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2022-11-12 Home Front: Politix
Victor Davis Hanson Offers Analysis On Outcome Of The Midterms
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Posted by Besoeker 2022-11-12 05:55|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [29 views ]  Top

#1 Who can trust an election, that in the grip of the worst inflation in 40 years, economic stagnation, energy crisis and food uncertainty, massive border invasion by millions of un-vetted illegals, crime spiking, governmental sanction racial discrimination against white Americans, massive increases in social programs and the rise of the entire youth-based transgender movement, produces status quo ante? That essentially, aside from peripheral defeats, the Biden/Obama agenda was supported by the people?

This sham is the proof that we are subjects, not citizens, that it is theater, not the will of the people. The slow motion steal in plain sight in Nevada and Arizona is the hubris of a power base that no longer fears the people, for it owns all of the important tools of control and can lie to your face with smug disdain.

There seem to be no more exit ramps from the looming freeway pileup ahead my friends.
Posted by NoMoreBS 2022-11-12 11:29||   2022-11-12 11:29|| Front Page Top

#2 People who don't understand money will always vote for the party that promises them money.
Posted by M. Murcek 2022-11-12 11:30||   2022-11-12 11:30|| Front Page Top

#3 The Deep State is running on something of a compressed developmental timeline. Only one critical question remains.

Will Dominion voting machine Klingon SW coding updates be completed in time for the the 2024 Presidential ?
Posted by Besoeker 2022-11-12 12:52||   2022-11-12 12:52|| Front Page Top

#4 #2 Well said
Posted by Matt 2022-11-12 13:42||   2022-11-12 13:42|| Front Page Top

22:16 Seeking Cure For Ignorance
21:10 Neville Fleang4100
19:58 Mike Kozlowski
18:54 Bobby
18:39 Super Hose
18:25 European Conservative
17:56 Tarzan Grolump8219
17:30 DarthVader
17:23 M. Murcek
17:10 CrazyFool
16:19 Glenmore
15:39 Regular joe
15:12 Secret Master
14:29 AlanC
14:26 AlanC
13:43 746
13:42 Matt
13:24 49 Pan
12:58 borgboy
12:52 Besoeker
12:45 borgboy
12:45 NoMoreBS
12:43 Besoeker
12:13 ed in texas

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