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2003-10-06 -Short Attention Span Theater-
Arnold’s Director - "Vote No to Arnold"
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Posted by Yosemite Sam 2003-10-06 5:12:48 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [24 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Even less understanding of budgets.

The guy's a multimillionaire, isn't he? I'd say that he probably has a rather decent understanding of budgets.
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2003-10-6 5:19:46 PM||   2003-10-6 5:19:46 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Eh, I think what was really being referred to was not understanding the wonders of profligate spending.
Posted by Dishman  2003-10-6 5:51:05 PM||   2003-10-6 5:51:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 This yahoo is a big supporter of the Dims. What you are seeing is the last death-throws of the Davis administration. Let it thrash about it will be dead soon. VOTE EARLY! VOTE OFTEN! VOTE ARNOLD!

Inhalers and Gropers for Arnold.
Posted by Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter)  2003-10-6 6:07:52 PM||   2003-10-6 6:07:52 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 --"I spent 6 months with him, he showed ZERO leadership qualities. Even less understanding of budgets...--

So says someone intimately familiar w/Hollywood accounting.
Posted by Anonymous 2003-10-6 6:07:56 PM||   2003-10-6 6:07:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 This is amazing...

that is, it's amazing that anyone associated with this film (18% on the TomatoMeter) would feel qualified to pass judgement on anyone else's qualifications for anything...
Posted by snellenr  2003-10-6 6:13:13 PM||   2003-10-6 6:13:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Anyone know the words to "edleweiss"?

I can tell you of about 10 people who were on the fence over the whole recall, have now come down squarely in favor of it as a result of the Davis campaign "tammany" style election approach.

One of these folks said something very important: "If they (davis) can do this kind of thing to a celebrity who has the means to fight back, what will they do to us little people if we speak out against Davis? if we dont stop him now, whats to stop him from taking revenge afterwards? Does any of us believe they would not stoop that low?"
Posted by frank martin  2003-10-6 6:16:51 PM||   2003-10-6 6:16:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Did you say Abel Weiss?

Abel Weiss, Abel Weiss you make money for me, to pee, shrewd but nice Abel Weiss bless my PR forever....... more.

Posted by Shipman 2003-10-6 7:25:20 PM||   2003-10-6 7:25:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Why do you say "Director" in the headline when it's his "Producer?" Two different jobs.

Of course, who cares either way? The interesting question is why DRudge hates Arnold so much. It's almost pathological, has been from the outset.
Posted by RLS 2003-10-6 8:34:31 PM|| []  2003-10-6 8:34:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 Roger's right, and I'm glad to see him here -
Posted by Frank G  2003-10-6 9:31:06 PM||   2003-10-6 9:31:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Drudge may dislike Arnold because Der Terminator is just another celebrity who mistakes fame for knowledge. Have you heard Arnold give in-depth explanations of specific things he'd do as governor? It's not pretty.
Having said that, I would still vote for Arnold over the socialists like Davis or Bustamante.
Posted by Uncle Joe  2003-10-6 11:47:10 PM||   2003-10-6 11:47:10 PM|| Front Page Top

00:51 R. McLeod
00:36 R. McLeod
00:25 Paul Moloney
00:04 Uncle Joe
23:47 Uncle Joe
22:41 Ed Becerra
22:29 Ed Becerra
21:54 Igs
21:39 Hyper
21:31 Steve
21:31 Frank G
20:35 Old Patriot
20:34 Frank G
20:34 RLS
19:55 Frank G
19:54 Old Patriot
19:44 Ptah
19:25 Shipman
19:24 Tokyo Taro
19:05 Steve White
19:00 Anonymous
18:53 Braniac
18:53 Fred
18:46 Anonymous

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