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2008-04-13 Home Front: Politix
Clinton Portrays Herself as a Pro-Gun Churchgoer
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Posted by gorb 2008-04-13 01:16|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [22 views ]  Top

#1 Must be a report from that bizarro solar system we found out about the other day.
Posted by tu3031 2008-04-13 02:03||   2008-04-13 02:03|| Front Page Top

#2 that Clinton is protraying herself as a pro-gun churchgoer shows something very interesting about the media and the democrats. The media constantly portrays that particular segment of society as a fringe element - wacky, gun-toting, religious psychos - and pretends that the far left is the majority of the population. But it is all bogus and Clinton knows that.
Another example of this can be seen in the press mantra that no one supports the Iraq and everyone wants the troops home now. Yet if you look at the actual votes in the senate and house, it's clear that the press is pedalling a fiction that has no basis in reality.
Posted by Woodrow Slusorong7967 2008-04-13 07:44||   2008-04-13 07:44|| Front Page Top

#3 Hill *is* a churchgoer, but then, as we all know by now, so is the BHO. The pro-gun thing would come as a surprise to my co-workers, who had a little parade down to the sheriff's office last month to buy permits en masse because they had all got it into their heads that Hillary was going to push for a restriction in permitting or something along those lines. To be honest, I wasn't exactly clear on what it was they were worried about, but I've never been part of the gun clan.

Unlike Hillary, my parents didn't teach me how to shoot. Had to rely on the Boy Scouts for that. Let's hear it for paramilitary youth organizations!
Posted by Mitch H.">Mitch H.  2008-04-13 07:48||]">[]  2008-04-13 07:48|| Front Page Top

#4 Well, compared to osamaobama, she is nearly a paleocon. Not that that makes her OK or anything...
Posted by M. Murcek">M. Murcek  2008-04-13 08:05||   2008-04-13 08:05|| Front Page Top

#5 ...recalling that her father taught her how to shoot a gun when she was a young girl

Bet that helped a lot when she had to dodge all that sniper fire in Bosnia...
Posted by Raj 2008-04-13 08:18||   2008-04-13 08:18|| Front Page Top

#6 Election year is such a festive time; each candidate attempts to out-whore their opponent. This year the competition seems especially fierce.
Posted by Hector 2008-04-13 10:30||   2008-04-13 10:30|| Front Page Top

#7 what boys scouts were you with? Do not remember being taught to shoot -- but then again I was in the city. But to call it a para-military org sounds a like the MSM beat
Posted by Dan 2008-04-13 10:53||   2008-04-13 10:53|| Front Page Top

Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2008-04-13 11:09||   2008-04-13 11:09|| Front Page Top

#9 ...#6, I agree completely on the entertainment value of the election this year. Watching the Dems self destruct makes my day.
Posted by WolfDog 2008-04-13 11:57||   2008-04-13 11:57|| Front Page Top

#10 recalling that her father taught her how to shoot a gun when she was a young girl

Bet that helped a lot when she had to dodge all that sniper fire in Bosnia...

Raj rubs it in a little deeper LOL,

youse been laying down good snark of late... actually for along time brother! >:)
Posted by RD">RD  2008-04-13 14:42||   2008-04-13 14:42|| Front Page Top

#11 heh the chameleon Pic is awesum! [as in pawsum]

Posted by RD">RD  2008-04-13 14:45||   2008-04-13 14:45|| Front Page Top

#12 Maybe Hillary can borrow John F. Kerry's shotgun for some pics. It sure helped him in his election. That image is seared....seared, I tell ya, in my RAM.
Posted by Alaska Paul">Alaska Paul  2008-04-13 14:51||   2008-04-13 14:51|| Front Page Top

#13 Y'all are going to love this, I was taught how to shoot by my Grandmother, .410 shotgun, .22pellet rifle, and .22 later as I was older, shot many varmits in the garden, mostly raccoons and "Possums.
They love tomatoes.
Posted by Redneck Jim">Redneck Jim  2008-04-13 16:18||   2008-04-13 16:18|| Front Page Top

#14 Dan: a suburban Pittsburgh outfit. There was a shooting range at a summer camp on the other side of the Mon Valley, I can't remember the name of it right now. Also, skeet shooting at Philmont.

As for the Boy Scouts being a paramilitary youth group, well, that's what it was originally intended to be. There's the whole uniform thing, the flags, the organization, woods and survival skills. Jonah Goldberg called the CCC a paramilitary organization in Liberal Fascism with a great deal less justification than I believe the Boy Scouts offer.

Now, mind you, I don't mean "paramilitary" in the modern sense of "private army". I'm not calling the Boy Scouts Hizbullah or something like that. They're more like a benign version of the Hitler Jugend, except without the whole cult-of-personality thing. Hell, we even used to do torchlight parades complete with Sorellian made-up mystic bullshit.

Goldberg ends Liberal Fascism with a chapter entitled "We're All Fascists Now", and the point is that there's a lot of useful concepts caught up with the fascist impulse, and one of those is the notion of the enabling myth, which is really the recreation of tradition for populations which have become detached from their originating community. That's essentially what youth groups like the Boy Scouts *do* - they're vectors for the delivery of synthetic tradition, in the case of the Boy Scouts, a wholesome mix of woodscraft and "God and Country" ideology. My Scout troop had a Hindu kid (family from New Delhi) and a Buddhist kid (from Sri Lanka), and a bunch of Lutherans and Methodists. It was very multi-culti.
Posted by Mitch H.">Mitch H.  2008-04-13 16:23||]">[]  2008-04-13 16:23|| Front Page Top

#15 This is the same woman who brought about peace in Northern Ireland and dodged bullets in Bosnia. The same woman who sanitized Vince Foster's office of his files after his death. The same woman who could not remember anything about Whitewater. Yeah sure, she is for the Second Amendment. She and gun grabber Charley Schumer are from the same state and of the same ilk.
Posted by JohnQC 2008-04-13 16:54||   2008-04-13 16:54|| Front Page Top

#16 My Boy Scout troop was also a paramilitary organization, but they probably all were in the 50s and 60s. Every piece of equipment we had was Army surplus, every leader we had had been in WWII and every campout featured capture the flag. It was fun.

Now at the 1964 Valley Forge Jamboree, I recall an encampment by the 82nd Airborne with M-60 and M-2 machine guns for demo purposes. After that I think they moved the Jamborees to Camp A. P. Hill. Probably so the troops wouldn't have to travel as far.

Our troops were not mearly as multi-culti then, because they were based at churches and every sect made sure they had a troop at one so that no one strayed too far from the fold. But I never noticed that it had much of an impact on the scouts.

It's pretty interesting that most of that type of organization, 4-H, YMCA etc. started around that time. I guess our generation's contribution is AYSO.
Posted by Nimble Spemble 2008-04-13 17:16||   2008-04-13 17:16|| Front Page Top

#17 Seems like a logical step in her evolution. I mean she was a peace/war activits that almost joined the Marines. Later she dodged snipers with sinbad and her daughter in a war that ended almost a year earlier. It isn't a stretch for me to see Hillary as a churchgoing gun-toting quasi hero. /KoolAid goggle off

Oh I need to take a hot shower because I feel filthy.
Posted by Cyber Sarge 2008-04-13 17:28||   2008-04-13 17:28|| Front Page Top

#18 Oh, our troop was based out of a Lutheran church basement, the same basement where our ward voted on primary and election day - the big old election machines were usually pushed in a corner, with all the straight-ticket levers for exotic and peculiar third parties like "Constitutional", "Populist", and "Consumer". In fact, we had the pastor's son in the troop. But it was definitely not what you'd call a "Lutheran" troop.
Posted by Mitch H.">Mitch H.  2008-04-13 17:32||]">[]  2008-04-13 17:32|| Front Page Top

#19 Oh I need to take a hot shower because I feel filthy.

Cyber Sarge, we know the feeling 'cause we got slimed too... it smells funny in a BAD way too!

PU! >:)
Posted by RD">RD  2008-04-13 18:01||   2008-04-13 18:01|| Front Page Top

#20 Some reporter asked Hillary when the previous time was that she went to Church or fired a gun. Hillary said that was irrelevant.

Posted by mhw 2008-04-13 19:06||   2008-04-13 19:06|| Front Page Top

#21 Saw a picture of her today in some bar getting ready to throw down a shot of Crown Royal. She looked thrilled...
Posted by tu3031 2008-04-13 21:44||   2008-04-13 21:44|| Front Page Top

#22 Based on Bill, I don't think she's enthralled with swallowing anything
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2008-04-13 22:28||   2008-04-13 22:28|| Front Page Top

23:19 Tepes
22:42 Old Patriot
22:30 Old Patriot
22:28 Frank G
21:59 tu3031
21:55 tu3031
21:53 tu3031
21:51 tu3031
21:48 BA
21:44 tu3031
21:40 tu3031
21:35 JosephMendiola
21:34 tu3031
21:27 sinse
21:26 Frank G
21:18 tu3031
21:06 Woodrow Slusorong7967
20:59 Woodrow Slusorong7967
20:58 Frank G
20:54 Woodrow Slusorong7967
20:50 JosephMendiola
20:49 Frank G
20:49 Anonymoose
20:14 Mitch H.

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