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2022-07-11 Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Wagner is offering 4-month contracts to volunteers
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Posted by badanov 2022-07-11 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [48 views ]  Top

#1 From anywhere?
Posted by Skidmark 2022-07-11 00:23||   2022-07-11 00:23|| Front Page Top

#2 They said they are willing to take recruits from any country other than Ukraine or a NATO/EU member. 2/

Also, only up to age 50 without special experience. No mention about those with special experience. I imagine having some Russian is helpful.

In other words, they’re advertising for cannon fodder.
Posted by trailing wife 2022-07-11 00:37||   2022-07-11 00:37|| Front Page Top

#3 . TW …. You sound a very traveled person… but need to experienced long long. ..Time with extremely different cultures, not just family or touristic visitations…… see I speak 6 languages, it’s extremely difficult to explain my words to someone educated in just few languages like the average person ….no BS but I resent that a site like Rantburg...Civil discourse, is allowing the majors resident's posters to do not abide to the concept....
Posted by Aca Joe 2022-07-11 01:25||   2022-07-11 01:25|| Front Page Top

#4 See, TW? You just ain't that evolved. Time to divorce the family, wear a bandana and leather jacket and buy an Airstream. No Harleys now, they're for fags.

Posted by Dron66046 2022-07-11 03:19||   2022-07-11 03:19|| Front Page Top

#5 .no BS but I resent that a site like Rantburg...Civil discourse, is allowing the majors resident's posters to do not abide to the concept....

You sound like you have a psychopathic need to be superior to everyone else, and that is the only reason why you comment here at Rantburg.
Posted by badanov 2022-07-11 03:27||   2022-07-11 03:27|| Front Page Top

#6 In this day and age you would expect civil discourse especially here. Certainly with the different backgrounds and personalities, differences will appear. In the general public I am seeing sharp differences in interactions increasing.
Posted by Dale 2022-07-11 04:02||   2022-07-11 04:02|| Front Page Top

I can speak Tenochtitlan,
suck Huitzilopotchli's tit!
The brains! The brawn!
Grit. With astounding wit!

Debates! With Sheikhs!
And in the Emirates!
Mandarin, you lousy lot!
And you, you hapless twit!
Posted by Dron66046 2022-07-11 04:08||   2022-07-11 04:08|| Front Page Top

#8 Don't mind me, folks, [chuckles at own verse] I'm just having a relapse I think. And Joe just set me off, bless his sole.
Posted by Dron66046 2022-07-11 04:12||   2022-07-11 04:12|| Front Page Top

#9 * soul

[guffaws, falls on ass laughing]
Posted by Dron66046 2022-07-11 04:13||   2022-07-11 04:13|| Front Page Top

#10 Circus and clowns … CLOWNS.
Disgusting and pathetic.
Sound like Rantburg is one’s of those “scripted narrative business designed and financed by “someone “ for corral peoples in some sort of established and managed narrative No civility , no discourse, or At least that is is at your discretion.
Posted by Aca Joe 2022-07-11 04:40||   2022-07-11 04:40|| Front Page Top

#11 You sound like you have a psychopathic need to be superior to everyone else, and that is the only reason why you comment here at Rantburg.
Are you the same badanov that is pasting and “cherry linking” Russian articles?
Why that particular articles, and no others?
It’s because you have a narrative! And accusing me you are projecting your mental illness only psychopaths do that.

Posted by Aca Joe 2022-07-11 04:52||   2022-07-11 04:52|| Front Page Top

#12 It’s because you have a narrative! And accusing me you are projecting your mental illness only psychopaths do that.

If I had a narrative, I would be writing that narrative.

It is apropos you should mention a narrative. Glenn Greenwald pointed out that western paid media outlets are under pressure to ignore the Russian versions of events.

Posted by badanov 2022-07-11 05:24||   2022-07-11 05:24|| Front Page Top

#13 Are you the same badanov that is pasting and “cherry linking” Russian articles?
Why that particular articles, and no others?

I am posting from my "go to" Russian language sources, and , and the Ukrainian language news outlets I consider to be of reasonable quality.

I post from newsfront because the Russian MoD website has been self blocked to prevent western hackers. newsfront has the most news condensed, about the Russian war on everyone, from the Russian perspective. It ain't perfect, but then, what is?

Our tech overlords have blocked, not that they have actual news, but they do have features and editorials for the Russian military I have in the past found to be interesting.
Posted by badanov 2022-07-11 05:25||   2022-07-11 05:25|| Front Page Top

#14 see I speak 6 languages

Any of them very well?
Posted by Skidmark 2022-07-11 05:47||   2022-07-11 05:47|| Front Page Top

Coming to this blegging 'burg,
what do some people see?
A bunch of aging psychopaths
and zionists from river t' sea?

Unpaid, unsung, our dreary lot,
connives unjustly to bring
some sense to the clueless soul
that can keep up with ze levity.

Posted by Dron66046 2022-07-11 05:58||   2022-07-11 05:58|| Front Page Top

#16 Clearly we’ve reached the getting to know you stage, my dear Aca Joe. Which languages do you have? American English and Mexican Spanish, assuredly. Your mother’s tongue? Latin and Greek? Chinese for the clothing factories or Bengali? I know in Mexico City there are international schools where the students are immersed in the nation’s language (English, French, German, etc) — did you have that opportunity, or did you go to a local school that had foreign languages in the curriculum?

If you are struggling to explain something, try giving it to us in Spanish. I’ve forgotten all that I’d learnt at university, but there are plenty here who will be able to handle anything short of Medieval Catalan.

I agree with you about the difference between playing tourist and actually living somewhere. Mr. Wife’s career took us to Germany for four years, where I studied German and trailing daughter #1 went to the village preschool, followed by a year in Belgium, where the trailing daughters studied French at the American school and I studied Flemish. While we were over there we tootled around exploring on the weekends, as one does. The subsequent Guangzhou assignment fell through after I’d spent a year studying Chinese in preparation, but I had fun learning. I’ve joined Mr. Wife on a few business trips over the years, but mostly I let him go in his own — he worked even longer hours out there, and he was distinctly uncomfortable leaving me on my own in most of the countries. But he brought me home cookbooks and handicrafts and international colleagues in need of dinner, so that was ok.

There is this odd stereotype that Americans don’t speak foreign languages, odd because it has never been true. I live in Cincinnati, Ohio, in the middle of the American Midwest, and until shortly before the second world war there were German and other translators on staff at the courthouse downtown because they were needed all day long. Back in Buffalo, NY, my darling father-in-law was taught exclusively in Polish through sixth grade. Nowadays, according to the 2010 census, one in five Americans lives in a home where a language other than English is spoken. In the exurban public school the trailing daughters attended, there are known to be fifty-six languages spoken in students’ homes; the school website is available in eight languages in addition to English, five of them using non-Latin alphabets, and every year they put out a call for translators to help students with their final exams. Plus language courses: French, Spanish, and Latin offered on the school campus, and a dual credit program with the local universities for whatever they offer, via which trailing daughter #2 got two years of college Japanese a decade ago in addition to the Latin and German she and td#1 took in high school. And then there are language communities in the area that have after school or weekend language courses for children in Chinese, Korean, German, Hebrew, Russian, and no doubt others — my children went to Hebrew school while some of their friends went to the others I listed, preserving connections to familial cultures.
Posted by trailing wife 2022-07-11 06:10||   2022-07-11 06:10|| Front Page Top

#17 Meanwhile Constellis has 3 (three) published job openings in Europe - if you include Georgia in Europe. That’s gotta be the lowest I’ve seen in the past 10 years
Posted by Slenter Panda4300 2022-07-11 06:28||   2022-07-11 06:28|| Front Page Top

#18 See, TW? You just ain't that evolved. Time to divorce the family, wear a bandana and leather jacket and buy an Airstream. No Harleys now, they're for fags.

Round these here parts Harleys are ridden by happily married, upper middle class middle managers and small business owning professionals like doctors and independent insurance agents, Dron. My sister the perfessor used to ride something Japanese, though I suspect that was a sentimental connection to her martial arts and Japanese studies.

As for not being evolved, dear boy, I am a little Midwestern suburban housewife (and one time soccer mom) It don’t git no more evolved than that.
Posted by trailing wife 2022-07-11 06:37||   2022-07-11 06:37|| Front Page Top

#19 There are financial incentives for destroying aircraft (300k rubles), helicopters (200k), tanks (100k), etc. 3/

Their own or others?
Posted by Seeking Cure For Ignorance 2022-07-11 06:55||   2022-07-11 06:55|| Front Page Top

#20 Their own or others?

Gotta be more careful where I put the italic marker.
Posted by Seeking Cure For Ignorance 2022-07-11 07:00||   2022-07-11 07:00|| Front Page Top

#21 I'm still trying to figure out what point "Joe" thinks he was making.

Speaking many languages is meaningless if you can't communicate in any of them.
Posted by Rob Crawford 2022-07-11 07:19||   2022-07-11 07:19|| Front Page Top

#22 There is this odd stereotype that Americans don’t speak foreign languages

In elementary school, we studied French, Spanish and Pig Latin. I think people are just pissy because American has become our planetary language.

As for the "attack the messenger" posts, they are boring beyond tears and convey zero information. On behalf of me, knock it off!
Posted by SteveS 2022-07-11 08:12||   2022-07-11 08:12|| Front Page Top

#23 And obviously he doesn't understand this site yet. Yes, Badanov may have a position on events in Ukraine, most of us do, but he's providing news through the best sources he can find from both sides. Hell, I'll trust anything Badanov says over what some unproven newbie says. Why? He's been here, done excellent reporting on previous events and proven to be intelligible, witty and thought provoking comments. I don't always agree with people here but we can always agree to disagree and honestly, without Badanov's daily updates I think we'd miss alot of what's going on over there.

Thanks Badanov, your daily updates ARE appreciated:)
Posted by Silentbrick 2022-07-11 08:36||   2022-07-11 08:36|| Front Page Top

#24 I can speak poor conversational Spanish but swear fluently in 6 languages.
Posted by DarthVader 2022-07-11 08:57||   2022-07-11 08:57|| Front Page Top


I agree with Trailing Wife's #2 comment

The Russian controlled Wagner group is desperate, and is trying to hire any RAW unskilled male 22 to 50 to wear a combat uniform.

We usually call this Cannon Fodder. Since they are not seasoned troops, they will be the 1st in to get the opposing army to waste ammo, point out weak defensive areas and limited expand resources on.

Think about it, they are so short handled they are even giving Jailed violent Prisoners positions in lieu of serving time.

Also, the Russian Press seems to be getting fed up with Putin's version of a Vietnam War and the costs it is having on the Russia people and economy.

Hell, Certain Russian MSM press is even now covering the street protests about the mass killing of Ukrainian Women, babies, children and citizens.

BTW: I expertly butcher the of following Languages:
Southerner-Bubba, Southern Ghettoease, US English, UK English,
Rhineland German, Spanglish, Basic, Cobol, C, and Fortran.

But I have only traveled 7 countries 🙃.
Posted by NN2N1 2022-07-11 09:03||   2022-07-11 09:03|| Front Page Top

#26 swear fluently in 6 languages.

A man of the world should be able to both greet and curse the natives in whatever their barbaric tongue.
Posted by SteveS 2022-07-11 09:04||   2022-07-11 09:04|| Front Page Top

#27 Joe no matter how much you have traveled and how many languages you speak, I see you are very good at making friends.
Posted by Chris 2022-07-11 09:15||   2022-07-11 09:15|| Front Page Top

#28 sister the perfessor used to ride something Japanese, though I suspect that was a sentimental connection to her martial arts and Japanese studies.

Oh, TW, you known I'm a swooning fan forever. I was just sarc-ing on Mr. Polyglot's uppity comments.

As for your sis, she invested in the only language that'll get ya anything on this planet. I think we would've hit it off famously. My own kicky-punchy-jump jump teacher, sensei Novon, was Israeli. He spoke fluent japo, Arabic, apart from a mangled Chinese and Hebrew ofcourse.

Suzuki! I'll bet she had a Suzuki. Functional, dependable and gets you from A to B.
Posted by Dron66046 2022-07-11 10:21||   2022-07-11 10:21|| Front Page Top

#29 Putin's version of a Vietnam War and the costs it is having on the Russia people and economy

Hmmm... this is totally true. My Russkie friend tells me there's a lot of dissension up and down the chain but they're more afraid of being labelled traitors by Russia's equivalent of neocons, than they are of Vlad himself.
Posted by Dron66046 2022-07-11 10:30||   2022-07-11 10:30|| Front Page Top

#30 RE: #23, He's (Badanov) been here, done excellent reporting on previous events and proven to be intelligible, witty and thought provoking comments.

I'll second that! Thank you Badanov!
Posted by Seeking Cure For Ignorance 2022-07-11 11:36||   2022-07-11 11:36|| Front Page Top

#31 /\ Re 323 and #30: I give kudos to badanov for his effort over years.
Posted by magpie 2022-07-11 11:48||   2022-07-11 11:48|| Front Page Top

#32 He's upsetting some people. He must be doing something right.
Posted by M. Murcek 2022-07-11 11:51||   2022-07-11 11:51|| Front Page Top

#33 Ditto #30. Not sure we'd have a burg today withoot Bad.
Posted by Besoeker 2022-07-11 12:12||   2022-07-11 12:12|| Front Page Top

#34 Excellent thread - true U of Rantburg material.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2022-07-11 12:40||   2022-07-11 12:40|| Front Page Top

#35 Thanks for all the love.

Rantburg is as nothing else a group effort, in presenting news about the war on terror, mainly.

The mission at Rantburg has changed over the years, to that of a war blog. I have provided help in reporting -- original reporting as it were -- on areas the paid stream media wouldn't touch.

I have had a lot of help. All those articles about the Mexican drug war would be a mess but for the efforts of our in-house news editor Trailing Wife, who deserves the lion's share of thanks for keeping Rantburg going. We can add to that others such as Skidmark, Besoaker, FrankG, 3dc, and others who pop in. Please keep all them in mind as well.

I hope I have explained everything, and sorry if I missed anyone
Posted by badanov 2022-07-11 12:45||   2022-07-11 12:45|| Front Page Top

#36 #26 SteveS, up in Boonville, CA - where I resided for some years and started my family, the locals invented the recognized language of Boontling. One of the main inspirations was the ability to mock and insult outsiders without their knowledge. I was there in the early 90s and some of the OGs could still hold entire conversations and tell stories. I believe the tongue may be dead these days.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2022-07-11 12:46||   2022-07-11 12:46|| Front Page Top

#37 Sorry to be late to the party on this but I for one resent being insulted here by poorly written declarative sentences. The effort invested in well written diatribes is a form of respectful antipathy, and sloppy grammar and mere basic tense agreement should be the norm for giving offense.
We have seen a far better class of trolls in weeks past ACA, you need to up you game, you pretentious buffoon!
Posted by NoMoreBS 2022-07-11 12:55||   2022-07-11 12:55|| Front Page Top

Posted by Dron66046 2022-07-11 13:02||   2022-07-11 13:02|| Front Page Top

#39 Some authentic frontier gibberish
Posted by Frank G 2022-07-11 13:30||   2022-07-11 13:30|| Front Page Top

#40 I have observed that those who tell me how accomplished they are, smart they are, how well traveled, how they date beautiful women who make others smoke, are usually fakes. I believe Aca Joe might be exaggerating a bit.
Posted by The Walking Unvaxed 2022-07-11 13:47||   2022-07-11 13:47|| Front Page Top

#41 Wagner it’s not luring westerns to use as a cannon fodder
Is luring them to be used later in Europe as assassins or saboteurs. Wagner has potentially million of peoples in Russia, and Middle East to hire but it’s not what are looking for.
But of course the idiots see only whatever they want to believe
Like linking British fake Ukraine war reports.
Idiots just idiots
Posted by Aca Joe 2022-07-11 14:59||   2022-07-11 14:59|| Front Page Top

#42 hmmm, OK Joe - 1st sentence almost held water, but that there are "millions" that Wagner can tap into? Yeah.. you go with that. Good luck. BTW, we see through the mixing of lies with the truth. You are seeing this, no?
Posted by Rex Mundi 2022-07-11 15:57||   2022-07-11 15:57|| Front Page Top

#43 Why would a mercenary group want assassins and saboteurs? And what kind of idiot publicly advertises for assassins and saboteurs? You're literally putting out an ad for infiltrators.

Posted by Rob Crawford 2022-07-11 16:21||   2022-07-11 16:21|| Front Page Top

#44  Is luring them to be used later in Europe as assassins or saboteurs.

Trying to flood the zone like ISIS has been doing since 2015? Interesting. Do you have a link for that or is it just RUMINT?

The problem with sending a bunch of quickly trained assassins and saboteurs is that almost all of them turn out to be as [in]capable as Faisal the Fizzle Bomber (Faisal Shahzad, the MBA from Karachi whose father was a retired senior Pakistani air force officer), who went through the full suicide bomber course put on by Tehrik-e-Taliban (Pakistan) head trainer. But the car bomb he constructed and parked in Times Square on May Day, 2010 went pffft instead of kaboom... and now he is enjoying life imprisonment courtesy of the U.S. government.

I was just sarc-ing on Mr. Polyglot's uppity comments.

NO!! Reeeeeeeelllyyyyy???

/sarc back atcha. ;-)
Posted by trailing wife 2022-07-11 17:01||   2022-07-11 17:01|| Front Page Top

#45 @TW …”.LOGICALITY” I’m sure you know the meaning,….
Europeans are dissatisfied with their dictatorial rulers, resentment against Nato and America
Now mix that with millions of violent aliens from Africa and other violent Muslim countries, plus arms floating around in Ukraine starting to be sold in Europe, incoming Lower living standards, …… I can keep going if you want….
Posted by Aca Joe 2022-07-11 17:32||   2022-07-11 17:32|| Front Page Top

#46 Puting and Russia are just positioning themselves for the crash of Europe.
Posted by Aca Joe 2022-07-11 17:33||   2022-07-11 17:33|| Front Page Top

#47 Eurines have been in a headlong rush to import their future decline in living standards for some time now. They really don't have any business resenting anyone else over their own stupidity.
Posted by M. Murcek 2022-07-11 17:35||   2022-07-11 17:35|| Front Page Top

#48 I'm reminded of Star Wars;
“Who is more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?”
― Obi Wan Kenobi

Aca Joe sure seems to fit that bill, if he feels the 'burg is so bad why spend time here?
Posted by Jan 2022-07-11 17:36||   2022-07-11 17:36|| Front Page Top

#49 ^ He's been trying to "educate" us. That's what his instructor and handlers have been telling him to say.
Posted by M. Murcek 2022-07-11 17:39||   2022-07-11 17:39|| Front Page Top

#50 There is money to be made pitching snake oil to the rubes. Look at CNN, for example.
Posted by SteveS 2022-07-11 17:43||   2022-07-11 17:43|| Front Page Top

#51 CNN it’s not for domestic consumption, only idiot and morons think in that way.
CNN is what is used for the international market audience
Internationally cnn as more gravitas then any other American media source.
Posted by Aca Joe 2022-07-11 17:53||   2022-07-11 17:53|| Front Page Top

#52 Schnork!
Posted by M. Murcek 2022-07-11 17:55||   2022-07-11 17:55|| Front Page Top

#53 So now that everyone understands how the world turns…
I salute all of you ranters and I prepare my self for my Monday evening tradition of dining at Geoffrey's in PCH
So I can escape the stresses of life and unwind after I have to inculcate the disinformation receivers
See you all tomorrow.
Posted by Aca Joe 2022-07-11 18:10||   2022-07-11 18:10|| Front Page Top

#54 270k rubles is about $4320 per month for a 4 month stint plus incentives - around $17,000. I'm sure there are some in this world who might find this attractive. There's always the possibility you won't be around to enjoy your new found wealth.
Posted by JohnQC 2022-07-11 18:12||   2022-07-11 18:12|| Front Page Top

#55 Ooooh, Malibu! Geoffrey's sounds nice,
And Monday means red beans and rice.
Tell Chef Shokatfard
To send out for some lard
And put sixpacks of Big Shot on ice.
And clear that helipad, dammit.
Posted by Jeremiah Glusoper2328 2022-07-11 18:32||   2022-07-11 18:32|| Front Page Top

#56 Yes, the outside world believes with all their rosy-palmed might that CNN, the New York Times, and so forth are telling the truth. They also believe our films and television shows accurately depict American life, and all their vacations in Florida, New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago have not given them the insights they need. My bright, successful friends over there used to tell me the most arrant nonsense about America and Americans as if they had deeply pondered the subject instead of unthinkingly quoting common wisdom.

I highly recommend Jean-François Revel as a purgative. It’s available in Spanish as La obsesión antiamericana, among other languages.

Posted by trailing wife 2022-07-11 18:46||   2022-07-11 18:46|| Front Page Top

#57 Does Geoffrey's deliver to Mexico Belarus?
Posted by Frank G 2022-07-11 19:25||   2022-07-11 19:25|| Front Page Top

#58 Ref #54: There's always the possibility you won't be around to enjoy your new found wealth.

We don't even have to say it.
Posted by Besoeker 2022-07-11 19:25||   2022-07-11 19:25|| Front Page Top

#59 ^ We don't have to say it, but it really is the key...
Posted by SteveS 2022-07-11 20:14||   2022-07-11 20:14|| Front Page Top

23:57 Choluling tse Tung8399
21:55 Chealing Chomotle4158
21:19 Matt
21:05 NoMoreBS
20:44 Old Patriot
20:14 SteveS
20:13 Seeking Cure For Ignorance
19:55 M. Murcek
19:49 Seeking Cure For Ignorance
19:45 Silentbrick
19:30 Seeking Cure For Ignorance
19:25 Besoeker
19:25 Frank G
19:22 swksvolFF
19:21 Besoeker
19:19 Abu Uluque
19:11 swksvolFF
19:09 Procopius2k
19:04 Frank G
18:46 trailing wife
18:40 Procopius2k
18:32 JohnQC
18:32 Jeremiah Glusoper2328
18:29 JohnQC

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