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2023-04-14 Government Corruption
FBI makes arrest as classified document investigation focuses on Air National Guardsman
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Posted by Skidmark 2023-04-14 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [48 views ]  Top

#1 Who is Jack Teixeira, the Air National Guardsman behind leaked classified documents?
Posted by Skidmark 2023-04-13 17:35||   2023-04-13 17:35|| Front Page Top

#2 He should court martialed and go Leavenworth for life. Actually he should hanged, but that won't happen.
Posted by Too Old To Work 2023-04-14 00:26||   2023-04-14 00:26|| Front Page Top

#3 There's lotsa people that have TS access for dubious reasons. Chelsea Bradley Manning?
Posted by ed in texas 2023-04-14 07:48||   2023-04-14 07:48|| Front Page Top

#4 I'd put money on Hunter having access, as well as Hillary Clinton.
Posted by Besoeker 2023-04-14 07:58||   2023-04-14 07:58|| Front Page Top

#5 BACKGROUND: National Guard member who leaked classified US documents made panicked final call to gamer pals before his arrest - as it's revealed his stepfather had 34-year career in same intelligence unit
Posted by Skidmark 2023-04-14 08:12||   2023-04-14 08:12|| Front Page Top


Posted by M. Murcek 2023-04-14 08:38||   2023-04-14 08:38|| Front Page Top

#7 Perhaps he'll be permitted to share a cell with Julian Assange, while he awaits trial....or death from advanced age.
Posted by Besoeker 2023-04-14 09:56||   2023-04-14 09:56|| Front Page Top

#8 It's funny how fast the FBI can move when the subject is not connected to Soros, Epstein or any DC political family!
Posted by AlmostAnonymous5839 2023-04-14 10:28||   2023-04-14 10:28|| Front Page Top

#9 So how does the lowest-level pogue in the Massachusetts Air National Guard gain access to highly classified documents without inside help?
Posted by JohnQC 2023-04-14 10:49||   2023-04-14 10:49|| Front Page Top

#10 Excellent question. He might have had access to SIPRNET. Can't see why he would have access to the 'high side.'

Posted by Besoeker 2023-04-14 10:53||   2023-04-14 10:53|| Front Page Top

#11 "And I would have gotten' away with it too, if it hadn't been for those meddling journalists!"
Posted by swksvolFF 2023-04-14 11:09||   2023-04-14 11:09|| Front Page Top

#12 6-8-9 Spot on. CYA big time. Well you have the media pimping your every effort. 21 year old lamb to the slaughter.
Posted by Dale 2023-04-14 11:14||   2023-04-14 11:14|| Front Page Top

#13 So how does the lowest-level pogue in the Massachusetts Air National Guard gain access to highly classified documents without inside help?

If it was an 'official' leak, it would have gone directly to a pet journalist. Just thinking out loud here...
"Hey, Pogue! Go make some copies of my slide deck for this afternoon's presentation.
You got it, boss!"
Posted by SteveS 2023-04-14 11:35||   2023-04-14 11:35|| Front Page Top

#14 Hey, it takes the media spotlight off of the Biden Crime Family and a fumbling Alvin Bragg. What's not to like for the Deep State crown ?
Posted by Besoeker 2023-04-14 11:58||   2023-04-14 11:58|| Front Page Top

#15 #6 Spot on!
Posted by Rex Mundi 2023-04-14 12:05||   2023-04-14 12:05|| Front Page Top

#16 I's guess if he uploaded Hunter's laptop we'd never have heard of his suicide.
Posted by swksvolFF 2023-04-14 12:16||   2023-04-14 12:16|| Front Page Top

#17 So how does the lowest-level pogue in the Massachusetts Air National Guard gain access to highly classified documents without inside help?

'Kidz wid the Keys' kinda reminds me of Edward Snowden's Booz Allen & NSA data collection methods enlightenment.

Still thinking 'inside help' on that one.
Posted by Mullah Richard 2023-04-14 12:26||   2023-04-14 12:26|| Front Page Top

#18 Several points from open source reporting:
1. His stepfather was a career intel NCO, he was serving in the same unit, the 102nd Intelligence Wing, that his stepfather Master Sgt. Thomas P. Dufault retired from four years ago. So my guess is he was getting Active Duty tours from family friend still in the unit.
2. The reporting suggests that the classified actually displayed was hardcopy photographs taken outside of the SCIF environment, presumable on the kitchen table of his residence. In one case the doc had clear fold marks. So the actual data leaks were of material either transcribed from a hardcopy, or from a JPEG file picture of the document itself, not SIPERNET or JWICS Compromise.
3. Given his E-3 Airman First Class level, my guess is that he was involved in the disposition, filing and destruction protocol assignments within the SCIF, and selectively stole hardcopy documents and took handwritten notes and secreted them on his person when exiting the SCIF.
4. Based on those assumptions, the real flaw here is the Physical Security Facility Manager, the Inspections and Destructions Protocols associated with physical classified materials, and the SSO personnel reliability program. This is basic stuff, and somebody was just phoning it in on the physical security side.

Posted by NoMoreBS 2023-04-14 12:46||   2023-04-14 12:46|| Front Page Top

#19 When is one considered a whistleblower?
When is one considered a leaker?

Reviewing the data release, what was top-secret?

This doesnt seem like 'top secret' info in the colloquial sense - the leaked data was just confirmation of what we all already know or suspect. This 'top secret' was just a refutation of the official narrative.

What really irked them is that the leak undermined their official causality counts.

And he's a patsy, if I have ever seen one.
Posted by mossomo 2023-04-14 12:52||   2023-04-14 12:52|| Front Page Top

#20 Nomo may have nailed it at #18. The punk may have been assigned to a "burn bag" detail and did some casual bag dipping.
Posted by Besoeker 2023-04-14 13:05||   2023-04-14 13:05|| Front Page Top

#21 DAMN!!

Sure wish Alvin Bragg got all this attention when he feloniously leaked his grand jury frame up of Trump a couple weeks ago!!
Posted by Clem Pholuque8480 2023-04-14 13:16||   2023-04-14 13:16|| Front Page Top

#22 I had a TS once but "need to know" and it expired three days later when the project was done.
Posted by crazyhorse 2023-04-14 13:26||   2023-04-14 13:26|| Front Page Top

#23 Russians have doubts about the authenticity of the leaked documents.
Posted by badanov 2023-04-14 15:11||   2023-04-14 15:11|| Front Page Top

#24 ^ Whut?? I would as well.
Posted by Frank G 2023-04-14 18:02||   2023-04-14 18:02|| Front Page Top

#25 badanov

Are you associated with OG?
Posted by Clem Pholuque8480 2023-04-14 19:27||   2023-04-14 19:27|| Front Page Top

#26 OG badanov, we call him. Original Gangster.

I'm curious as to the Russian suspicions. Is it the content? Scepticism over how it was 'leaked' because no one's intel service could be that lame? Inquiring minds...
Posted by SteveS 2023-04-14 19:44||   2023-04-14 19:44|| Front Page Top

#27 He's a Rantburg OG, pretty much. Heartland constitutionalist for that pesky 2nd (and 1st) Amendment.

I like him, FWIW ;-)
Posted by Frank G 2023-04-14 20:38||   2023-04-14 20:38|| Front Page Top

#28 OG is the call sign of the individual who posted many of the documents that the Zoomie got hold of.
Posted by badanov 2023-04-14 21:07||   2023-04-14 21:07|| Front Page Top

#29 Don't you boys get better accommodations than the Tropicana Inn?
Posted by badanov 2023-04-14 21:24||   2023-04-14 21:24|| Front Page Top

#30 Thanks, FrankG
Posted by badanov 2023-04-14 21:25||   2023-04-14 21:25|| Front Page Top

#31 Because its so wonky, obviously an Operation Mincemeat comes to mind.

Yesterday it occurred to me that it may not be accurate not as a ploy, but to sell a decision; a report slanted enough not to goat the Russians, but so domestic policy makers can point to it as a reason to increase material support. Classic board room.

It is exactly what I would do if my goal was to use Dylan to promote my idea of what the next big Bud Woke branding should be. Bring in various bogus/over@under emphasized stats and predictions to create a malaise that if we don't do this, the future is already lost, leading the decision.

Couple days back I wondered if this was all for domestic consumption. Ties nicely with presenting tanks and MIGs to the arena, SKOR artillery shells if that is to be believed.

Of course, it could all be on the up and up, and a nothing 21 year old with Daddy connections was entrusted with the destruction of briefing documents and was able to take pictures in case at some time he might want to win an internet argue at one wing, or was conducting surveillance for a cell of whatever minded individuals and got caught.

There is a line in the movie Operation Mincemeat which goes something like, "We have to make it seem that this situation is so unbelievably unlikely, that the report must be at least considered."

And of course, regardless, whether the Russians believe it or not, they have to say they don't.
Posted by swksvolFF 2023-04-14 21:29||   2023-04-14 21:29|| Front Page Top

#32 badanov

Not sure of the quality of it's accommodations, but it's directly across the street and but its free wifi coverage of the entire block is awesome!

You seem a bit rattled by the question.
Posted by Clem Pholuque8480 2023-04-14 21:32||   2023-04-14 21:32|| Front Page Top

#33 ^ barking up the wrong tree
Posted by Frank G 2023-04-14 21:34||   2023-04-14 21:34|| Front Page Top

#34 Awfully good way to get blocked here.

Perhaps an apology on your part is in order?
Posted by badanov 2023-04-14 21:35||   2023-04-14 21:35|| Front Page Top

#35 badanov

Good Lord! You are getting paranoid!
Posted by Clem Pholuque8480 2023-04-14 21:38||   2023-04-14 21:38|| Front Page Top

#36 And of course, if you have your aircraft quality Aluminum Helm +5, one could ponder if it is a ploy, and for domestic consumption, but to bait out policy detractors so policy enforces can shape the conversation or even take action.
Posted by swksvolFF 2023-04-14 21:38||   2023-04-14 21:38|| Front Page Top

Posted by Clem Pholuque8480 2023-04-14 21:41||   2023-04-14 21:41|| Front Page Top

#38 That was me. You need to re-evaluate
Posted by Frank G 2023-04-14 21:43||   2023-04-14 21:43|| Front Page Top

#39 "Hey man, I got four kids to feed!"
Posted by swksvolFF 2023-04-14 21:49||   2023-04-14 21:49|| Front Page Top

#40 #35 badanov

Good Lord! You are getting paranoid!

You started it.
Posted by badanov 2023-04-14 21:53||   2023-04-14 21:53|| Front Page Top

#41 I am reminded of the older of my younger brothers — the pharmacist, not the computer perfessor. In his youth he used to take great pleasure in agitating those around him, stepping right up to that line that precipitates violence and pointing his toe over it but never actually stepping over long enough to get hit. Then at university he found himself hanging out with the football team, probably because they had the most beer; but football players, as we all know, do not feel the need to pretend to be civilized, or so I assume, because within the year he had given over all his nonsense.

Clem Pholuque8480, please go drink with the nearest college football team or team-equivalent for a few nights. For some reason you appear to need it.
Posted by trailing wife 2023-04-14 23:18||   2023-04-14 23:18|| Front Page Top

23:47 Ulinens Angise9602
23:45 Ulinens Angise9602
23:44 Ulinens Angise9602
23:42 Ulinens Angise9602
23:25 trailing wife
23:18 trailing wife
22:54 Skidmark
22:52 trailing wife
22:52 Skidmark
22:50 Skidmark
22:48 Skidmark
22:46 trailing wife
22:45 Skidmark
22:44 Skidmark
22:43 Skidmark
22:43 Skidmark
22:42 Skidmark
22:39 Skidmark
22:35 trailing wife
22:20 Deacon Blues
21:53 badanov
21:49 swksvolFF
21:43 Frank G
21:41 Clem Pholuque8480

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