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2003-10-07 Home Front
Recall election today
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Posted by Atrus 2003-10-07 3:26:04 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [33 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Does anyone know what the number of undecided is, in an average election cycle, in the last days before an election? How can you still be undecided? More likely these are decline to comment you liberal pasty-faced media slime type answers.
Posted by Yank 2003-10-7 3:45:26 PM||   2003-10-7 3:45:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Yank, statistically there are 4% undecided up to the minute they get into the voting booth. Who are they? They are people that take elections very lightly but still participate (for some dumb reason). My wife is undecided as of breakfast this morning and I think she will make her mind when she gets in the voting booth (she always has). I think she secretly wants to vote for Gary Coleman! A side note: My mother (a hardcore Democratic) says that she is leaving the state if Arnold gets elected. I am going to miss her :=(
Posted by Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter)  2003-10-7 4:24:33 PM||   2003-10-7 4:24:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 I voted: Davis - out! Arnold - in! (and keep the hands off the interns)
Posted by Frank G  2003-10-7 5:52:27 PM||   2003-10-7 5:52:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 18% of california is registered independant. 45% Democrat, 35% Republican.
2 million new voters have registered since July. 1.9 million voters signed the Recall petition, well beyond the 15% required to enact the recall election.

3.5 million voted for Gray Davis in November, 3.2 Million for Simon. Out of the 50+ counties in the state, only two counties voted heavily for Gray Davis ( LA and SF) all other counties were within a few hundred votes of each candidate. The actual count wasnt certified for 30 days, and Simon was heavily encoraged to ask for a recount due to the closeness of the vote.

Pat Caddel, (MSNBC analyst) said on election night last november that he had no doubt that there would be a recall, everyone on the panel at that time thought he was out of his mind.

One other note, every single california govenor has undergone a recall effort since the Law was enacted in 1911, but no one has ever gone over 10%, much less the required 15% of voters to qualify. Davis has rang the bell that cannot be unrung.
Posted by frank martin  2003-10-7 6:04:57 PM||   2003-10-7 6:04:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Actual "big media" facts-n-figures:,2933,99274,00.html
Posted by frank martin  2003-10-7 6:15:22 PM||   2003-10-7 6:15:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Man if felt good to vote today. Gray "I'm an incompetent, socialist hack" Davis is outta here.....oh but be sure the Donkeys will try once again to subvert the will of the people via their flunkies in the courts - but this time it's not gonna stick.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2003-10-7 6:56:01 PM||   2003-10-7 6:56:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Make that a $38 Billion deficit
Posted by Tom 2003-10-7 8:55:08 PM||   2003-10-7 8:55:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 HaHa Now onto the "next recall" doesn't that law have a repeat recall provision that if they can get X% of voters in THIS reccall election to sign a petition (much smaller number) that this can happen again? Talk about the law of unintended consequences!
Posted by Not Mike Moore 2003-10-7 9:15:03 PM||   2003-10-7 9:15:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 Haha? stevey projecting thru NMM? hmmmmm
Posted by Frank G  2003-10-7 9:51:11 PM||   2003-10-7 9:51:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 if its close election and arnold wins, I expect their will be yet another recall, if its a blow out, which it is appearing to be, there wont be. the recall was a repulsive way to get this done, and I doubt that it will be taken up as revenge if arnold wins big tonight.

the number arnold has to beat is 3.5 million, if he does that or more, he will be fine, less than that look out. I honestly dont think people have the stomach for another recall for awhile.

This is a referendum on the democratic party leadership of this state. if they get vindictive and take it to court or take off in a second recall,people will see it for what it is.
Posted by frank martin  2003-10-7 9:56:25 PM||   2003-10-7 9:56:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Now onto the "next recall" doesn't that law have a repeat recall provision that if they can get X% of voters in THIS reccall election to sign a petition (much smaller number) that this can happen again?

What would be the logic in recalling Schwarzenegger if he wins? He hasn't even proved himself yet. On the other hand, Davis already had a couple of years to demonstrate that he couldn't do the job.
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2003-10-7 10:01:03 PM||   2003-10-7 10:01:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Fred--please confirm I'm not the psycho known as "Stevey" I was asking a question--and since when has logic had a place in California politics?
If Arnold wins--I don't care he is not a Bush Republican
Posted by Not Mike Moore 2003-10-7 10:58:47 PM||   2003-10-7 10:58:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 I'll vouch for NMM. Most definitely NOT Stevey boy.
Haven't seen him around in awhile so I'm guess his mom has her porn site back up.
Posted by tu3031 2003-10-7 11:17:37 PM||   2003-10-7 11:17:37 PM|| Front Page Top

07:45 Jarhead
05:37 Ed
04:43 Bulldog
01:42 Jeff
01:19 Tresho
00:18 Anonymous
00:11 Bomb-a-rama
23:34 Not Mike Moore
23:30 Not Mike Moore
23:22 Not Mike Moore
23:18 Mercutio
23:17 tu3031
23:10 Not Mike Moore
23:05 tu3031
23:05 Super Hose
22:58 Not Mike Moore
22:55 Frank G
22:50 snellenr
22:50 Super Hose
22:37 Frank G
22:34 Tibor
22:32 Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter)
22:26 Frank G
22:24 Jarhead

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