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2015-03-08 Home Front: WoT
Air Force Sec: No Promotion Unless A Commitment To Diversity Is Demonstrated
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Posted by Hupineger Glomomp52169  2015-03-08 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [21 views ]  Top

#1 Frankly, no one needs a job that bad, Gentlemen and Ladies just walk, The Air Force Secretary can do all the work, tender resignations, go on the dole, these assholes are out of control.
Posted by Snerong Clunk7821 2015-03-08 03:22||   2015-03-08 03:22|| Front Page Top

#2 I recommend aircraft new contracts be modified to include cockpit child ejections seats. Department of the Air Force Nannies to be issued, infant formula added to in-flight meals, prams, and mobiles in the crew bus. Age and weight appropriate 'pickle suits', flight helmets, and footwear.

Posted by Besoeker 2015-03-08 03:28||   2015-03-08 03:28|| Front Page Top

#3 ...I raised my hand to join the United States Air Force on April 28th, 1978. Since then, no matter how tough or unpleasant it got, I always told people that it was still a good way to serve, learn a career, and get an education.

I can't do that any more, not with this.

Posted by Mike Kozlowski 2015-03-08 07:44||   2015-03-08 07:44|| Front Page Top

#4 The Army may still have a box to check on their efficiency reports which attests to the rated individuals support for "equality, affirmative action" etc,...I forget the exact verbage.
Posted by Besoeker 2015-03-08 08:16||   2015-03-08 08:16|| Front Page Top

#5 The political commissar (also politruk Russian language: политрук from политический руководитель: political officer) is the political education (ideology) and organization, and committed to the civilian control of the military.
Posted by Zenobia Gray4658 2015-03-08 09:47||   2015-03-08 09:47|| Front Page Top

#6 Facebook has 57 categories plus "other" of gender. FB gender categories. I must have been sheltered because I don't even know what some of these categories are. Throw in all the other categories of diversity classification, race, age, ethnicity, etc. and you have a mess of diversity. The government works too hard at all this--it can't be that difficult. The government and others (social networks) are building a "diversity Tower of Babel." This will be certain to spin out of control. I see many, many lawsuits in the future. Lawyers will be the only ones to benefit.
Posted by JohnQC 2015-03-08 11:03||   2015-03-08 11:03|| Front Page Top

#7 #2I recommend aircraft new contracts be modified to include cockpit child ejections seats. Department of the Air Force Nannies to be issued, infant formula added to in-flight meals, prams, and mobiles in the crew bus. Age and weight appropriate 'pickle suits', flight helmets, and footwear.

Wait a second--what about in flight movies and special restrooms for the transgendered?

Also, I noticed you failed to mentioned that the in-flight meals would be halal.

Posted by charger 2015-03-08 14:15||   2015-03-08 14:15|| Front Page Top

#8 It passes my understanding why 100% of the population doesn't self-identify on all official forms as a minority. Surely for at least one of your great grandparents there is no photo to contradict your recollection that according to family tradition they were black... Presto, you are an octaroon, and officially a member of a protected class.

Anybody who doesn't check 'black' always and everywhere is making a serious life decision mistake.

End the discrimination, now.
Posted by dlr 2015-03-08 14:27||   2015-03-08 14:27|| Front Page Top

#9 this is outrageous, it requires a commitment to a political and social ideal no citizen is obligated to hold. It says that the oath to support and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and to obey ...etc. Now you need to commit to something involving social engineering, not merely impartial, non-discriminatory conduct, but adherence to a form of quota system. Utterly beyond belief!
Posted by NoMoreBS 2015-03-08 18:33||   2015-03-08 18:33|| Front Page Top

#10 Its only a matter of time before Obama puts a Progressive Zampolit into every unit in the military.
Posted by OldSpook 2015-03-08 22:48||   2015-03-08 22:48|| Front Page Top

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