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2013-09-30 Terror Networks
We Have To Talk About The Barbarism Of Modern Islamist Terrorism
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Posted by Fred 2013-09-30 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [30 views ]  Top
 File under: al-Qaeda 

#1 'We' have to talk about it because, unlike a self defense shooting in Florida or a work site shooting in DC, it's about a PC subject that the 'professional' journalists refuse to tag for what it is.
Posted by Procopius2k 2013-09-30 08:55||   2013-09-30 08:55|| Front Page Top

#2 I was in Libya for six months and the Libyans, in Tripoli, are as mystified by fanaticism and terrorism in the name of Islam as the writer of this article. Time and time again, at mosques, at coffee, and at work, Libyans expressed anguish and anger at Islam being labeled as the cause of fanaticism. They said that nowhere in the Quran is any of that allowed, advocated, or suggested.

I wanted to know for myself and I found an English language translation of the Quran, approved by the high council in Mecca for its accuracy, and read it cover to cover. I have to agree with my Libyan friends. A literal reading of the Quran, and according to Islam interpretation is not allowed, none of this barbaric violence is allowed.

I have to take back many things I have said about the religion of Islam but I will not take back any of the things I have said about these cowards, nutjobs, and fanatics who kill innocents. The Quran is very specific about suicide, killing innocents, and protecting the "Followers of the Book" (Christians).

One explanation is that, as in the United States among my fellow Christians, many Moslems have not read the Quran, they follow the religion by rote without any theological basis for their faith. They do not know what really is allowed or prohibited in the Quran. Therefore, they take whatever the local Imam has to say as the truth. If the Imam is a nut and a fanatic, those who pray at that mosque will absorb his rantings and misdirection as the face of Islam.

It may be in the NAME of Islam, but from my readings of the Quran and my discussions with Imams and other Islamic scholars in Libya, it is not Islam. The failure of Islam to condemn these acts is tied to their own nihilism based upon the absolute predestination spoken by the Quran.
Posted by Bill Clinton 2013-09-30 09:58||   2013-09-30 09:58|| Front Page Top

#3 Time and time again, at mosques, at coffee, and at work, Libyans expressed anguish and anger at Islam being labeled as the cause of fanaticism. They said that nowhere in the Quran is any of that allowed, advocated, or suggested.

Then why not do something about these apostates in their midst? Maybe there's a different interpretation, like say from Saudi or Teheran (as in follow the money), which doesn't concur.
Posted by Procopius2k 2013-09-30 10:39||   2013-09-30 10:39|| Front Page Top

#4 Maybe the high council in Mecca allowed the translation to sound more reasonable in English? Hmm?
Posted by Hellfish 2013-09-30 12:11||   2013-09-30 12:11|| Front Page Top

#5 Bill C, why don't we hear loud and constant condemnation from Muslims worldwide? Instead what we hear is the timid "This is not true Islam. Don't you dare hurt us."

If I gathered a bunch of followers, and we blew up a mosque or a mall "in the name of Christ", shouting "Vivat rex Christe!" as we did so, you can be certain that my pastor, bishop and the Pope would condemn me in no uncertain terms.
Posted by Rambler in Virginia 2013-09-30 15:04||   2013-09-30 15:04|| Front Page Top

#6 Rambler - As I recall the IRA attempted to bomb a Catholic girls school awhile back... Just about every christian organization condemned the act.

With Islam on the other hand... every islamic organization is quiet as a mouse _or_ gives a lackluster conditional condemnation. "If they were innocent then we condemn the killings...".
Posted by CrazyFool 2013-09-30 15:36||   2013-09-30 15:36|| Front Page Top

#7 Gentlemen,

That is the question I have asked of my Libyan friends and never get a consistent answer. They will condemn the behavior personally but the leaders, the Imams, will not.

I agree THAT is the problem with fanatical Islam, no one will condemn the behavior.
Posted by Bill Clinton 2013-09-30 17:01||   2013-09-30 17:01|| Front Page Top

#8 The difference is that there is no hierarchy in Islam per se. Even though the Koran "came directly from Allah", each imam interprets it in his own way (and can issue a fatwa based on that interpretation.) And the layman simply does not contradict the imam.
Posted by Pappy 2013-09-30 17:35||   2013-09-30 17:35|| Front Page Top

#9 One of the big problems is that in Islam all believers are supposed to be equal, but aren't. So you have al-Sadr being given preferential treatment in getting his Doctor of Islamojurisprudence Degree (or whatever it's called) because of his father and his father's fathers... und so weiter back to whenever...

...and then you have the Saudis who recognize different bloodlines, or no bloodlines at all, it's all done in the grand old jump-the-dragon-gate style of aristocracy without explicit bloodlines, and, well, that's where the drama gets ramped up.
Posted by Thing From Snowy Mountain 2013-09-30 17:50||   2013-09-30 17:50|| Front Page Top

#10 The Gulf states preach/fund intolerance, Until that changes the war on terror will continue forever.
Posted by Paul D 2013-09-30 19:20||   2013-09-30 19:20|| Front Page Top

#11 The failure of Islam to condemn these acts is tied to their own nihilism based upon the absolute predestination spoken by the Quran.

I think Bill C. hit it on the head. Muslims believe that everything that happens is Allah's/God's will. Therefore, nothing bad ever happens because Allah is perfect.
Posted by Dopey Sinatra 2013-09-30 23:26||   2013-09-30 23:26|| Front Page Top

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