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2010-09-10 Home Front: Politix
AntiSeedy Politician: Chris Christie demolishes the Teachers Union
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Posted by CrazyFool 2010-09-10 01:18|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [21 views ]  Top

#1 Holy crap.

If I ever get a chance to vote for this guy, I'm voting the Fat Man ticket.

Taft has been far too long. He speaks - common sense.
Posted by Mizzou Mafia 2010-09-10 04:00||   2010-09-10 04:00|| Front Page Top

#2 We certainly need more like him.

Unfortunately, women ('burg babes excluded) typically vote based on sexual attraction and his lack of slim looks would hamper him in a national election.

Maybe we can get him on Jenny Craig for the next year or so?
Posted by no mo uro 2010-09-10 06:31||   2010-09-10 06:31|| Front Page Top

#3 HHe is awesome
Posted by Beavis 2010-09-10 07:53||   2010-09-10 07:53|| Front Page Top

#4 No Mo Uro has a point. I am not sure he's pretty enough for the masses to digest.
Posted by miscellaneous 2010-09-10 08:12||   2010-09-10 08:12|| Front Page Top

#5 I may be out of line but DAMN I want him on a national ticket.
Posted by Cyber Sarge 2010-09-10 08:48||   2010-09-10 08:48|| Front Page Top

#6 He is of that rare breed of politician who says, and likely believes, what the typical blue collar guy is thinking. Real populism, not just pretend.

And you'd be surprised how many women who grew up surrounded by men like that, like men like that. Pretty boys are for fantasy. Real men they want in their family.
Posted by  Anonymoose 2010-09-10 08:49||   2010-09-10 08:49|| Front Page Top

#7 I've been watching Christie ever since he was elected. The more I see/hear from him, the more I like him. Finally, a politician who SPEAKS with CLARITY and ACTS with CONVICTION. Agree or disagree with him, you have to respect him. This country desperately needs more politicians like him right now.

In regards to his electability and handsomeness, or lack thereof, a few comments. 1) While he could stand to use a good 25-30lbs at a minimum, he's not an ogre. I'm sure if he did lose some weight (and I believe he has already lost some since taking office), he wouldn't look that bad at all; 2) I think women will pay almost as much attention to the relative attractiveness of his wife when gauging his attraction quotient and voting appeal. If she's attractive enough, but not too attractive, they may look past his shortcomings and say, "hey, she's not too bad, so he must be a good husband."
Posted by eltoroverde 2010-09-10 09:35||   2010-09-10 09:35|| Front Page Top

#8 Chris Christie is a fiscal conservative and a straight talker...all good things.

Now for the not so good things:

- Endorsed Mike Castle.
- Makes favorable noises vis-a-vis Comprehensive Immigration Reform (Amnesty).
- Makes favorable noises vis-a-vis the Ground Zero Mosque.
- NOT a staunch proponent of the 2nd. Amendment.

Let Christie clean up New Jersey first and get some exposure on where he really stands about some important issues.

Personally, I don't see him as a player on the National stage.
Posted by Secret Asian Man 2010-09-10 09:43||   2010-09-10 09:43|| Front Page Top

#9 SAM may have a point. Let's see what he does in office and attempts to do. Some demirats are even cluing into BO and he really is like after seeing him conduct himself in office.
Posted by miscellaneous 2010-09-10 09:49||   2010-09-10 09:49|| Front Page Top

#10 women ('burg babes excluded) typically vote based on sexual attraction

Just the other day there was an article about fat men being better in bed.
Posted by Glenmore 2010-09-10 10:21||   2010-09-10 10:21|| Front Page Top

#11 I believe he has said he will not run for national office in 2012.
Posted by rjschwarz 2010-09-10 10:23||   2010-09-10 10:23|| Front Page Top

#12 And Octavian said he never wanted to be emperor too.
Posted by Thing From Snowy Mountain 2010-09-10 10:50||   2010-09-10 10:50|| Front Page Top

#13 SAM,

Christine O'Donnell has shown herself to have lied in her previous campaigns. I don't blame anyone for endorsing Mike Castle over her.
Posted by Eric Jablow  2010-09-10 14:59||   2010-09-10 14:59|| Front Page Top

#14 His likely opponent wouldn't be slim coolcat Barry; it's going to be Hillary, who's not exactly svelte or easy on the eyes.

Frankly, while he's just what NJ needs now, I don't know that he's what the country needs. Zero foreign-policy experience won't matter vs Barry the Simple but it won't cut it vs Hillary.
Posted by lex 2010-09-10 15:54||   2010-09-10 15:54|| Front Page Top

#15 Love the way he tells the teacher to quit making faces and listen, or he'll move on to the next question.

That's old school. Put him in a habit and give him a steel-edged ruler and he could be a teacher in a Catholic school -- where the learning is real, and begins with respect.
Posted by regular joe 2010-09-10 15:56||   2010-09-10 15:56|| Front Page Top

#16 You know I don't have to agree with a person 100% to like them. Using that measurement I would have no friends.
Posted by Cyber Sarge 2010-09-10 16:24||   2010-09-10 16:24|| Front Page Top

#17 - Endorsed Mike Castle.
- Makes favorable noises vis-a-vis Comprehensive Immigration Reform (Amnesty).
- Makes favorable noises vis-a-vis the Ground Zero Mosque.
- NOT a staunch proponent of the 2nd. Amendment.


Posted by Lizzy Borden 2010-09-10 19:15||   2010-09-10 19:15|| Front Page Top

#18 Christine O'Donnell has shown herself to have lied in her previous campaigns. I don't blame anyone for endorsing Mike Castle over her.

Castle is an uber RINO and would not be with the Conservatives where it counts. I would rather see Christine in the seat, or the Democrat. Time to stand on principles and not take what we can get.

Besides, show me a politician that doesn't lie. That being said, there seems to be a lot of mud thrown around about Christine and most of it is crap in my opinion. However, I'm Fort Worth, TX so I don't have a dog in that hunt.

As an additional aside on the Big Man in NJ, I think he would make a wonderful Attorney General. As long as he is given free rein to prosecute the corrupt bastards in D.C. and elsewhere.
Posted by Secret Asian Man 2010-09-10 19:34||   2010-09-10 19:34|| Front Page Top

#19 Unfortunately, women ('burg babes excluded) typically vote based on sexual attraction and his lack of slim looks would hamper him in a national election.

oh please.
Posted by Martini 2010-09-10 23:44||   2010-09-10 23:44|| Front Page Top

#20 Unfortunately, women ('burg babes excluded) typically vote based on sexual attraction and his lack of slim looks would hamper him in a national election.

oh please.
Posted by Martini 2010-09-10 23:44||   2010-09-10 23:44|| Front Page Top

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