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Khalid Habib, Abd Hadi al-Iraqi appointed new heads of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan
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24 00:00 Bomb-a-rama [21]
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9 00:00 Bomb-a-rama [13]
5 00:00 Frank G [7]
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-Short Attention Span Theater-
Rantburg Responds - Have I been Pummeled
Sigh. I know that picking on Brad is wrong. Honestly. But you all seemed to enjoy it so much that I thought, well....
I’m not sure yet if I’ve just gotten the crap beaten out of me. If true, no doubt I will have to overcome a day or so of denial. Which is why I’m going to write about it now instead. It is hard work to “criticize and destroy” but I have been invited to give it a go. It will take some considerable time. I’m a patient man. You’ll have all lost interest by then but that’s ok.
You misunderestimate us Brad. We’re vindictive hawks, remember? Long knives=long memories.
At any rate, some of the folks at Rantburg did give me mine for characterizing them as racists and/or fascists. Some took objection, some provided explanations and/or clarifications (hell even justifications) while others merely mocked me. You know. And they keep disdaining my views (or those within the articles I posted) as leftist. Why the disdain?
We are a unique, diverse group of individual wo(men) whom, each according to his or her ability and needs, mocks, explains, or justifies based on our relative devotion to social and economic justice. See: just like a San Francisco Chronicle “reporter.” Does that explain my mockery of, and disdain for, progressives?
I must admit, however, that as I read their many comments, I most enjoyed it when they mocked me by quoting some little bit of style or rhetoric of mine. It makes me cringe at the same time but still with a smile. Plus there were some very reasonable challenges that I rise to the challenge of reasonable discourse. Fair. Needs to be done. As I’ve implied, some just might be more clever than I but that is no objection to giving it a go now is it?

I would be the last person to discourage you. By all means continue.

I'm adding in a bit more: his "rebuttal" to Steve...
You can read it all and enjoy it, agree with it, tell me what a lame ass leftist commie pinko I am, make fun of my name or even better, enter the fray at Rantburg (it really is a forum begging for contributions from all political stripes irrespective of the umpteen countries that are apparently already represented here).
Rantburg welcomes comments from all political stripes, and we have posters from umpteen countries. When you comment, be prepared to defend your arguments. If you can't, be prepared for mockery, derision, occasional flung fruit, or even to be ignored. Look at the logo: "Rantburg: Civil, Well-Reasoned Discourse". Look at the rest of it. Those two guys are not doing the foxtrot.
I repeat - the forum is worthy of some counter-discourses to the tendencies celebrated within.
That's because most of our commenters are pretty erudite, despite having a sense of humor. The dullards usually post once or twice and then leave because their widdle feewings are hurt. The trolls are dumped, but I'm always really slow to put them on the poop list. I keep expecting them to say something that makes sense. Many of our commenters and posters have been hanging around the site for a considerable part of its four year life, and there are a lot of "in" jokes. Occasionally, someone will even change an opinion.
... Oh yeah - always more to learn but here is a shot at it Steve (hope it sticks):
Hokay. 'Splain yourself, Lucy...
-the article claims Zarqawi is real but that his status, import, relevance etcetera was created, fabricated, exaggerated - by the US.
Bad start. We've been following Zark and his mob since before they started making the national news consistently. Rantburg is an overview kind of place, but Dan Darling has been tracking him in detail on Regnum Crucis and on Winds of Change, which are two of the most informative sites you can read. Zark is affiliated with both al-Qaeda and with al-Tawhid, which was originally set up to overthrow Jordan's monarchy. It was — and remains — active in Europe. Tawhid formed a part of Ansar al-Islam, which Zark stole away from Mullah Krekar. He's been a key player on the international terror front since at least 2001, and he's demonstrably a psychopath. The U.S. didn't make that up, fabricate it, conjure it out of thin air, or poop it. Go to Rantburg or go to Google and search on "Zarqawi" and then you'll know all about Zark.
-the article claims white phosphorous is also toxic not only incendiary and that the U.S. used this as an objection to its use by Saddam against the Kurds.
That'd be Kurdish civilians (he said, tiredly). The U.S. evacuated the civilians from Fallujah. You can look it up. When they assaulted the city, they went to fairly great lengths to avoid killing any of the few civilians who had remained as gophers for the terrs. You can look that up, too. WP is "toxic" in the same sense most explosives can be "toxic." Its effects are horrible to look upon, but so are the effects of HE and fragmentation rounds, just a different kind of horrible. Trust me on that. WP is not a chemical weapon unless you change the definition of "chemical weapon." I'm guessing you've never spent a lot of time around artillery. Bring the matter up at Donald Sensing's site. He can discuss it in detail.
-your comment on Israelis restraint is no doubt true but as to what the Palestinians would do - this is conjecture - that aside from what justification the Palestinians might have for resisting colonialization
It's not conjecture in the least. We have the statements from Hamas and, to only a somewhat lesser extent, from Islamic Jihad and Fatah. We have the words of Jerusalem's Grand Mufti. We also have the Paleostinians' deeds. "Resisting colonization" shouldn't, it seems to me, involve shooting five-year-olds in their beds. To my way of thinking it shouldn't involve booming buses or discos or hotels, either, but maybe that's just me.
-I agree that a war is going on and may continue for some time. I’m not as certain as the article that we are looking at 20 years.
My own guess is more on the order of ten years. I also think that when the other side collapses it will be a pretty rapid thing.
I disagree that the war is a war on terror.
I recommend you browse through the Rantburg Classix page. Have a look at Thugburg. Pick some of the more interesting names and see how many different organizations they're associated with.
The war is itself terror and terrorizing and so it cannot also be an attempt to stop what it is actually itself.
That argument makes no sense. Passivity will not protect us from terrorism, any more than it protected us from Fascism, Communism, or for that matter from Apaches or Algonquins or Powhattans. War does in fact bring terror, especially to those participating, but also to their families. That doesn't mean it shouldn't happen. It's ugly and messy. General Sherman termed it Hell. War is the physical clash between two opposing bodies, and it has been ever since it became necessary to build the first wall of Jericho in 8000 B.C. But as Clausewitz so famously pointed out, it's the logical extension of diplomacy. The terror orgs, starting with the Supreme Council of Global Jihad, through al-Qaeda, al-Tawhid, and all their associated organizations and Numbah Ones want to establish an Islamic caliphate stretching from Morocco to the Philippines. That's not conjecture; that's what they've said. That's the goal they're working toward. The eventual end is world domination, the kind of goal you find in cheap comic books. The fact that you have a hard time believing in it doesn't mean they they don't believe it, doesn't mean they're not working toward it. There's no diplomatic exchange with them; the possibility of that ended for our side when the planes hit the twin towers, and it never existed with them. I do wish Bush would state that the end of the war will require "unconditional surrender," though.
-.com is a smart guy but he called me a disservice so I’m not going to like him for a while.
Like him or not like him, that's your choice. He doesn't suffer fools gladly. Most of us don't. The only reason I haven't asked him to be a moderator is because as a commenter he can say many of the things I don't because I'm being polite as the site owner.
I have not been to hellholes but I do not believe that the places .com has gone to are hellholes.
You just negated the value of your opinion.
I hesitate to even attempt to add a comment to this great fisking, but here is the nub of it, I think. There is a tendency in our culture at the moment to not want to believe really bad things about other people and places. Understandable and sometimes a corrective to the narrowmindedness of past generations. But it is an extremely foolhardy position to take about ALL people in ALL places. The desire on the part of Islamacists to impose a worldwide Caliphate by force, if necessary, or by cowing westerners if possible is real - it is deadly - and it threatens every value that principled people on the left claim to hold dear. Equality of opportunity, freedom of religion, non-discrimination against gays, due process of law, individual rights ... the list goes on and on. Get clear about this: these are things the Islamacists HATE and are determined to destroy.
Not mostly. Mostly they are normal places with families, people working and just living, even if the conditions are not as sublime as you think them to be for all Americans.
I've been on the west bank. I've done business in the middle east. Excuse the bluntness but you haven't got a clue about 'normal'. And in this situation that is a dangerous kind of naivete on which to base foreign and defense policy or actions.
I haven't been to many of the places .com has been, starting with the Middle East — though I'd go back to Chiang Mai in a flash if I were just a little more single. But you can gain some of the flavor of conditions from reading the local press, which is the basis of Rantburg. Read the Arab News every day for some of the flavor of Soddy Arabia. Don't forget to read the Islam page. Read the Beirut Daily Star for a look at the Byzantine politix of a classic oligarchy. Then read the Pak Daily Times, one of the world's best news sites, for a look at "normal places with families" in Waziristan or Lahore or Karachi. If you have a real strong stomach, read the Bangla Daily Star for a peek at just how corrupt a society can become. And don't forget Asharq al-Aswat on a daily basis for the overall Arab flavor. Then your opinion will have some weight.
I’m sure .com has many insights to share and I look forward to reading his comments across the weeks and months along with the crowds celebration of his comments.
I think the point that you're trying to make is that the inhabitants of those hellholes are just as human as we are back in Baltimore or Omaha or Milpitas or Melbourne. That doesn't make them not hellholes.

Having lived in a few pretty scuzzy places myself, I agree with that point — the humanity point.
That's the entire motivation for Bush's determination to replace the current kleptocrats, dictators, satraps, pashas, Fearless Leaders, and suchlike riff-raff with "democracy," by which he means a system which will allow individual liberty for places, some of which, have been under the whip of the local holy men since the dawn of civilization. Bush, and all of us here that I know of, are operating under the assumption that "the natives" are just as deserving of human dignity as we are. Given the chance, they will eventually figure out how to handle their own affairs. We might not always like the way they decide to do that, but we've got lots of practice at beng disappointed, living next to Canada.

Just a couple clarifications: Rantburg usually runs from 60 to 100 articles per day, depending on day of the week and whether I'm having system problems. 40 articles would be a real light day. Commenting for a day's posting is turned off at midnight EST, both to prevent comments being ignored and as an anti-spam measure. Articles posted between 9.30 pm and midnight go into the next day's posts.

I and a few others have commented on the actual definition of "fascism" on a number of occasions. We normally don't confuse Blackshirts (Italy) with Brownshirts (Germany) or the other color shirts that became common in the '30's — red, silver, a few others. (There are only so many colors that can stand washing, so the idea didn't take deep root.) You can find one or two such discussions in the Classix, I think. We recognize fascism as a political system based on the concept of the Corporate State, we know that Naziism was "National Socialism," though admittedly a non-Marxist attempt.

We also know that Baathism is a latter-day variant of Fascism, borrowing heavily from the '30's ideologies but without the romanticism it started out with (see D'Annunzio, poetry of.) Baathism has been characterized as "Naziism without the warmth and the humanity." We never refer to people who don't agree with us as "Fascists." The ones we refer to as "commies" are usually Marxists.

Rantburg is and has been since the beginning an equal opportunity offender. Appropriate orifices will be suggested for stuffing charges of "racism." I've commented on that a time or two, as well. Charges of racism always seem to be the first resort of lefties, and if you don't knock it off there'll be some Samoans looking for you.

Thank you for your support.

--The Management
Posted by: Secret Master || 12/01/2005 13:26 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [48 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Make my hit counter twirl, my ego needs it so much I'll be nice. Geeus, get a grip. Funnier has a moonbat.
Posted by: Shipman || 12/01/2005 14:48 Comments || Top||

#2  Nothing funnier than having a moonbat. Geeubs
Posted by: Shipman || 12/01/2005 14:49 Comments || Top||

#3  Brad,

This site - and contributors - give as good as we get. Your opinions will be welcomed as civil discourse provided they are in that vein. You will be treated as a troll and flamed if un -civil. We are all (well most of us anyway) about debate.
Posted by: Warthog || 12/01/2005 15:51 Comments || Top||

#4  And they keep disdaining my views (or those within the articles I posted) as leftist. Why the disdain?

Because leftists have the blood of hundreds of millions and the chains of billions on their moral balance sheet.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 12/01/2005 15:52 Comments || Top||

#5  RC! Got 'dem jackboots shined up?

I happen to agree, but you were so....direct!
Posted by: Bobby || 12/01/2005 16:33 Comments || Top||

#6  Nice comments on his posting, gents. Steve, that's what I tell my friends who doubt the actions of the US. I tell them I don't pay attention to what our politicians say. I pay attention to what our enemies are saying.
Posted by: Seafarious || 12/01/2005 17:53 Comments || Top||

#7  http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=136219&D=2005-11-30&HC=4

We have had lots of different rantburg posters, but it seems we have got ourselves an evangelical leftie on a personal mission to crush and destroy the logic and facts that challenge what he has taken on true faith.

Go for it Brad, the person with the most to learn here is you.
Posted by: 2b || 12/01/2005 18:13 Comments || Top||

#8  Aren't we all just being a little sensitive here? Other than a great site for info and getting my rants out, now my wife does not have to hear it, the moonbats, I mean opposing views are what make this site. Without guys like Brad, BK, and all the others in Seattle we would be just ranting in agreement. Guys like this who don't get it, and never will, give us all something to argue about.
Posted by: 49 pan || 12/01/2005 18:56 Comments || Top||

#9  Steve, that was extremely humbling.
Posted by: Secret Master || 12/01/2005 19:24 Comments || Top||

#10  This post and the post from yesterday oughta go in the Classix.
Posted by: Seafarious || 12/01/2005 19:30 Comments || Top||

#11  I have to confess baring my naked buttocks at the monitor when Brad's page was up. Do you think he knew?

Posted by: Frank G || 12/01/2005 19:42 Comments || Top||

#12  Depends, Frank - did you have your webcam on? LOL

Fred, I appreciate your willingness to engage Brad - and to do so with seriousness of purpose, which includes not pulling punches on issues that matter.
Posted by: lotp || 12/01/2005 19:52 Comments || Top||

#13  Please pardon my profanity but Brad is lucky .com didn't rip his f*cking head off.
Posted by: badanov || 12/01/2005 20:28 Comments || Top||

#14  No, no, it's POLITE to be nice to newcomers, and remember to send your nice Christmas card to the ACLU!
Posted by: Bobby || 12/01/2005 22:11 Comments || Top||

Merry Christmas, ACLU
Posted by: eLarson || 12/01/2005 12:48 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Fifth Column
Reaping What They Sow (CPT Activities)
IT’S AS IF RACHEL CORRIE WERE KILLED BY THE PLO, and her parents blamed Israel, anyway. Yesterday, the previously unknown jihadist group “The Swords of Righteousness Brigade” took hostage four Westerners – including American Tom Fox – for allegedly acting as “undercover spies.” However, all four men belonged to Christian Peacemaker Teams, a “peace” organization of human shields that blamed 9/11 on American foreign policy, ran an “Adopt-a-Detainee” campaign, regularly interfered with Israeli anti-terror operations, trespassed at a U.S. military base during wartime, has waged a relentless propaganda campaign against the American “occupation” of Iraq, has demonstrated against Americans and capitalists around the world – and blames the abduction of its members on President Bush.
Rest at link.
Posted by: ed || 12/01/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Jusat a friendly fire incident. I hope the guy survives his ordeal, but if he doesn't...
Posted by: badanov || 12/01/2005 1:43 Comments || Top||

#2  Donald Sensing comments.
Posted by: James || 12/01/2005 16:21 Comments || Top||

Home Front: Politix
White Flag Democrats
Posted by: ed || 12/01/2005 10:38 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The only thing I can say: WHAT A BUNCH OF FU^&ING LOOOOSERS!!! There's a down side though to what their doing.....That is people are catching on.
Posted by: ARMYGUY || 12/01/2005 11:15 Comments || Top||

#2  Of course the Democrats learned from the cut-n-run strategy in Somalia that it certainly doesn't lead to more terrorism, now does it? Its not like it encourages those intent upon doing Americans harm. And anyway the socialist mindset is the old 'school' mentality, that is, a school of fish hanging together means that while some will be eaten, the group will still survive. Heck it was only about 3,000 that died in a couple hours. Just get over it. And heavens sake, they were only capitalists and military people, who, well, you know aren't worthy of consideration unless it means campaign contributions or a photo op for the hicks people back home. Meanwhile, all this war fighting stuff eats up all sorts of good tax money that can be spent on even more 'feel good' government programs which gives us a warm and tingly feeling rather than really solving problems. However, they're damn good for getting the fools people to vote for us. And that is what is really important in this world.

Now you understand what they pass off as thinking.
Posted by: Glurt Jimp1057 || 12/01/2005 11:25 Comments || Top||

#3  White Flag Democrats
Humm, Catchy, Fits on a bumper sticker...
Karl Rove still has the touch.
Posted by: Capsu78 || 12/01/2005 11:29 Comments || Top||

#4  When I read the headline I thought the article was about Barney Frank.
Posted by: Gir || 12/01/2005 13:19 Comments || Top||

#5  Bumper sticker idea: a white flag, followed by "Official Flag of the Democratic Party".
Posted by: Steve White || 12/01/2005 13:38 Comments || Top||

#6  White flag with a piss-stain border. Inscribed in the middle "Please don't run with scissors". ONly in Latin of course.
Posted by: Shipman || 12/01/2005 14:52 Comments || Top||

#7  Non funzioni prego con le forbici

Posted by: Shipman || 12/01/2005 14:55 Comments || Top||

The Duplicitous Media and the Political Left
The organs of the mass media headed by the alphabet soup channels, the print media of the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, and the Boston Globe, including Time, Newsweek, US News and World Report, The New Yorker, and many, many more smaller operations throughout the country and on the Internet, and now militant Leftist hate speech in the guise of talk radio on Air America; have waged and continue to wage a relentless war against the war effort against terrorism and despotism in Iraq in the War on Terror and against this President in a last pitch effort to erode public support for this war and weaken America's resolve to fight it to its finish before next year's elections. They have been doing this from day one. Just two months following September 11th, this conglomeration of leftists, journalists, politicians, and dozens of Soros-funded militant groups went back to work in their campaign to undermine the Presidency of George W. Bush.

As US, British, Australian, Polish, Italian, Romanian, and other coalition forces raced toward their objectives, the international press headed by the Associate Press, UPI, and Reuters quickly called the situation a quagmire and cited Viet Nam. By doing this, they tipped their hand and made it clear the manner in which they would report the "news" in the years which would follow.

When Iraqis in every city raced to greet their liberation, the press reported reluctantly of the historic events unfolding before them, and went out of their way to find the few former Baathist sympathizers who greeted the coalition with scorn. They are doing this to this very day. Because of their exuberance to search for and find those Iraqis opposed to the coalition liberation, many of their number have been kidnapped and some have been killed. Others were fortunate to have been rescued by the very forces they were politically opposed to, the very ones they were writing stories against.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Omavise Spomoque3826 || 12/01/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The Duplicitous Media and the Political Left Can kiss my @$$
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 12/01/2005 1:08 Comments || Top||

In Retrospect, For The Record Bush Was Right
We are seeing and hearing a lot of Jimmy Carter recently, and we are continually bedeviled by the likes of political opportunists Bill and Hillary Clinton and their endless photo opportunities. Amazing how the protagonists of failed presidencies; presidencies marked with real and salacious scandals, corruption, and failed foreign policies continue to make attempts to redefine their the soiled legacies they've left behind and roles in history, while taking shots at the current administration. On several occasions, Bill Clinton has criticized this President, and how he would have done things differently. Well Mr. Clinton, you did do things differently, and look where it got US; multiple terror strikes during the decade of the 90s, culminating in the most devastating attack on American soil in history.

Now the peanut farmer who should never have left the farm is now making his opinions about this President known and what he considers should be American foreign and domestic policy. Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter have become poster boys for the Democrat Party in its campaign of defamation against President Bush. Besides the fact that this breaks a longstanding precedent, it also makes it evident the lack of character and integrity these two men have. There are many reasons why former presidents have not involved themselves in debating the political issues of their day, and I won't go into it here because time and space simply precludes such an undertaking; but I will name only one; meddling in the geopolitical arena can and often does undermine the policies of the administration which occupies the seat of power and leadership. It is irresponsible and counter-productive.

Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton continue to do this. They are meddling in affairs they have no business in and are undermining the security and war effort of this nation. They had their time, Carter four years and Clinton eight years; between the two of them, twelve years - that's more than a decade, and they failed miserably; now they should put up and shut up. If they had any sense of decency, they would keep their comments private, and keep it to themselves, and with the rest of US; stand behind the war effort and support our troops and America's struggle against international terrorism.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Omavise Spomoque3826 || 12/01/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Absolutely nothng to add to that ... the complete evisceration of the Left.
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 12/01/2005 1:27 Comments || Top||

'Will to Truth' on peace and Paleostine
Our boy Brad at 'Will to Truth' opines on the difference between 'shalom' and 'peace'. While he may understand semantics, he's got a problem with the big picture. I gently try to correct him in the comments, but I don't know if he'll accept my comment. So I provide it here:
There is no Paleostinian 'right of return'.

There is propaganda about that. There is a claim advanced by Paleostinians. But there is no 'right of return'.

Arabs living in 1948 in what is now Israel had a choice to make: stay put and live in a Jewish state, or leave and hope to return to live in an Arab state. In 1948 they weren't hoping to live in 'Palestine', because there was no such thing. There was TransJordan; Gaza was a part of Egypt. The neighboring Arab states that invaded the UN mandate in 1948 weren't planning to establish 'Palestine', they were planning to rip off chunks of real estate for themselves. Had they succeeded, the Paleostinians today would be Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians and Lebanese.

But the Arabs living in the Mandate had a problem: the Arab states failed. Spectacularly (as is usual for Arab states when they go to war). Some Arabs hit the road because they didn't want to live with the evil Jews, some were encouraged by propaganda from the neighboring Arab states that asked them to get out of the way so that the Arab armies could crush the Jews, after which they'd move back. That didn't happen.

Indeed, 'Palestine' as a national concept didn't come into existence until the early 1960s, and as an idea of a specific patch of land didn't come about until after the Six-Day War of 1967 -- you know, when the Arabs lost more land to the Jews.

So now it's almost 60 years later. A boy of 15 in 1948 is today an old man. And boys of 15, and men and women of 30 today, weren't around in 1948. To what, exactly, are they supposed to return? Palestine? There is and was no such thing. The land is now Israel, and as you may have noticed, the Israelis have spent the last 60 years building a country.

And they aren't about to hand it over.

And since they have an army and an air force, the Arabs -- be it the 'Palestinians' or the neighboring Arab states -- aren't likely to force the Israelis to hand it over.

That's reality. Now then, the Paleostinians have three choices (as I humbly see it) -- 1) they can move to other Arab countries and assimilate (ask the Kuwaitis how well that was working in 1990). 2) they can work to turn the West Bank and Gaza into a Palestinian state of some kind, or 3) they can continue to live in squalor in UN refugee camps (in which there are few, if any, refugees from 1948, thanks to Father Time).

But there is no 'right of return', because the Israelis can't and won't recognize it. Ever. Never. To do so is the death of Israel, and the Israelis know it.

So do the Arab states.

And, frankly, so do Westerners, such as yourself, who advocate it.

Which is what you want. The death of Israel. Just come out and say it, 'k?

Steve White
Moderator, Rantburg
Posted by: Steve White || 12/01/2005 13:28 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Your post does an excellent job of reciting a history that many on the left have attempted to white wash.

That said (and maybe I'm too kind), but I believe that "willtotruth" doesn't truly wish the destruction of Israel--instead I think his knowledge of what REALLY occurred is limited and cluttered by the lies that have become accepted as truth during the last couple of decades.

In discussions with his type, one short-cut to bringing them up to speed I've found is to ask questions of them, such as "What was the name of the *Palestinian* ruler at the time that the Jews 'stole' land from the Palestinians?" Even though such a question seems shocking simple, you'd be surprised at the number of Americans that have no idea that "Palestine" never existed as a sovereign entity, and as a result had no "king", no "ruler", no army, no weaponry, etc. Where you take them from there is up to you, but you've opened the door for their education.
Posted by: Crusader || 12/01/2005 15:09 Comments || Top||

#2  That said (and maybe I'm too kind), but I believe that "willtotruth" doesn't truly wish the destruction of Israel--instead I think his knowledge of what REALLY occurred is limited and cluttered by the lies that have become accepted as truth during the last couple of decades.

Distinction without difference. Ignorance does not excuse malice.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 12/01/2005 15:53 Comments || Top||

#3  Another little mentioned fact was that many Palestinians were compensated for their patch of sand in 1948, by the Rockefellers and others. It was the Jewish settlers' blood and sweat equity that transformed the land and made it profitable. The Palestinians sold their birthright, just as Esau did.
Posted by: Danielle || 12/01/2005 16:42 Comments || Top||

#4  Peace is the search for harmony between people. Peace is all about reconciliation.”

Why do we have to suffer such fools as Brad? Look how he paints a little smiley face and tries to come up with cute slogans that make no sense, but gives him a sense of satisfaction as meaningful as putting the little pink bows on the manes of his Pretty Pony collection. Oooooh...prtty. ..all the little children clap and have cake.

Why is it that the left thinks all the world's conflicts can be solved if they can just word the conflict in such a manner as to make everyone happy. The only way Osama will find peace in your presence is to chop off your infidel head. No amount of poetry that you write will cause him to jump up and say "you're right! I never thought of it like that! Give me a hug, Will of Truth!

You are a naive little wisp of the willow, so much so, it's almost cute. If Western Civilization and all of the freedoms that we take for granted weren't at risk, your pretty pony parade would be a real kick. Don't know how old you are, but as they say, "you can't be 20 on Sugar Mountain. Time to grow up and get real.
Posted by: 2b || 12/01/2005 20:05 Comments || Top||

#5  There is no such thing as a "Will to Truth." Truth exists independent of the will of the individual. Of course this flies in the face of Post-Modern dogma where everyone gets to have his personal truth. Ask the dead riders on the Jerusalem bus about truth. Ask St. Rachel Pancake. Wishing does not make it so.

Meaningful discussion can only occur when both parties admit that there is truth, and then honestly seek to find it. This is what is so frustrating about today's Left - there is no truth outside of their fevered imaginations.
Posted by: SR-71 || 12/01/2005 20:37 Comments || Top||

Science & Technology
Claudia Rosett: Whose internet is it anyway?
Posted by: .com || 12/01/2005 00:10 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  If it’s information the UN wants to talk about, let’s start with a lot more information about the UN itself. Find it, post it, The more daylight, the better the chance that the UN will have to either shut itself down, or clean up its act—and back away from the internet.

Me like!
Posted by: Pappy || 12/01/2005 0:26 Comments || Top||

Terror Networks
Preemptive Surrender
By Michael Ledeen

It used to be said that the best hope for an impoverished little country was to declare war on the United States, because the ILC would lose and then receive massive quantities of aid and assistance. Such bits of folk wisdom led to some great comic masterpieces, such as the memorable Peter Sellers movie, The Mouse that Roared, in which the ILC was unlucky enough to win...and then what?

Nowadays the process from war to aid and assistance has grown much shorter, because it's no longer necessary to go through the unpleasant business of losing. And if you do have to lose, it's made much easier than it used to be.

The two most recent examples are: the Iraqi Sunnis and the Iranian Shiite regime. As luck would have it, the same group of American leaders — our foreign service, and in both of these cases, Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad — are driving the policy of preemptive embrace of our announced enemies.

The war in Iraq was waged against an evil regime run by (minority) Sunnis. The object of Operation Iraqi Freedom, oft stated by the president and his Cabinet secretaries, was the overthrow of Saddam and the liberation of the Iraqi people. We have repeatedly promised to create the first democracy in the Arab Middle East, in which a constitution will protect the rights of the people, and the people will elect their own leaders.

Most of the establishment in the Muslim Middle East hates this idea, because, if implemented regionally, it would remove every current leader. The royal families, Baathists, and mullahs vastly prefer the kind of dictatorship imposed on the Iraqi people by Saddam and his (Sunni) Tikritis. They have been the Sunnis' biggest and boldest lobbyists, constantly issuing outrageously meddlesome statements from their own capitals and from meetings of the colossal failure known as the Arab League. They don't want democracy. They want the big guys to call the shots, and they want the Iraqi Sunnis to have power far beyond their real political strength.

Incredibly, they have convinced the American government to do just that.

Throughout the constitutional negotiations, the Sunnis repeatedly found support from Khalilzad and his colleagues in the embassy, the State Department, and the National Security Council. They made a big deal out of the relatively high level of Sunni participation in the referendum, even though the Sunnis came within a whisker of defeating the Constitution itself. This, even though the Shiites and Kurds were routinely murdered and tortured during the Saddam years, and even though they constitute the overwhelming majority of Iraqis.

What the Sunnis need, really, is a lesson in minority democratic politics. They need to understand that they only way they are going to get meaningful national power (they are guaranteed considerable regional authority thanks to the federalist constitution) is by forming alliances and coalitions, by effective political advocacy, and by demonstrating the will and capacity to act on behalf of all Iraqis. Our little exercise in holding the losers' clammy hands sends precisely the wrong lesson. We are telling them that they can get our largesse just by whining, they don't have to prove their worthiness first. We should have asked for Sunni cooperation against the terrorists before we supported them in the constitutional debates. But that would have been the "old way" of doing things: insisting on surrender before trotting out the aid programs.

The same holds in our as-yet undefined policy towards Iran, which is arguably the most important single component of the war against terrorism (this follows logically from the uncontested fact that Iran is the world's biggest supporter of international terrorism). While the president has made many statements about the evils of the mullahcracy in Tehran, he has not only failed to carry out any action against the Islamic republic, he has repeatedly authorized unannounced meetings with Iranian representatives, in a futile effort to work out some kind of deal by which Iran would promise to limit its support for terrorism, especially inside Iraq, and we would promise, or hint, or imply, that we wouldn't attempt to support democratic revolution in Iran. These talks have been going on throughout the five years of Bush the Younger, many of them under the auspices of Ambassador Khalilzad, whose conversations with the mullahs have now been publicly acknowledged and formally approved.

It's hard to imagine what President Bush expects to gain from this little announcement, or indeed from talks with the Iranians. The last time Ambassador Khalilzad went in for extended talks with the mullahs, he produced a triumph of unnecessary appeasement: the proclamation that Afghanistan would be called an "Islamic republic." It seemed to me at the time that this was not at all what the president had had in mind, but it seems to me now that I was clearly wrong. For if W. really intended to take a stand against the Iranian regime, he would not have approved Khalilzad's (shameful, in my view) preemptive surrender to Iran's most important diplomatic goal, nor would he have rewarded Khalilzad by sending him to Baghdad, nor would he approve of the public announcement of a new round of talks with the mullahs.

But the Islamic republic will never do anything to help us, or our soldiers, or our allies. The Iranians themselves have no doubt of their role in the contemporary world: They see themselves as our gravediggers. "Following the downfall of Communism, today, only Islam stands against America's imperialism," says Yahya Safavi, the head of the Iranian national-security Council. And he means it.

All of this preemptive appeasement inevitably weakens the forces of democratic revolution in the Middle East and elsewhere, as it greatly cheers the tyrants who, just a few months ago, were seriously considering the best place to take early retirement. The president seems to have bought into all the worst slogans of the State Department and the CIA: Stability is more important than revolution, exit strategy trumps victory, and so on. It may get him love letters from Foggy Bottom, and maybe even benign treatment from the New York Times, but it will also get him new attacks, both in Iraq and elsewhere (most certainly including our own country), and it will fuel a new counterrevolution that will make our mission far more perilous.

Remember Churchill's great judgment on Chamberlain at Munich: He had a choice between war and dishonor; he chose dishonor, and got war.

Bush should not want those terrible words to define his second term, but he is certainly moving in that direction right now.
Posted by: ed || 12/01/2005 08:06 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

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Steve White
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Two weeks of WOT
Thu 2005-12-01
  Khalid Habib, Abd Hadi al-Iraqi appointed new heads of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan
Wed 2005-11-30
  Kidnapping campaign back on in Iraq
Tue 2005-11-29
  3 out of 5 Syrian Supects Delivered to Vienna
Mon 2005-11-28
  Yemen Executes Holy Man for Murder of Politician
Sun 2005-11-27
  Belgium arrests 90 in raid on human smuggling ring
Sat 2005-11-26
  Moroccan prosecutor charges 17 Islamists
Fri 2005-11-25
  Ohio holy man to be deported
Thu 2005-11-24
  DEBKA: US Marines Battling Inside Syria
Wed 2005-11-23
  Morocco, Spain Smash Large al-Qaeda Net
Tue 2005-11-22
  Israel Troops Kill Four Hezbollah Fighters
Mon 2005-11-21
  White House doubts Zark among dead. Damn.
Sun 2005-11-20
  Report: Zark killed by explosions in Mosul
Sat 2005-11-19
  Iraqi Kurds may proclaim independence
Fri 2005-11-18
  Zark threatens to cut Jordan King Abdullah's head off
Thu 2005-11-17
  Iran nuclear plant 'resumes work'

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