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2018-07-19 Home Front: Politix
Pres. Trump: No Confidence in Intelligence Led by Brennan, Clapper, Comey
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Posted by Besoeker 2018-07-19 01:03|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [19 views ]  Top

#1 Attemping a coup detat in a democratic country that chose its leader fairly, so they can keep their power and run America into the ground.
Posted by Herb McCoy 2018-07-19 04:00||   2018-07-19 04:00|| Front Page Top

#2 After he was inform that Trump Towers was under surveillance, not through 'official' channels, I don't blame him in his total distrust of Deep State.
Posted by Procopius2k 2018-07-19 07:20||   2018-07-19 07:20|| Front Page Top

#3 After he was inform that Trump Towers was under surveillance, not through 'official' channels, I don't blame him in his total distrust of Deep State.

Notice Admiral Mike Rogers, former NSA director was not mentioned by POTUS.
Posted by Besoeker 2018-07-19 07:27||   2018-07-19 07:27|| Front Page Top

Posted by Jack Chaiter7913 2018-07-19 09:48||   2018-07-19 09:48|| Front Page Top

Posted by Jack Chaiter7913 2018-07-19 09:48||   2018-07-19 09:48|| Front Page Top

#6 We are talking about the leadership of the most powerful intel agency in the world. And to that they said they would dumb down, not share, withhold, and lie to him if he became president. The same agency is knee deep in the fabricated Russian dossier. They collaborated with the FBI in attacking every key player on Trump's staff. The past head called trump a traitor, their hate is in open forum. This agency has an ethics issue at the top. The FBI is even worse. Explain to me where Trump is wrong? The leadership is attacking, lying, and misrepresenting their agency to the president, whom they swore to serve. They all need to be banished, and the agencies need to clean up their political agendas.
Posted by 49 Pan 2018-07-19 11:21||   2018-07-19 11:21|| Front Page Top

#7 No. Examples must be made. Shut 'em down and "liquidate" a few of the top guys.
Posted by M. Murcek 2018-07-19 11:36||   2018-07-19 11:36|| Front Page Top

#8 Why would anyone have confidence in Brennan, Clapper or Comey when these rattlesnakes hate you. There are quite a few others one could add to that list. Brennan is calling for Trump to be hauled up on treason charges. A Portland art(?) exhibit has Trump being beheaded. New Yorker has Trump being flattened on an escalator. There are other examples. They want Trump not just out but dead judging from what they put out.

Posted by JohnQC 2018-07-19 11:45||   2018-07-19 11:45|| Front Page Top

#9 They want Trump not just out but dead judging from what they put out.

It's not personal - it's what he represents.
Posted by g(r)omgoru 2018-07-19 11:52||   2018-07-19 11:52|| Front Page Top

#10 JQC, they have no idea of the animus they generate with their squealing and juvenile antics. By the time they find out "everyone" does not think like they do it will come as one nasty surprise...
Posted by M. Murcek 2018-07-19 11:53||   2018-07-19 11:53|| Front Page Top

#11 My personal bet is, if the pubs hold both houses of congress, lots of the usual suspects will suddenly have lots less time for appearing on TV even if MSLSD and CNN still want em.
Posted by M. Murcek 2018-07-19 11:56||   2018-07-19 11:56|| Front Page Top

#12 M.M. From your lips to God's ears.
Posted by JohnQC 2018-07-19 12:23||   2018-07-19 12:23|| Front Page Top

#13 It's not over yet, but this is shaping up to be yet another failed CIA coup attempt.

Makes for a great insult, though: "Dude, your intelligence service is so lame, they couldn't even overthrow their own country."
Posted by SteveS 2018-07-19 13:23||   2018-07-19 13:23|| Front Page Top

#14 Well, you, Mr. Prez., put in Jeff Sessions. And how about this Mueller character? How'd he get his part-time job?
Posted by DooDahMan 2018-07-19 18:31||   2018-07-19 18:31|| Front Page Top

#15 President Donald Trump said that he respected the intelligence agencies but not the former prominent figures who made their careers into criticizing his presidency.

If we're being honest, a fair amount of the rank and file can't be trusted either. Remember all those "principled resignations" in the face of the coup attempt? Yeah, me neither.

Four years of Bush Sr., eight of Clinton, eight of Bush Jr. and eight more of Obama.

What kind of people were hired in that span?
Posted by charger 2018-07-19 19:03||   2018-07-19 19:03|| Front Page Top

#16 They seemed entirely uninterested in finding Hillary's emails and the server and then gave the guy that set it all up in a bathroom a pass.

Yeah, seems legit, how could you question their integrity?
Posted by ruprecht 2018-07-19 20:16||   2018-07-19 20:16|| Front Page Top

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