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2024-03-23 Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Attack at Moscow’s Crocus Hall Aftermath: News roundup for March 22nd, 2024 - 60 dead at rock concert, ISIS sez they dunnit
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Posted by Skidmark 2024-03-23 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [579 views ]  Top
 File under: Islamic State 

#1 The key to dealing with Islamic terrorism is retaliation. Russians should identify the perps and exterminate their families.
Posted by Grom the Reflective 2024-03-23 02:51||   2024-03-23 02:51|| Front Page Top

#2 Putin 'dismissed US warnings about a terror attack' three days before Moscow massacre and shrugged off American embassy's warning to avoid concert venues
Posted by Skidmark 2024-03-23 05:06||   2024-03-23 05:06|| Front Page Top

#3 Russia arrests 11 Moscow massacre suspects as they reveal names and pictures of those they believe behind ISIS concert hall slaughter as death toll rises to 115 and pictures reveal bloody aftermath
Posted by Skidmark 2024-03-23 06:52||   2024-03-23 06:52|| Front Page Top

#4 This creates a dilemma for the "Russia Russia, Russia" crowd. You either unequivocally condemn terrorism or you condone terrorism when it aligns with your goals.

Many Americans who still have anger over 9/11 are certainly feeling empathy for the Russians after this attack.

It's going to make smoke come out of the ears of "That's not who we are 'republicans.'"
Posted by M. Murcek 2024-03-23 09:11||   2024-03-23 09:11|| Front Page Top

#5 ^ Interesting observation Merc.
Posted by Besoeker 2024-03-23 09:29||   2024-03-23 09:29|| Front Page Top

#6 I should have added, I'm one of those Americans feeling empathy for Russians today. We have a common enemy in the muzzists and we should have been fighting against them together for the last 30+ years instead of taking turns trying to mold them into reliable proxies against each other.
Posted by M. Murcek  2024-03-23 09:44||   2024-03-23 09:44|| Front Page Top

#7 Reminded me immediately of Beslan, which was awful.
Posted by swksvolFF 2024-03-23 11:08||   2024-03-23 11:08|| Front Page Top

#8 It will be interesting to see how many of the ISIS-K terrorists involved in the Moscow attack were released from the Bagram Prison when we popped smoke and left. Likely several were either planners or on the ops side.

Posted by Tennessee 2024-03-23 12:02||   2024-03-23 12:02|| Front Page Top

#9 There is video out. Not going to link it. Its what you think it is.

Its what we should be fighting.
Posted by swksvolFF 2024-03-23 12:18||   2024-03-23 12:18|| Front Page Top

#10 Russians went medieval on the Chechens for this sort of thing. ISIS can probably expect the same.
Posted by Abu Uluque 2024-03-23 12:21||   2024-03-23 12:21|| Front Page Top

#11 The friends of Biden's Newsomers have a bloodbath.
Posted by swksvolFF 2024-03-23 12:22||   2024-03-23 12:22|| Front Page Top

#12 are the kick backs from a 750 million dollar cement company fine and a no bid contract for the worlds largest cement coffin worth it ?
Posted by Cholutle Thrans9751 2024-03-23 12:34||   2024-03-23 12:34|| Front Page Top

#13 From Skidmarks’s Daily Mail link: 11 arrested, four named arrested/hunted are Tajiks. 115 now dead.

The Russians are questioning those already caught, and hunting more. Good hunting, guys.
Posted by trailing wife 2024-03-23 12:37||   2024-03-23 12:37|| Front Page Top

#14 Say what you will about Putin. You don't need to harbor any illusions about him. But there might also be something to be said for having a guy like that as a friend instead of an enemy, especially when we have common enemies like ISIS.
Posted by Abu Uluque 2024-03-23 12:46||   2024-03-23 12:46|| Front Page Top

#15 ^Ever thought who's the main beneficiary of USA/Russia conflict?
Hint, it's not the EUers - regardless of that the later think.
Posted by Grom the Reflective 2024-03-23 13:07||   2024-03-23 13:07|| Front Page Top

#16 The count is up to 130, as of this morning. Attacking music festivals is becoming a trend. First Hamas and now ISIS. The only think in common with the attacks, other than slaughtering innocent music lovers, is Islam. Time to drive Islam back into non existence. For those that say they have peaceful islamic friends and its not fair, I say get your house in order. Until then, extinction is the only answer.
Posted by 49 Pan 2024-03-23 13:54||   2024-03-23 13:54|| Front Page Top

#17 I wonder when upgrades occur such as Nano-thermite or super-thermite weapons. Fewer people needed. Anything is possible these days.
Posted by Dale 2024-03-23 14:00||   2024-03-23 14:00|| Front Page Top

#18 Has AI reached the point of re-creating certain people?

I'm thinking of Ghengis Kahn, Charles Martel, Vlad Tepes, and a few others.
Posted by AlanC 2024-03-23 14:44||   2024-03-23 14:44|| Front Page Top

#19 Re #13: questioning those suspects? IIRC, the Russians are not squeamish about using"enhanced" interrogation methods as we are. Plus, anybody who tries to defend them is likely to get the same treatment.
Posted by Rambler in Virginia 2024-03-23 15:34||   2024-03-23 15:34|| Front Page Top

#20 Pravda and a couple of other Russian news outlets are now saying that Ukraine is possibly complicent in this.

To me it sounds more like an Al Quaida/ISIS/Hamas thing, going after civilians specifically, and not something the Ukrainians or Russians would do.

The Kremlin will use this to justify a huge mobilization that they've already planned for, though.
Posted by Mullah Richard 2024-03-23 17:33||   2024-03-23 17:33|| Front Page Top

#21 #21 The Kremlin will use this to justify a huge mobilization that they've already planned for, though.

Additional mobilization already was announced a day or so before this attack. And several articles have been published about how Kurd and Syrian fighters were being recruited by the Ukrainian special servcies. With receipts.
Posted by badanov 2024-03-23 23:21||   2024-03-23 23:21|| Front Page Top

23:21 badanov
22:33 trailing wife
21:52 Frank G
21:42 trailing wife
20:29 Black Bart Ebbusogum2981
20:06 M. Murcek
19:26 Frank G
19:24 Griter Slash1619
19:23 DooDahMan
19:22 DooDahMan
19:20 DooDahMan
18:39 Skunky Gonque8310
18:35 Silentbrick
18:32 Silentbrick
18:20 Rupert Uninelet1254
18:16 Rupert Uninelet1254
18:07 Frank G
18:06 Frank G
18:02 Frank G
17:33 Mullah Richard
17:32 Skidmark
17:30 Skidmark
17:27 Skidmark
17:21 Skidmark

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