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6 23:32 Skidmark [100] 
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7 14:47 NoMoreBS [169] 
8 15:06 Besoeker [159] 
8 10:32 M. Murcek [132] 
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11 20:45 Blossom Smiter of the Algonquins9897 [229]
15 23:58 Pancho Poodle8452 [237]
0 [58]
8 22:18 Elmerert Hupens2660 [168]
1 08:18 SteveS [107]
4 22:21 trailing wife [85]
1 06:32 Grom the Reflective [72]
1 10:40 irish rage boy [170]
2 11:18 alanc [270]
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9 18:57 Ululating Platypus [199]
1 06:31 Grom the Reflective [58]
0 [42]
2 06:01 Mullah Richard [76]
3 09:43 Skidmark [81]
1 09:45 Skidmark [55]
8 21:59 Ululating Platypus [137]
1 13:12 Glenmore [39]
2 11:24 alanc [77]
0 [37]
0 [32]
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1 09:55 AlmostAnonymous5839 [52]
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14 23:09 trailing wife [255]
3 15:31 trailing wife [100]
4 15:26 M. Murcek [107]
2 15:14 Procopius2k [58]
0 [23]
1 08:13 Procopius2k [58]
7 14:22 NoMoreBS [214]
2 15:26 SteveS [121]
4 13:20 Glenmore [90]
7 20:58 Deacon+Blues [151]
7 23:11 trailing wife [115]
Page 5: Russia-Former Soviet Union
1 06:15 Skidmark [36]
0 [27]
0 [22]
1 06:13 Skidmark [63]
0 [28]
0 [28]
5 21:40 SteveS [114]
0 [26]
2 22:02 Jack+Creanter7508 [60]
2 06:44 Skidmark [96]
Page 6: Politix
2 21:15 Lord Garth [56]
0 [17]
1 09:15 badanov [43]
10 21:06 Deacon+Blues [188]
9 23:18 Skidmark [177]
13 23:11 Skidmark [184]
9 22:01 Jack+Creanter7508 [162]
5 10:34 irish rage boy [102]
5 07:16 Super Hose [104]
6 19:54 3dc [152]
-Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
Life-threatening triple-digit heat across West could threaten Las Vegas' earliest 110-degree day on record
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/03/2024 10:44 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [100 views] Top|| File under:

#1  On the other hand, (Fox News, also) SEATTLE – We’ve finally entered the start of meteorological summer, but the Pacific Northwest is dealing with a more winterlike weather pattern as rare June back-to-back atmospheric river storms slam the region with record-breaking rainfall.

On the other, other hand, North Texas has had a really wet May, and we're hoping for 'meteorological summer' to arrive (late) and dry us out. If you don't like the weather, just wait a day or two. It doesn't have to be climate change.
Posted by: Bobby || 06/03/2024 14:57 Comments || Top||

#2  It's been hitting a 100 at my house for several days. New Mexico high desert.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/03/2024 15:10 Comments || Top||

#3  aka: summer.
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 06/03/2024 15:22 Comments || Top||

#4  early summer heat in the western USA sometimes is followed by a vigorous monsoon season

that would be welcomed as Lake Powell and Lake Mead and some other reservoirs in the West (outside of Calif) are low
Posted by: Lord Garth || 06/03/2024 17:18 Comments || Top||

#5  We'd plot the temp on our calendars to project when the first 120 degree days would arrive. The goal was a 100 degree swing. Running on the coldest (@20) winter day to the hottest @120. Glorious.
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/03/2024 23:07 Comments || Top||

Government Corruption
Biden's Guilty Smile Reveals the Malevolent Creature Within
[John Kass] One glaring feature of President Joe Biden’s raging dementia is this:

Despite the best efforts of puppet master Barack Obama and other handlers to obscure his condition, Biden keeps revealing the malevolent creature within.

The truth flashed uncontrollably the other day at the White House. Any American who saw Biden’s long, weird smirk celebrating the criminal conviction of his rival—former President Donald Trump—won’t forget it. If you care about this country you won’t forget it.

Because just then Biden admitted that he and the Democrats had crossed the Rubicon and taken all of us with them. And now there is no safe, painless, easy way of going back.

Some may try convincing themselves that it was just the smirk and smile of some harmless, witless old weirdo. But the weirdo happens to be president of the United States. He had already publicly released his Justice Department dogs and George Soros’ own New York prosecutor to take some old misdemeanors and Frankenstein them into phony felonies to get Trump.

Biden crossed the Rubicon to tear up our American understanding of impartial justice and the rule of law and replaced it with the political left’s operating theory that is common to all authoritarian regimes: The ends justify the means.

The media had an orgy over Trump’s conviction. It should have been X rated. The flesh eating harpies of "The View" wanted him sent to Rikers Island to be assaulted by street criminals. They laughed as they confessed to being so excited they were leaking. The audience cheered and cooed.

And once the American rule of law was torn by angry partisan teeth, we realized that we’re finally no different than any communist nation or some banana republic where it is routine to jail the political opposition.

Consider the image at the top of this column. He knew about using "justice" and "show trials" to imprison political opposition. In the U.S.S.R, the monstrous Lavrentiy Pavvlovich Beria ran Stalin’s secret police, and was credited with the famous phrase of all the authoritarians: "Show me the man, and I will give you the crime"

Beria was the most influential of Stalin’s secret police chiefs. He organized the massacre of tens of thousands of Polish and Romanian officers. The Deep State was refuge for him and he thrived there for decades in its wet dungeons, with bare electrical wires and the screams of generations of innocents. In those dark dungeons there must have been some captives who dreamed of a place like America where such things never happened, where political show trials would never, ever happen.

But they happen now in America, don’t they? Especially now in America, where the ruling class seeks to use "justice" to put political opponents in prison.

After Biden praised himself and began to walk shakily out of the room a reporter shouted a question:

"Mr. President, can you tell us, sir: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. What’s your response to that, sir?"

The video is now a Trump campaign spot. The left-leaning Axios noted that Trump campaign manager Chris LaCivita tweeted the video and labeled it "The face of corruption" — "a phrase you’ll hear again."

We will hear it and see it. Again and again and again. And we should. Those who don’t want to watch that video, those who don’t want Americans to appreciate Biden’s creepy smile are themselves complicit.

Please consider that creepy smile once again. Consider the president smiling. It is a smile of an evil and sentimental man, a corrupt man who has opened the borders to millions of illegals, yet tells us the border is secure, a man who has spent the last 52 years of his political/public life layered in corruption and artifice and lies.

And during the eternity of that painfully long smirk and smile, the lifetime of lies fell away to reveal the creature hidden behind the artifice. It happens with dementia patients. But this is not just some aged family member. This is your president. He doesn’t "run" the country, he is too feeble minded to run anything. Obama and the Obama crew let him pretend and talk of ice cream. He is the front man. And the American people know him for what he is: A liar.

His lies are well-known yet ignored or glossed over by his allies in the leftist corporate media who protect him. Yet happily for the rest of us, The Federalist magazine has kept a list. Here are just a few of many examples: He has lied about being arrested in Soweto trying to visit the jailed South African leader Nelson Mandela. He lied about the fatal crash that took the life of his wife, and compounded that lie by alleging that the truck driver was drunk. The driver was not drunk.

He has lied about fighting off the fabricated black street gang leader "Corn Pop," waging epic battle with a length of chain as if he were some heroic Delaware version of el Cid. He lied that he drove an 18-wheeler, lied about his uncle having been eaten by cannibals in the South Pacific.

Biden lied that he didn’t know a thing about his son Hunter selling the Biden family name in illegal influence peddling schemes with China, Ukraine and other nations. He lied that he never met Hunter’s business partners. He lied that he didn’t know anything about the laptop from hell.

He didn’t know a thing about how more than 50 American intelligence officials signed that mysterious letter dismissing the Hunter laptop as Russian disinformation. It wasn’t Russian disinformation. It was true. But the compliant leftist American corporate media protected him—and attacked, and ignored the true story in the New York Post—rather than let Americans read it for themselves. And the titans of social media helped him bury that laptop story right before the last election.

He has told a lifetime of lies. The American media has gone out of its way to carry his water. And now that the American justice system has been weaponized, as if it were a criminal court on the edge of Chinatown, or Central American banana republic or some jail in Belarus, can we just hop back across the Rubicon and pretend nothing has happened?

Or will some red-state prosecutor in some conservative jurisdiction indict Joe Biden and his crew out of office? Will the media like that?

"I think these Trump trials, and this one in particular shows we have now opened the door to the weaponization of our justice system, against political opponents, and that genie is not going to easily be put back in the bottle," said my friend Tom Bevan, president and co-founder of Real Clear Politics on my podcast The Chicago Way that I co-host with WGN executive producer Jeff Carlin.

"Part of this is you can argue, that part of this simply unique to Trump. The dems have an absolute fever and are willing to do whatever is necessary, any means necessary, to take him down."

Bevan says that Americans may believe that once Trump is "gone off the scene, whether he’s acquitted, convicted, and whether he wins election, or loses the election, whether he’s here for another four years or four months, when he’s gone that we will revert to the mean, and some of these excesses will ebb away and we’ll go back to something more normal."

But you once these precedents have been set and if Joe Biden wins re-election, Bevan asks:

"What’s going to stop a red state attorney general who wants to make a name for themselves to do what Alvin Bragg did, and invent these novel charges and move things from misdemeanors to up to felonies and use legal theories to concoct something, and get a red state attorney general to indict Joe Biden or Hunter Biden or anyone else?"

Many of us have asked that.

"Once you’ve crossed that Rubicon that seems it’ll become the rule rather than the exception," Bevan said. "A terrible terrible thing for this country. It’s what a lot of us have been screaming about and warning about for years: Don’t do this because the shoe will be found on the other foot."

As the American political left celebrated the taking down of Trump, there were perhaps a few who could see the inevitable counter reformation to come. Those who understand human nature might see what’s coming. But most of the left didn’t want to take a look at the bed they had made for themselves. They praised themselves and prattled on and on about their precious rule of law, ignoring the fact that they had grabbed the tomahawks, leaving the opposition no other choice than to grab tomahawks for themselves.

They were full of chatter about "truth" in politics. But they really don’t want to see the truth.

The truth of where Joe Biden has taken the country was written all over his face.

It was in that eerie, creepy smile written in the hollows of what once were his eyes, that smile that unwittingly acknowledged the truth of what Joe Biden and his puppet master Barack Obama have done.

They have dragged America across the Rubicon. And now there is no easy, painless way for us to return home.
Posted by: Frank G || 06/03/2024 06:55 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [169 views] Top|| File under: Tin Hat Dictators, Presidents for Life, & Kleptocrats

#2  Jury Selection to Begin for Historic Hunter Biden Gun Trial
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/03/2024 7:49 Comments || Top||

#4  Any American who saw Biden’s long, weird smirk celebrating the criminal conviction of his rival—former President Donald Trump—won’t forget it.

He was probably told there will be ice cream for lunch.

Snark O'The Day
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/03/2024 11:47 Comments || Top||

#5  Grom gets my vote for Snark of the Day
Posted by: Glenmore || 06/03/2024 14:32 Comments || Top||

#6  Gracias
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/03/2024 14:35 Comments || Top||

Posted by: NoMoreBS || 06/03/2024 14:47 Comments || Top||

Home Front: Politix
34 reasons the Bragg-Biden Show Trial should have been TOSSED OUT; each one alone providing grounds for a mistrial:
[Paul Ingrassia's Substack] 1. Unconstitutional Gag Order that prevented President Trump from criticizing the trial, exposing the many conflicts that should have forced the judge to recuse himself, and the railroading of his fundamental due process rights.

2. Judge Merchan’s many, many conflicts of interests — all of which were disqualifying. His daughter, Loren Merchan, is President of Authentic Campaigns, a political consulting firm that hires the likes of the Biden-Harris Campaign, Adam Schiff, Ilhan Omar, and many other far left Democratic lawmakers. Loren’s firm has made tens of millions off these clients — Juan Merchan, through his daughter, had a direct financial stake in the outcome of this trial, a flagrant breach of the canons of legal ethics, both under the ABA and NY State, that under any other judge would have been grounds for a recusal.

3. Judge Merchan’s wife was previously employed by Letitia James, the Attorney General of New York State who campaigned on "getting" Donald Trump.

4. Bragg’s Lead Prosecutor was Matthew Colangelo, the former #3 official at the DOJ. We are told Colangelo graciously decided to step down from his prestigious office to work for a lowly state DA’s office — of course, a reasonable inference would be that he was directed to do so by the Biden Regime to persecute his leading political opponent in Donald John Trump.

5. Statute of Limitations (2 years, NY State) had long expired for the business records falsification scheme that served as the primary charge brought against Trump. For this reason, the case was passed over by the DOJ and even Alvin Bragg over seven years because it was so weak. Only once Bragg felt political pressure, externally via Clinton attorney Mark Pomerantz, who previously worked in Bragg’s office, and internally via Colangelo, a Biden lackey, did Bragg buckle under the political weight and press charges.

6. Venue in bright-blue Manhattan, a borough that voted for Joe Biden over Donald Trump at almost a 9 to 1 clip, prevented the President from ever getting a fair trial, because the pool of jurors was naturally biased against the 45th President, and could not possibly rule fairly and impartially (8 of the 12 cited the NY Times as their main source of news). Any pro-Trump jurors who were considered chose to self-select out themselves because they claimed they "could not rule fairly." Case in point: no way in hell is the burden of proof met on any of these charges, and yet the jury pool consisted of two lawyers, who evidently believed just that. No reasonable juror, and especially no reasonable lawyer-juror, would have found that the elements of every single crime brought against Trump met the burden of proof of beyond a reasonable doubt.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/03/2024 04:45 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [159 views] Top|| File under:

#1  A mistrial would have to happen within the corrupt NY system. The Supreme Vourt is more likely to sweep the legs on this one with its immunity ruling.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/03/2024 7:30 Comments || Top||

#2  'I Worry About War in the Streets'
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/03/2024 7:47 Comments || Top||

#3  All this legal bumfoolery will get tossed on appeal once it reaches a real court. In the meantime, the Dems get to hoot and throw poo at the Convicted Felon(tm) running for President. You know he was impeached, right? Twice, even!
Posted by: SteveS || 06/03/2024 8:37 Comments || Top||

#4  $200 million in donations to Trump's campaign since Thursday.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/03/2024 8:41 Comments || Top||

#5  My views on Trump are well known. But if I had been on that jury, it would have ended in a hung jury.

The case is supposed to be very complicated. It is not.

1) The crime of falsifying business records doesn't exist. Whatever I pay a lawyer is "legal fees," including reimbursing him for the money he spent on my behalf. The case should be closed here.

2) But even if you concede that Trump wasn't precise enough with his checks and ledger entries, there was no crime to conceal with those entries. No election law was broken. The money was spent to make Trump look good in an election, just like a new suit or a decent haircut. These are private expenses that can't be paid for with campaign funds (and Trump didn't do that). Paying hush money to keep a former mistress quiet is just as legal as getting a haircut. This is what the expert on campaign finance laws would have testified, but the judge barred him from doing so. In what court is the defense barred from showing why the defendant didn't break the law he's accused of breaking?

The other two misdemeanors that Trump allegedly concealed with his business records are even more ridiculous. Kind of a circular argument.

3) The icing on the cake is that the jury didn't have to agree on what "unlawful means" were used. This is absurd and something Kafka could have dreamed up.
Posted by: European Conservative || 06/03/2024 11:21 Comments || Top||

#6  ^ Where was the police investigation that led to the charges? Appears a step may have been missed and "charges" were produced....on the fly.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/03/2024 11:39 Comments || Top||

#7  First appeal is in NY, to a court with (IIUC) all prog female judges. Either they will decline to hear or will uphold. Next appeal is also in NY. 'Might' overrule, but doubtful. IANAL but it may be a challenge to get these State charges in front of Federal Appeals - Supreme Court. Especially since the Deep State really wants to avoid helping Trump.
What I wonder is - if Trump is sentenced to prison (likely) and the Court does not grant Bond for appeal, and he is elected while in prison, and NY does not allow visitors, and thus he cannot be sworn in as President, what happens? Does his VP get sworn in? Does Biden stay in office?
Posted by: Glenmore || 06/03/2024 14:54 Comments || Top||

#8  ^ Damn good questions Glen.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/03/2024 15:06 Comments || Top||

The political ideology that denies reality
[IsraelNationalNews] While Oct. 7th has woken up many Israelis to understand how the progressive left's ideology is responsible for creating the reality that allowed the Oct. 7th massacre to happen, public discourse in Israel, especially by the establishment media and from IDF senior command, still ignores this reality, even though they are today a minority in Israel.

Here is a fascinating list of questions that I saw posted that really sharpens the issue for people to think about:

-Which political ideology is behind former IDF Chief of Staff (and today leader of the Blue & White party) Benny Gantz's statement at a conference years ago on how proud he was that he decided to risk the lives of IDF soldiers in Sajaiya, Gaza in not attacking terrorists who were hiding in the local Gaza hospital?

-Which political ideology is behind the 1993 decision by then Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin and his partner Shimon Peres to sign the Oslo "peace" Accords that armed a known terrorist organization, giving them control of Jewish land, which, over the years, brought about more than 1,500 dead Israelis (not including the Oct. 7th massacre)?

-Which political ideology is behind the 2000 decision by former Prime Minister Ehud Barak to withdraw all IDF troops from South Lebanon thinking that Israel will be safe and that if Hezbollah tries anything against Israel that we would be able to stop it with international recognition to do what we have to do to defend ourselves?

-Which political ideology is behind the 2005 decision by former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to destroy 21 Jewish communities in Gaza, while expelling close to 10,000 Jews from their homes, thinking that allowing the Palestinian Authority to self-govern an area without Jews would bring peace to Israel? And that, based on promises by former US President Bush, that if any terror would emanate from Gaza, that we would have full US backing to do what is necessary to end it?

-Which political ideology caused the High Command of the Israel Defense Forces to go back to sleep at 4:30am on the morning of Oct. 7th, without informing Netanyhau and the government about the warnings of an imminent attack from Gaza, and without calling up emergency forces to protect the border?

-Which political ideology is behind the statement of former Chief of Staff Eisenkot (and today #2 leader of the Blue and White party with Gantz) saying that Gaza is a civilian humanitarian problem, more than a security problem for Israel?

-Which political ideology made IDF intelligence head Haliva say, before Oct. 7th, that the most serious danger to Israel is climate change? (No wonder he turned off his mobile phone while on vacation the night of October 7th)

-Which political ideology caused the leaders of IDF intelligence to ignore the actual words, statements and threats of the Arabs in Arabic, year after year?

-Which political ideology caused Israel's Supreme Court to force Israel to allow Hamas demonstrations near the Gaza border fence, endangering Israeli citizens?

-Which political ideology stopped IDF soldiers, tank shooters and airforce/helicopter pilots from firing upon Gazans as they infiltrated into Israel and crossed the border fence on Oct. 7th on their way to massacre innocent Jews?

-Which political ideology caused the opposition to the establishment of standby classes after the massacre in the Gaza Envelope, the Otef?

-Which political ideology is behind the opposition to the distribution of weapons to rapid response civilian teams after the 7.10 massacre?

-Which political ideology caused the IDF High Command years ago to agree to giving away the Jordan Valley and the Golan Heights in "peace" deals? (Not done, thank G-d)

-Which political ideology is behind the decision making in Israel to give medical treatment to terrorists from Gaza, like saving the life of today's Hamas leader, Sinwar, responsible for the Oct. 7th massacre who we are searching for now? A certain political ideology is behind Israel saving his life!

-Which political ideology is behind Israel's Supreme Court making illegal a very important IDF tactic of catching terrorists called "the neighbor procedure", in which a local Arab accompanies soldiers to a house where a terrorist may be holed up, so he doesn't shoot, a tactic that saved our IDF soldier's lives?

-Which political ideology is behind not using the Israeli airforce to bomb terrorist squads from the air in Judea & Samaria before the 7/10 massacre?

-Which political ideology is behind the talk, even today after Oct. 7th, of giving away Judea & Samaria to Arab Muslim terrorists of the Palestinian Authority?

The answer to all these questions:

The "progressive" (really regressive) leftist political ideology is responsible for all of those decisions by the IDF senior command and the justice system.

This "progressive" ideology stems from a basic naivety when facing reality in addition to a lack of understanding of the Arabic/Muslim culture of the Middle East in which we live.

Unfortunately, for some on the progressive left in Israel today, it is even worse.

They are convinced even now, post Oct. 7th, that the real danger to the country is not the genocidal IslamoNazis of Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, Hezbollah, Iran or Qatar, but the Jewish right-wing.

They seriously believe that Netanyahu is a bigger danger to Israel than Sinwar (Hamas leader) and Nasrallah (Hezbollah leader).

It is an extremely sad thing to internalize.

And the progressive left's ideology is so dominant in public discourse in Israel, although it is not the belief of the vast majority of citizens, that even though it fails time and time again causing massive deaths in our society, it is forbidden to say loud and clear:

'Having a progressive left-wing view in a country surrounded by enemies like Israel endangers the lives of its citizens and the existence of our country.'

It was only because this dominant progressive left ideology still exists in the senior command of the Israel Defense Forces that they are able to inform the residents of the Bat Hefer community (near Netanya), which was shot at by terrorists in Palestinian Authority controlled areas in Samaria, that the IDF will be reducing the amount of IDF reserve forces used to help protect their community!

Is that logical?

Is that sane??

This is the mindset that still exists within the senior command of the IDF, the establishment media and the intellectual elite.

Hence, this is why I keep on saying that we will overcome our external enemies and our internal challenges. Step one is waking up to the mindset that this ideology has been the root cause of the security issues we have experienced since the Oslo "peace" accords.

We need people who want victory running the IDF and the Defense Ministry.

Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/03/2024 14:10 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [45 views] Top|| File under:

Biden’s ‘Israeli’ proposal for a hostage deal leaves key questions unanswered
[IsraelTimes] The timing and content of the US president’s address were curious, as was Netanyahu’s reaction; that may have been by design

This is a zero-sum contest — either Hamas is toppled and Israel prevails, or Hamas retains its arms and retakes the Gaza Strip, a stunning defeat for the Jewish state. No speech of Biden’s can square that circle.
On Friday, as many Israelis were enjoying their post-Shabbat-dinner slumber, US President Joe The Big Guy Biden
...46th president of the U.S. Old, boring, a plagiarist, fond of hair sniffing and grabbing the protruding parts of women, and not whatcha call brilliant... or is that an act?...
stepped up to the microphones in the White House State Dining Room to deliver a potentially game-changing address. He presented what he called the latest Israeli proposal for a deal with Hamas
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/03/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [132 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Biden’s ‘Israeli’ proposal for a hostage deal leaves key questions unanswered

Not to me. One shouldn't be surprised that US administration that practices "Great Replacement" on their own population promotes the same for the Jewish state.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/03/2024 4:18 Comments || Top||

#2  Diplomatically, the Biden Administration is expiated gas station blowfish.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/03/2024 7:26 Comments || Top||

#4  Expired
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/03/2024 7:59 Comments || Top||

#5  ABC News Radio is reporting this "Deal' as if it hasn't already been rejected by Israel. Morning drive was full of misinfo today.
Posted by: Cleared Cookies Lost Nic || 06/03/2024 8:47 Comments || Top||

#6  The Times of Israel:

Israeli official says Biden’s description of Israeli truce deal offer ‘not accurate’

A senior Israeli official calls into question US President Joe Biden’s characterization of the terms of a hostage deal he laid out on Friday night as an Israeli proposal, stressing to NBC News that Israel never agreed to fully withdraw its forces from Gaza as part of any agreement.

Biden’s description was “not accurate,” says the unnamed official.

The official says what Biden described wasn’t an Israeli proposal but rather one originating with the mediating countries, to which Israel made amendments.

“It’s strange that they say it’s an Israeli proposal and at the same time that Israel needs to agree to it,” muses the official.

This is the second time they tried bulldozing Israel into surrendering. The last time was when Hamas agreed to the “Israeli “ proposal that Egypt, et al agreed to among themselves without consulting Israel, with the Biden administration’s agreement.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/03/2024 9:26 Comments || Top||

#7  New anti-Israel encampment at Columbia University
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/03/2024 10:08 Comments || Top||

#8  "An offer you can't refuse." Isn't there some ethnic social benevolent organization that uses that phrase?
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/03/2024 10:32 Comments || Top||

Science & Technology
Nvidia's Jensen Huang promises new computing age led by Taiwanese tech
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/03/2024 10:40 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

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Two weeks of WOT
Mon 2024-06-03
  Turkey arrests over 500 for alleged Gulen ties
Sun 2024-06-02
  Biden says Israel has agreed to 'enduring' Gaza ceasefire proposal
Sat 2024-06-01
  Israeli military says it has completed operations in Jabalia
Fri 2024-05-31
  Trump is found guilty on all counts in NY trial
Thu 2024-05-30
  The Houthis say they attacked six commercial ships.
Wed 2024-05-29
  Israeli military denies carrying out strike in Al-Mawasi
Tue 2024-05-28
  Migrant gets arrested for the 10th time in 10 months
Mon 2024-05-27
  Hamas armed wing says it launched 'big missile' attack on Tel Aviv - a barrage of 8, says the IDF
Sun 2024-05-26
  Burkina Faso Military Junta Extends Rule For Another Five Years
Sat 2024-05-25
  Satellite photos show Rafah emptying as Israeli forces move in on southern Gaza city
Fri 2024-05-24
  Gaza civil defence says 26 killed in two Israeli air strikes on Gaza City
Thu 2024-05-23
  Israeli forces move deeper into Rafah in night of heavy battle
Wed 2024-05-22
  UNRWA announces suspension of food distributions in Rafah
Tue 2024-05-21
  'We Freely Dance and Celebrate on Your Dirty Grave'
Mon 2024-05-20
  Raeisi, Foreign Minister Abdollahian titzup in helicopter crash

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