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2008-04-08 Iraq
'Report on Sept. 6 strike to show Saddam transferred WMDs to Syria'
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Posted by g(r)omgoru 2008-04-08 05:48|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [24 views ]  Top
 File under: Iraqi Baath Party 

#1 Bush lied, thousands died

Bush lied, thousands died
(repeat until your head explodes)
Posted by Moonbat Bobby 2008-04-08 06:46||   2008-04-08 06:46|| Front Page Top

#2 Hope the commandos on the ground took lots of pretty pictures.
Posted by ed 2008-04-08 08:09||   2008-04-08 08:09|| Front Page Top

#3 What have I been saying about where those went, since oh, back in 2003?
Posted by OldSpook 2008-04-08 08:59||   2008-04-08 08:59|| Front Page Top

#4 We saw photos of that here just before the 2003 invasion, and reports from the Iraqi general involved, sometime later. The truck convoys trundled across the border, heading toward the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon, as I recall, carrying WMDs, precursers, missiles and other weaponry, and lots of cash to finance the fighters after the invasion -- as indeed happened. It seems to me that Old Patriot in particular had opinions on what the photos showed.
Posted by trailing wife ">trailing wife  2008-04-08 09:18||   2008-04-08 09:18|| Front Page Top

#5 [moonbat]
I question the timing. This is more BushCo propaganda intended to scare people into supporting Chimpy McHaliburton's racist oil war.

Seriously, folks . . . you called it, 'Spook.
Posted by Mike 2008-04-08 09:27||   2008-04-08 09:27|| Front Page Top

#6 So did Debka.
Posted by phil_b 2008-04-08 09:36||   2008-04-08 09:36|| Front Page Top

#7 So did Debka.

Debka has some nuggets of pure intelligence gold in it. You just have to sift through all the other dross in the meantime. Makes me not want the data sorter job in the CIA.
Posted by DarthVader">DarthVader  2008-04-08 09:48||   2008-04-08 09:48|| Front Page Top

#8 Wasn't Ariel Sharon the one who said it first?
Posted by Abu Uluque 2008-04-08 09:55||   2008-04-08 09:55|| Front Page Top

#9 In December 2002, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon announced on television that Saddam had hidden chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction in Syria.

Interestingly, the article in the link above ties in with a link to Debka in today's Rantburg WOT Background section about trouble in the Syrian government between Baby Assad and his brother-in-law Gen. Asif Shawqat.
Posted by Abu Uluque 2008-04-08 10:29||   2008-04-08 10:29|| Front Page Top

#10 And yet, when I try to tell these things to my moonbat friends they look at me like my head is on backwards. I'm sure they will continue to do so even after this report is released.
Posted by Abu Uluque 2008-04-08 10:49||   2008-04-08 10:49|| Front Page Top

#11 and your moonbat friends will continue to look at you that way regardless of proof positive.
Posted by bman 2008-04-08 11:01||   2008-04-08 11:01|| Front Page Top

#12 It's sort of the default moonbat facial expression.
Posted by Mitch H.">Mitch H.  2008-04-08 11:21||]">[]  2008-04-08 11:21|| Front Page Top

#13 If the WMD's moved to Syria, then this administration had to know about it. So, the $64 question is, why did they chose to weather the storm of criticism instead of saying something. A couple of recon photos would have made many Dems look really stupid, especially since they also must have known about it. So, why stay silent?
Posted by Iblis 2008-04-08 12:22||   2008-04-08 12:22|| Front Page Top

#14 Drew has a bit more here.

Report Will Claim Israel's Airstrike on Syria Hit WMD's Transfered From Saddam.....
Posted by Icerigger 2008-04-08 12:35||]">[]  2008-04-08 12:35|| Front Page Top

#15 Iblis, there's knowing in the sense of being pretty sure and then there's being able to prove it to the satisfaction of others.
Posted by lotp 2008-04-08 12:54||   2008-04-08 12:54|| Front Page Top

#16 I chalk it up to the general incompetence the Bush administration has shown in publicly making its case for ANYTHING.

Reagan was the Great Communicator.

Bush is the Great Mumbler.

(As I said here years ago, what good it the "Bully Pulpit" if all you do is mumble)
Posted by OldSpook 2008-04-08 13:14||   2008-04-08 13:14|| Front Page Top

#17 *Video Proof, Iraqi Gen. Georges Sada: Saddam Moved Large Amounts of WMD to Syria in 2003 just before Op Iraqi Freedom.

Anfal: No WMD? BDS Denial
Posted by RD">RD  2008-04-08 13:37||   2008-04-08 13:37|| Front Page Top

#18 Old Spook said:

I chalk it up to the general incompetence the Bush administration has shown in publicly making its case for ANYTHING.

I think you are wrong. Problem is that thanks to the MSM, Chirak, Villepin and the "pesace" movement Bush had to spend all of his pĂ´litical capital for going into Irak. AZfter that he was politically paralyzed.

Also Saddams plan was to lay underground until the "peace" movement and the Hanoi Fondas foprced a withdrawal from Irak, perhpas through a Democratic victory in 2004. Of course it was essential to make Bush look like an idiot, thus put the weapons in another country. Notivce that Bush never told the WMD's were the only or even the main motive to invade, it was the MSM who placed that emphasis on the WMDs and so increased the political cost of not finding them.
Posted by JFM">JFM  2008-04-08 14:05||   2008-04-08 14:05|| Front Page Top

#19 This story seems "too good to check."

I'm with Gromoru: 24 hour rule.
Posted by Hector 2008-04-08 14:15||   2008-04-08 14:15|| Front Page Top

#20 If this proves true, it won't phase the antiwar nuts at all. Just like Global Warming actually being global cooling hasn't made them miss a beat.
Posted by bigjim-ky 2008-04-08 19:21||   2008-04-08 19:21|| Front Page Top

#21 Its religion with the left - excpet unlike Christianity of the Pope Benedict brand, there is no rationality involved.
Posted by OldSpook 2008-04-08 23:00||   2008-04-08 23:00|| Front Page Top

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