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2023-06-24 -Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
What explains the belated timing of publication of this story among all these pilot fish propaganda organs that signal other members of the Democrats' media apparatus which stories are to receive coverage and which are not?
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Posted by NoMoreBS 2023-06-24 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [26 views ]  Top
 File under: Tin Hat Dictators, Presidents for Life, & Kleptocrats 

#1 Call it a conspiracy theory if you wish

Like that's a bad thing.
Posted by Skidmark 2023-06-24 00:25||   2023-06-24 00:25|| Front Page Top

#2 Suddenly...

DoJ files first-ever charges against Chinese fentanyl manufacturers for fueling America's deadly opioid crisis: Two execs are arrested in Hawaii and one is on the run
Posted by Skidmark 2023-06-24 00:58||   2023-06-24 00:58|| Front Page Top

#3 And now...

Biden administration FINALLY releases declassified report detailing 'potential links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the origin of the COVID pandemic'
Posted by Skidmark 2023-06-24 01:06||   2023-06-24 01:06|| Front Page Top

#4 France to Back Ukraine NATO Membership Bid in Split from Berlin and Biden
Posted by Skidmark 2023-06-24 02:48||   2023-06-24 02:48|| Front Page Top

#5 This is not so much of a dam breaking as a controlled demolition. I saw a picture the other day of Lisa Monaco in private conversation with Biden likely explaining the Hunter plea deal to him. When I see a blackout break simultaneously among the Obama media organs, I suspect that surveillance of Obama’s house would have shown evidence of a high level basement situation room meeting going on until midnight or later.
The media deluge is the result. They only would have done this release if they understood that the dam would not hold. The issue for them is that they don’t control Tucker or Musk. I believe that they thought that they could get the plea deal done with the same block in place that they used to keep Bobolinski’s story out of 70% of the public consciousness. I don’t think we will see Bobolinski again, but it is not likely to matter.
Unfortunately for Joe, the shelf-life on what Lisa told him the other day has expired. Obama green lighted the IRS story for regular news. That story cannot exist in the same universe with the plea deal. They are matter and anti-matter. If the plea deal goes through, this will look like Watergate soon thereafter.
Likely, all the DC elite are evaluating their positions upon the revised battlefield after the sacrifice of the Biden folks in an action equivalent to what Hancock did to the 1st Minnesota at Gettysburg. In this case, though, there is no Strong Vincent marching up on the other side of the hill. Instead, I expect to see Samantha Powers and all the Obama crowd piling into the last Huey leaving the White House.
This will be a political route. Sound of Freedom opening in the theaters will not help the hair-sniffer-in-chief. Biden’s border policy is already unpopular, the human trafficking aspect will break the RINO resistance against impeachment. Biden’s China issue has spread to Cuba and an increasing number of Americans will believe that he is compromised. Biden will shortly cooked more well done than Saint Lawrence. The only question is who is about the contingency plan. Will Kamala be the bridge all the way to January 2025? The answer resolves around whether she is willing to be a puppet in exchange for the office. I think that she will agree to the office and then try to do her own thing in office out of arrogance. Demonstrably, Obama will tolerate idiocy and incompetence, so Kamala being an embarrassing moron will not be an issue. She also does not take will be interesting to see who the House approves as her VP.
Posted by Super Hose 2023-06-24 11:13||   2023-06-24 11:13|| Front Page Top

#6 I'm waiting for them to repeal presidential term limits and bring back Obozo.
Posted by AlanC 2023-06-24 11:38||   2023-06-24 11:38|| Front Page Top

#7 Superb assessment above. I think they thought the Puppet Show could hold until they worked out the follow-on, probably with Brylcreem Boy. The collapse of Jojo physically and the breadth/depth of the evidence of corruption exceeded their expectations, and the economy/Ukraine/border/Woke/J6 news cycles eventually broke though the MSM suppression, in part thanks to Musk. I think Big Mike really, really, doesn't want the efforting to deliver Obama 4.0, so a patch of Kamala-lala-ding-dong is regrettably emerging. She will be far more barnacle-like and intransigent than expected, and the Presidency, such as it is, will be her ego-centric-fantasy land until 20Jan2025. The real risk to the ruling elite behind the Puppet Show is the risk of Manchin doing a Perot to their to plans for finishing "Change China Can Believe In". Even their cheating dominance will not cover for that big a split among the faithful.
Posted by NoMoreBS 2023-06-24 12:00||   2023-06-24 12:00|| Front Page Top

#8 I'm waiting for them to repeal presidential term limits and bring back Obozo.

Only by dictatorial fiat - takes 3/4 of the state to amend the Constitution.

it will be interesting to see who the House approves as her VP

During that game, if something were to happen to the President, the Speaker of the House becomes President. I'd say that nomination would require a lot of administrative processing in the House, as in bills that die in committee due to age.
Posted by Procopius2k 2023-06-24 12:30||   2023-06-24 12:30|| Front Page Top

#9 Call it a conspiracy theory if you wish

In the absence of honest media outlets, conspiracy theories will flourish.
Posted by Abu Uluque 2023-06-24 12:35||   2023-06-24 12:35|| Front Page Top

#10 I'm still not sure that Baraq is calling the shots. Guess I never gave him credit for being that smart and energetic. I always figured somebody was pulling his strings. Somebody groomed him and cleared a path for him. I don't know who. There are plenty of suspects.

I'll be as happy as anybody to see Biden exiled to Delaware but it could be that we're all in for some turbulence. Whoever is ultimately pulling the strings is obviously evil, contemptuous of democracy and capable of doing bad things.
Posted by Abu Uluque 2023-06-24 12:55||   2023-06-24 12:55|| Front Page Top

For me the Lightbringer is the defacto face of the collective that runs the Puppet Show and the majority of the administrative organization that is the modern demokrat party. His key acolytes, Rice, Powers, ValJar, countless others are obviously aligned minions, but I do not believe he is the sole center of the policy and operational apparatus. The collective is an amalgam of professional politicians, professional minorities, Marxists, gays, unions, environmentalists, lawyers, Swamp creatures, the woke, anarchist Antifa, feminists, corporate opportunists, ego-maniacal billionaires, the MSM, and in the background, the Chinese, whose money feeds much of it. He acts as if he is the leader, may actually believe he is, others certainly think he is, but it is the red pigment that permeates all of them, that is the unifying factor. And who feeds it, the Chinese, for whom, this is the culmination of their Elite Capture Strategy to defeat the main enemy, traditional America.
Posted by NoMoreBS 2023-06-24 14:18||   2023-06-24 14:18|| Front Page Top

#12 I believe that VJ was bringing daily instructions from Obama to the Biden Administration concerning at least domestic policy. Obama, himself, was always a tool of Soros or a collection of interests. To me, the plan always seemed to be predicated on dumping Joe for Kamala to get to the real candidate. I don’t think that the plan took into account Kamala’s unsuitability for use as a puppet. The loss of control of the House was another set back. Ford came out of the House. It will take a coalition of Democrats and RINOs to get the next VP through. I would be surprised to see McCarthy to last beyond that coalition.
Posted by Super Hose 2023-06-24 15:47||   2023-06-24 15:47|| Front Page Top

#13 I concur Supe McCarthy's presentation is weaker than snail piss. His departure should be welcomed.
Posted by Besoeker 2023-06-24 17:04||   2023-06-24 17:04|| Front Page Top

23:58 Jiggs Jins6580
23:55 Jiggs Jins6580
23:42 Fat Bob Thrart2867
23:37 Fat Bob Thrart2867
22:52 Besoeker
22:38 SteveS
21:57 trailing wife
21:24 trailing wife
21:21 trailing wife
20:37 The Walking Unvaxed
19:53 NoMoreBS
19:52 jpal
19:41 Airandee
19:11 trailing wife
18:48 Anomalous Sources
18:40 DooDahMan
18:05 Frank G
17:46 Dale
17:44 Besoeker
17:30 Abu Uluque
17:29 Mullah Richard
17:14 Besoeker
17:04 Besoeker
16:58 M. Murcek

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