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2003-12-29 Britain
British clergy slam Bush, Blair
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Posted by Fred Pruitt 2003-12-29 14:44|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [27 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I read somewhere that Cherie Blair is Catholic, which is relatively unusual in England, so she might not care too much what the Archbishop things.

Blair is more ready to meet his maker than any Bishop quoted here. He acted to remove an evil from the face of the earth, something these blathering wankers have obviously never done.
Posted by JAB 2003-12-29 2:49:06 PM||   2003-12-29 2:49:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Blair has done more for advancing human rights more than these KKK-styled white robed assclowns hiding behind a clerical collar. I wonder if any of them looked in the Iraqi mass grave photo album lately [or ever]?
Posted by Alaska Paul 2003-12-29 2:57:39 PM||   2003-12-29 2:57:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 I'd like to take these two self-styled "Christians" and frog-march them to the edge of one of Saddam's mass graves and force them to explain to the wailing, sobbing relatives there why we should have let Saddam go on murdering their loved ones.

Damned inhuman, immoral bastards.
Posted by Dave D.  2003-12-29 3:05:47 PM||   2003-12-29 3:05:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 I think both Blairs are Catholic. I understand they attend services at the Church of St. Vincent at the Brompton Oratory in London. The Latin Mass there on Sundays with the choir is excellent.
Posted by Tibor 2003-12-29 3:08:57 PM||   2003-12-29 3:08:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 I don't think that Catholicism is that unusual these days in England - I think it's currently the biggest religion. (The Jedi religion is closing the gap with almost 400,000 members according to the 2001 census)

As for the C of E bishops, they are all loopy and have been for some time. Their line on the war was that there needed to be definitive proof of WMD before action could be taken. In response someone suggested that if they applied such rigor to their own jobs, they should all resign.
Posted by A 2003-12-29 3:14:29 PM||   2003-12-29 3:14:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 And so, while Islamic fundies continue their bid to pound the nails in Christianity's coffin, Western religious leaders take the opportunity to, um, pound the nails in Christianity's coffin.
Posted by BH  2003-12-29 3:20:48 PM||   2003-12-29 3:20:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 C of E has always been a political tool. Don't ever forget that. The LLL elements are firmly ensconced in the upper levels of the C of E and are rapidly destroying that Church from the inside. Their lack of recourse to ancient doctrinal roots like the Catholic Church has, and lack of adaptability as the US Protestants are, has doomed the CE to fail as an institution as it rots from within by its own lack of faith and doctrine. They have left behind both the modern Bibilical basis and the recourse to Tradition and Absolute Values that are required as a foundation for the Church to continue.
Posted by OldSpook 2003-12-29 4:05:17 PM||   2003-12-29 4:05:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 "Will no-one rid me of this troublesome priest?"
Posted by mojo  2003-12-29 4:06:22 PM||   2003-12-29 4:06:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 The Church of England heirarchy epitomises white middle class guilt.

Otherwise this is more cognitive dissonance. These guys are supposed to be concerned with moral questions. Their opposition to the Iraq war is looking more and more immoral with each new mass grave found. So they end up saying silly things in an attempt to justify their position.

A few weeks back there was considerable talk here in Australia of the Anglican (Church of England) splitting becuase of this kind of left wing claptrap. The new church would espouse a more robust and muscular christianity and be centred around the Anglican church in Nigeria, which apparently has more Anglicans than any other country.
Posted by phil_b 2003-12-29 4:11:15 PM||   2003-12-29 4:11:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 I would damn them, but they have already done so themselves. I have no illusions: but for God's saving Grace, I'd be meeting those vermin in Hell. The difference is that I realize my errors and repent, they do not.

The Church of England, were it a sailing ship, is on the verge of becoming a hulk. From years of neglect, its has broken its rudder (Values/Traditions) and let the sails (Scripture/Faith) tatter into rags, and its hull (The Church as the Body of Christ) is rotting from the transom up. The barnacles and worms chewing their way through the hull are the Looney Left Clergy and Bishops, who have long ago lost sight of the Truth of Christ and continue to feed and grow fat (playing to popularity rather than morality), heedless of the damage they are doing.
Posted by Anonymous 2003-12-29 4:11:41 PM||   2003-12-29 4:11:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Don't shoot! I'm a Baptist!
Posted by Shipman 2003-12-29 5:55:12 PM||   2003-12-29 5:55:12 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Actually, the UN and Blair may have to answer for the 10,000+ Iraqis who died while these two insisted on 6 months palavering about whether to act or not. Meanwhile, George "Avenger of the Bones" Bush will enjoy the support of the 40,000+ and growing number of Iraqis who didn't die after the Invasion.

Bush, and the Coalition Armed Forces, class of 2003.

Bring it on!
Posted by Ptah  2003-12-29 6:02:59 PM|| []  2003-12-29 6:02:59 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Raised Episcopalian in a small church in NJ. Everything fine and old-fashioned until Bishop Spong took over the Diocese of Newark (NJ) - didn't believe in any of the tenants of the faith! I truly believe that God sends people like this our way every so often to get us off our butts. I stayed, working on/with the vestry of my church. We went to minimum funding back to the diocese - he tried to close us down, even replacing the priest with his own man. As it happened, when Spong retired, the diocese didn't have a job for the priest, who was thrown out the door - after trashing the church-owned house he lived in. The church is still there, still Episcopal, but I know they are taking a careful look at the alternatives. My family and I are now 1800 miles west, my son's in a Jesuit high school, and we go to chapel there!
Posted by OldeForce  2003-12-29 6:34:37 PM||   2003-12-29 6:34:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Thank GOD we don't have a state religion in the U.S. These ?men? now realize that there were VERY wrong over the war and are trying to fix it by attacking Blair? They need to take a LONG look at themselves in the mirror and think about what they stand/stood for. You can call the war in Iraq anything you want but getting rid of that EVIL government was, is, and will always be the right choice. The Clergy in the COE should take this opportunity and not remind people that they SUPPORTED a murderous dictator. God Bless all leaders in the coalition of the willing. PM Tony Blair, America WILL NEVER FORGET that you stood by us.
Posted by Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter)  2003-12-29 7:20:10 PM||   2003-12-29 7:20:10 PM|| Front Page Top

#15  "For Bush and Blair to go into Iraq together was like a bunch of white vigilantes going into Brixton to stop drug-dealing."

(Cue The Clash song and All Hail Bush & Blair as the new "Guns of Brixton"!

'When al Qaeda kicks in your front door/ How you gonna come?/ With your hands on your head or on the trigger of your gun?')

"This is not to deny there's a problem to be sorted, just that they are not credible people to deal with it," he told The Independent newspaper.

(Who has that credibility? You guys remember the Monty Python skit "The Bishop"? Maybe he fancies his chances v the Yardies?)
Posted by JDB 2003-12-29 7:24:01 PM||   2003-12-29 7:24:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 Offhand, I can name two wicked leaders in Britain that need removing. On the other hand, we can leave them in peace to continue sanctimoniously buggering each other.
Posted by ed 2003-12-29 10:48:23 PM||   2003-12-29 10:48:23 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 Oh, they're done buggering altar boys and can turn themselves to other business?
Posted by Raj 2003-12-29 10:53:42 PM|| []  2003-12-29 10:53:42 PM|| Front Page Top

08:20 Shipman
23:23 jimmytheclaw
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22:53 Raj
22:48 Fred
22:48 ed
22:40 Raj
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22:27 Raj
22:25 ruprecht
22:21 ruprecht
22:17 NotMikeMoore
22:15 mojo
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21:51 Frank G
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21:37 Bomb-a-rama
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21:09 Fred

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