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2008-10-19 Home Front: Politix
Barack Obama lines up a cabinet of stars as John McCain struggles on
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Posted by tipper 2008-10-19 01:47|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [15 views ]  Top

#1 Sweet freaking Jesus. Lurch as SecState and that useless RINO squish Hagel as SecDef? If I were a serving officer, I'd be drafting my resignation letter right now...
Posted by RIcky bin Ricardo (Abu Babaloo) 2008-10-19 02:12||   2008-10-19 02:12|| Front Page Top

#2 I quit reading at the baldheaded Sam “Joe the plumber” Wurzelbacher

Republicans hope the wall-to-wall coverage of the attack by the baldheaded Sam “Joe the plumber” Wurzelbacher on Obama’s plans to increase taxes for those earning more than $250,000 a year has halted the Democrat’s momentum.

Hummmm -- how dumb of this reporter... Women of baldheaded men, unite!!!! In an effort to slime our Joe the Plumber, the media now adds, he's baldheaded.

The force of Joe lovers has now grown to include.. baldheaded Sam “Joe the plumber" supporters.
Posted by Sherry">Sherry  2008-10-19 02:20||   2008-10-19 02:20|| Front Page Top

#3 It was written by a British woman for a British newspaper. What did you expect, Ricky?
Posted by simple pieman 2008-10-19 03:29||   2008-10-19 03:29|| Front Page Top

#4 Ricky I mean Sherry.
Posted by simple pieman 2008-10-19 03:31||   2008-10-19 03:31|| Front Page Top

#5 Here are some of the things we might look forward to in the next two years -

- Tax increases (obviously)
- Restoration of welfare through "tax credits" (= direct cash payouts).
- Outlawing of semi-auto assault rifles
- Outlawing magazines over X rounds for non-military rifles
- Fairness Doctrine
- Net neutrality
- Internet tax
- Socialized health care & eventually rationing
- Withdrawal from Iraq
- Deep defense budget cuts
- End of missile defense
- End of illegal immigration enforcement, border security
- End of secret ballot for union elections
- On the spot voter registration (just show up)
- Federal funding of ACORN and other leftist groups
- Participation in Int'l Criminal Court
- Support international regulations on securities markets, banking
- Support global carbon tax
- Billions of new taxes on corporations through "carbon credit" payments
- End of standards in public schools

Some other possiblities:
- Prosecution of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld for war crimes
- New laws against home schooling
- Outlaw fee-for-service health care & doctor choice
- Mandated drug prices (=stifle new drug research)
- Authorize increase of Supreme Court from 9 to 12, then put in lefty justices
- Abolish Electoral College
- Reparations payments to blacks for slavery
- End of tax exempt status for churches preaching that homosexuality is a sin or other "political" speech
- Expanded "hate speech" laws to include any speech that is politically incorrect
Posted by Ebbomp Fillmore2932 2008-10-19 06:06||   2008-10-19 06:06|| Front Page Top

#6 The guy who shows up at my door to confiscate my semi-auto rifle better have his will made out because he's going to die right there. That's not a threat, it's a promise.
Posted by Woodrow Shavirong7897 2008-10-19 06:53||   2008-10-19 06:53|| Front Page Top

#7 I share Ebbomp's view and posting. Add to this list new protections for abortion and bold new laws on health care and life sustaining measures for the aged. No need to look after the elderly, they are consumers vs producers and didn't vote for Obama anyway. He has left to last possibly the most damning of all, that being the "hate speech" laws. The politcal decent crowd will close the barn door on descent and replace it with a new brand of political correctness and fear. This is clearly one of the reasons that talk radio and Fox News have been fighting Obama so vigorously. The light at the end of the tunnnel is The One!
Posted by Besoeker 2008-10-19 08:16||   2008-10-19 08:16|| Front Page Top

#8 Invest in precious metals, gang: brass, lead, and blue steel.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2008-10-19 08:43||   2008-10-19 08:43|| Front Page Top

#9 ..Dont forget the reinstatement of the Death Tax.
Posted by swksvolFF 2008-10-19 09:20||   2008-10-19 09:20|| Front Page Top

#10 The guy who shows up at my door to confiscate my semi-auto rifle better have his will made out because he's going to die right there. That's not a threat, it's a promise.

Or your bullets will bounce off of the ceramic insert he's wearing and you'll get to die right there.
Posted by Tranquil Mechanical Yeti 2008-10-19 10:36||   2008-10-19 10:36|| Front Page Top

#11 All this stuff we developed for crowd pacification, supposedly for Iraq, but wouldn't deploy there for "humanitarian" reasons? They're going to use it here.

We were idiots to believe in the war. We SHOULD have told all the Noo Yawkers that if they cared about their war dead they should have sent a couple of their o-so-special policemen-and-firemen to NWFP to arrest the Taliban and get beheaded instead.

The Northeasterners are the sort of people to fuck up the occupation of Iraq On Purpose and then turn around and endorse the other party after escaping all blame.
Posted by Tranquil Mechanical Yeti 2008-10-19 10:39||   2008-10-19 10:39|| Front Page Top

#12 Withdrawal from Iraq

Disagree. He'll need the military out of the country (and its morale destroyed through fighting an unwinnable war under supervision of political commissars JAG lawyers)
Posted by g(r)omgoru 2008-10-19 10:39||   2008-10-19 10:39|| Front Page Top

#13 We made a BIG mistake pretending the US was a functional society instead of a game intended to screw over people who believed in freedom.

"Have I forgotten?" No, but I fucking should have.
Posted by Tranquil Mechanical Yeti 2008-10-19 10:40||   2008-10-19 10:40|| Front Page Top

#14 Disagree. He'll need the military out of the country (and its morale destroyed through fighting an unwinnable war under supervision of political commissars JAG lawyers)

That's what Afghanistan is for; he can send them there and then just wring his hands when the Pakistanis cut the supply lines and turn 'em into hostages.
Posted by Tranquil Mechanical Yeti 2008-10-19 10:41||   2008-10-19 10:41|| Front Page Top

#15 Fox Noise announced this morning that the White House was summoning both political parties to discuss the "danger of terrorist attack immediately following the election." No mention of where the "attack" might be coming from.
Posted by Besoeker 2008-10-19 10:42||   2008-10-19 10:42|| Front Page Top

#16 Or your bullets will bounce off of the ceramic insert he's wearing and you'll get to die right there.

That's why I practice head and neck shots. Also, if you have to, shoot in the upper thigh/groin area. Shatters the pelvis and if you place the round correctly severs the femoral artery and vein.

Death comes quick from blood loss, but they still have time to think about it.
Posted by Menhadden Threash4209 2008-10-19 10:54||   2008-10-19 10:54|| Front Page Top

#17 As someone at my office mentioned. Everything the Lefties have been falsely accusing BushHitlerCheney of doing over the past 8 years - they will actually do for real.

And this was written by Sarah Baxter in Roanoke, Virginia (USA). An obvious Obama supporter.
Posted by CrazyFool 2008-10-19 12:01||   2008-10-19 12:01|| Front Page Top

#18 Do you think he will last that long? I still see 7 Days in May scenario more than Manchurian Candidate.
Posted by Jack is Back!">Jack is Back!  2008-10-19 14:30||   2008-10-19 14:30|| Front Page Top

#19 They are doing it right now as we speak, even getting caught on tape.
Posted by swksvolFF 2008-10-19 14:31||   2008-10-19 14:31|| Front Page Top

#20 I'm Senator Government and I approve this message.
Posted by One Eyed Glanter7709 2008-10-19 14:55||   2008-10-19 14:55|| Front Page Top

#21 What's wrong with bald?

Posted by One Eyed Glanter7709 2008-10-19 14:58||   2008-10-19 14:58|| Front Page Top

#22 Slightly off topic...Glanter, how the heck did you paste that pic into the body of your comment? I've never been able to figure out how - the best I've been able to do is add a link to the pic's website.
Posted by Ricky bin Ricardo (Abu Babaloo) 2008-10-19 16:05||   2008-10-19 16:05|| Front Page Top

#23 just use the html IMG tag like this

<img src="url of picture" / >

Posted by Sheba Jeger8491 2008-10-19 16:37||   2008-10-19 16:37|| Front Page Top

#24 that works, but FYI: some sites really really don't like hotlinking though, as it hits their site's bandwidth to upload your pic everytime someone loads that comment. Don't be surprised if what you linked turns out to be a blank page with a warning later that day
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2008-10-19 16:57||   2008-10-19 16:57|| Front Page Top

#25 Mrs Spook sez Bruce Willis:

Posted by OldSpook 2008-10-19 17:04||   2008-10-19 17:04|| Front Page Top

#26 ahhh.... Tears of The Sun. Good flick, watched my DVD (again) last month
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2008-10-19 17:07||   2008-10-19 17:07|| Front Page Top

#27 "that works, but FYI: some sites really really don't like hotlinking though, as it hits their site's bandwidth to upload your pic everytime someone loads that comment"

Is there a better way to make the picture appear, Frank? One that won't piss off another website owner?
Posted by Barbara Skolaut">Barbara Skolaut  2008-10-19 17:48||]">[]  2008-10-19 17:48|| Front Page Top

#28 Oh, and by the way, re #23:

Hubba hubba! That shines my brass. :-D
Posted by Barbara Skolaut">Barbara Skolaut  2008-10-19 17:52||]">[]  2008-10-19 17:52|| Front Page Top

#29 if you have your own site, Barbara, copy/DL the pic there and direct the link to that (with all the due permissions required, of course, *wink* *wink*)
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2008-10-19 18:28||   2008-10-19 18:28|| Front Page Top

#30 ION RENSE > MAKOW: WILL LEAN YEARS LEAD TO COMMUNISM; + > GLOBAL SLOWDOWN [Decline] THREATENS MILLIONS OF JOBS IN CHINA, in Pearl River Delta includ Hong Kong + Many parts of Southern China. 1/4 of HK's Small- to Medium Biz's = Enterprises may becom bankrupt in next three months, + CHINA PUTS RAILWAYS IN THE HEART/CENTER OF NEW ECONOMIC STIMULUS PLAN [Post-US Bailout], as coupled wid new proposed Agriculture-Land Reform Policies.

* TOPIX > A SHORT PERIOD OF GLOBAL DECLINE AND RECESSION - DON'T BET ON IT!? The gross consequences of the US Crisis on international Lenders and Nation-specific Economies is NOT to be quickly corrected by the new Bailout, as the latter may firstly LOWER AMERICA's CREDIT RATINGS FOR A TIME WHICH IN TURN WILL FURTHER EFFECT PRO-US INTERNATIONAL LENDERS AND GOVTS VEE INTENSIVE PAN-ECON DEVALUEMENT UNTO NEW DEBTS. AMERICA's LOVE OF PERENNIAL DEFICIT SPENDING-BUDGETING [technically. National Bankruptcy = Banruptcy Leveraging] IS COMING HOME TO ROOST.
Posted by JosephMendiola 2008-10-19 22:07||   2008-10-19 22:07|| Front Page Top

#31 For the first time in my life my hair has grown long enuff to touch my shoulders - the Vietnam War Counterculture e.g. "HAIR" = AGE OF AQUARIUS - has finally caught up wid me. Its either that, or JACKY CHAN-JET LI in THE MONKEY KING.

Many men on my Father's side have receding hairlines or are de facto bald, so it remains to be seen iff I can succesfuly avoid "the Hair Gene" [hair loss]. I AM TEMPTED, THOUGH, TO TRY GOING FOR THE FULLY BALD LOOK i.e. BEYOND MY NORMAL ARMY = FATHER-KNOWS-BEST CREW CUT.

All I would need to is to find a proper HIPPIE CHICK to have nasty sex with and plan "the Revolution".
Posted by JosephMendiola 2008-10-19 22:19||   2008-10-19 22:19|| Front Page Top

#32 You just know I'll have to surrender my PAUL SIMON/ORVILLE RIDENBACHER "BOW TIE" MEMBERSHIP CARD, + my ANIMAL HOUSE T-Shirt, for realsies this time.

[Theme from "BRANDED" = AL BUNDY here].
Posted by JosephMendiola 2008-10-19 22:33||   2008-10-19 22:33|| Front Page Top

#33 We may eventually have a civil war, a tax revolution or maybe Atlas will Shrug...I'm starting to warm to the thought of all three...BTW - some people will do just enough to make no more than $249K...God bless'em.
Posted by Flitch the Imposter aka Broadhead6 2008-10-19 22:57||   2008-10-19 22:57|| Front Page Top

#34 "people will do just enough to make no more than $249K"

I'll try for the $250K, but I doubt I'll make it.

(or anywhere close to it) :-(
Posted by Barbara Skolaut">Barbara Skolaut  2008-10-19 23:25||]">[]  2008-10-19 23:25|| Front Page Top

23:51 KBK
23:35 gb506
23:25 Barbara Skolaut
22:57 Flitch the Imposter aka Broadhead6
22:54 g(r)omgoru
22:52 Abu do you love
22:52 Flitch the Imposter aka Broadhead6
22:42 BigEd
22:35 Abu do you love
22:34 Fred
22:33 JosephMendiola
22:23 Abu do you love
22:19 JosephMendiola
22:18 Steven
22:16 Claiter Speaking for Boskone9131
22:15 Claiter Speaking for Boskone9131
22:07 JosephMendiola
22:04 Claiter Speaking for Boskone9131
21:48 Frank G
21:45 JosephMendiola
21:44 Rambler in Virginia
21:38 JosephMendiola
21:35 JosephMendiola
20:57 Darrell

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