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2008-06-20 Syria-Lebanon-Iran
U.S. says exercise by Israel seemed directed at Iran
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Posted by Steve White 2008-06-20 11:56|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [28 views ]  Top

#1 I am curious why it is that this exercise took place on 06/03/08 and it is just now being reported on CNN on 0620/08. Why have the MSM been sitting on the story this long. Was it pressured by the Bush administration or someone else? Something as important as this should have been reported as soon as we became aware of it. Any comments? I would love to hear from someone who really knows.
Posted by oldebulldawg">oldebulldawg  2008-06-20 16:09||   2008-06-20 16:09|| Front Page Top

#2  Iran scrambled F-4 jets to double-check an Iraqi civilian flight from Baghdad to Tehran.

All your fuselage is blong
Posted by HalfEmpty 2008-06-20 17:39||]">[]  2008-06-20 17:39|| Front Page Top

#3 "exercise took place on 06/03/08 and it is just now being reported on CNN on 0620/08. Why have the MSM been sitting on the story this long. Was it pressured by the Bush administration....?"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, like the MSM would do anything to cooperate with the Bush administration.

I'll take "something else" - either they're lazy, or they couldn't figure out how to use the story to bash Bush.
Posted by Barbara Skolaut">Barbara Skolaut  2008-06-20 18:06||]">[]  2008-06-20 18:06|| Front Page Top

#4 Dear Friends:

This post by Steve is nice, but it is naive.
Israel doesn't piss without letting the US know, and some argue with respect to Middle East policy the opposite is true too. The idea that the US **believe it may be a message to Iran** - hahahah
No shit. But the US and Israel are one arm. No such thing as unilateral my friends. They'll just play good cop / bad cop while the whole shitstorm drops on Iran. Before Bush leaves office, mark my words, Iran will be bombed heavily. We are not in control people. Never have been.
Posted by Michael 2008-06-20 18:26||   2008-06-20 18:26|| Front Page Top

#5 Perhaps the Pentagon should back away from speculating, even if the intent is to cause concern within Iran. Israel, why it's necessary as a U.S. Ally is troubling at the least. Nonetheless, we've sat idle while Israel has engaged in two attacks that should have resulted in war. Crossing Jordanian airspace to bomb Iraq's nuclear facility was a crass violation of international law... an act of war. As A U.S. citizen I'm all for someone taking Israel off the map... What Israel needs to do is implement the six UN resolutions our country has assisted it in evading for better than sisty years. Why speak of Morality or Justice when we violate every treaty we enter into? I think an Israeli attack on Iran will result in the opening of a war that will immediately involve both Russia and China. If we cannot defeat Iraq, a country about the size of Texas, after a trwelve year bombing exercise, what chance do we have against Russia and China?... NONE! People need to get a life and keep abreast of current affairs as well as history. Iran is no longer a British colony, it's natural resources belong to its people.
Posted by Willis 2008-06-20 18:31||   2008-06-20 18:31|| Front Page Top

#6 Thank you, Michael! Bombing Iran would make me very happy -- it would be awfully nice to remove the current most urgent threat to regional stability. But of course we aren't in control; can you imagine what the world would be like if little civilian housewives from the outer suburbs were in control? I'm much, much happier to leave such things to those who've made a proper study of it.
Posted by trailing wife ">trailing wife  2008-06-20 18:34||   2008-06-20 18:34|| Front Page Top

#7 Willis dear, Iraq building a nuclear facility for the purpose of manufacturing weapons was a greater violation of international law... and since those bombs were intended to be aimed at Israel, Israel had a right to nullify the effort by destroying it, especially given that Iraq has never ended the state of war it declared against Israel in 1948. Acts of war are permitted by the combatants when the countries involved are at a non-negotiated and openly intended by the belligerent (that would be Iraq, in this case) to be temporary pause in fighting. Go to to read some of the things Iraq's ruler Saddam Hussein had been saying just before the Osirek site was destroyed.

And please do stop throwing around big words until you actually know what they mean, my dear Willis. I promise we'll wait for you to catch up.
Posted by trailing wife ">trailing wife  2008-06-20 18:43||   2008-06-20 18:43|| Front Page Top

#8 Halfway is not good enough. You dont smack a king with a stick, you shoot him once in the chest and then once in the head.

half a war is suicidal. You kill your enemy , you dont take off a toe and a finger and expect that to be it.

If Israel goes in it goes for the kill or dont go at all. And the US is going to be blamed anyway so we go in too, same same, and we go for the kill as well. A complete kill. Whatever it takes, no rematch, no second chances. There is no "nice" way to commit murder. You make sure the body is dead. And you dont even bother to hide the body since you cant hide the blood.

Dont wound Iran. We dont have to occupy it, but we do have to kill it. If we need to use nukes to reach deep, then do it and dont apologise. And if anybody complains take their name for next time. It isnt a game.

Iran wanted to play. Too bad for them. Half way is no way. The whole head ...and then their guts on their shoes.

Be the one left standing. We can pray about it later. There is absolutely no future we want to share with a NUCLEAR IRAN.
Posted by Angleton 9 2008-06-20 18:57||   2008-06-20 18:57|| Front Page Top

#9 But the scope of the Israeli exercise virtually guaranteed that it would be augmented and supported noticed by American and other foreign intelligence agencies.

There, corrected and made accurate.
Posted by Besoeker 2008-06-20 19:35||   2008-06-20 19:35|| Front Page Top

#10 Angleton 9 could not be more correct in his statement about how to handle the Iranian problem. It's "pay me now or pay me later." As always, the "later" costs are a LOT higher.
Posted by Thaimble Scourge of the Pixies4707 2008-06-20 19:38||   2008-06-20 19:38|| Front Page Top



NOT a Human, and NOT "ALIVE"...
Posted by JosephMendiola 2008-06-20 20:10||   2008-06-20 20:10|| Front Page Top

#12  If we cannot defeat Iraq, a country about the size of Texas, after a trwelve year bombing exercise, what chance do we have against Russia and China?... NONE!

Where's muh bong?
Posted by HalfEmpty 2008-06-20 20:14||]">[]  2008-06-20 20:14|| Front Page Top

#13 Michael: wrong. Israel frequently does things without telling us. Osirak as one example.

Willis: you bet bombing Osirak was an act of war. Saddam's lust for a nuclear bomb so as to wipe Israel off the map was also an act of war, though you wouldn't have known until Saddam had gone and done it. You pro'ly don't care about that, but I hope you'll grant that the Israelis did.

With reference to "if we cannot defeat Iraq ...", you might want to back off the Daily Kos for a moment and check out the situation as it stands in Iraq now. Saddam is dead, Uday no longer is raping innocent women, Iraq has a constitution and an elected government, and al-Qaeda is being run out of Iraq. That's my definition of defeating the old regime and the terrorists, though it may not be yours.
Posted by Steve White 2008-06-20 20:28||   2008-06-20 20:28|| Front Page Top

#14 Willis again: As A U.S. citizen I'm all for someone taking Israel off the map...

That allows me to understand you very well.

You're an anti-Semite.

Thanks for sharing. Head on back to the Daily Kos and bleat about how mean we are here.
Posted by Steve White 2008-06-20 20:32||   2008-06-20 20:32|| Front Page Top

#15 Angleton 9 is correct in his diagnosis and wrong in his prescription.

We do not want to nuke Iran. The world will never forgive us though we may be right.

I've said this before: if I were President and had a CIA I could trust, my agents (in Operation Lemony Snickett) would stage a series of unfortunate incidents. The Mad Mullahs™ would be involved in auto accidents, plane crashes and mysterious fatal illnesses. Gasoline refineries would blow up. Dangerous places, those refineries. I'd turn the people against the Mullahs, and get the Mullahs looking over their shoulders at every moment.

Willis would consider all that an act of war. He'd be right. I'd still do it, since I know what the Mad Mullahs™ have planned for me and mine.
Posted by Steve White 2008-06-20 20:35||   2008-06-20 20:35|| Front Page Top

#16 Your prescription is more easily written than filled. My only question is the flight path.
Posted by Nimble Spemble 2008-06-20 21:19||   2008-06-20 21:19|| Front Page Top

#17 Willis hasn't got the guts to post an email addy. Courage is easy to a 53 yr old anonymous underemployed tool, posting in an unlit basement from his Mom's internet account.
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2008-06-20 22:48||   2008-06-20 22:48|| Front Page Top

23:55 RD
23:51 Thaimble Scourge of the Pixies4707
23:42 RD
23:29 Harcourt Jush7795
23:23 RD
23:16 JosephMendiola
23:05 JosephMendiola
22:51 Frank G
22:49 Frank G
22:48 Frank G
22:47 badanov
22:47 Harcourt Jush7795
22:45 Pappy
22:40 Pappy
22:32 Pappy
22:26 trailing wife
22:06 Old Patriot
22:05 Anguper Hupomosing9418
21:41 Procopius2k
21:27 Procopius2k
21:19 Nimble Spemble
21:02 JosephMendiola
20:55 HalfEmpty
20:52 lotp

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