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2011-09-08 Home Front: Politix
Obama to unveil 300 bn dollar tax cuts
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Posted by Fred 2011-09-08 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [26 views ]  Top

#1 Tax cuts offset by more government spending. Haven't we been doing this for the past 2 years? Is it working, or am I missing something?

Posted by DarthVader 2011-09-08 00:16||   2011-09-08 00:16|| Front Page Top

#2 Cool, extend the tax cuts.

Eliminating the minimum wage would produce more jobs though.
Posted by American Delight 2011-09-08 00:54||  2011-09-08 00:54|| Front Page Top

#3 So we're gonna have a $2.0 trillion dollar deficit. Brilliant!
Posted by Eohippus Phater7165 2011-09-08 01:21||   2011-09-08 01:21|| Front Page Top

#4 Here's a thought or two for the US Congress and our genius Colombia University scholar:

1. Provide US industry with a one month TAX Holiday between now and Christmas. If the stock market goes up, extend it for another month, then another, and another.
2. Give sales tax free status to any product still made in the United States (if there are any remaining) for the upcoming Christmas holiday season. If holiday season picks up, extend it to Easter, then Labor Day.
3. Make federal gasoline taxes deductable from Federal and State Income tax for folks driving US made automobiles.
4. Recruit a bunch of steel workers, pipefitters, and welder contractors. Pick a spot out somewhere's (preferably near of a major oil and gas trunk line) and build a new oil refinery. Oklahoma and Texas quickly come to mind. When it's done, sell it to an oil company at a discount, and with tax exempt status if they hire American help.
5. Let it be known the South Korean Army now has a robust nuclear capability and bring our US Army 2nd Infantry Division home.
6. Limit unemployment insurance to 179 days within a 5 year period, no exceptions.
7. Remove the ceiling on money earned by age 62-66 Social Security applicants. Let them work full-time and pay taxes until they're 105 if the wish.
8. Invoice the Mooslim rebels for every dime spent helping them overthrow the Kadaffi regime. Put everyone else on notice that we are a pay-as-you go peace provider. No exceptions.
9. End Federal tax-payer funded college tuition loans. Working your way through college is an education also.
10. Sub-contract the US Federal Prison system to Mexico.
11. Limit the USPS to letters only. Everything else goes Brown or FEDEX. Charge $2.50 per letter. The USPS fiscal problem with fix itself.
12. Replace the Food Stamp program with free MRE's. Two per day per family member. Sign for them at the firehouse or police station. (See item #6 for program duration and limits)
13. Lower the Capital Gains tax to 5% for 2012.
14. Terminate the so-called "Earned Income Tax Credit." (see item #12).
15. Permit hospitals to require an up-front $250,000. charge for anchor baby birthing. (hospitals keep $10,000, US Penal System get's the remainder).
16. Invoice the Germans and NATO for US soldiers and airmen stationed in Germany and elsewhere in Europe. No ticki-no ride.
17. Give the so-called "mission" of the BATF to the FBI. Integrate former ATF agents into local law enforcement.
18. Raise the rent of the UN building in NYC to a non-negociable $ 125B per year with a 5 year security deposit. Gold Bullion only, in advance.
19. Make Sarah Palin the energy Czar. Let her work from home and approve/and monitor drilling in Alaska and off the US coast. Pay her $10m per year, but hold it in escrow unitl she's got us self sufficient with crude oil.
20. Make "Farmer's Markets" tax free zones.
21. End property taxes. Charge a fee, a head tax, for policing, the firehouse, water, sewer, school kids, etc.
22. Set aside public land for private veggie and flower gardens as is done in Europe and elsewhere.
23. Appoint Bill Gates to fix Amtrak and passenger service. Give him a deadline. Start with a new name, like the B&O and Union Pacific.
24. Get rid of FEMA and FEMA regions. Tell the governors of the states that they now have the mission. Pre-position MRE's, cots, porta-potties and tentage where it can be flown in to disaster areas. Put the Air National Guard in charge of transportation, set-up, and policing.
25. Disband the so-called "Federal Reserve" and give fair warning to it's former members that they are being monitored closely!

That's just a start. I have several more.
Posted by Besoeker 2011-09-08 01:40||   2011-09-08 01:40|| Front Page Top

#5 26. Disband all Fed (and State for that matter) government unions. If they strike, fire all of them.
Posted by BrerRabbit 2011-09-08 03:12||   2011-09-08 03:12|| Front Page Top

#6 Besoeker-

All terrific ideas.

But you left out the most important thing for job growth - removing the hyperregulatory business environment.

My addition to your list:

-Make null and void all regulations at all levels of government passed after 1992, and rigorously enforce the ones that are left.
Posted by no mo uro 2011-09-08 05:54||   2011-09-08 05:54|| Front Page Top

#7 Brer' Rabbit:

"Disband all federal, state, county, and municipal government unions, and make it a felony (treason) to try and organize a new one. If they strike, fire all who do, with the proviso of a lifetime ban on any government work at any level."

Fixed it for ya.
Posted by no mo uro 2011-09-08 06:04||   2011-09-08 06:04|| Front Page Top

#8 He's going to increase the "Earned Income Tax Credit", and more people who never pay a penny in taxes are going to get refunds.
Posted by Rob Crawford 2011-09-08 09:16||   2011-09-08 09:16|| Front Page Top

#9 26. Resign

It would have an immediate, positive, effect on the stock market. At least until people figured out what Biden stands for.
Posted by rjschwarz 2011-09-08 10:33||   2011-09-08 10:33|| Front Page Top

#10 Good ideas. Also consider abolishing the Dept. of Education unless they can demonstrate they improve education. The same with the Dept. of Energy. Unless they can demonstrate they make us energy independent get rid of it.
Posted by JohnQC 2011-09-08 11:39||   2011-09-08 11:39|| Front Page Top

#11 Even though most of the slobbering media will continue to portray Obama's "Direct aid to local governments" component as a vehicle to help teachers and first responders this scheme deserves alot of scrutiny. Oh, there will be pleanty of payola targeted twoards the urban areas to keep Maxine and the CBC at bay. And there'll be enough grease to keep Trumpka and Hoffa from squealing too loud. But you can bet there's a good share of the boodle left over for smack-dab in conservative districts. You can almost hear Axelrod now - "Go ahead Cantor...turn it down." The Political class calls it micro-targeting. But really it's just old school Chi-Town politics - Bribe your friends and extort your enemies. Hell, even Ahmadinejad knew the best place to drop off cooking oil was in his fiercest critic's back yard.
Posted by DepotGuy 2011-09-08 11:55||   2011-09-08 11:55|| Front Page Top

#12 Get rid of FEMA and FEMA regions. Tell the governors of the states that they now have the mission. Pre-position MRE's, cots, porta-potties and tentage where it can be flown in to disaster areas. Put the Air National Guard in charge of transportation, set-up, and policing.

If the disaster-response procedure (it's online and takes about as long to find as it did to publish this blather) is followed, that's essentially what's supposed to happen. If the lower-level government entity can't handle it, it goes to the next higher one.


If. It. Is. Followed.

Posted by Pappy 2011-09-08 12:56||   2011-09-08 12:56|| Front Page Top

#13 Amen, Pappy - I'm filling out forms just this AM for disaster response and Recovery tasking for my local Gov't employer. They are call/critical tasking lists from SAIC, who I guess is contracting for coordinating this stuff into a quick and easy "disaster local response database" that can be also used by County/State/Fed responses to say...a large quake or fire. I get the bridges, roads, and utilities that cross with them....
Posted by Frank G 2011-09-08 14:10||   2011-09-08 14:10|| Front Page Top

#14 The problem is that due to corruption, ineptitude, or politics (see: "Hurricaine Katrina", "New Orleans"), the disaster response system gets bypassed or short-circuited.

But then again, it's a hell of a lot easier to type up a bullsh*t hit-list for the Old Fart Email Network than it is to research what's wrong and then hold the bastards accountable.
Posted by Pappy 2011-09-08 15:14||   2011-09-08 15:14|| Front Page Top

#15 Make null and void all regulations at all levels of government passed after 1992, and rigorously enforce the ones that are left.

While a good idea, the mere pruning back of the regulatory state would do little long-term good as there would remain strong impetus on the drivers of the present problem (politicians & big businesses who conspire to grow regulation explosively) to simply re-regulate as quickly as possible.
Posted by AzCat 2011-09-08 15:47||   2011-09-08 15:47|| Front Page Top

#16 "Disband all Fed (and State for that matter) government unions. If they strike, fire all of them."

You are officially an idiot. Get a life Teabagger...
Posted by Van Der Groot 2011-09-08 19:32||   2011-09-08 19:32|| Front Page Top

#17 That sort of comment, VDG, is worthy of the fourth-grader level retort:

It takes one to know one.
Posted by Bobby 2011-09-08 19:35||   2011-09-08 19:35|| Front Page Top

#18 Ah, our Toronto troll is back.
Posted by lotp 2011-09-08 20:00||   2011-09-08 20:00|| Front Page Top

#19 That even a whiff of a suggestion of a hint of less than perfect job security for his little life on a random blog causes such a reaction from the troll tells us everything we need to know about what kind of "man" he really is.

Public functionary-itis.

Posted by no mo uro 2011-09-08 20:07||   2011-09-08 20:07|| Front Page Top

#20 Toronto troll shows up pretending to be Dutch. Again.

You know what this means, right?

Drink up!
Posted by Thing From Snowy Mountain 2011-09-08 20:17||   2011-09-08 20:17|| Front Page Top

#21 (It could be worse. He could drive a.... well, you know.)
Posted by Thing From Snowy Mountain 2011-09-08 20:18||   2011-09-08 20:18|| Front Page Top

#22 Ah, our Toronto troll is back.

And he's not even pretending to be civil.

Or smarter-than-thou.

Gads, what an ugly Canadian.
Posted by Pappy 2011-09-08 21:58||   2011-09-08 21:58|| Front Page Top

23:43 CrazyFool
23:27 Mikey Hunt
23:11 Anguper Hupomosing9418
23:11 Anonymoose
23:02 Procopius2k
22:52 Griting Smith6978
22:47 Barbara
22:46 Barbara
21:58 Pappy
21:33 GlowingBubblehead
21:21 DarthVader
21:16 DarthVader
21:09 Nimble Spemble
21:06 lotp
21:02 Eohippus Phater7165
21:01 Nimble Spemble
21:00 Eohippus Phater7165
21:00 Nimble Spemble
20:57 Eohippus Phater7165
20:50 whatadeal
20:29 Glenmore
20:27 Barbara
20:18 Thing From Snowy Mountain
20:17 Thing From Snowy Mountain

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