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2016-03-26 Terror Networks
Evil mass murderers are not Muslims, Mr Trump
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Posted by Fred 2016-03-26 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [32 views ]  Top
 File under: Islamic State 

#1 "...words give you food for thought."
Like Cheetos.
Posted by Black Charlie Bourbon1513 2016-03-26 00:20||   2016-03-26 00:20|| Front Page Top

The Koran clearly states that the killing of one innocent person is akin to the killing of all humanity.

And then excludes Jews, pagans, anyone who converts to a religion other than Islam, and generally anyone who annoys Muslims.
Posted by Rob Crawford 2016-03-26 01:12||   2016-03-26 01:12|| Front Page Top

Do you honestly believe such an antagonistic approach will keep America safe or will it create yet more enemies and fuel greater anti-Americanism in the Middle East?

Translation: "Surrender, or we'll get angrier."
Posted by Rob Crawford 2016-03-26 01:13||   2016-03-26 01:13|| Front Page Top

How on earth can they be classified as Muslims?

By their acts? Following the example of Mohammed (bees pee upon him) is a good sign.
Posted by Rob Crawford 2016-03-26 01:14||   2016-03-26 01:14|| Front Page Top

#5 Yes everyone. Screw Shariah. Not even GOD has any use for it. No use for it at all.

The whole thing is spiritually dead with a horrible leader.... from hell
Posted by newc 2016-03-26 03:51||   2016-03-26 03:51|| Front Page Top

#6 This article appears to be written on a false premise that immigration is some sort of human right.
Posted by Airandee 2016-03-26 06:32||   2016-03-26 06:32|| Front Page Top

#7 Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor is the typical intellectual from the Middle East. He believes muslims are holy people who are without fault. He believes if you don't agree with a muslim you are wrong, he believes muslims who commit crimes are not muslims. He believes in open borders except for the UAE and SA. He believes it is the fault of the European countries that the immigrants are not catered to more, the welfare systems is not good enough for muslims.

Quite honestly I am sick of this crap. The American press eats this stuff up. I'm glad Trump rubs their noses in it.
Posted by Hupuse Poodle3906 2016-03-26 07:27||   2016-03-26 07:27|| Front Page Top

#8 Hey Khalaf "Whatever happens, we have got the Maxim gun. And you do not."
Posted by g(r)omgoru 2016-03-26 07:30||   2016-03-26 07:30|| Front Page Top

#9 Sorry, I wrote #7. Didn't see the name change this morning.
Posted by jvalentour 2016-03-26 07:34||   2016-03-26 07:34|| Front Page Top

#10 Okay, they're not Muslims. Their parents and grandparents were Muslims. Their teachers were Muslims. Their clergy were Muslims. They were raised according to Muslim law. Their friends were Muslims. So, okay, they quit being Muslim.... Yeah, but they're a product of Islam. No Islam....
Posted by Richard Aubrey  2016-03-26 08:16||   2016-03-26 08:16|| Front Page Top

#11 There were Germans who wanted to surrender well before the Sovs reached Berlin. Allied bombs and shells could not discriminate between good Germans and bad Germans. Collateral damage? War is hell.
Posted by Bobby 2016-03-26 08:24||   2016-03-26 08:24|| Front Page Top

#12 I think the body count in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, et al created by the hands of Mo's followers amply demonstrate it's not the kaffirs doing the butchery, but your own brethren.
Posted by Procopius2k 2016-03-26 09:58||   2016-03-26 09:58|| Front Page Top

#13 Of course instead of condemning the perps they come out with all this 'they are not Muslim' crap.

The fact is that the prophet did all of these things .And wasn't he the perfect man? The perfect Muslim?
Posted by CrazyFool 2016-03-26 10:06||   2016-03-26 10:06|| Front Page Top

#14 So, if an American commits what Arabiya calls a "war crime" (but what we would call "shooting back"), does that mean he's not an American? Sauce, goose, gander,
Posted by Matt 2016-03-26 10:37||   2016-03-26 10:37|| Front Page Top

#15 They're certainly NOT westernised.
As it seems it's always leftists or muslims doing the mass violence (apart from one national socilaist Breivik) we should focus on those most likely to use violence, i.e. those most into marx and those most into the mohamed.
Posted by Bright Pebbles 2016-03-26 10:48||   2016-03-26 10:48|| Front Page Top

#16 Andrew McCarthy makes a strong argument in his book the "Grand Jihad" that links the jihadists and the left. The left has butchered millions of people over the decades. Moreover, Thomas Sowell, in a recent column, discusses the misconception that fascists are right wing--he states that fascists are a part of the left and that Mussolini and Hitler were both considered leftists before WWII.
Posted by JohnQC 2016-03-26 11:57||   2016-03-26 11:57|| Front Page Top

#17 What #2 Rob said.
Posted by Barbara 2016-03-26 16:28||   2016-03-26 16:28|| Front Page Top

#18 Ah, the "No True Scotsman" fallacy in it's Muslim version. As in "No True Muslim" would blow themselves up among a crowd of people in an airport or on a subway car.

So - they did, and demonstrated that they were no true Muslim.

Say, to they teach about logic and fallacies these days in Pak-land? Thought not...
Posted by Sgt. Mom  2016-03-26 18:44||  2016-03-26 18:44|| Front Page Top

#19 Evil mass murderers are not Muslims

There's probably 80,000,000 dead Hindus who might disagree
Posted by Classer 2016-03-26 19:36||   2016-03-26 19:36|| Front Page Top

#20 claiming to be Muslims are known thieves, drug-smugglers/pushers and pimps.

Which is different from every leader of every Islamic country how?
Posted by newc 2016-03-26 23:21||   2016-03-26 23:21|| Front Page Top

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