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2009-11-11 Arabia
Missing Saudi soldier returns with intel haul
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Posted by Fred 2009-11-11 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [47 views ]  Top

#1 What, all that in a single sentence? Sounds pretty intriguing, if you ask me.
Posted by gromky 2009-11-11 06:01||   2009-11-11 06:01|| Front Page Top

#2 Perhaps he found a key to the Jihadi Code.
Posted by Rubber Ducky 2009-11-11 07:55||   2009-11-11 07:55|| Front Page Top

Let's count our blessings, shall we?

You have Orthodox Islam in Saudi making a determined effort to stamp out "terrorists" for their own territorial interests in their border regions...Shia areas in Saudi's north and against Houthi and the obvious ( although denied ) Iranian backed Yemeni Civil War in the south..

Iran is therefore being strategically isolated from Sunni Islam in the Gulf States and in Saudi Arabia. This isnt just "tension" this is bang bang. This is commit Moslem troops with bayonets and in your face with some solid Ya Allah behind it.

In North Africa you have the Libyan and Algerian fronts for Jihad producing new ethical protocols and seeking peace from within...this is very important in Islamic ideological foundations... and the religious implications are enormous. It will SPREAD.

In Egypt you are seeing the Moslem Brotherhood facing Intelligence threats which are formidable.
Syria is a joke, you can smack Syria like a drooling drunk.

Iraq is a done deal. Laugh in anyone's face if they tell you we didnt win there. Zarquawi and Saddam aint coming back to say hello..and Mookie Sadr is a Charter member in the Men's biffy at Qom.

In Palestine you are seeing the "Peace Process " not only at a standstill, but collapsing. The window is CLOSING there. I am a strong believer in the basic principle that "Somebody wins and somebody Loses". You get "peace" when somebody squashes somebody else in a final and definitive way. The Palestinians are being surrounded and swamped by the settlements. The entire West Bank will be gone eventually...and Gaza is literally a collapsing hole. The Jews are going to win and so are we.
The Jews ARE going to rebuild the Great Temple, and probably in the next 20 years.

Hamas is shooting itself and Hizbollah wont survive Iran. Neither has a long term future. Their curve is bye bye, they both are in a strategic closet. Israel can have the run of Gaza and has proved it. Hamas cant fight and they proved that.

Organization and Authority in world Polity are necessary, not always perfectly Just ,I grant you, but NECESSARY. No prisoners. Get the babies and give them to our mommys to raise... and shoot the dog.

IRAN IS FALLING APART. They arent going to make it. Bomb or not, Iran will collapse. Drugs and whores, corruption, and a really monstrous disillusionment.

Afghanistan can be won with Leadership. Guns do work. So does money. Afghanistan can be bagged like anyone else. There is nothing magic about it.

And Pakistan is kicking the living shiite out of the Goons there. Osama is dead.

What we have to worry about really is Traitors and Cowards.. we got some.
Posted by Angleton9 2009-11-11 08:07||   2009-11-11 08:07|| Front Page Top

#4 And Pakistan is kicking the living shiite out of the Goons

Damn... GOONs? Got a link. Trust me, GOONS are like FAN they not kill easy.
Posted by Rubber Ducky 2009-11-11 08:09||   2009-11-11 08:09|| Front Page Top

#5 Opps....

Hammer one

Posted by Rubber Ducky 2009-11-11 08:12||   2009-11-11 08:12|| Front Page Top

#6 You get "peace" when somebody squashes somebody else in a final and definitive way.

Yep, Anglton, Peace Through Superior Firepower. Other than surrender, it's the only way.
Posted by Glenmore 2009-11-11 11:01||   2009-11-11 11:01|| Front Page Top

#7 The Jews ARE going to rebuild the Great Temple, and probably in the next 20 years.

No, we will not, Angleton9. Not ever. The Jewish view is that rebuilding the Temple is the job of the Messiah when he establishes God's kingdom on earth at the end of days. Rebuilding the Temple before then would be sacrilege.

Judaism achieved the transformation from animal sacrifices to prayer and good works during the Babylonian Exile after the fall of the first Temple in 586 BCE. Until the Messiah comes, we'll be just fine.

Other than that, great rant!
Posted by trailing wife  2009-11-11 13:15||   2009-11-11 13:15|| Front Page Top

#8 Judaism achieved the transformation from animal sacrifices to prayer and good works during the Babylonian Exile after the fall of the first Temple in 586 BCE. Until the Messiah comes, we'll be just fine.

Meh, not impressed. I gotta rooster and a cigar gonna show gawd how much I luvs heeem. My gawd is like the good smokes and Cornell Chicken.
Posted by .5MT 2009-11-11 13:52||   2009-11-11 13:52|| Front Page Top

#9 Trailing wife I like your posts. But the Jews have a SINGLE view? Who knew? But you sound like a very Doubting Thomas to say "No, we will not, Angleton9. Not ever."
Never? Yeah? Never is a long time, trailing wife.
Never is hard to keep in a can.

The Apocalypse of St. John ( not a recent book but written by a Jew in about the year 90AD at a guess)predicts ( prophecies?) that the Anti-Christ( a boogeyman by anyone's standards) will have to HAVE a rebuilt Temple to declare himself. Of course , John could have been talking about Nero or Domitian as well as anybody, who knows,.... but that good 'ol Book of Daniel Imagery is a winner with smoke and lightening anytime.

It would be logical that Brand X ( Djalla himself) cant declare himself without an i.e. "rebuilt Temple" to desecrate, as it were. THEN he gets to meet the Bonifide Messiah and not before.. so he can inherit what the bad guys are said to get in the final scenes.

Its all over my head but it would appear that you need a Temple ( there isnt one now) before you can declare a phoney Messiah and then get to meet the Real ONE who steps in to kick ass. I am betting the Great Temple will be rebuilt and the Boogeyman will then say its his...and then look behind him because the music gets creepy at that point and you know the Hero is just off camera getting to make his Entrance.

Then 3 and ahalf years of bad news and the whole thing looks black rain and bad fallout, followed by a Happy Ending for the white yarmulkes and a Sea of Fire for the losers.

I always figured the Great Temple being rebuilt was a very good way to poke Islam right in the eye with your greasy thumb and who can be against a little of that.?

Its got my vote and Jacob can do it anytime he pleases. Go for it Jacob.
Posted by Angleon9 2009-11-11 16:40||   2009-11-11 16:40|| Front Page Top

#10 Iran might implode in 10 years if it stays inside its borders. But what if it starts extorting and blackmailing its neighbors to tithe to them?
Posted by gorb 2009-11-11 20:21||   2009-11-11 20:21|| Front Page Top

#11 Angleton9, you flatter me inordinately. And you are quite right that the Jews are about as non-homogeneous as a a group can be and still cohere. Nonetheless, the Third Temple will not be built by the Jews before the coming of the Messiah, because it is our belief that he will rebuild it after he establishes God's kingdom on earth. (Perhaps I should have written that before, instead of "never".) St. John is one of Christianity's writers; his book is part of the New Testament, not part of the Jewish bible. Whether or not he considered himself a Jew, by our beliefs he ceased to be when he became a Christian, and so his prophesies have no meaning for us. Likewise .5MT finds both of us silly when knows with perfect faith it's Cornell Chicken that predicts the coming of Heaven on earth.

If the Jews were going to rebuild the Temple, the planning would have begun by July 1, 1987, and the first shovelful of earth would have been lifted by January 1, 1968, with the project fully funded and the money in hand. Too, it isn't Jews who are breeding toward perfect red calves for sacrifice.

You're going to have to find that thumb for Islam's eye on someone else's hand. There are plenty of thumbs around -- each day we don't submit is another thumb in the eye of the fanatics. Each day a child goes to school in Afghanistan is another thumb. Each successful election in Iraq is an entire fist.
Posted by trailing wife">trailing wife  2009-11-11 22:34||   2009-11-11 22:34|| Front Page Top

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