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2010-02-18 Home Front: Politix
With Dems sinking, GOP better come up with a plan
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Posted by Fred 2010-02-18 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [25 views ]  Top

#1 I signed the plan today. Did you?
Posted by newc 2010-02-18 01:43||   2010-02-18 01:43|| Front Page Top

#2 Plan Phase I: Defeat as many Dems as possilbe in November.

Plan Phase 2: Return the nation to fiscal solvency as quickly as possible.
Posted by Besoeker 2010-02-18 05:46||   2010-02-18 05:46|| Front Page Top

#3 With or without a "plan" the American people are gonna get rid of a lot of Congress. The Dems are gonna lose big. Skinny in the WH is gonna drift like a turd in the bowl until the end of his Term. He hasnt got a prayer in Hell of a second one.

Sarah Palin IS gonna run.The Left is gonna have to live with cold hotchie after she does.

Then Robert Redford can take his chances...everybody and his naked brother is gonna have advice to offer the winner. What advice is taken is the trick.

Sarah, is homeboy, and her slant is "common sense". (Whatever that means). Not too much "nuance", I would expect.
Cut spending, rolling back "Socialism". Radical winging it and let the entrepreneurs fall where they will.

Dick Cheney in your dreams and some hardass. The military gets a Reagan. And Tofu takes a hike.

If you liked Obama you are gonna absolutely hate what happens to the US. And France and the EUroweenies are gonna see us shake the dust off and stand up mean. We dont hafta be nice.

And who is gonna stop us? WHO?

The bills are gonna come due. We make 13 trillion a year when we run sound. We can do it again.

Get RID of the Dems. Small town America and small town values along with small business in the 100's of Billions...can take on anybody. Leave the people alone and let them work.
Cut THEIR taxes.

Feed the military well and keep it healthy.And if its not in the Constitution, screw it.
Stay out of people's lives and make sure the USMC has what it needs. And if the Media wants to play...let the FOXes settle who listens.

The NYT isnt sellin' too good. Have you noticed?

Susie Creamcheese and Bud the Stud are the future. They want a nice car and an a new house. Get on it.

Let Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and the people who voted for Obama pay for it. There is a lot of open road between the Delta and the Cornfields.

I trust those people.

Posted by Squinty 2010-02-18 07:27||   2010-02-18 07:27|| Front Page Top

#4 I got a plan - pretty damn easy:

1. any spending not constitutionally mandated as a necessity is cut or defunded.

2. Repeat #1

3. cut all corporate, payroll and income taxes in half.

4. Repeat #3 until we can figure out a sensible flat or fair tax.

5. Either regulate or abolish the fed.

6. build a huge wall on our southern border and "re-patriate" all those here who just happen to be lost or forgot they overextended their visas. Americans will do the jobs, but not for $3.50 an hr.

7. we will drill, build nuke plants, coal plants and whatever else it takes to become not only fuel independent but exporters of fuel to foreign countries.

8. We don't apologize for being Americans. Ever.
Posted by Broadhead6 2010-02-18 09:24||   2010-02-18 09:24|| Front Page Top

#5 Keep an eye on Barry's "Deficit-reduction panel." Unless I miss my guess, they'll be coming up with a VAT for us. Of course it won't have Barry's name on it.
Posted by Besoeker 2010-02-18 09:29||   2010-02-18 09:29|| Front Page Top

#6 The Republicans have given me NOTHING to vote FOR.
Posted by Cyber Sarge 2010-02-18 09:32||   2010-02-18 09:32|| Front Page Top

#7 Personally I'd start by rolling the federal budget back to 2006 levels of funding. We weren't exactly blessed with too little government then, but it would be a start, and it would bring us to a rough balance with the current levels of taxation.

End TARP and all similar bailouts. Sell GM and Chrysler for whatever we can get. Ditto our warrants in the banks. Close Fannie and Freddie in an orderly way. Just wind them down.

As BH6 said, drill baby drill. More nuclear power plants. More natural gas. It's embarrassing to be beholden to foreign countries when we have so much energy locked away.

Then go to work on the longer term issues. What sort of social contract is sustainable in the future? How do we fund that? What's the best way to tax ourselves?

But in any bad situation, first you stop the bleeding. We're bleeding badly. Roll back federal (and state!) spending to the last fiscal year that was manageable and start over from there.
Posted by Steve White 2010-02-18 09:49||   2010-02-18 09:49|| Front Page Top

#8 Paul Ryan's plan has a VAT too, but they call it a Business Consumption Tax (BCT)
Posted by Nimble Spemble 2010-02-18 09:49||   2010-02-18 09:49|| Front Page Top

#9 BH6, Also abolish lobbyists and special interest groups from the political process. There should be only one special interest group, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, those who vote.
Posted by JohnQC 2010-02-18 10:20||   2010-02-18 10:20|| Front Page Top

#10 Squinty/Anteater/Bullithead/Monger/Tasmanian Devil/Hey There/The Guardian?/Solvent/Solomon/Prance .... etc.

Pick one 'nym and stick with it. You've been warned.
Posted by lotp 2010-02-18 10:41||   2010-02-18 10:41|| Front Page Top

#11 I liked him best when he was Black Bart...
Posted by trailing wife 2010-02-18 11:36||   2010-02-18 11:36|| Front Page Top

#12 lotp - I read that as Pick one 'nym and stick it. It made sense, too.
Posted by Spot  2010-02-18 11:58||   2010-02-18 11:58|| Front Page Top

#13 A clever strategy might be to run on the idea of an orderly, peaceable constitutional convention, supported and encouraged, but not interfered with by the congress.

To start with, this is a way for the Republicans to get back in power without the risk of "holding the bag" when the economy goes south--which it is likely to do. That is, run as a "caretaker government", while the States are holding their convention, the national government temporarily having "reduced authority."

This is also clever in that it does *not* promise radical change, and right now the public are sick to death of change and want stability.

It does not mean that the caretaker government is idle, however. Under the cover of the constitutional convention, it can prepare for the elimination of large parts of the government, so that after the convention decides what must be done, the enabling laws will be passed quickly.

For their part, the States will be expected to agree before the convention what changes are to be made, so that when the convention is assembled, the draft will be quickly returned to the States for 3/4ths of the (38) to vote "yes".

Then the convention remains seated until the enabling laws are passed, its sole function being to remove and replace any federal official or officer who refuses to carry out what the States have agreed to.

Ideally, after two years of caretaker government, the next congressional elections will be back to normal, with little change in the political balance of power.
Posted by  Anonymoose 2010-02-18 12:06||   2010-02-18 12:06|| Front Page Top

#14 Republicans should stop trying to pass laws through the Congress and instead should try to get different laws passed at the State Level. As many states as you can in one shot to get national press on the topic. They've done this before with Gay Marriage issues on a dozen state ballots. Pretty much everything should be considered a state matter.

I suggest they start with a few common sense campaign laws in time for the 2010 elections so they'll be inacted by 2012. (1) Separate ballots for state and national office so that there is no confusion and no divining intent based on the rest of the ballot. (2) No punchcards or computers for the national ballot, just scantron. Americans know scantron from school. (3) ID required for national ballot. (4) No mail in except for military. Stuff like that. (4) Minimum sentences for election fraud or intimidation.

The Federal government should be about national defense and getting our economic house back in order. Elections should not be something people can steal.
Posted by rjschwarz 2010-02-18 15:26||   2010-02-18 15:26|| Front Page Top

#15 There, see all the ideas that came forward. A lot of good ones too. The American people have what it takes. The Politicians havent done too well,have they?
Congress has the wrong sort of people. They are professional compromisers and ego freaks... what kind of a human being is Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid? Would you like them for your mother or about as a personal friend? Would you like them in your life at all?

Do you think they are talented and sound role models for anything? Would you like to take a Cruise with them and share their thoughts? Would you like to invite either of them over to your home for a pleasant evening?

What WOULD you like to do with them? I mean really? Lets be honest.....

the average guy sweeping out his store in Missouri, in some small town is a better judge of real decision making and listening to others. Just plain folks always are.
What kind of people "run for office? Every town has them, every high school class has them. Student Council know the sort.

Suits, ambitious suits. HI THERE, shake my hand kind of guys. A little smarter and more twisted than a used car salesman...too smart sometimes, devious as lawyers...a LOT of them ARE Lawyers.

Sharps and Squeezers, Slicks. Suits.
Definite types, identifiable. Big SMILES. Hair just perfect. Take it like they own it. A cross between a Delegate in a straw boater and a Pimp.

Somebody's gotta do it. Thank God they arent doing something with blood on it. Stay away from them if you can.

Cincinattus plowing on his Farm in the early Roman Republic....the man for the job...but you have to be realistic...he probably screwed his Thomas Jefferson did. We live in a world where we look at ourselves in the mirror and its not pleasant. Power. You develop a taste for it.And you use it to your advantage. And you make a deal and take what you can get. And you listen to the sound of your own voice and its a one way street to Warren G. Harding or Hitler.

We all get what we deserve when we vote or get voted for. Its just us.
Posted by Blackbart 2010-02-18 20:49||   2010-02-18 20:49|| Front Page Top

#16 Nice writing BB.
Posted by Cromosh Threatle9076 2010-02-18 21:54||   2010-02-18 21:54|| Front Page Top

#17 The problem is spending and the problem areas that need to be addressed are social security and medicare. It is only after these two massive entitlement programs are fundamentally changed that the other things talked about here are going to get addressed.

New, simpler tax code that eliminates all extraneous deductions...absolutely. Elimination of whole federal departments with a corresponding reduction in the scope of betcha. Unwind fannie and Freddie...tomorrow please. But all of this is going to have to be sold on the basis of long-term debt reduction/elimination. I hope that the people are ready for the message. There is going to be pain in it for everybody.
Posted by remoteman 2010-02-18 22:24||   2010-02-18 22:24|| Front Page Top

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