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2024-06-01 Israel-Palestine-Jordan
Israel kills people sheltering in UN facilities in Gaza: UNRWA
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Posted by Fred 2024-06-01 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [91 views ]  Top
 File under: Hamas 

#1 Yea, because Hamas and UNWRA are one.
Posted by Grom the Reflective 2024-06-01 00:54||   2024-06-01 00:54|| Front Page Top

#2 IDF eliminates three major Hamas operatives, impeding terror capabilities in Israel, West Bank
Posted by Grom the Reflective 2024-06-01 04:52||   2024-06-01 04:52|| Front Page Top

#3 Israel mucked this right up. They should have gone hard on October 8. Ignored the hostages, sad as that is. Just cut the losses and solve this issue once and for all.

They should also have immediately worked out a system to dump all the Arab Muslims of Gaza and West Bank to Egypt, Qatar, Iraq and Jordan. Starting with Egypt, Qatar and Jordan.

On October 8 they should have threatened immediate nuke strike on Qatar (Muslim Brotherhood), Jordan and Cairo if they didn't take them, and payment of $10,000 per man woman and child bonus if they did.

carrot and stick.

this is what i would have done. And immediately detonate a small tactical nuke over gaza city to show you mean business.

All that on October 8 and 9. Two days to negotiate this.

Round up the Arab Muslims of Gaza and West Bank on October 10, every last one. Onto ships or just drive them over the border. Kaput, finish done. You are out of Gaza and out of West Bank that territory is now Israel.

Any orphan kids get brought up in loving jewish households as Jews.

Over in 1 week.

Immediately secure the new borderlands with North Korea style border.

then let the diplomatic hell follow after. But it would all have been over already. Let the dogs bark and the shouting go on, Israel could have rested behind the new borders and not now, for a year after, be battling the media onslaught of the muslim brotherhood
Posted by anon1 2024-06-01 21:25||   2024-06-01 21:25|| Front Page Top

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