34:15 AM|| []  2004-3-22 1:34:15 AM|| Front Page Top

#13 I still think everyone should leave. Alley Oop was there first.
Posted by Abu Zug Zug 2004-3-22 1:51:52 AM||   2004-3-22 1:51:52 AM|| Front Page Top

#14 Hopefully he and his buddy al-Zawahiri are praying for forgiveness together in Hell, but I guess that is too much to hope for. The world is a better place today nonetheless.
Posted by Ol_Dirty_American 2004-3-22 1:59:28 AM||   2004-3-22 1:59:28 AM|| Front Page Top

#15 What a completely depraved little wanker you are, peacenik.
You obviously know nothing of the history of that part of the world, or of Hamas and its bloody atrocities.
You are going along to conform, or for some other infantile personal reason.
Terrorism doesn't work without appeasers and surrender activists to make it work. Idiots like you breed violence. Real people die because of this bullshit, idiot, fit in with your crowd some other way, or find a new crowd.
If the Paleos gave up violence, there would be peace tomorrow. If the Israelis gave up violence, they would all be massacred and dumbshits like you would excuse it.
Peacenik, my ass, you're an accessory to murder.
A million Streichers, a million ropes.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2004-3-22 2:06:09 AM||   2004-3-22 2:06:09 AM|| Front Page Top

#16 CNN is reporting explosions on the paleo side of the Erez border crossing. Looks like the paleos morons are taking out their 'dire revenge' TM by blowing each other up.
Posted by phil_b 2004-3-22 2:25:05 AM||   2004-3-22 2:25:05 AM|| Front Page Top

#17 Israel is a ZioNazi colonialist imperialist land grab in the middle east. The UK and the UN had no right to "give" part of Palestine to Israel and to colude with the ethic cleansing of that land...
You will reap what you sew... Violence Breads Violence. Zionism is Ethnocracy. Neither the USA nor Israel are democratic nations. They are imperialist war criminals and pirates.
Posted by PeaceNik 2004-3-22 3:24:52 AM||   2004-3-22 3:24:52 AM|| Front Page Top

#18 Naziland (The USA) will destroy itself due to it's imperialism and oil theft.
Posted by PeaceNik 2004-3-22 3:27:35 AM||   2004-3-22 3:27:35 AM|| Front Page Top

#19 It seems that the Paleos are going absolutely apeshit over this one. At LGF, Charles advises Israeli readers to "lock and load."

Maybe, for once, the Paleos' atavistic rage will overcome their craven cowardice and they will charge in great screaming berserk masses toward Israeli border posts and settlements.

I think it is possible that their American tools will do likewise by Monday afternoon, finally throwing off the mask of naive pacifism and showing themselves for the brutes and authoritarian murder apologists they are.

They've been working themselves up to it for years and the recent "anti-war" demos were uglier than in the past.

This might be the big showdown.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2004-3-22 3:44:12 AM||   2004-3-22 3:44:12 AM|| Front Page Top

#20 "Naziland (The USA) will destroy itself due to it's imperialism and oil theft."

Auditioning to replace Yassin as chief prophet of the murder cult? A word of advice: McDonald's doesn't pay as well but it is probably safer.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2004-3-22 3:47:02 AM||   2004-3-22 3:47:02 AM|| Front Page Top

#21 I'm raiding the kitchencabinet in search of candy to pass out to the neighborhoodkids.

Oh and peacenik: you love the drugs, but the drugs don't love you.
Posted by Evert Visser in NL  2004-3-22 3:47:25 AM||   2004-3-22 3:47:25 AM|| Front Page Top

#22 Oh I don't have to do anything...
I am a PeaceNik.
All I have to do is wait for Naziland (the usa)to drown in it's own evil.
So I hope Bush cheats the election again and "wins" because I want the USA to go too far and get too arrogant and bigheaded and to swallow its own lies... Thay way it wil fall... In fact I think the USA is already falling into the trap... Perhaps the USA still expects to be around in 10,000 years - which is how long people will fight it... Do you feel lucky Yanquee psychopath punk? For 10,000 years? The USA will be bankrupted and the land returned to the native Americans. The reparations will cost you more than you have. Not to mention the BSE in the burgers... Eat dat beef boys... Chew dem Prions... Your Yanquee Gov says it is clean... Sure it is... :)
Posted by PeaceNik 2004-3-22 4:18:59 AM||   2004-3-22 4:18:59 AM|| Front Page Top

#23 Friends don't let trolls drink, drug and post!

Ding, dong! Yassin's dead! Noone left but Arafat and Peacenik to spread hate and lies!
Posted by Jen  2004-3-22 4:38:27 AM|| []  2004-3-22 4:38:27 AM|| Front Page Top

#24 LOL! Keep going PissNik, at this rate you'll cover the entire gamut of idiotarian screech! I'd love to hear the rest of what you've stuffed in your craw - don't stop now. Some people are full of bile because they've seen too much and experienced many hardships. I figure you to be on the opposite extreme. You don't know dick - about anything - so all you have are these moronic half-digested brain farts you've picked up from your favorite DUmbass site. But don't let that slow you down, boy / girl / whatEVER, let's hear the rest of what you "know." We value bona-fide entertainment. Make it good! Lol! What a 'tard!
Posted by .com 2004-3-22 4:40:12 AM||   2004-3-22 4:40:12 AM|| Front Page Top

#25 Funniest. Troll. Ever.
Posted by someone 2004-3-22 4:43:24 AM||   2004-3-22 4:43:24 AM|| Front Page Top

#26 I work at a local newspaper in the outer 'burbs of Milwaukee (or the WAY outer 'burbs of Chi-town, depending on how you look at it).

Anyway, Sunday nights offer little to do but tone photos and send negatives down to the press crew, and tonight was no exception at first: photo after photo of insignificant local events, the local choir going to Carnegie Hall, yada yada.

You can imagine my surprise -- nay, glee -- at the arrival of a photo labeled "Yassin, 2 columns."

That's how I found out. Why else would a local rag like mine be running a two-column pic of Sarumon?

Three guesses where I checked first for confirmation.

Tonight -- just tonight -- let the trolls rant. Nothing they say can wipe the grin off my face.

Posted by Another Dan 2004-3-22 4:45:28 AM||   2004-3-22 4:45:28 AM|| Front Page Top

#27 No... I think I'll just let you drown in your own evil... Oh and last one out of Yanqueeland turn off the geiger counter... Would not want to waste any oil at $2.00 a gallon... OIL BSE OIL BSE OIL BSE NUKE NUKE OH GAWD
BYE... :)
Posted by PeaceNik 2004-3-22 4:49:49 AM||   2004-3-22 4:49:49 AM|| Front Page Top

#28 Mr PeaceNik

The number of Blacks killed in South Sudan by their Arab enslavers is over five hundred times the number of Palestinians. You aren't doing any fuss about it. I can only deduce you are a sickening racist. In fact you are probably too racist to be admitted in the KKK.
Posted by JFM  2004-3-22 5:04:38 AM||   2004-3-22 5:04:38 AM|| Front Page Top

#29 Well its obvious Egypt and Jordan approved this they would have condemned it by now. Yassin had finally pissed those two countries off enough for them to give Israel the go ahead. As of now the only condemnations are from the free lance appeasement community.
Posted by mhw 2004-3-22 6:34:13 AM||   2004-3-22 6:34:13 AM|| Front Page Top

#30 Oooh I just noticed that Yassir chose not to condemn it in person but instead sent his mouthpiece out to make some incoherent cycle of violence noise. Obviously Yassir isn't crying about this either.
Posted by mhw 2004-3-22 6:36:03 AM||   2004-3-22 6:36:03 AM|| Front Page Top

#31 LOL PeaceNic!

Some columnist wrote recently that might Sharon do what Michael Corleone did prior to relocating to Las Vegas. Whack em all. For the same reason... to remind the balestinians that it's a shortening of lines not a retreat.

Posted by Shipman 2004-3-22 6:56:03 AM||   2004-3-22 6:56:03 AM|| Front Page Top

#32 Yassir doesn't dare make to much noise about this. There is an IDF finger on the trigger of a hellfire that has his name on it as we speak I'd wager. Sharon is hoping that dumb shit gives him an excuse.
I say kill Yassir, let the ensuing Paleo civil war weed out the rest of them.
Posted by JerseyMike 2004-3-22 7:23:36 AM||   2004-3-22 7:23:36 AM|| Front Page Top

#33 woo hoo!

I'm guessing that Rachel Corrie, is going to be one of his virgins.
Posted by B 2004-3-22 8:02:37 AM||   2004-3-22 8:02:37 AM|| Front Page Top

#34 I been uulating all morning since I heard the news.

Waiting for the Kerry response in 5..4..3..
Posted by john  2004-3-22 8:57:11 AM||   2004-3-22 8:57:11 AM|| Front Page Top

#35 Guess they'll need a bevy of Oiji boards to allow him to continue his spiritual leadership.
Posted by Super Hose  2004-3-22 8:57:34 AM||   2004-3-22 8:57:34 AM|| Front Page Top

#36 Break out the dancing girls!
Posted by Ptah  2004-3-22 9:06:34 AM|| []  2004-3-22 9:06:34 AM|| Front Page Top

#37 "Are you all Ameropathic ZionNazis?"

-naw, I'm just Ameropathic, and a redneck, and a knuckle-dragger, and a warmonger, and a WarNik, and an unapologetic nationalist......go back to the poetry reading at the coffee house peacenik; you're only going to get your ass handed to you on this website (though I doubt you mind that proposition).
Posted by Jarhead 2004-3-22 9:39:57 AM||   2004-3-22 9:39:57 AM|| Front Page Top

#38  Goodbye and good riddance. May he eternally rot in hell.
Peacenik, did it take much practice to become as stupid as you are, or where you just born that way.
Posted by Lil Dhimmi 2004-3-22 9:46:04 AM||   2004-3-22 9:46:04 AM|| Front Page Top

#39 Dhimmi, I think he's had practice, for example - "Violence Breads Violence" from one of his posts - I guess rising yeast has something to do w/violence. I think he really meant "breeds" but cannot be sure as he's prolly sleeping off last night's high-on in a pool of his own drool.
Posted by Jarhead 2004-3-22 9:50:42 AM||   2004-3-22 9:50:42 AM|| Front Page Top

#40 Jarhead, maybe Peacenik was going for some sort of baking metaphor. The choice of Hellfires plays into that metaphor, and also presaged what Yassin will be felling burning his ass for the rest of eternity.
Posted by Tibor 2004-3-22 10:23:11 AM||   2004-3-22 10:23:11 AM|| Front Page Top

#41 -naw, I'm just Ameropathic, and a redneck, and a knuckle-dragger, and a warmonger, and a WarNik, and an unapologetic nationalist......

u b sounding like an irishter sorry 2 say i didn't get a chance at the sunday Peoples i am giving yur regards to the other papists who have made it to this od heavin.
Posted by Saruman 2004-3-22 11:10:57 AM||   2004-3-22 11:10:57 AM|| Front Page Top

#42 I just looked at LGF's images and links of Yassin's remains. He DID become a grease spot on the L&N! So to speak.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2004-3-22 11:15:53 AM||   2004-3-22 11:15:53 AM|| Front Page Top

#43 From Reuters
Posted by Yosemite Sam 2004-3-22 11:20:52 AM||   2004-3-22 11:20:52 AM|| Front Page Top

#44 I've been reading this site for a long time, and more often than not I agree with you guys - and I love the commentary! In the past, I never really had much to say, but I had an odd thought just now while reading these comments.

I go to a Christian college with a fair number of pacifists, and at least one professor who I know will be lamenting over this bastard's death. I don't subscribe to those views; I think we're in a war to the death with those who wish to kill us, and, in some ways, those who want to be "tolerant" of others, and part of that means letting them kill us, because we for sure can't stand up and say "That's wrong," because that would be disrespectful . . . Anyway, I'm as happy as anybody over this; my first reaction was "Hot damn, we got him!" And then, as I was reading all the exclamations, I was reminded, rather uncomfortably, of the Palestinians cheering after September 11th. They were just as happy as we were, if not happier. And what, I wondered, is the difference, if there is any?

I think it's because while if we're to win this we have to keep to a higher moral ground lest we descend to the level of our enemies - dammit, I hate saying the leftists have a point, but while their approach is totally wrong they are right in their claim that we do need to observe human rights - we have to do some nasty things. There's no way we can win without killing, because if we don't they will. And when we kill a murderous scumbag, elderly and handicapped or not, it is cause for celebration, especially if he's escaped before ("Wheels, don't fail me now!" Guess they finally did).

But whereas the Palestinians were celebrating the horrible murder of 3,000 people on that terrible day, the casualties of another "battle" in the clash between their world and ours, we are happy that a blight has been removed. People like Yassin are like tumors, and when you defeat a cancer, it's cause for partying. He doesn't deserve any sympathy because he didn't give any, and in fact urged the opposite - and in doing so, forfeited his own right to mercy. The big difference, then, I suppose, is that ultimately, I would hope, we care about human life and freedom, and do what we can to protect it even when that means destroying those who would trample it in the name of "Allah" or "World Socialism" or whatever kind of crap they believe in . . . whereas they don't care about anything but themselves and killing the enemy.

So, I'm sorry, Palestinians, but this guy didn't deserve any consideration whatsoever, and he's not going to heaven, he's going straight down to hell with the rest of the monsters who kill in the name of a false god. We're in a war, and I wish the world would finally recognize that and call evil for what it is instead of trying to "understand" it.

My apologies if this is a bit long; I was troubled by the thought and wanted to offer some perspective - and I hope I didn't come across as a wet blanket, because right now I'd buy any of those IDF pilots a drink. Let's raise a glass in their honor!
Posted by The Doctor 2004-3-22 11:40:42 AM||   2004-3-22 11:40:42 AM|| Front Page Top

#45 who spill the koolaid and why dont they clean it. it going to be very sticky there.
Posted by muck4doo 2004-3-22 11:46:20 AM||   2004-3-22 11:46:20 AM|| Front Page Top

#46 Yes, saruman, I'm a Proud Mick as well. Sorry I left that out, thanx for kissing the Pope's ring for me last Sunday.
Posted by Jarhead 2004-3-22 11:58:52 AM||   2004-3-22 11:58:52 AM|| Front Page Top

#47 Doc,

The difference between them dancing in the streets at 9-11 and our own jubilation over the demise of Sheikh Yassin is pretty simple: 9-11 was a sneak attack, using civilian aircraft filled with civilians. Three out of four of the intended targets were civlian targets. Had the al-Qaeda air force flown over in military aircraft and carried out a raid on, say, Fort Bragg or even on the Pentagon, the Paleos would have been cheering a legitimate attack. We could have sulked, and we'd have known which side they were on, but we'd have had no bitch, even though we'd still have entered a state of war. It would have been a legitimate military action. Instead, it was a dirty action, a sucker punch on a nation at peace. We know which side they're on, all right, and that side's the dirty side.

Sheikh Yassin was one of the muckety-mucks of the dirty side. We're in a war to the death with terrorism, hopefully in all its forms, to include Pat and Mike down at the pub plotting to blow up Harrad's and Heriberto standing guard on the coca fields. I've been saying for the past couple years that the Israelis should be going after the upper reaches of the Paleo terror machine. And we all have good cause for ululation that they are.

I hope Rantissi's next.
Posted by Fred  2004-3-22 12:03:37 PM||   2004-3-22 12:03:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#48 Tim Blair had the best headline: "Yassassinated!"
Posted by Tibor 2004-3-22 12:03:47 PM||   2004-3-22 12:03:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#49 I see what you mean, Fred, thanks. And I'm in complete agreement on this one: I hope we get them all, and that Yassin's only the first.
Posted by The Doctor 2004-3-22 12:16:36 PM||   2004-3-22 12:16:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#50 Fred makes great points, and I agree wholeheartedly. However, Doc, you make a good point about the cheering. We should be happy that a murderous thug is dead - and a little ding, dong is inevitable. But your point is well taken.

I celebrate the lives that will be saved by this man's death. But I won't celebrate his death.

Posted by B 2004-3-22 12:27:22 PM||   2004-3-22 12:27:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#51 Good one Muck!'s very sticky there isn't it? This makes a great counterpoint to Madrid.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2004-3-22 12:44:39 PM||   2004-3-22 12:44:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#52 But I won't celebrate his death.

To hell with that! This slime was not only responsible for Isrealis being killed, but for Palestinians as well! He's being slow-roasted in hell right about now.
Posted by Rafael 2004-3-22 12:47:41 PM||   2004-3-22 12:47:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#53 Wow! Two relevant, coherent and funny comments from Muck in one day. Must've gotten mugged over the weekend.
Posted by Tibor 2004-3-22 1:06:54 PM||   2004-3-22 1:06:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#54 B, ok... but, I'll go on celebrating this scum bags death.

To me there is 2 aspects.

1) I hate them because they cheered a succesful attack on my country. Just as they will hate us for cheering a succesful attack on them. This is to be expected in war and hits hard to make a moral judgement about it.

2) The difference is that I am disgusted by them and consider them revolting slime because they cheered an attack deliberatly targetting CIVILIANS. I would also be disgusted at any american who would ever cheer at a successful deliberate attack on civilians, regardless of which side they were on.
Posted by Damn_Proud_American  2004-3-22 1:12:10 PM|| []  2004-3-22 1:12:10 PM|| Front Page Top

#55 I'm thinking of writing a book: "Gun Sex without Guilt."
Posted by Fred  2004-3-22 1:17:17 PM||   2004-3-22 1:17:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#56 When the Paleos manage to kill some soldiers it is usually because they were riding in a civilian bus. In other words, for the Paleos, the military is the collateral target, the civilians are the primary target.
Posted by mhw 2004-3-22 1:21:19 PM||   2004-3-22 1:21:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#57 Awwwww. Anyone know where the funeral is. I'd love to send a bouquet.... of JDAMs
Posted by Mercutio 2004-3-22 1:32:25 PM||   2004-3-22 1:32:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#58 Mercutio, why not send Daisy . . . Cutters?
Posted by Tibor 2004-3-22 1:53:56 PM||   2004-3-22 1:53:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#59 A most Excellent day in the war against the Islamo nutters! As i saw his mangled remains of his chair plucked from the blood stained street i spontainiously roared with laughter, love the street carnival that followed with the coffin being raced over the crowd with the sounds of gun-sex in the background and the rows of dumb balaclavered soldiers of Allan. Just hope Israel are ready for the savages dire revenge.
Posted by Shep UK 2004-3-22 2:15:58 PM||   2004-3-22 2:15:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#60 Now I understand the thing about the 72 virgins... these "martyrs" just don't arrive in one piece...
Posted by True German Ally 2004-3-22 2:45:45 PM||   2004-3-22 2:45:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#61 Maybe it's actually 72 surgeons to stitch them back together again.
Posted by 11A5S 2004-3-22 2:53:44 PM||   2004-3-22 2:53:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#62 11A5S: LOL!

Let's hope he saw or heard the missle coming. At least that way he would have experienced a second or two of the same terror he's unleashed on so many innocent Israelis.

Ding, dong, the warlock's dead! Ulululululululululu :-p
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2004-3-22 3:32:56 PM||   2004-3-22 3:32:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#63 Piza-time for the IDF

From Haaretz Flash:
"22:04 Minister Henegbi: Now Yassin and other Hamas leaders understand that we will help them become martyrs"

Posted by Evert Visser in NL  2004-3-22 3:35:02 PM||   2004-3-22 3:35:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#64 Maybe it's actually 72 surgeons to stitch them back together again.

LOL!! Boy, are they going to be disappointed.
Posted by B 2004-3-22 3:46:20 PM||   2004-3-22 3:46:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#65 DPA and Tibor - well...I, for one, won't lose any sleep if you do :-) On my list of things to feel bad about, cheering for Yassin's death ranks down somewhere around, number 9,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,021 (to the 10th).
Posted by B 2004-3-22 3:50:37 PM||   2004-3-22 3:50:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#66 Barbara, my comment from last night was supposed to be a joke :P The guy was blind (or nearly so) so he couldn't have seen the missile coming ;) But maybe he heard it.
Posted by Rafael 2004-3-22 3:54:26 PM||   2004-3-22 3:54:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#67 I wonder what the Sheikh's stump speech on martyrdom is now...
Posted by Mahmoud, the Weasel 2004-3-22 4:02:01 PM||   2004-3-22 4:02:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#68 Mr Sharon your day's are numbered, you peice of NAZI sh*t.
Posted by Joe 2004-3-22 4:53:08 PM||   2004-3-22 4:53:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#69 "Mr Sharon your day's are numbered, you peice of NAZI sh*t."

-wow, are you gonna handle Ariel there joe? Mean old bastard like Sharon prolly whip your ass for ya. I guess your just in mourning over the Yass-man taking a hellfire through the grape. Left a helluva grease stain if ya ask me.

A jew from the only democracy in the mid-east is a nazi huh? Interesting take on the situation joe, I'd advise switching to sanka and maybe laying off the nitrous.
Posted by Jarhead 2004-3-22 5:02:13 PM||   2004-3-22 5:02:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#70 Apparently the shin bet didn't like the idea of yassination. They may have thought that the fact that Yassin required all that care and was a symbol of evil made him worth more alive than dead.
Posted by mhw 2004-3-22 7:42:43 PM||   2004-3-22 7:42:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#71 Part of me is disappointed to see anyone die without Christ, but part of me is glad to see justice done.
Posted by Korora  2004-3-22 7:43:31 PM|| []  2004-3-22 7:43:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#72 Part of me is disappointed to see anyone die without Christ
Korora, I conservatively estimate the chances of someone like Yassin receiving Christ at 4,985,210,450,769 - 1. Miraculous conversions, I grant you, have been known, but this sick, twisted bastard was hardly a candidate.

Also, my girlfriend told me she had seen the coffin in the televised funeral coverage, and that it was . . . pretty damn big. I didn't think there was enough left to pick up with a spoon; did they gather up all the pieces, or did they just throw a wheelchair in the coffin in remembrance?
Posted by The Doctor 2004-3-22 8:04:31 PM||   2004-3-22 8:04:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#73 If they find another leader, he will damn sure be quiet about it, and will certainly be an under-the-matarass dweller.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2004-3-22 9:38:25 PM||   2004-3-22 9:38:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#74 Rafael - Hope so!
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2004-3-22 11:49:59 PM||   2004-3-22 11:49:59 PM|| Front Page Top

19:14 CAG Hotshot
07:48 B
07:40 B
05:57 The Dodo
00:41 .com
00:15 Texan
00:00 CrazyFool
23:51 CrazyFool
23:49 Barbara Skolaut
23:48 Super Hose
23:47 Removed
23:45 .com
23:43 Super Hose
23:39 Barbara Skolaut
23:38 Texan
23:37 Super Hose
23:34 Mr. Davis
23:26 Darth VAda
23:17 Alaska Paul
23:05 .com
22:57 .com
22:48 .com
22:47 tu3031
22:38 eLarson

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