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2003-09-02 Home Front
US Muslim leaders oppose Bush
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Posted by Fred Pruitt 2003-09-02 16:02|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [20 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Wow, I'm going to have to write my congressman about that....the day after hell freezes over.
Posted by Flaming Sword 2003-9-2 4:28:35 PM||   2003-9-2 4:28:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Bush needs to make clear during the 2004 election that Muslim organizations support his opponent.
Posted by Zhang Fei  2003-9-2 4:38:33 PM||   2003-9-2 4:38:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 CAIR should be labeled for what it is, a terrorist organization or at least one that supports it. Nihad Awad would have you be believe that there is no evidence linking Muslims with terrorism. These people need a better whine, PR, and better leadership. They only people who have been arrested and face deportation or prison are those that have ADMITTED that they belong to a terror organization. Mr. Awad should think about that before he starts ranting about his sacred civil rights.
Posted by Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter)  2003-9-2 4:41:45 PM||   2003-9-2 4:41:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Every nationalized citizen of the United States has sworn to "bear true faith and allegience to" the US Constitution. Part of that Constitution is the guarantee of religious liberties. Islam has a poor record of guaranteeing any freedoms, and especially religious freedom. I'm beginning to believe there are "irreconcilable differences" between Islam and US citizenship. Unless the Muslims in this country stand up and prove they support our freedoms, we may have to get a "divorce".

I haven't found incontrovertible proof yet, but the Democratic party may also fit this category. I've got my eyes on them, especially the clowns currently running for President of the United States.
Posted by Old Patriot  2003-9-2 4:48:54 PM|| []  2003-9-2 4:48:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Oddly, the laws he's whining about say nothing about Arabs or Muslims.

Posted by Robert Crawford  2003-9-2 4:50:28 PM|| []  2003-9-2 4:50:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 I'd pay money to see any one of them press that button for Joe Lieberman.
Posted by Matt 2003-9-2 4:51:48 PM||   2003-9-2 4:51:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Just a lot of whining barbarians who should be sent back to where they came from.
Posted by SPQR 2755 2003-9-2 5:11:15 PM||   2003-9-2 5:11:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 It's clearly time to set up Moslem-American Studies programs in several prestigious universities. We do, after all, have a new victim class.
Posted by Highlander 2003-9-2 5:23:06 PM||   2003-9-2 5:23:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 just to remind y'all, in 2000 they supported Dubya, thought Clinton (and more so Gore) had been too pro-Israel.
Posted by liberalhawk 2003-9-2 5:31:40 PM||   2003-9-2 5:31:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Gee whiz, a whole MILLION?!...

Why, that's almost a full 1/3 of a percent!
Posted by mojo  2003-9-2 5:34:14 PM||   2003-9-2 5:34:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 and of course, endorsing a candidate from the Mosque pulpit will lose them their tax-exempt status...we'll enforce that, right?
Posted by Frank G  2003-9-2 5:40:23 PM||   2003-9-2 5:40:23 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Right On, Frank! So who is gonna follow through on the watch doggin' and whistleblowin'? Don't want to leave it to govt, or it won't happen....
Posted by Alaska Paul 2003-9-2 5:49:15 PM||   2003-9-2 5:49:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 they might be 1/3 of 1 percent, but voting is voluntary in America: what percentage of Americans actually vote?

Methinks sometimes the apathetic majority cannot be bothered to go to the polling booths so fringe groups get over-represented. Does this happen?
Posted by Anon1 2003-9-2 7:06:30 PM||   2003-9-2 7:06:30 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Anon1 - in the smaller elections, with apathetic issues on the ballot, fringes get their chance, but their biggest play is as the spoiler in close elections - there they can push the election one way or another - see Nader or Perot's examples
Posted by Frank G  2003-9-2 7:27:43 PM||   2003-9-2 7:27:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Muslim organizations have not helped their cause in this country since 9-11. Their attitude is automatically that the civil liberties are being taken away - bullshit. Stand up and be part of this country or shutup and get out. The govt. must protect this country and if that means being profiled then so be it. If they were true americans they would gladly help the govt. and prove their loyalty.
Sure hope that lieberman is the democrat contender - then who will they vote for. Then what - don't like bush and they hate israel--
Posted by Anonymous 2003-9-2 7:52:56 PM||   2003-9-2 7:52:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 The Muslim minority is heavily concentrated in area like Ann Arbor, Michigan. I think that's why several Congressmen - notably Conyers - go out of their way to kowtow to CAIR. In the right circumstances, the Muslim minority could be an important block vote like the Cubans are in Florida.
Posted by Super Hose  2003-9-2 8:33:31 PM||   2003-9-2 8:33:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 I'm so sick of listening to these assholes pissing and moaning about their victimhood. Planes leave damn near every airport in the country headed for whatever hellhole you or your ancestors came over here from. Get on one. And we'd appreciate it if you didn't crash into any of our buildings while you're heading home.
Posted by tu3031 2003-9-2 8:37:29 PM||   2003-9-2 8:37:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 I can just see the support rally for the eventual Democratic Presidential Candidate, Banners reading Jews, Gays/Lesbians and Muslims for ........
Posted by Someone who did NOT vote for William Proxmire 2003-9-2 9:58:44 PM||   2003-9-2 9:58:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 Hey Repooplican asshats--the Muslims supported GWB--didn't want no Joooooooo like Lieberman anywhere near the White House--so now--their support makes the Democrats a subsidiary of Hamas?! LOL You people are too ridiculous for words--I guess Ailes did give you your talking points tho'
Posted by Not Mike Moore 2003-9-2 11:13:49 PM||   2003-9-2 11:13:49 PM|| Front Page Top

08:16 raptor
00:06 Someone who did NOT vote for William Proxmire
23:58 Old Patriot
23:54 Bomb-a-rama
23:52 SOG475
23:49 Old Patriot
23:49 Bomb-a-rama
23:39 R. McLeod
23:20 Not Mike Moore
23:19 tu3031
23:13 Not Mike Moore
23:07 Not Mike Moore
23:04 tu3031
23:00 tu3031
22:53 tu3031
22:48 Sara
22:31 Me
22:22 Not Mike Moore
22:19 Not Mike Moore
22:16 Super Hose
22:15 Not Mike Moore
22:12 Not Mike Moore
22:11 Someone who did NOT vote for William Proxmire
22:08 Not Mike Moore

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