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2011-05-02 Home Front: WoT
White House Officials Debate Releasing Photographs of Bin Laden’s Corpse
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Posted by Zebulon Thranter9685 2011-05-02 11:56|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [21 views ]  Top

#1 Head on a stick, baby! Let's see 'em.
Posted by tu3031 2011-05-02 12:37||   2011-05-02 12:37|| Front Page Top

#2 Head on a stick, baby! Let's see 'em.

Officials will have to release them so we know how to fashion the memorial Pez dispensers.
Posted by gorb 2011-05-02 13:15||   2011-05-02 13:15|| Front Page Top

#3 Given who is taking credit, pictures would be for the best.
Posted by Iblis 2011-05-02 13:49||   2011-05-02 13:49|| Front Page Top

#4 Given who is taking credit, a live interview with the guy who pulled the trigger (a .50 cal Barrett at close range? yuck!) would be best.
Posted by RandomJD 2011-05-02 15:01||   2011-05-02 15:01|| Front Page Top

#5 well al queada had no qualms about posting the beheading of Nick Berg!
Posted by chris 2011-05-02 16:08||   2011-05-02 16:08|| Front Page Top

#6 It violates the Geneva Convention (or the Left's interpretation of it) but then Obama can't resist the spotlight and the world needs definitive proof. Also, they apparently began this op in August, although W really began it and deserves credit for the black ops, Obama gave the official go-ahead on Friday but this intel was based on info from "tortured" Gitmo-detainee KSM. Brennan said they watched the kill in real-time in the situation room, declining to reveal the technology to do so, and now we hear he used his wife as a human shield but was killed by a head shot right through the eye! Then the press conference was announced late Sunday night and still delayed another hour, although Fox was the last to know. Reports the body was fishfood by 2am EST from the USS Carl Vincent in the Arabian Sea, so his head on a pike is out-of-the-question. Huffington Post already has posted pics/video of Binny's bedroom--the Left must be having a major crisis, on maximum torque to spin this!
Posted by Gerthudion Unump7993 2011-05-02 16:14||   2011-05-02 16:14|| Front Page Top

#7 It only violates the Geneva Convention if the photos are of soldiers or "lawful combatants". Osama was neither and thus it is perfectly legal to show a body of a mass murderer and terrorist.
Posted by DarthVader 2011-05-02 17:23||   2011-05-02 17:23|| Front Page Top

#8 Using a civilian as a human shield (willing or not) is also a violation of the Geneva Convention. Not to mention the cold-blooded murder of 3,000 people and so many afterwards.

And of course the lawful combatant qualification which Darth mentioned. hiding in civilian populations, not being a recognizable combatant (uniform, badge) etc...

I'm betting there is a great 'Whailing and Gnashing of Teeth' over at the ACLU HQ today.
Posted by CrazyFool 2011-05-02 19:00||   2011-05-02 19:00|| Front Page Top

#9 Beautiful operation but the honorable burial at sea bothers the crap out of me. For years we’ve heard Muslims and the administrations (Bush and Obama) denounce UBL’s action as anti-Islamic, so why then bestow that honor on this scumbag. It’s akin to have given Hitler a Requiem Mass. This height of political correctness make us look weak kneed.
Posted by jack salami 2011-05-02 22:27||   2011-05-02 22:27|| Front Page Top

#10 Jack, in the best Islamic tradition they beheaded the beast then cast the carrion into the sea.

The trophy is in a jug somewhere. Trust me.
Posted by Skidmark 2011-05-02 23:22||   2011-05-02 23:22|| Front Page Top

23:39 Skidmark
23:34 RandomJD
23:22 Skidmark
23:05 RandomJD
23:04 gorb
23:01 JosephMendiola
22:54 JosephMendiola
22:54 Skidmark
22:53 Frank G
22:52 Frank G
22:47 Skidmark
22:45 JosephMendiola
22:45 RandomJD
22:43 Richard Aubrey
22:41 gorb
22:39 tu3031
22:27 JosephMendiola
22:27 jack salami
22:23 gorb
22:18 JosephMendiola
22:16 gorb
22:12 gorb
22:06 JosephMendiola
22:04 chris

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