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2015-03-31 Southeast Asia
Indonesian military attack West Papuans raising money for cyclone-hit Vanuatu, steal money
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Posted by anon1 2015-03-31 13:06|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [29 views ]  Top

#1 there are no foreign correspondents in West Papua so it's difficult to ever find mainstream news sources let alone with eyewitness accounts

so a lot of news gets funneled through the activists, with obvious risk of bias.

Vanuatu has been a big supporter of West Papuan people and supports West Papua's bid to be included in the Melanesian Spearhead Group, so it was only natural the Papuans would try to raise money for them when they got smashed by Cyclone Pam.

Indonesia has been trying to muscle in on the MSG and bribed Fiji to sponsor them for "observer status" even though they are an Asian nation not a Melanesian one. They claimed it - ironically - due to their occupation of West Papua.

Indonesia would hate the West Papuans strengthening their ties with Vanuatu by donating money so you can see the motive for attacking the fundraisers...

Posted by anon1 2015-03-31 13:11||   2015-03-31 13:11|| Front Page Top

#2 So is West Papua a loyal part of Indonesia or do they want to go their own way like East Timor did?
Posted by Steve White 2015-03-31 14:28||   2015-03-31 14:28|| Front Page Top

#3 Hello Steve White, West Papua never wanted to be part of Indonesia in the first place and has been fighting ever since.

Basically the island of New Guinea is filled with melanesians who lived in primitive agrarian cultures there for 60,000 years. They are related to Australian Aborigines.

During the colonial era, the western half of New Guinea was property of the Dutch. The methodist missionaries came in and converted a lot of people to Christianity.

The eastern half eventually became the property of Britain, transferred to Australia.

But it was always one island and the people across it while ranging through colourful different tribes (most untouched by modernity) were really one people with more in common with each other than any outsider.

So by 1960 Australia and the Dutch were working towards a de-colonisation that would leave the island of New Guinea as one country.

The West Papuans told the Dutch they didn't want to be ruled by Muslim Asians from overcrowdeed, hungry Java with whom they had nothing in common. The Indonesians then as now viewed them as primitive savages and just wanted their land and resources.

They don't mix. West Papuans eat pigs, which are the most important animals in the village. Indonesians are Muslims who consider pigs unclean. And on it goes.

In World War II for example the West Papuans fought loyally for the the US and Australian allies against the Japanese. They were the "fuzzy wuzzy angels" along with those from PNG. By contrast Indonesia helped Japan.

They have nothing in common.

So the Dutch prepared the West Papuans for self rule, organising representative councils of the people. In 1963 they raised their Morningstar flag and sang the national anthem for the first time.

Within three weeks Indonesia declared the Trikora: the triple command, to troops and settlers to go into West Papua any way possible and "liberate" it from the Dutch to Indonesian rule.

They sent in paratroopers and amphibious vehicles and sent in settlers.

Indonesia pressured the US and the UN and it was the Cold War era so they took a loan of a billion dollars from Russia - the US panicked and thought Indonesia was a danger of turning communist.

Back then communism was the big threat. Now it's islamism.

So they changed their minds - they decided to turn a blind eye to the Indonesian takeover.

It helped unfortunately that Henry Kissinger was involved. Christopher Hitchens has written a lot about the damage that war criminal did.

they found gold - the richest gold deposit in the world - in West Papua and the Indonesians did a deal with Kissinger and Freeport McMoran ,to split the gold.

Kissinger still sits on the board I believe. That deal was done before the Indonesians even had possession.

The Dutch gave over the Western half to the UN to administer and the UN said the Indonesians could temporarily rule it as long as they gave the people a referendum on their own future.

So between 1963 and 1969 Indonesia shipped in as many troops and settlers as it could.

Before 1963 there wasn't even one Indonesian there. By 1969 there were thousands.

They then held the "Act of Free Choice" where they rounded up 1061 hand-picked tribal leaders and held them at gunpoint and told them to vote in a show of hands as to whether to be part of Indonesia.

It was 100% vote. 100% success, what a surprise.

So in 1969 the UN recognised this and West Papua became part of Indonesia.

The Papuans immediately fled to the jungles and formed the OPM resistance movement.

They fought with bows and arrows, world war II guns they found in the jungle.

The Indonesians napalmed them, strafed them from the air, bombed their villages. They built roads into the jungle so they could kill them in their remote hideouts

they moved whole villages from the highlands down to the malarous coast away from their gardens and farms where they died in droves from mosquito born infections and starvation.

In 1960 you couldn't have found even 10 indonesians in West Papua - now there are more than a million

Indonesia used the transmigrassi policy to ship in more than a million migrants until they outnumber the native population.

They shipped in pigs infected with cysticercosis and gave them as presents to tribal chiefs. Cysticercosis is a worm that soon spread to all the pigs on the island. People that eat the meat if it is a bit undercooked die horribly from brain lesions.

The indonesians shipped in HIV-infected prostitutes in the 1990s and again gave their favours to tribal chiefs as gifts in return for valuable perfumed timber.

As a result now the West Papuans have a massive HIV problem they never would have otherwise had.

10,000 West Papuans have fled from the guns of the Indonesians across the border into PNG where they sit. They were as of 2013 unable to work because they don't have citizenship there, so they do odd jobs for black money like gardening.

Back in the West the Indonesian military routinely burn down their churches, steal their land for timber and plantations (now they want cattle farms too) and of course gold and gas.

It's one of the world's worst genocides

the reason you never hear of it is that the Australian Government guarantees PNG's border with Indonesia. Our cabinet was told that our defence forces would last 5 days before being completely wiped out in just the section between Vanimo and Green River

So we walk on eggshells around Indonesia.

The USA is our only security guarantee against an Indonesia that since the 1960s has been aggressive, expansionist and increasingly Islamified (thanks to Saudi money)

Indonesia is strategically a big worry to the US and if it isn't, it should be. Under their last president SBY religiosity increased massively. He encouraged the Islamification process so places that once were tolerant now have sharia.

The short answer to your question is: No - West Papua hates Indonesia and wants independence.

If any of them raise their morningstar flag they get 15 years in an Indonesian prison or killed.

Filep Karma raised the flag, and he is right now sitting in jail in West Papua for it. He was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Posted by anon1 2015-03-31 20:17||   2015-03-31 20:17|| Front Page Top

#4 TL, DR
Posted by Frank G 2015-03-31 21:11||   2015-03-31 21:11|| Front Page Top

#5 get a blog. They're free
Posted by Frank G 2015-03-31 21:11||   2015-03-31 21:11|| Front Page Top

#6 just answering question best i could
Posted by anon1 2015-03-31 21:24||   2015-03-31 21:24|| Front Page Top

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