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2010-05-31 Israel-Palestine-Jordan
Report: At least 10 activists killed as Israel Navy opens fire on Gaza aid flotilla
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Posted by phil_b 2010-05-31 00:58|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [63 views ]  Top

#1 wages of sin and all that....
Posted by 3dc 2010-05-31 01:17||   2010-05-31 01:17|| Front Page Top

#2 Let's hope the Israelis have video of whatever stupidity by the so called activists caused this.
Posted by phil_b 2010-05-31 01:28||   2010-05-31 01:28|| Front Page Top

#3 Passengers tried to wrest weapons from soldiers, Army Radio reports;
Posted by phil_b 2010-05-31 01:31||   2010-05-31 01:31|| Front Page Top

#4 Let's hope the Israelis have video of whatever stupidity by the so called activists caused this.

Like it's going to make any difference.
Posted by g(r)omgoru 2010-05-31 02:01||   2010-05-31 02:01|| Front Page Top

#5 The flotilla was fully prepared for the different scenarios that might arise,

I hope they brought lots of bandages.

and organizers were hopeful that Israeli authorities would do what's right

They did.

and not stop the convoy, one of the organizers said.

This half of that sentence definitely belonged somwhere else in the article, because it sure as hell didn't have anything to do with "doing what was right".

"We fully intend to go to Gaza regardless of any intimidation or threats of violence against us," Arraf said. "They are going to have to forcefully stop us."

We? Us? Where is Arraf right now?
Posted by gorb 2010-05-31 02:32||   2010-05-31 02:32|| Front Page Top

#6 Debka

Up to 20 dead, dozens injured, on the pro-Palestinian flotilla lead boat intercepted by Israeli naval commandos 80 miles out at sea, Monday, May 31. Israel reports the clash was triggered by passengers shooting with a weapon snatched from a soldier and wielding knives. Six troops were injured. All casualties have been ferried by helicopter to Israel hospitals. Nationwide alert for disturbances declared in Israel and around its borders.
Turkey, which sponsored the flotilla to break Israel's blockade of Gaza, now threatens incalculable consequences for the attack.

They should have ferried them to Gazan hospitals IMO.
Posted by phil_b 2010-05-31 02:50||   2010-05-31 02:50|| Front Page Top

#7 I hope George Galloway is on board!
Posted by Paul D 2010-05-31 03:27||   2010-05-31 03:27|| Front Page Top

#8 Sponsored by Turkey says it all!
Posted by Paul D 2010-05-31 03:29||   2010-05-31 03:29|| Front Page Top

#9 Fools, don't they know this is a big fat PR exercise

the most 'polite' side wins and in this case that is NOT Israel.

Don't get me wrong I 100% support the Israelis, and the Palestinian Muslims should all move to Egypt, Jordon or Syria.

But this is not the way to win... killing an people on an international flotilla is just handing political ammunition to your enemies!
Posted by anon1 2010-05-31 04:05||   2010-05-31 04:05|| Front Page Top

#10 Well, they've done it. They've created martyrs. Not since Saint Pancake have they had such wonderful luck.

"Israel Navy troops opened fire on pro-Palestinian activists"

Note how this is the lead, and "activists grabbed weapons from sailors and opened fire" is buried deep in the article and never followed up on.
Posted by gromky 2010-05-31 04:12||   2010-05-31 04:12|| Front Page Top

#11 Apparently Israeli soldiers were attacked with knives and axes, one stabbed, four injured.
They said they were shot at.

Al Jazeera is/was broadcasting footage of them being attacked with sticks.

It is a problem that Al Jazeera gets to be the news organisation of record they are hardly unbiased

they represent a massive threat and can forward the goals of political islam with a huge budget. See other story posted from the economist "al Jazeera gaining traction".

Al Jazeera will amplify the public relations disaster for Israel that this will be.

I mean for gods sake they had an Irish nobel prize winner - an old woman! and a holocaust survivor on board.

what idiot sent the commandoes in!!
Posted by anon1 2010-05-31 04:21||   2010-05-31 04:21|| Front Page Top

#12 Good LoRD Now we have more than 10 saint pancakes.

Israeli forces put the death toll at between 14 and 16 (google news).

This is a disaster for Israel, they should have just left the islamonutbags bring their stupid ships in, let the Gazans use the smuggled weapons to commit some attrocity then retaliated with overwhelming force.

They would have been better off!
Posted by anon1 2010-05-31 04:33||   2010-05-31 04:33|| Front Page Top

#13 sorry a lot of posts from me i know
but do you see what they are doing?
The Islamists are building a worldwide movement.

911 might have been a violent fist and set them back a fair bit

But they learned. And they are slowly isolating Israel and the US - and they are doing it with PR and al Jazeera.

You should see the UN meetings how they go with all the arab states putting resolution after resolution condemning israel.

They are building consensus around the world, beaming al Jazeera into remote parts of Africa. Watch the African states swing their votes at the UN in years to come.

If we do not reverse the tide, we will find ourselves isolated globally by their very effective use of propaganda.
Posted by anon1 2010-05-31 04:44||   2010-05-31 04:44|| Front Page Top

#14 Anon1: Normally I would agree with you, but with the current Administration Isreal is basically alone. PR isn't going to help, and this won't do anything but reinforce both sides resolves. Those who want to believe Isreal is the enemy will.

I actually think this might be a good thing. It will be much harder to garner volunteers when those University students suddenly realize they might get killed.
Posted by Charles 2010-05-31 04:44||   2010-05-31 04:44|| Front Page Top

#15 I mean for gods sake they had an Irish nobel prize winner - an old woman! and a holocaust survivor on board.

Who put them in harm's way? Who explained the risks to them? Did they do this of their own free will? I'll bet Arraf told them of the danger, and I'll bet the passengers got on the boat knowing what may happen. What were they doing with all the knives and axes anyway?

And why did they snatch away the soldier's gun if they were so peaceful? Why did they fire on the Israeli soldiers with it? This won't remain buried.

Arraf was fully aware of the risks. If the passengers went along with it knowingly, it's the passengers' fault. I don't care who they are. If not all of the passengers were fully informed, it's Arraf's. Israel did what it should have done, and should do again until these idiots get it. They need to do it unflinchingly and unemotionally.

I believe Israel explained to Arraf that they were willing to sort through the cargo and pass along authorized goods to the "Palestinians". So this should obviously be a political ploy to anyone with a brain.

I am of the opinion that there will be a lot of ululating with the hope of getting a lot of sympathy, and it won't die off right away because this is the only chance they will get at it. But I'll bet it does die off, and Israel won't be any worse off.

We'll see.
Posted by gorb 2010-05-31 05:09||   2010-05-31 05:09|| Front Page Top

#16 And no more 'humanitarian convoys' for a while.

Apparently the Turks are really pissed about this.
Posted by phil_b 2010-05-31 05:44||   2010-05-31 05:44|| Front Page Top

#17 @ Gorb

I AGREE of course it was a set up

Of course the Islamists wanted violence - so they could win the PR war of showing the world how evil the Jooos are

And now because some silly idiot sent in the commandoes, they have succeeded!!
Posted by anon1 2010-05-31 06:34||   2010-05-31 06:34|| Front Page Top

#18 @ Charles

I hope you are right my friend

But i fear it will only galvanise the idiocracy on the campuses in the left provinces of the US, UK and Australia

and give heart to the socialists. why are the communists always siding with the Islamonutz?
Posted by anon1 2010-05-31 06:36||   2010-05-31 06:36|| Front Page Top

#19 Odd, nothing on the wire.

Mater of fact, sounds juchey.
I don't mean to say that INF arent soul-killer demons from Wallstreet, it just that. LOL

Posted by Shipman 2010-05-31 06:43||   2010-05-31 06:43|| Front Page Top

#20 LOL, Looks like I'm wrong again.

Maybe it did happen!
Go Joooooooce!
Posted by Shipman 2010-05-31 06:52||   2010-05-31 06:52|| Front Page Top

#21 Global media (*spit*) falling into line.

It's an old trick: Confront armed security forces with a murderous mob armed with improvised weapons (rocks, iron bars, boards, etc), then scream bloody murder when the security force use firearms to keep from being beaten or hacked to death. Many a soldier and policeman has been killed and mutilated over the years by mobs of savages because he hesitated to use gunfire to defend himself. Lethal force does not require guns and bombs, but it does merit a lethal response.

A case in point from Northern Ireland
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy  2010-05-31 07:13||   2010-05-31 07:13|| Front Page Top

#22 On the other hand the American reaction to 9/11, a 21st Century Pearl Harbor, was showing restraint, mercy, magnanimity (before victory!).

That didn't turn out too well!

Bombarding the Afghans with food rations was a good deed of the kind that does not go unpunished.

In the end the old adage may be true: Let them hate us as long as they fear us.
Posted by Enver Angineng2043 2010-05-31 07:18||   2010-05-31 07:18|| Front Page Top

#23 Hear, hear the ShipLord!


AC, got it.
Posted by Shipman 2010-05-31 07:28||   2010-05-31 07:28|| Front Page Top

#24 Media response is irrelevant, since it would work against Israel no matter what happened.
If the IDF hadn't stopped the propaganda convoy (and that's what it is) the global media would have fallen over themselves in their joyous gloating about the defeat of mighty Israel by a few boatloads of "unarmed" Kumbayists.

As it is, the terror-loving whorehouse media get what they want but that was pre-ordained anyway. On the other hand, the terrorists and their media allies and enablers get the message that human shields are not as viable a method of asymmetrical warfare as they had thought. This could be important down the road.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy  2010-05-31 07:31||   2010-05-31 07:31|| Front Page Top

#25 nooo Israel have lost the high moral ground on this one and that will have terrible consequences for them politically on the international stage.

world opinion matters when you are a small country beset by enemies

Posted by anon1 2010-05-31 07:35||   2010-05-31 07:35|| Front Page Top

#26 Israel has the moral and legal high ground, anon.

It will cost them more to appease the media when the latter are hellbent on demonizing Israel in every possible way. The Israelis would be cooperating with their own destruction if they allow the routine lies and distortions of Israel's
enemies to control their actions.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy  2010-05-31 07:45||   2010-05-31 07:45|| Front Page Top

#27 Btw, "global media" and "world opinion" are not synonymous. They probably were 20 or 30 years ago but the establishment media have lost much of their monopoly over public perception.

Sri Lanka, for example, gave the finger to "global media," crushed the Tamil Tigers in a matter of weeks, and left the media and their terror-apologist allies sputtering in helpless rage.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy  2010-05-31 07:50||   2010-05-31 07:50|| Front Page Top

#28 They should have just torpedoed the ship and claimed a old mine hit it.
Posted by DarthVader 2010-05-31 08:12||   2010-05-31 08:12|| Front Page Top

#29 LOL, Darth!
Posted by Scooter McGruder 2010-05-31 08:27||   2010-05-31 08:27|| Front Page Top

#30 Israel have lost the high moral ground on this one and that will have terrible consequences for them politically on the international stage.

There will be the usual useless idiots bemoaning the brutality of it all on the telly, as usual. A few more editorials going off about how these "peaceful activists" were just going about their bizness, distributing baby animals to the poor Palis....and I'm sure they'll dust the story off in a year or two to see if they can still milk something out of it. So, yeah, the Israelis lost the PR battle on this one.

But the moral high ground? No way.
Posted by Cornsilk Blondie 2010-05-31 08:44||   2010-05-31 08:44|| Front Page Top

#31 good riddance to Euro trash
Posted by Frank G 2010-05-31 08:56||   2010-05-31 08:56|| Front Page Top

#32 They should have just torpedoed the ship and claimed a old mine hit it.

..or borrowed some spare parts from NCIS:Inchon, since the world doesn't give a rat's A about that ship confrontation, salt the site and let them deal with the Nkors as well.

As for Israel. They've gotten the message that they're under the bus for this American administration. However, it is a two way sword as any severe reaction will only finalize the gulf between the secular American Jewish community and the religious community. The secular have traded socialism for the faith. That means the administration simply retains those who'd follow them over the socialist cliff regardless. The rest will sit it out or shift to the other side of the aisle. Not good this fall or 2012.

The Israelis have come to the realization that the rest of the world would just want them to shut up and quietly get on the box cars again in face of those calling for the second extermination. So why give a frig about 'world opinion'. Sri Lanka, Iran and the Nkors show the value of 'world opinion'. Now the Israelis are taking up the attitude. Expect more of this across the world with America's new Smart Diplomacy(tm)*.

*Speak loudly and carry a small stick.
Posted by Procopius2k 2010-05-31 08:59||   2010-05-31 08:59|| Front Page Top

#33 Ten killed, sixty wounded. Left properly unattended, hopefully others will succumbe to the injuries.
Posted by Besoeker 2010-05-31 09:08||   2010-05-31 09:08|| Front Page Top

#34 Well, he’s surrounded by pacifists who all want peace
They pray for it nightly that the bloodshed must cease
Now, they wouldn’t hurt a fly. To hurt one they would weep
They lay and they wait for this bully to fall asleep
He’s the neighborhood bully

- Bob Dylan
Posted by Goober Crealet3411 2010-05-31 09:33||   2010-05-31 09:33|| Front Page Top

#35 Dire Revenge time coming soon. Bet they're REALLY hopping mad now. Might shoot some rockets. Israelis should have just said "come on in and enjoy yourselves. Why not just kill a few of us right here? Save everybody a lot of trouble and make the media and the Turks proud."
Jews get so worked up. Always complaining.
Posted by Goober Goobelopolous 2010-05-31 09:44||   2010-05-31 09:44|| Front Page Top

#36 In that case, since they have lost the moral high ground they should stop being weak about it and do the job properly. Then they can clean up and be 'nice' later.

Why not solve the problem once and for all now - move into Gaza and clean out the rats nest.

Reclaim that strip of beach. Truck all the Palestinian Muslim 'refugees' to the border with Jordan and march them over.

Hand each of them an envelope with US$10,000 as compensation to start their new life.

Then make sure they are NEVER allowed to cross the border again.

Time to separate the muslims from the Jews in Israel once and for all.

Just do it for gods sake and end this running sore! They have the military power to do it... just do it!

And clear all the palestinian muslims out of israel too.
Posted by anon1 2010-05-31 10:09||   2010-05-31 10:09|| Front Page Top

#37 Mairead Corrigan Maguire = Cindy Sheehan. Never miss an opportunity to turn personal tragedy into media-hogging self-agrandizement.
Posted by Odysseus 2010-05-31 10:10||   2010-05-31 10:10|| Front Page Top

#38 The Israelis were smart enough to have a (hopefully friendly) Rooters reporter with them, close enough to observe the action through night vision.

However, I have to criticize the Israelis for having a crappy strategy, with a crappy execution. The laundry list of what they should have done:

Individually rappelling commandos must be covered by serious weaponry. They were not. In addition, some of their commandos *primary* "weapons" were frigging paintball guns.

They should not have landed on a moving ship. It is not hard AT ALL to disable a ship without serious damage. Either take out the propeller, or put a large caliber bullet or three through the hull and into the engine.

Don't even bother with the element of surprise. In fact, those ships should have sat dead in the water for several hours, while the Israelis then used megaphone communications to babble at them from a safe distance.

While they were smart enough to electronically jam the ships, they waited too long to do so, so they were able to get out some commo before being turned off.

A long boat boarding party should have included any number of clearly marked neutral nation observers, brought along with cameramen to record a very by the numbers search of the vessels for "contraband". This happens all the time in international waters.

etc., etc., etc.
Posted by  Anonymoose 2010-05-31 10:12||   2010-05-31 10:12|| Front Page Top

#39 The entire paleo thing is a farce. They honestly should have been exterminated long ago. If you support terrorists, then you ARE a terrorist. EVERY single member of Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah and every other terrorist in the areas Israel is dealing with should be killed along with every single supporter.

I don't even know why people pretend these people even have any legit issues at all. Once they're dead, the issue will be over with and Israel's enemies won't have their little catpaws to provoke Israel anymore.
Posted by Silentbrick 2010-05-31 10:56||   2010-05-31 10:56|| Front Page Top

#40 There is intersting coverage of the events and the reaction here at the Guardian website, which as you can imagine is feeling a major tingling in its collective leg. The site has dueling youtube video's put up by both sides, and, just now, a photo of a purely spontaneous demonstration of thousands of Turks who are marching along in good order and who happened to have had lying around the house neatly made banners that I assume do not express solidarity with the IDF.
Posted by Matt 2010-05-31 11:08||   2010-05-31 11:08|| Front Page Top

#41 Well, maybe Netanyahu can take a pass now on the little party Obama was going to throw for him. I guess that's out now.
Posted by Goober Goobelopolous 2010-05-31 11:08||   2010-05-31 11:08|| Front Page Top

#42 Major PR disaster. Shoulda disabled the ships by taking out the propellers. What was Netanyahu thinking?
Posted by Zhang Fei 2010-05-31 11:13||  2010-05-31 11:13|| Front Page Top

#43 GG oh yeah, Bibi has canned the visit
Posted by Beavis 2010-05-31 11:19||   2010-05-31 11:19|| Front Page Top

#44 Moral high ground!? LOL! Israel will never be granted the moral high ground. The Jews offend the libtard's moral sensitivities by the mere fact of existing. Good riddance to some Euro Darwin Award candidates. You think the outrage is great now? Wait until the Jews deal with Iran, up close and personal.
Posted by SR-71 2010-05-31 11:31||   2010-05-31 11:31|| Front Page Top

#45 Various video here
Posted by Shipman 2010-05-31 11:31||   2010-05-31 11:31|| Front Page Top

#46 "good riddance to Euro trash"

You're about to get your wish. Katla is about to blow up and the 25 trillion EU credit bubble will burst, soon after that.

Down goes the EU!!!
Posted by Poison Reverse 2010-05-31 11:32||   2010-05-31 11:32|| Front Page Top

#47 What was Netanyahu thinking?

He was thinking he'd go in light because the folks on the boat wouldn't get stupid. The way they did it would have been easiest had they gone along with it. No shots fired, no damaged hull, no nothing. They were positioned to be able to defend themselves, but just barely. And without stalling international monitors.
Posted by gorb 2010-05-31 12:00||   2010-05-31 12:00|| Front Page Top

Posted by Boss Joluth7350 2010-05-31 12:02||   2010-05-31 12:02|| Front Page Top

#49 ABC reports 9 'activists' killed, 16 jailed.
No mention of Cynthia McKinney this time.
Posted by Muggsy Glink 2010-05-31 12:10||   2010-05-31 12:10|| Front Page Top

#50 Videos are telling. I wonder what is actually on those ships....
Posted by CrazyFool 2010-05-31 13:02||   2010-05-31 13:02|| Front Page Top

Posted by gorb 2010-05-31 13:04||   2010-05-31 13:04|| Front Page Top

Posted by Deacon Blues 2010-05-31 13:06||   2010-05-31 13:06|| Front Page Top

#53 I'm with Silentbrick.
Posted by Canuckistan sniper 2010-05-31 13:17||   2010-05-31 13:17|| Front Page Top

#54 This is NOT the PR disaster for Israel that some posters here anticipate. Although the headline was typical AP-style propaganda which more and more people are smart enough to see through, it was apparent at first read that the Paleos were trying to create a "March on Selma / Bull Connors" incident (this from the same group which has used ambulances to shuttle weaponry!) - after all, why were a number of well-armed Israeli soldiers also injured?

Well, the Paleos got their wish after yet another incident coordinated with the media (which they have bought using strategic donations of oil money).

Does that scenario make them more sympathetic? I think not!
Posted by Jinens Lumplump6738 2010-05-31 13:59||   2010-05-31 13:59|| Front Page Top

#55 How PC can one be? Obviously enough to send in Israeli Navy SEAL's with their hands tied behind their backs only allowing them to use the equivalent of paint ball guns?! (this reported by FOX News) After learning their lives were in danger (DUH) they were able to use their handguns. Unf***ingbelievable.
I'm tired of seeing troops SEAL's or otherwise put in situations and not allow them the proper weapons needed to control the situation at hand. I'd like to see those that make these stupid decisions have their butts on the line.
There's no such thing as 'playing fair' in the war game.
Posted by Jan 2010-05-31 14:09||   2010-05-31 14:09|| Front Page Top

#56 Israel: Floatilla Had Ties To Al-Qaeda Terrorist Network
Posted by Butch Omavirt4756 2010-05-31 14:23||   2010-05-31 14:23|| Front Page Top

#57  Israel: Floatilla Had Ties To Al-Qaeda Terrorist Network

Was there ever any doubt? Why else wouldn't they want to cooperate with the screening process.
Posted by Jan 2010-05-31 14:29||   2010-05-31 14:29|| Front Page Top

#58 Oh look, that flotilla just happened to have an Al-Jizz reporter on board. Watch him run around with his hands in the air like Spongebob, in fear of his life.

Posted by gorb 2010-05-31 14:57||   2010-05-31 14:57|| Front Page Top

Posted by gorb 2010-05-31 15:01||   2010-05-31 15:01|| Front Page Top

#60 Arab news investigation into how much humanitarian aid is actually making it into Gaza vs. how much they need. Could drive a truck through the holes in their argument that are left unspoken, but it's for Arabs so it is ignored.

Posted by gorb 2010-05-31 15:09||   2010-05-31 15:09|| Front Page Top

#61 Israel is going to have to accept that the only solution to their problem is to be mean enough the Arabs will give up attacking them. That MAY include having to use some of its nuclear stockpile. In this instance, after their commandos were attacked, they should have put a couple of rounds through the bridge of the ship, start pulling their people off, and sink the da$$$$ thing. Six hundred Turks on board was part of the clue this was an intentional confrontation. That's what, two full companies of people? Does Israel now have the ships in Ashdod, so they can be inspected? If not, are they still afloat? If they ARE still afloat, WHY???
Posted by Old Patriot 2010-05-31 15:24||   2010-05-31 15:24|| Front Page Top

#62  Various video here

Good link, Shipman. Thanks! :-)
Posted by trailing wife 2010-05-31 15:36||   2010-05-31 15:36|| Front Page Top

Redacted by moderator. Comments may be redacted for trolling, violation of standards of good manners, or plain stupidity. Please correct the condition that applies and try again. Contents may be viewed in the sinktrap. Further violations may result in banning.
Posted by 746 2010-05-31 15:44||   2010-05-31 15:44|| Front Page Top

#64 5. Attracting trolls
Posted by Frank G 2010-05-31 15:52||   2010-05-31 15:52|| Front Page Top

#65 I don't understand this, it was obviously a PR stunt and the Israeli's commando attack provided the PR required by their enemies. Why not dump metal nets into the propellers and then use tugs to guide them wherever they need to go while ignoring the passangers and crew?
Posted by rjschwarz 2010-05-31 16:02||   2010-05-31 16:02|| Front Page Top

#66 Why not dump metal nets into the propellers and then use tugs to guide them wherever they need to go while ignoring the passangers and crew? let them drift wherever the wind and waves might take them.
Fixed it for you.
Posted by Rambler in Virginia  2010-05-31 16:29||   2010-05-31 16:29|| Front Page Top

1. Moussad blatently assasinates someone in Dubai
2. Bernie Madoff rips off half the planet
3. Goldman Sachs rips off the rest
4. Isreal sends commandos out to shoot an old Irish woman

1. "Someone" was an avowed terrorist and the pimps who run Dubai were harboring him.
2. Madoff does not represent the Jewish community or the State of Israel and he is in jail anyway.
3. Goldman-Sachs is not predominately a Jewish firm and ditto #2 even if they were.
4. None of the videos show any Irish ladies, old or otherwise, beating Israeli soldiers with iron bars. None of the dead were Irish ladies, or gentlemen either for that matter.

Your side, the brain-dead media conformist slave-minions, is going to lose the current struggle despite your control of the whorehouse media and the billions in oil money your Arab fundamentalist paymasters can deploy.

Your post is the perfect demonstration of why you will lose: You are stupid. You are so stupid in fact that you think strawmen, half-truths, and completely unsupported claims are the height of rhetoric and argumentation.

In short, fuck you and the camel you rode in on.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy  2010-05-31 16:39||   2010-05-31 16:39|| Front Page Top

#68 hence, my comment #64. Nice rant, AC
Posted by Frank G 2010-05-31 16:42||   2010-05-31 16:42|| Front Page Top

#69 Personnaly, I thought Israel was a far too restrained.
Posted by JohnQC 2010-05-31 17:16||   2010-05-31 17:16|| Front Page Top

#70 Although rules differ somewhat (and are more or less unwritten rules) international law favors the Israeli position:

1) Neutral vessels can be subject to capture, if they run a blockade. Check

2) The blockade has to be effective to be cognizable in a prize court, that is, not merely declared but actually enforced. Check

3 Neutrals (we are giving them the benefit of the doubt here) have to be warned of it. Check

4) If so then any ships running the blockade of whatever flag are subject to capture and condemnation.

But of course, all this isn't even necessary. Israel had the right to inspect the cargo. They were denied boarding violently. The Israeli Navy acted in self defense after that. Case closed.

That they botched the action is another thing. But show me a place in the world where you can attack troops with knives and iron bars and you are NOT shot.
Posted by European Conservative 2010-05-31 17:28||   2010-05-31 17:28|| Front Page Top

#71 Maybe they should have hit the ships with a good-ole rocket attack instead.

The Left doesn't seem to mind those one bit.
Posted by CrazyFool 2010-05-31 18:03||   2010-05-31 18:03|| Front Page Top

#72 I find it odd that Bibi was out of the country when this raid occurred. And even odder that now that it has occurred that he is returning and losing his chance to present Israel's case to the American people.
Posted by Nimble Spemble 2010-05-31 18:10||   2010-05-31 18:10|| Front Page Top

#73 Um, this could get much worse:

Two Turkish activists were reported to be among those killed in the flotilla. Ankara warned that further supply vessels will be sent to Gaza, escorted by the Turkish Navy, a development with unpredictable consequences.

Posted by Uncle Phester 2010-05-31 18:17||   2010-05-31 18:17|| Front Page Top

#74 Two Turkish activists were reported to be among those killed in the flotilla. Ankara warned that further supply vessels will be sent to Gaza, escorted by the Turkish Navy, a development with unpredictable consequences.

That's what subs and mines are for. Israel has both. And they are Israeli waters, not Gazan.
Posted by gorb 2010-05-31 18:21||   2010-05-31 18:21|| Front Page Top

#75 How can Rahm live with himself while el jefe is busy screwing his people? He would resign if he had any principles.
Posted by Frangipani 2010-05-31 18:30||   2010-05-31 18:30|| Front Page Top

Posted by hunterkiller 2010-05-31 18:48||   2010-05-31 18:48|| Front Page Top

#77 I admire your spelling skills
Posted by European Conservative 2010-05-31 18:51||   2010-05-31 18:51|| Front Page Top

Posted by hunterkiller 2010-05-31 18:52||   2010-05-31 18:52|| Front Page Top

Posted by hunterkiller 2010-05-31 18:54||   2010-05-31 18:54|| Front Page Top

#80 Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers
Posted by tipper 2010-05-31 19:09||   2010-05-31 19:09|| Front Page Top

#81 No longer civilians when attempting to run a well advertised military blockade. Boarded by some of the best trained/least likely to make panic mistakes Israeli troops armed with little more than brass balls. PR disaster I disagree - far worse would be for the blockade to be run without any resistance. Some mission impossible soldiers got hurt but we see clearly that those on the ship may be called peace activists but are shown to be the second phase of whale wars with no aversion to violence themselves.
Posted by swksvolFF 2010-05-31 19:22||   2010-05-31 19:22|| Front Page Top

#82 Ankara warned that further supply vessels will be sent to Gaza, escorted by the Turkish Navy, a development with unpredictable consequences.

Sink every...

damned... of them. Israelis subs should use what is left for underwater target practice.
Posted by wr  2010-05-31 20:07||   2010-05-31 20:07|| Front Page Top

#83 The noose - Iran's pending nuke, Hezbollah's increasing rocket capability, almost universal condemnation, near abandonment by its lone historic ally - is tightening around Israel.

Israel knows that at some point it must act decisively or face a second holocaust. Inaction is not an option.

An end game that does not involve several radioactive craters in the middle east where cities once were is unlikely. I pray that Tel Aviv is not among them.
Posted by kcs 2010-05-31 20:13||   2010-05-31 20:13|| Front Page Top

#84 Israel should immediately notify Turkey that a naval minefield will be emplaced in Israel territorial waters off Gaza.

Then Israel should offer free transport for any Gaza citizen to travel to Turkey, if Turkey will extend to them permanent residency.
Posted by  Anonymoose 2010-05-31 20:31||   2010-05-31 20:31|| Front Page Top

Redacted by moderator. Comments may be redacted for trolling, violation of standards of good manners, or plain stupidity. Please correct the condition that applies and try again. Contents may be viewed in the sinktrap. Further violations may result in banning.
Posted by jews are bastards  2010-05-31 23:07||   2010-05-31 23:07|| Front Page Top

Redacted by moderator. Comments may be redacted for trolling, violation of standards of good manners, or plain stupidity. Please correct the condition that applies and try again. Contents may be viewed in the sinktrap. Further violations may result in banning.
Posted by roast the jews  2010-05-31 23:09||   2010-05-31 23:09|| Front Page Top

Redacted by moderator. Comments may be redacted for trolling, violation of standards of good manners, or plain stupidity. Please correct the condition that applies and try again. Contents may be viewed in the sinktrap. Further violations may result in banning.
Posted by roast the jews  2010-05-31 23:17||   2010-05-31 23:17|| Front Page Top

#88 you wanna see some cartoons of Mohammad? He's plugging your ma?
Posted by Frank G 2010-05-31 23:22||   2010-05-31 23:22|| Front Page Top

#89 Clean up on aisle three, clean up on aisle three. Too stupid to live on aisle three.
Posted by remoteman 2010-05-31 23:23||   2010-05-31 23:23|| Front Page Top

#90 hunter killer, roast the Jews, whatever:

One more vile comment and you are banned from even reading Rantburg.

This is your last warning.
Posted by badanov 2010-05-31 23:30||   2010-05-31 23:30|| Front Page Top

23:50  abu do you love
23:30 badanov
23:23 remoteman
23:22 Rambler in Virginia
23:22 Frank G
23:17 roast the jews
23:13 roast the jews
23:09 roast the jews
23:07 jews are bastards
22:56 Pappy
22:46 Pappy
22:43 Pappy
22:25 rjschwarz
22:25 JosephMendiola
22:17 Barbara Skolaut
22:16 James
22:08 Asymmetrical
21:54 JosephMendiola
21:50 newc
21:46 JosephMendiola
21:42 swksvolFF
21:37 swksvolFF
21:33 SteveS
21:32 JosephMendiola

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