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2003-12-29 -Short Attention Span Theater-
IndyMedia on the ropes?
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Posted by badanov 2003-12-29 12:06:46 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [24 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Very happy news, badanov!
Posted by Jennie Taliaferro  2003-12-29 12:14:40 AM|| []  2003-12-29 12:14:40 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 The LGF regulars ("to morlocks* as morlocks are to eloi") are really whooping it up at this wonderful news; sticking the knife in and twisting it, with tabasco sauce on the blade.
(BTW, rumors of my death were not, in fact, greatly exaggerated. I suffered the annoyance of a heart attack a while back and was out of action for a while. Contrary to some reports, and some wishful thinking, this had nothing to do with Rantburg and the ravings of lefty trolls. As you see, I survived, much to the horror of some and the relief of the anointed.)
*Charles, High Priest and Lizard-King at LGF, refers to Indymedia devotees as "morlocks", from the brutish cannibalistic underground dwellers in HG Wells' The Time Machine.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2003-12-29 1:24:59 AM||   2003-12-29 1:24:59 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 It took me 12 years, but I finally have found something good in the planned obsolescence of the computer industry. Like the rising tide that floats all boats, the obsolescence of computers affects all servers, even the ugly ones.

I suspect that they'll get their donations, though, because the libs have a lot riding on the IndyMedia concept.
Posted by Rivrdog  2003-12-29 2:08:06 AM||   2003-12-29 2:08:06 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 You might be right, dog.
But there is a silver-lining in every cloud, as indicated by this post at LGF.

The open line publishing system at Indymedia gave false flag propagandists an open highway into the hearts and minds of the morlocks.

Obviously, the Indy mob were aware of this, but they never showed much ability to discern the real thing, despite their constant paranoid yammering about "COINTELPRO."
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2003-12-29 2:33:19 AM||   2003-12-29 2:33:19 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Death pool at the Futures Market for al-Indymedia?
Posted by Mahmoud, the Weasel  2003-12-29 2:35:50 AM||   2003-12-29 2:35:50 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 Welcome back AC, glad to see you on the mend.
Posted by Gasse Katze 2003-12-29 3:30:50 AM||   2003-12-29 3:30:50 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 Indy media's website was paid for by somebody called Richard Stallman. The name may not mean a lot to the average Rantburger but he is well known is the software biz, and coincidentally a friend of mine was ranting about him today on a totally different subject. Stallman is the archetype loony lefty who got fairly rich almost by total accident.

Wonder why he changed his mind about funding Indymedia. Maybe an attack of concience?
Posted by Anonymous 2003-12-29 5:18:20 AM||   2003-12-29 5:18:20 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 I don't know if IM's potential demise is a good thing or not.... they acted unknowingly as a troll cage.
Posted by Shipman 2003-12-29 8:34:10 AM||   2003-12-29 8:34:10 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 welcome back AC - good health in '04 to ya!
Posted by Frank G  2003-12-29 9:28:53 AM||   2003-12-29 9:28:53 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 Don't the EPA or local health authorites have regulations regarding pollution if these toxic turds are flushed down the toilet?
Posted by ScottAK  2003-12-29 10:03:29 AM||   2003-12-29 10:03:29 AM|| Front Page Top

#11 Glad to you see you back, A.C.!
Posted by Raj 2003-12-29 10:49:17 AM|| []  2003-12-29 10:49:17 AM|| Front Page Top

#12 Welcome back, AC, and bestt wishes for better health in the new year. Can somebody tell me what COINTELPRO is?
Posted by seafarious  2003-12-29 10:54:08 AM||   2003-12-29 10:54:08 AM|| Front Page Top

#13 ???

Posted by Anonymous 2003-12-29 11:02:17 AM||   2003-12-29 11:02:17 AM|| Front Page Top

#14 I hope they stay in business, better they are in the open and everyone can see how bankrupt their ideas are. Lok how well DU has shown the spotlight on the liberal cause.
Posted by Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter)  2003-12-29 11:07:55 AM||   2003-12-29 11:07:55 AM|| Front Page Top

#15 Karl Rove. Send them a check. They're one of your best weapons.
Posted by tu3031 2003-12-29 11:11:41 AM||   2003-12-29 11:11:41 AM|| Front Page Top

#16 As I understand it, COINTELPRO is the legendary CIA/FBI effort to infiltrate the anti-war movement in the 60s. It's "legendary" because the left has taken what was just the common police practice of using undercover agents to find information and turned it into a grand conspiracy responsible for every one of the left's excesses during the 60s, 70s, and on towards today.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2003-12-29 11:13:35 AM|| []  2003-12-29 11:13:35 AM|| Front Page Top

#17 Ladies and gentleman. I give you Rantburg U.
Posted by Lucky 2003-12-29 12:15:22 PM||   2003-12-29 12:15:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 As a former Spook, let me enlighten you. COINTELPRO is a simple military program that has migrated into mainstream usage because of the CIA/FBI programs of the 60's and 70's. It's an acronym for "COUNTER INTELLIGENCE PROGRAMS", a blanket identification for everything from "spoofing" to sending blatantly screwball messages to adding padding to the front, middle, and/or end of a message - such as the "turkey trots to water" and "the whole world wants to know" from famous WWII messages. Its purpose is to try to throw off the bad guys and give them heartburn, make it harder for them to collect intelligence on our forces and government, and even harder still to understand what they do get. No great conspiracy, just plain common sense and normal military operations. Since the loonely left never bothers to even TRY to understand military operations, it's all a grand conspiracy to them.
Posted by Old Patriot  2003-12-29 12:38:40 PM|| []  2003-12-29 12:38:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 Don't you like it when they put the footnotes at the bottom of the page, where you can quickly access them, digest their information and then just as quickly carry on with the main text.
Posted by Lucky 2003-12-29 1:14:07 PM||   2003-12-29 1:14:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 Rantburg U.,Indeed.
Come to Rantburg and learn!
Espionage,Pollitix,(brain lock,can't spell),Religion and associated madmen.

I bow to the Proffeser.
Posted by raptor  2003-12-29 1:26:03 PM||   2003-12-29 1:26:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 For some stupid reason, every time I hear that name "COINTELPRO" I think of the firm that services the washing machines and clothes dryers in the laundry rooms of my apartment complex....
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2003-12-29 1:50:12 PM||   2003-12-29 1:50:12 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 So like, I started crawling through IM's various international sites, and through their various articles and peoples' comments, and I came across something like this: "If it wasn't for the White House and Wall Street supporting Hitler, WW2 never would have happened."
I'm not at all acquainted with the IM sites. Is this their typical clientele??? If it is, I would have to agree with Shipman. We need special cages for these people.
Posted by RW2004 2003-12-29 2:00:14 PM||   2003-12-29 2:00:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Atomic Conspiracy! I don't know if you remember me (rubysue from Bad Astronomy and Skeptical Friends), but I'm glad to see that you are back in action and hope you have recovered. I spend my time now mostly reading (and very occasionally posting) on my favorite blogs (this one, LGF, Tim Blair, Den Beste, Instapundit, etc.).
Posted by rubysue 2003-12-29 2:08:50 PM||   2003-12-29 2:08:50 PM|| Front Page Top


Posted by Shipman 2003-12-29 5:31:21 PM||   2003-12-29 5:31:21 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 Great to hear you're still with us, A.C.! Keep getting healthier!

As for Indymedia, et al, I subscribe to the troll cage school of thought. I'm as big a civil liberterian as anyone but I certainly hope that whatever COINTELPRO-style program we might have under the Patriot Act is reading that site and taking notes. Most are wussies but there are bound to some Sirhan Sirhan types out there.
Posted by JDB 2003-12-29 6:54:57 PM||   2003-12-29 6:54:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#26 #23 Ruby! Of course I remember you. I quoted you on LGF just yesterday, on the Indymedia belly-up string:

"(Indymedia)...powered by 12 volt organic solar cells hung from the roof of the unabomber's outhouse."
It's one of my favorites and never fails to get laughs.

(Fifth Column Watch is still up, I post once in a while to preserve the archive but, like you, I have switched mostly to the blogs.)

I've given up completely on SFN, now that the Hate America Mob and Michael Moore=God Cult have taken over.
Everyone else, thanks for your good wishes. It's good to be back.

As for COINTELPRO, as lefty paranoids use the term, none other than Attorney-General Ramsey Clark was the originator of the program to infiltrate the 60s anti-war movement.
This is at least spooky, and possibly far more than that.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2003-12-29 7:24:54 PM||   2003-12-29 7:24:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#27 As always, Rantburg is the place to go for the facts. Thanks to everyone who helped answer my question.

Personally, I think COINTELPRO is hard to pronounce and looks quite ominous on the printed page. It's easy to see how the term could be ascribed to eeeevil G-men "out to get you".
Posted by Seafarious  2003-12-29 10:00:08 PM||   2003-12-29 10:00:08 PM|| Front Page Top

08:20 Shipman
23:23 jimmytheclaw
23:20 jimmytheclaw
23:02 Eric Jablow
22:54 Frank G
22:53 Raj
22:48 Fred
22:48 ed
22:40 Raj
22:27 ruprecht
22:27 Raj
22:25 ruprecht
22:21 ruprecht
22:17 NotMikeMoore
22:15 mojo
22:11 Seafarious
22:06 El Id
22:00 Seafarious
21:52 Frank G
21:51 Frank G
21:45 Bomb-a-rama
21:37 Bomb-a-rama
21:18 Stephen
21:09 Fred

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