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2024-06-30 -Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
New WH Aides Reveal-Biden, 81, has difficulty functioning outside of 6-hour window-alarming report-Almost as if Jilly Needs Another Nudge!
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Posted by NoMoreBS 2024-06-30 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [349 views ]  Top
 File under: Tin Hat Dictators, Presidents for Life, & Kleptocrats 

#1 Well, during the Obama's 8 years some of us began to suspect that POTUS doesn't actually control the Mandarinate. During Trump's tenure we've seen that POTUS CAN'T control the Mandarinate.
Posted by Grom the Reflective 2024-06-30 04:02||   2024-06-30 04:02|| Front Page Top

QUESTION: As we know, the DOJ refused to indict Biden for his 20+ years of illegal retention of classified files Left in a house garage. Which was rented out to Chinese Nationals, no less by Hunter. The reason cited was age related issues.

Now we have the State & National Democrat Party leaders in a panic, and taking steps to dump Biden for 2024. Why? Because of what we have all clearly seen for the last 3+ years. A president with a serious failed Mental State.

So Congress (R's, Rino's & D's and LSD's) what happened to the 25th Amendment?

Is political power and the $$M y'all skim, more important than the safe constitutional operation of the United States and protection of WE THE PEOPLE?

Either way
It seems History again repeats itself. Just like the Woodrow Wilson Stroke situation in later 1919. We again have the President's wife and others actually running the US Government.

Final Question:
Should those, running the shadow government, be arrested?

Posted by NN2N1 2024-06-30 05:40||   2024-06-30 05:40|| Front Page Top

#3 Biden 'will discuss major decision with his family' as they return to Camp David

"The Bedwetting Brigade"
Posted by Skidmark 2024-06-30 07:26||   2024-06-30 07:26|| Front Page Top

#4 Either way
It seems History again repeats itself. Just like the Woodrow Wilson Stroke situation in later 1919. We again have the President's wife and others actually running the US Government.

Final Question:
Should those, running the shadow government, be arrested?


I absolutely believe right now that DOCTOR Jill is cosplaying Edith Galt Wilson, cheerfully aided and abetted by the WH staff - the Cabinet is completely aimless right now, no one is at the helm, and the only thought and priority is re-election. The DNC is behaving like the late Empire Romans who have just found out the Vandals are inbound. Congress is hiding out the best they can, even though they are faced with the most obvious case for the 25th Amendment we've seen yet.

The President of the United States is sundowning, something I saw at terrifyingly close range when my father reached his final illness. If a crisis hits now, we are in deep, deep trouble. We need to be ready for President Harris, possibly as early as this week.

Posted by MikeKozlowski 2024-06-30 07:29||   2024-06-30 07:29|| Front Page Top

#5 Now for a PSA.
Posted by Procopius2k 2024-06-30 08:25||   2024-06-30 08:25|| Front Page Top

#6 Where is their Al Haig to make the assertion that "I'm in control here"?
Posted by jpal 2024-06-30 10:09||   2024-06-30 10:09|| Front Page Top

#7 Can you see Buttgig, Haaland or any of the other cabinet members making that move?
Posted by M. Murcek 2024-06-30 10:12||   2024-06-30 10:12|| Front Page Top

#8 Soetoro will be stepping up any day now. It will be a 'transitory' assignment endorsed be 51 senior intelligence professionals.
Posted by Besoeker 2024-06-30 10:31||   2024-06-30 10:31|| Front Page Top

#9 Yes. "Rules" will be for the proles...
Posted by M. Murcek 2024-06-30 10:33||   2024-06-30 10:33|| Front Page Top

#10 "Staffing at the Biden White House seemed to support what this fact implied — that Biden’s first term was Obama’s third. Susan Rice, Neera Tanden, Samantha Power, John Kerry, Antony Blinken, Robert Malley, Wendy Sherman, John Podesta, Anita Dunn, and Bob Bauer — from domestic to foreign policy to political operatives, the Biden administration has been a reformulation of the Obama world. When the former president visited the White House, footage captured staffers crowding around him as President Biden wandered, vacantly, through the crowd."
Posted by NoMoreBS 2024-06-30 13:51||   2024-06-30 13:51|| Front Page Top

#11 Anybody who thinks Dr. Jill is running things is delusional. The US is being run by someone who truly hates America.

That means Obama.

Posted by Regular+joe 2024-06-30 13:53||   2024-06-30 13:53|| Front Page Top

#12 VDH: "The left is winning and I have no solutions to offer. But that's OK because I get paid to write this anyway."
Posted by M. Murcek 2024-06-30 14:10||   2024-06-30 14:10|| Front Page Top

#13 This is a collegial and open space for sharing opinions. Consider my choice of opinions to echo or share to be my perogative in that context.
Posted by NoMoreBS 2024-06-30 14:56||   2024-06-30 14:56|| Front Page Top

#14 So Joe can give us 7 good hours as long as he has 20 vacation days a month.
Posted by Super Hose 2024-06-30 15:36||   2024-06-30 15:36|| Front Page Top

#15 MM calm down. Links are frequently F'd up.

AM Thinker and other sites are welcome
Posted by Frank G 2024-06-30 17:13||   2024-06-30 17:13|| Front Page Top

#16 Well, then P2k, did you call the Delaware Department of Justice like the man asks?
Posted by Abu Uluque 2024-06-30 17:21||   2024-06-30 17:21|| Front Page Top

#17 And Now-NYT Today

"Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David"

"One of the strongest voices imploring Mr. Biden to resist pressure to drop out was his son Hunter Biden, whom the president has long leaned on for advice, said one of the people informed about the discussions, who, like others, spoke on condition of anonymity to share internal deliberations. Hunter Biden wants Americans to see the version of his father that he knows — scrappy and in command of the facts — rather than the stumbling, aging president Americans saw on Thursday night."
Posted by NoMoreBS 2024-06-30 18:04||   2024-06-30 18:04|| Front Page Top

#18 I'm not in Delaware. It's that judicial 'standing' thingy.
Posted by Procopius2k 2024-06-30 18:05||   2024-06-30 18:05|| Front Page Top

#19 Liston to Hunter, "the smartest guy you kniw." Don't let them push you around Joe! Have some ice cream and take a few days off.
Posted by Besoeker 2024-06-30 18:20||   2024-06-30 18:20|| Front Page Top

#20 Hunter's looking for a pardon.
Posted by Abu Uluque 2024-06-30 18:42||   2024-06-30 18:42|| Front Page Top

21:51 Gleremble+Bucket3559
21:50 Gleremble+Bucket3559
19:49 ed in texas
19:46 ed in texas
19:39 Skidmark
19:35 Skidmark
19:25 Procopius2k
19:19 Frank G
19:13 Skidmark
19:11 Skidmark
19:07 Skidmark
19:02 Mercutio
18:55 Skidmark
18:49 Skidmark
18:48 Skidmark
18:45 Skidmark
18:42 Abu Uluque
18:41 Skidmark
18:20 Besoeker
18:10 Abu Uluque
18:05 Procopius2k
18:04 NoMoreBS
18:03 Procopius2k
18:01 Abu Uluque

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