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2017-01-10 -Short Attention Span Theater-
Dems to rehang painting depicting police as pigs, after GOP rep took it down
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Posted by gorb 2017-01-10 02:14|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [30 views ]  Top

#1 Rather than concentrate on divisive police caricatures, perhaps the CBC could mobilize their efforts on doing something about the dozens of senseless murders and shootings that take place in Chicago each month.
Posted by Besoeker 2017-01-10 02:29||   2017-01-10 02:29|| Front Page Top

#2 Besoeker, that would mean they would actually have to do something instead of just whine about it.
Posted by Deacon Blues 2017-01-10 08:32||   2017-01-10 08:32|| Front Page Top

#3 Democratic lawmakers plan to rehang a controversial painting on Capitol Hill that angered law enforcement groups with its depiction of police officers as pigs Dems, come on, leave it alone quick picking the scab! Do something useful.
Posted by JohnQC 2017-01-10 08:46||   2017-01-10 08:46|| Front Page Top

#4  Rather than concentrate on divisive police caricatures, perhaps the CBC could mobilize their efforts on doing something about the dozens of senseless murders and shootings that take place in Chicago each month.

Might want them to work on Damascus or Mosul, or Mogadishu instead. Y'know - practice on something easier.
Posted by Pappy 2017-01-10 08:53||   2017-01-10 08:53|| Front Page Top

#5 It's not even good art. Anatomical proportions are all wrong. perspective is all wrong.

No, it isn't, but I propose for different reasons than proportion and perspective. Looking at communist agi-prop, the perspective and proportions are skewed on purpose; you see china farmer strong! pictures and the clinched fist is larger than the head, and the perspective is off a bit to create a sense of disbelief.

What is wrong about it, although intended to be unflattering, is the use of a warthog instead of a pink fattened farm pig. Also, the background sketches of the protesters are rough-sketched and wild, which does not do much to the rational grievance of a downtrodden abused people.

I'd call it bathroom stall good.
Posted by swksvolFF 2017-01-10 10:43||   2017-01-10 10:43|| Front Page Top

#6 The guy on the right is twelve feet tall, apparently an allegory for eddiction because he's wearing a square cap. He's not wearing a shirt. I'm not sure what's on his scales of justice. Looks like a pipe on the left and a ball of smoke on the right. I think the black bird is an allegory too. I'm surprised not to see a balloon having him say "Nevermore," but that poem was written by a white guy.
Posted by Fred 2017-01-10 10:59||   2017-01-10 10:59|| Front Page Top

#7 It would be a shame if something happened to that work of "art".
Posted by Crusader 2017-01-10 11:07||   2017-01-10 11:07|| Front Page Top

#8 It is just technically bad.

Seriously, crow attacking a dove is your message? What the hell Anubis? Depth of field is shit. Footless man at the beauty shop either behind a megaphone or in front of some sconce. Hi Story! What is in the scale, pipe and blow?

Real serious amateur hour is how tiny the handguns are depicted - even George Clooney knows that to get maximum visual effect one must have a ridiculously oversized handgun in chrome. Maybe even put a bayonet on it.

I get that people think others are stepping on their shoe laces on purpose, but putting your right boot on your left hand just looks stupid. it a triggering to hang black art

So, so infantile. Seriously, my jr. high art teacher would have kicked me out of her classroom for this artistic dredge. Its a shit watercolor copy of a Xerox copy of a poor magazine collage. But in acrylics. So wow. Shit, at least use oils, Bob Ross was man enough to do so.

Better yet, prove it in buon fresco. Gowddammit if you did a portrait of me in buon fresco and I ended up looking the love child of Strawberry Shortcake and Chunk I would still be impressed.

You know, I want to see the thickness of the acrylics put down. I've seen better graffiti. Just awful.
Posted by swksvolFF 2017-01-10 11:42||   2017-01-10 11:42|| Front Page Top

#9 I'm not sure what's on his scales of justice.

Crucified on the scales of justice is an old image.

It appears to me that one scale holds a ying and the other its matching yang, one each black and white with opposite dot within -- standard as far as that goes. I have never known what the different characteristics of the two are supposed to be, though I believe one is male and the other female; and I don't know if the artist put them in their correct colours -- given his/her obsession with the Christ figure's musculature, the colours may be reversed from tradition for polemic effect. They do like their subtle as well as bold symbolisms, those academically trained propagandists.
Posted by trailing wife 2017-01-10 11:45||   2017-01-10 11:45|| Front Page Top

#10 I'd give that some thought if all the other symbolisms racked up. If he had the dove going at the crow like Quetzalcoatl, and had not blended the white into the background wall like a steaming pile of bird poop.
Posted by swksvolFF 2017-01-10 11:59||   2017-01-10 11:59|| Front Page Top

#11 Democrats...
Posted by newc 2017-01-10 15:11||   2017-01-10 15:11|| Front Page Top

#12 It's not there for any artistic reason. It is there to express the message of "Hate Whitey".
Posted by Sgt.D.T. 2017-01-10 19:49||   2017-01-10 19:49|| Front Page Top

#13 Now, now. Don't you racists git yerselfs all lickered up. There's a fella who can fix this...

Sylvester McMonkey McBean
Speaks pretty, and boy, is he clean!
Our Fix-It-Up Chappie
Makes everyone happy
By printing them yellow and green.
Posted by Zenobia Floger6220 2017-01-10 20:16||   2017-01-10 20:16|| Front Page Top

#14 The republicans should hang a picture of democrats in their true nature, Nazi and KKK outfits and sacrificing black children to toilets via "Dr." Gosnell.
Posted by Silentbrick 2017-01-10 22:25||   2017-01-10 22:25|| Front Page Top

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