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2023-02-15 Syria-Lebanon-Iran
Iran Unveils Underground ‘Fighter Caves' Housing F-4 Phantoms
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Posted by Besoeker 2023-02-15 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [27 views ]  Top
 File under: Govt of Iran 

#1 Hey America stuff your Iranian sanctions in your ass
Today IRAN & CHINA sign 20 strategic, defence, scientific and trade pacts. Earlier in the day, President Raeisi received an official welcome from his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping after arriving on a state visit to China.
During the official ceremony, the national anthems of the two countries were played and the two presidents reviewed a guard of honor. A 21-gun salute was performed in Raeisi’s honor.
High-ranking delegations of Iran and China held negotiations immediately after the ceremony. Senior officials of the two countries will sign important documents for developing bilateral cooperation in the presence of the two presidents.
Ha ha ha
Posted by ACA JOE 2023-02-15 01:29||   2023-02-15 01:29|| Front Page Top

#2 No doubt the pomp and circumstance of the signing comforted them both, Aca Joe. But both countries have well below replacement birth rates and therefore rapidly aging populations. Iran is hobbled by American sanctions, while China is busily driving away the international manufacturing and exports that have funded their dreams of world hegemony.

The times are going to be even more interesting for Iran and China than they are for America. I would pity them, but they both have worked really hard to put themselves in this position.
Posted by trailing wife 2023-02-15 02:21||   2023-02-15 02:21|| Front Page Top

#3 Whatever. Iran is Israel's enemy. Even if you're a gambling man, you do not bet on Israel's enemies. Only fools do.
Posted by Dron66046 2023-02-15 02:31||   2023-02-15 02:31|| Front Page Top

#4 True that, Dron. But even for enemies it is sad when they put cement overshoes on their feet, tie their own hands behind their backs, and deliberately jump off the bridge into the raging river below.
Posted by trailing wife 2023-02-15 02:40||   2023-02-15 02:40|| Front Page Top

#5 F=4s? Shades of Danang air base circa 1970. Terrible sound at take-off. Low and slow in the modern age.
Posted by Slavising Unineting5672 2023-02-15 07:51||   2023-02-15 07:51|| Front Page Top

#6 The last QF-4 target drone was only shot down a few years ago. I would guess Raytheon has some good telemetry from those shoots.
Posted by M. Murcek 2023-02-15 07:55||   2023-02-15 07:55|| Front Page Top

#7 It's really too bad JOE won't substantiate his claims with references.
Posted by Skidmark 2023-02-15 08:02||   2023-02-15 08:02|| Front Page Top

#8 Don't worry skid, I'm sure his other personality will come back with some.
Posted by Chris 2023-02-15 08:12||   2023-02-15 08:12|| Front Page Top

#9 I see you and raise you our ground penetrator, bunker busting munitions.
Posted by DarthVader 2023-02-15 08:17||   2023-02-15 08:17|| Front Page Top

#10 when you have to to hide that 1980s fighter technology in a cave because it's the best you have
Posted by lord garth 2023-02-15 08:54||   2023-02-15 08:54|| Front Page Top

#11 Well, you really want to built a nice museum hangar when you need to keep your museum aircraft safe.
Posted by ed in texas 2023-02-15 09:53||   2023-02-15 09:53|| Front Page Top

#12 That is one heck of a valuable vintage barn find. Those historic fighters were instrumental in losing a huge air war against Iraq close to 40 years ago. They could be rented out for joy rides or for use in Vietnam War flicks if any of them are air worthy. The Iranians should look deeper in the hangers to see if there are any serviceable Mustang or Lightning airframes deeper in. Those are harder to find for the more popular WWII flicks.
Posted by Super Hose 2023-02-15 10:07||   2023-02-15 10:07|| Front Page Top

#13 The Phantom is in near B-52 all-time greatest airframe category. As a fighter, it was rode much harder and they wore out accordingly.
Posted by M. Murcek 2023-02-15 10:10||   2023-02-15 10:10|| Front Page Top

#14 The peak of 1958 American technology. We've moved on. Iran? Not so much.
Posted by Thruter Gloluger6393 2023-02-15 10:18||   2023-02-15 10:18|| Front Page Top

#15 We've moved on

Nice thought. But really, not so much.
Posted by M. Murcek 2023-02-15 10:19||   2023-02-15 10:19|| Front Page Top

#16 The Phantom is in near B-52 all-time greatest airframe category. As a fighter, it was rode much harder and they wore out accordingly.

Hellenic Air Force still uses the Phantom.
Posted by badanov 2023-02-15 10:19||   2023-02-15 10:19|| Front Page Top

#17 ^ I'd love to see them shoot down some Turk AF fighters. Really, I would enjoy that.
Posted by M. Murcek 2023-02-15 10:22||   2023-02-15 10:22|| Front Page Top

#18 Turkey had an F-4 shot down not too long ago.

What I understand is Israel has but together a modernized cockpit for the F-4 platform which turns it into a rather nifty bomber. I believe Japan still uses it, and I'd guess with some cool marine strike capabilities.

-looks it up-

OK, looks like Japan has phased them out recently, but add South Korea to our list of current operators.
Posted by swksvolFF 2023-02-15 10:34||   2023-02-15 10:34|| Front Page Top

#19 MilSurp - you can never get enough.
Posted by M. Murcek 2023-02-15 10:35||   2023-02-15 10:35|| Front Page Top

#20 When our economy heads south we'll wish we still had servicable, not a million dollars-an-hour-stealth-fighters, made out of steel and aluminum fighters to actually do airspace control and interception.

The best thing Trump did for US defense was start making new build F-15s.
Posted by Thing From Snowy Mountain 2023-02-15 13:23||   2023-02-15 13:23|| Front Page Top

#21 Wars are won by stuff built in wartime.
Posted by M. Murcek  2023-02-15 13:29||   2023-02-15 13:29|| Front Page Top

#22 Rus won their last big war with lend-lease stuff built here.
Posted by M. Murcek  2023-02-15 13:31||   2023-02-15 13:31|| Front Page Top

#23 The Iranian ones probably look good in the hanger, but their maintenance practice is likely to involve scavenging. A percentage of the planes will be donors. Anyone who tries to do a Firefox snatch and grab really needs to do the preflight checks meticulously. They don’t glide well.
Posted by Super Hose 2023-02-15 14:11||   2023-02-15 14:11|| Front Page Top

#24 #21 Wars are won by stuff built in wartime.

And I've seen too many factory parts sent to be melted down as scrap.
Posted by Thing From Snowy Mountain 2023-02-15 18:01||   2023-02-15 18:01|| Front Page Top

#25 new build F-15s

They are also fly by wire. Happened with the F-15SAs (SA for Saudi). Makes for much better handling.
Posted by Thruter Gloluger6393 2023-02-15 22:49||   2023-02-15 22:49|| Front Page Top

23:19 Sgt.D.T
22:49 Thruter Gloluger6393
22:45 Thruter Gloluger6393
21:53 trailing wife
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21:27 ruprecht
21:19 trailing wife
21:18 Beavis
21:17 trailing wife
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20:40 DooDahMan
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20:10 Super Hose
20:06 Frank G
20:03 Frank G
20:02 Frank G
20:00 Super Hose
19:56 Super Hose
19:49 Super Hose

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