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2003-10-07 International
Chalabi to the UN: Wake up and smell the triumph!
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Posted by Atrus 2003-10-07 2:03:19 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [20 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Chalabi to the UN: "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining!". Even if his credentials may be suspect I gotta admire the solid brass cajones for gettiin' in the faces of the UN flunkie-crats and dishin' some harsh truth. His stock is rising.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2003-10-7 2:23:03 PM||   2003-10-7 2:23:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 "[We] must embark by acknowledging the individual citizen as the basis of sovereignty and the starting point for legislation. The rights of the individual person are basic rights, and the rights of the group only derive from this."

This guy is channeling Thomas Jefferson or Ayn Rand, incredible! Fantastic! No wonder the Socialists like the French don't like him. Nothing quite so dangerous to a collective as a strident individualist.

"... suffered from the worst ideologies of the twentieth century, the individual was suppressed by the masses, the masses by the revolution, the revolution by the party, and the party by the leader. The result is that the human being is subsumed under continuous layers of oppression that obliterate his individualities, making him an object for consumption in defense of the nation and the economy in the name of the revolution or to be sacrificed for the leader."

This is the best public condemnation of collectivism I have seen in a long while. IF only our politicians would have the brass to take a stand and state the truth, boldly.

What a marvelously different voice to hear at the forefront in that region!
Posted by OldSpook 2003-10-7 2:54:42 PM||   2003-10-7 2:54:42 PM|| Front Page Top

To those who stood with the dictator and who continue to question the intentions of the American and British governments in undertaking this liberation...we the Iraqi people will ask you why you chose to remain silent.

Boy, I'd love to hear Chirac and the other worms answer this one...
Posted by Dar  2003-10-7 3:11:36 PM||   2003-10-7 3:11:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 A very good speech! Any chance of seeing this in American media? Didn't think so...

His brothers and friends in the region not only maintained silence, ignorance and blindness toward his catastrophe, they also criticised him and shamed him the day he dared raise his voice. And throughout the world, those that stood to benefit scrambled to trade and work with his torturer.

I wonder if he was looking stright in the French Ambassador's eyes when he said that. (Assuming that the Ambassador was there that is...).
Posted by CrazyFool 2003-10-7 3:48:45 PM||   2003-10-7 3:48:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Ok, Chabby is a good guy. That's a great speech.
Posted by Steve White  2003-10-7 4:31:45 PM||   2003-10-7 4:31:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 I'll watch Peter Jennings. Should be the lead story tonight. P.O.S.
Posted by eyeyeye 2003-10-7 5:00:59 PM||   2003-10-7 5:00:59 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 OK. I'm impressed.

"And we the Iraqi people will ask you why you chose to remain silent."

I can think of several answers to this question, and not one of them is good.
Posted by Matt 2003-10-7 5:28:27 PM||   2003-10-7 5:28:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Any time I see a State Dept smear of someone I take another look at them, they must've done something right and pro-American
Posted by Frank G  2003-10-7 6:06:14 PM||   2003-10-7 6:06:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 eyeye,

I bet the lead story is about the 'body bag count' followed by how Arnold groped a few women 25 years ago followed by more body bags, and then the California election.... Rinse.... repeat...
Posted by CrazyFool 2003-10-7 6:07:34 PM||   2003-10-7 6:07:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 I'm beginning to have some serious respect for Chalabi.
BTW, I linked that one three days ago, where have y'all been?
I did see a little bit about his speech in the media but it was all 'local' media online (in the Podunk Press but not on CNN). Sigh.
Posted by Kathy K  2003-10-7 6:25:28 PM|| []  2003-10-7 6:25:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 How'd you find it? I just did Googled for it and got basically no hits.
Posted by Matt 2003-10-7 7:22:02 PM||   2003-10-7 7:22:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 I think we found the NEW Iraqi ambassador to the UN.
Posted by Charles  2003-10-7 7:29:38 PM||   2003-10-7 7:29:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Kathy--You posted this Saturday? Guess I'm not the hardcore, 24/7 Rantburger I thought I was!
Posted by Dar  2003-10-7 7:44:05 PM||   2003-10-7 7:44:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 give me a break, this guy left the country in 1958 as i recall, he's slightly more iraqi than i am
Posted by Igs 2003-10-7 9:05:58 PM||   2003-10-7 9:05:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 "I stand before you as trustworthy as an American businessman named Kenneth Lay"--with the backing of the same lunatic right wing conservative ideologues that stole an election and put a Christian jihadist in the White House who has lied about weapons of mass destruction (there are none) and has corrupted the civic discourse of the United States with "You're with us or a traitor" Our Neo-Cons (Oops Rt wing Jews) will be setting the future agenda for our country and because they have more money than you whining liberals will win
Posted by Not Mike Moore 2003-10-7 11:30:51 PM||   2003-10-7 11:30:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 Typical stupid leftie Mikey. You didnt address a single comment, You only tried to smear the guy with repeated lies.

WTF is wrong with your mind, are you incapable of rational thought?
Posted by Anonymous 2003-10-8 12:18:11 AM||   2003-10-8 12:18:11 AM|| Front Page Top

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00:18 Anonymous
00:11 Bomb-a-rama
23:34 Not Mike Moore
23:30 Not Mike Moore
23:22 Not Mike Moore
23:18 Mercutio
23:17 tu3031
23:10 Not Mike Moore
23:05 tu3031
23:05 Super Hose
22:58 Not Mike Moore
22:55 Frank G
22:50 snellenr
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22:37 Frank G
22:34 Tibor
22:32 Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter)
22:26 Frank G
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