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2003-09-02 Europe
Ocalan Claims Kurdish Patriotism Encouraged by U.S.
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Posted by Steve 2003-09-02 10:25:18 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [19 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Uh, shouldn't Turkey be in Asia ? 99% of it is in Asia.
Posted by Anonymous 2003-9-2 12:40:18 PM||   2003-9-2 12:40:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Turkey is a strange animal - EU appeal, Middle Eastern nutcases running some paries and Asiatic location
Posted by Frank G  2003-9-2 12:45:57 PM||   2003-9-2 12:45:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 Europe doesn't want 'em, no matter how much they suck up and screw the U.S.
Posted by Anonymous 2003-9-2 12:53:26 PM||   2003-9-2 12:53:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Germans? I blame the Germans for alot, but Arabic nationalism? The Germans had the most to lose in World War I as the Ottoman Empire collapsed; their War Minister kept whoring around for the best deal and eventually came down on the side of team Deutchland. Something's rotten in Denmark, perhaps he's addicted to giggle juice?
Posted by Brian  2003-9-2 1:20:20 PM||   2003-9-2 1:20:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Carving up Turkey?

White meat for me, please...
Posted by mojo  2003-9-2 1:53:25 PM||   2003-9-2 1:53:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Gotta watch those crafty Chermanns--remember that Zimmermann telegram! /sarcasm
Posted by Not Mike Moore 2003-9-2 2:18:22 PM||   2003-9-2 2:18:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Looks like Abdullah Ocalan has decided to send a few messages after all:
Tuesday, September 1, Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan, head of the Kurdish Workers Party – PKK - announced his movement, meanwhile renamed itself KADEK, was reviving the Kurdish revolt. ”If (Turkey) does not change its attitude, they (PKK rebels) will look after themselves. Roads will be blocked, fighting will break out, the tourism industry will collapse. These actions are necessary for the rebels’ survival,” Ocalan said.

I guess maybe that was the message he asked his lawyers to pass to the government.
Posted by Steve  2003-9-2 2:43:29 PM||   2003-9-2 2:43:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Well, Murat, give us your on-the-spot take on Ocalan and his Merry Men, if you please.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2003-9-2 3:22:27 PM||   2003-9-2 3:22:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 Sounds like Ocalan has become a real Turkish government mouthpiece after his imprisonment. The macho, trash-talking terrorist of old is now reduced to a marionette dancing to the tune of the Turkish government. How the mighty have fallen...
Posted by Zhang Fei  2003-9-2 3:42:11 PM||   2003-9-2 3:42:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 A few hours with a hot poker will change his mind, I'm sure.
Posted by Charles 2003-9-2 5:34:00 PM||   2003-9-2 5:34:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 If Turkey allowed the Kurdish regions to go independent, returned Constantinople and Cypress to the Greeks, carved out a little are for the few surviving Armenians, perhaps then the EU would allow them to join. Probably not though, not until there are more Moslems in France than Turkey.
Posted by Yank 2003-9-2 5:46:04 PM||   2003-9-2 5:46:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 That's Cyprus, not "Cypress".

And we don't want Constantinople, we wouldn't know what to do with it. :-)
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2003-9-2 7:46:20 PM||   2003-9-2 7:46:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 I don't think that any sane American would encourage a general Khurdish uprising in an area that we are responsible for security in. Seems like our troops are stretched thin and tired already. Maybe the Turks were speaking figuratively. Like the American Revolution is inspirational to Khurds because the colonials were demanding representative government with a federal type system. That must be it.
Posted by Super Hose  2003-9-2 8:26:57 PM||   2003-9-2 8:26:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 There you go again Aris, bashing a noble, American tree, the cypress,--will you stop at nothing in your anti-Americanism?! /sarcasm
Posted by Not Mike Moore 2003-9-2 10:19:37 PM||   2003-9-2 10:19:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Ocalan, speaking in a high soprano voice.....
Posted by Not Mike Moore 2003-9-2 10:22:00 PM||   2003-9-2 10:22:00 PM|| Front Page Top

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