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2016-06-15 -Short Attention Span Theater-
What is it like to fire an AR-15? It’s horrifying...
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Posted by badanov 2016-06-15 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [61 views ]  Top

#1 Gersh Kuntzman? YJCMTSU...
Posted by M. Murcek 2016-06-15 00:41||   2016-06-15 00:41|| Front Page Top

#2 From yesterday's Rantburg:

NARRATIVE FAIL: Orlando Islamic Terrorist Did NOT Use An AR-15
Posted by Chuck 2016-06-15 02:12||   2016-06-15 02:12|| Front Page Top

#3 Kuntzman: a lover not a fighter?
Posted by g(r)omgoru 2016-06-15 02:19||   2016-06-15 02:19|| Front Page Top

#4 The weapons issue is clearly an Abilene Paradox exercise. Not sure why we continue to go there, other than for sake of diversion.
Posted by Besoeker 2016-06-15 03:16||   2016-06-15 03:16|| Front Page Top

#5 Snowflake.
Posted by gorb 2016-06-15 03:29||   2016-06-15 03:29|| Front Page Top

#6 Biggest calibre weapon I've fired is a .45 calibre handgun, The noise and recoil is quite a shock the first time.
Posted by phil_b 2016-06-15 05:13||   2016-06-15 05:13|| Front Page Top

#7 The recoil bruised my shoulder.
MJ had a bruised shoulder after his arrest as I recall.

Once Opinions were like Exhaust Ports, everyone had one. Now it seems everyone that has words can post them, and they are perceived by both author and readers to be equally valuable, when they really are just exhaust.
Posted by Skidmark 2016-06-15 07:22||   2016-06-15 07:22|| Front Page Top

#8 I've tried a number of different guns over the years. Never owned one 'cuz the wife didn't want one in the house with kids., now both over 30.

In the last year she's been telling me to get a license cause things are out of hand. To me that means that lots of folks are getting scared. No other reason is needed for the rise of Trump.

If this wussy wants something with a kick and a boom he should try a .50 sniper rifle. I shot it once at a gun club open house type event........oh my goodness. Now THAT's loud and has a real kick.

Also tried an M16, an old .30 carbine like my Dad carried in WWII (that's little more than a .22), an M1 Garand (liked that one) and a number of different pistols. The .45 had quite a kick but the .357 mag seemed to be worse.

People like Kuntzman should be traded to Europe for people constitutionally able to be Americans.
Posted by AlanC 2016-06-15 07:43||   2016-06-15 07:43|| Front Page Top

#9 The stupid is strong with this guy. So many fails in the article Having fired everything from a Daisy Pal to a 155mm howitzer (including RPGs n Gustavs), I'll keep my trusty Sig 239 in 9 and the 870. Don't really need more than that.
Posted by Bangkok Billy 2016-06-15 08:02||   2016-06-15 08:02|| Front Page Top

#10 Rear loader on a 105 Recoilless Rifle. See the flames, feel the heat, feel the suck.

Pajama Boy can't handle what hundreds of thousand of women have done in basic training?

With their usual deep Freudian projection, now we understand why they believe everyone else is liquoring up the ladies to have comatose sex for reproduction. One, he's obviously not quality DNA material for the ladies, and two, he couldn't handle an awake/alive active partner.
Posted by Procopius2k 2016-06-15 08:31||   2016-06-15 08:31|| Front Page Top

#11 The musings of an over-civilized twink.
Posted by Pappy 2016-06-15 08:44||   2016-06-15 08:44|| Front Page Top

#12 Sorry Pappy, I gotta disagree there.

He is not OVER civilized, he is a prime example of Dunning Krueger civilized.

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which relatively unskilled persons suffer illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than it is

But you got the twinky spot on. ;^)
Posted by AlanC 2016-06-15 09:14||   2016-06-15 09:14|| Front Page Top

#13 "People like Kuntzman should be traded to Europe for people constitutionally able to be Americans."

Herewith, a nomination for Snark Of The Day. Spot on!

Seriously, if you take a neurotic, hysterical, anxiety-wracked ninny like Kuntzman to a rifle range and hand him an AR-15 (or any other gun) and let him shoot it, of course he's going to be surprised: guns do go BANG! when they're fired, and all of them-- even small guns-- are very, very loud. That's why we wear ear protection while on the range. You want REALLY loud? Try a short-barreled .357 Magnum revolver.

As for recoil, few guns have LESS recoil than an AR-15 or other .223 Remington autoloader, in part because the .223 is a fairly light round to begin with but also because the recoil spring and other autoloading mechanism parts absorb much of the energy that would otherwise go into felt recoil.

You want REAL recoil? Again, try a short-barreled revolver chambered in .357 Mag-- preferably an ultralightweight model like the 11.4 oz. S&W Model 340PD. My son and I test-fired one of those, once. One shot for each of us was enough; it hurt like Hell.

But an AR-15? It doesn't even have enough recoil to disrupt your sight picture when taking follow-on shots.

Like Pappy said: an over-civilized twink.
Posted by Dave D. 2016-06-15 09:38||   2016-06-15 09:38|| Front Page Top

#14 ...ahh, come on, give him an 1862 Springfield to feel the kick while you're at it.
Posted by Procopius2k  2016-06-15 09:55||   2016-06-15 09:55|| Front Page Top

#15 It's nice to see the Dave D. resurgence!
Posted by Frank G 2016-06-15 09:57||   2016-06-15 09:57|| Front Page Top

#16 I was going to say Ruger Model 1 Tropical in .458 Win Mag, but, what the hell - T-Rex .577
Posted by M. Murcek 2016-06-15 09:58||   2016-06-15 09:58|| Front Page Top

#17 Tyrannosausus Go Boom video...
Posted by magpie 2016-06-15 10:02||   2016-06-15 10:02|| Front Page Top

#18 I'll let him fire "Thumper". It is a 1898 30-40 Krag. 5 rounds WILL bruise your shoulder no matter how well you hold it.

Otherwise this "guy" is a complete beta male and needs to be mocked. Openly and often.
Posted by DarthVader 2016-06-15 10:15||   2016-06-15 10:15|| Front Page Top

#19 Ok, as long as we are voting - Quigley's rifle - though I'd want a 50-120:

Posted by M. Murcek 2016-06-15 10:22||   2016-06-15 10:22|| Front Page Top

#20 Hey, I wear a kilt. Leave the kilt out of it. I have an 1873 Sharps cavalry carbine in 45-70. It will bruise your shoulder. I find it impossible to believe he actually fired one. There is no sulfur smell, either.
Posted by Deacon Blues 2016-06-15 10:44||   2016-06-15 10:44|| Front Page Top

#21 My personal favorite: The fifty caliber handgun has a little kick.

Any bets the girl in the video is more masculine than "pajama boy"?
Posted by Frozen Al 2016-06-15 11:47||   2016-06-15 11:47|| Front Page Top

#22 .300 Whisper.

You gotta try it.
Posted by OregonGuy 2016-06-15 13:34||  2016-06-15 13:34|| Front Page Top

#23 I find the body shock about like making good contact on a nail with a hammer.

Which my four year old does up and down the deck.

Last I saw 40 round clips, it was in a box marked Office Depot.
Posted by swksvolFF 2016-06-15 16:09||   2016-06-15 16:09|| Front Page Top

#24 I saw this somewhere else and laughed like a loon. Here is a picture of an oddly-dressed middle-aged woman (yours truly) firing an AR-15 without breaking or bruising her delicate arm.
Posted by Angie Schultz 2016-06-15 16:37||   2016-06-15 16:37|| Front Page Top

#25 Hi Angie! Good stuff as usual.
Posted by Shipman 2016-06-15 18:11||   2016-06-15 18:11|| Front Page Top

#26 Apparently he has responded. Hilarious.

I wonder how he traveled to Philly. I hope he didn't drive.

Seriously, anxiety blackouts..loud noise jumpy..faint from funny smells..poor physical constitution. Shit, I wouldn't even take him bowling, nevermind his opinion.

Living vicariously with the victims so he can talk loudest at the cocktail party...its a bit sick.
Posted by swksvolFF 2016-06-15 19:30||   2016-06-15 19:30|| Front Page Top

#27 You can stop a single guy firing an AR-15 with a small Beretta. Just sayin'
Posted by European Conservative 2016-06-15 21:19||   2016-06-15 21:19|| Front Page Top

#28 #27 You can stop a single guy firing an AR-15 with a small Beretta. Just sayin'

This same point came up in LA a decade back when a few guys wearing bullet-proof vests created hours of chaos because none of the responding officers were capable of (or focused on) a head-shot.
Posted by Crusader 2016-06-15 22:45||   2016-06-15 22:45|| Front Page Top

23:50 Zenobia Floger6220
23:50 Skidmark
23:44 Skidmark
23:40 Zenobia Floger6220
23:14 JosephMendiola
22:59 JosephMendiola
22:52 JosephMendiola
22:45 Crusader
22:39 james
22:38 Raj
22:38 JosephMendiola
22:35 JosephMendiola
22:34 Percy McCoy7690
22:24 JohnQC
22:22 Procopius2k
22:20 Crusader
22:15 Skidmark
22:12 Procopius2k
22:04 Crusader
21:55 JohnQC
21:51 JohnQC
21:45 JohnQC
21:19 European Conservative
21:17 JosephMendiola

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