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2003-10-06 Home Front
A Democratic operative is behind part of the Times’ latest story
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Posted by Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) 2003-10-06 10:34:58 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [27 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Well, with thesa accusations against Arnold, Bustamante ro'Bustamante just might win, I'm afraid.
Posted by Atrus son of Gehn 2003-10-6 10:51:01 AM||   2003-10-6 10:51:01 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 not a chance - worst case is Davis stays in office. Just signed a bill (SB2) requiring businesses with 20 or more employees to provide health insurance. The businesses that don't flee the state will fire everyone and make them all independent contractor employees...The Dems in the legislature are socialist idiots who are running the state into the ground
Posted by Frank G  2003-10-6 11:00:38 AM||   2003-10-6 11:00:38 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 The more I see of California, the more clear it becomes that the Democratic Party is the largest single problem in this nation. My wife and I worked for a private psychological treatment facility as foster parents. One of the bonuses of working there were 'classes' given by the staff, including TWO prime psychiatrists and experts on child behavior. They taught us how to identify certain psychological traits that were serious liabilities for the children that had these traits. One of them was the "control freak" - a person that had to control everything in their lives, including the people around them. The Democratic Party is the poster child for this condition. It's also the diametric opposite of personal freedom, which we're supposed to revere in this nation.
Posted by Old Patriot  2003-10-6 11:17:52 AM|| []  2003-10-6 11:17:52 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 What I love are the claims the Davis campaign had nothing to do with the stories, the Times learned about this stuff from the Premier magazine article.

Well the Premier magazine article came out when Arnold was mulling the possibility of running for governor in the last election. I'm pretty sure the Davis people leaked the story then. It looks like the Times simply isn't looking for anything that might damage their boy Grey.
Posted by Yank 2003-10-6 11:29:28 AM||   2003-10-6 11:29:28 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Davis couldn't run a clean election if he were the only one on the ballot.
Posted by Dishman  2003-10-6 11:54:14 AM||   2003-10-6 11:54:14 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 Strange how adultery and molestation seemed ok a few years ago when Clinton ( a sitting President sworn to uphhold the consitution ) was lying under oath but now it is 'unforgivable'.....

Where was Code Pink (and the others) when Clinton was impeached? As I recall the Times was _very quick_ to dig up dirt on Clinton's accusers...
Posted by CrazyFool 2003-10-6 12:16:53 PM||   2003-10-6 12:16:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Code Pink's hypocracy is nothing compared to which was founded to defend Clinton from sex charges and is now attacking Arnold for sex charges.

Fact is most people have already made their decision on Arnold and the groping charges that came out over 2 years ago are already factored in. That is why the polls didn't really budge as a result of this. Arnold warned there would be smears coming out and everyone in California expected something new, something a little better, a little more distasteful.

The LA times will probably be hurt by this more than Arnold.
Posted by Yank 2003-10-6 1:05:18 PM||   2003-10-6 1:05:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 The LA Times has already had over a thousand subscription cancellations by their own admission
Posted by Frank G  2003-10-6 1:12:41 PM||   2003-10-6 1:12:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 The LA Times has already had over a thousand subscription cancellations by their own admission

So now's their cue to shriek "McCarthyism"?
Posted by Atrus 2003-10-6 1:16:55 PM||   2003-10-6 1:16:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 I want Bustamante to win. He's already pledged to soak the rich and businesses with more taxes which will result in an emigration of these "job-producers" out of California and to my state and others.

California's loss will be my state's gain.
Posted by ColoradoConservative 2003-10-6 2:47:31 PM||   2003-10-6 2:47:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 California's loss will be my state's gain.

Only when economic prosperity becomes a zero sum game.
Posted by Superhose  2003-10-6 3:24:00 PM||   2003-10-6 3:24:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Only when economic prosperity becomes a zero sum game.

Actually, it works pretty well. My home state, New York, hasn't had net population losses, but hasn't grown in headcount since WWII. Connecticut and New Jersey benefitted from the population outflow.

California is an important state, but just like the Empire State, its importance can gradually dissipate without the national economy being affected. Note that its most productive denizens are moving to other states, where they are presumably engaged in the professions in which they were trained.
Posted by Zhang Fei  2003-10-6 4:23:34 PM||   2003-10-6 4:23:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Californians can recall The Gray Davis, but they can't recall the L.A. Time...
Posted by Fred  2003-10-6 6:53:04 PM||   2003-10-6 6:53:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Of course, there's always the possibility of the Democrats trying to pass a "no-flee" law. Under it, you'd be required to remain in California, or pay a fine for closing your company and moving it to another state, said fine to be equal to the profits you'd make in the new state.

"I'm sorry, sir, but your business STARTED in California, and you will still pay California income taxes on it, no matter where you move it to."


"Not in California, sir. Best of luck, and be advised that America WILL become a democratic socialist nation. Get used to it."

Posted by Ed Becerra 2003-10-6 10:41:54 PM||   2003-10-6 10:41:54 PM|| Front Page Top

00:51 R. McLeod
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22:41 Ed Becerra
22:29 Ed Becerra
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21:31 Frank G
20:35 Old Patriot
20:34 Frank G
20:34 RLS
19:55 Frank G
19:54 Old Patriot
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19:00 Anonymous
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