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2008-02-22 Home Front: Politix
Michelle Obama Tired of Fear
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Posted by Bobby 2008-02-22 06:27|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [26 views ]  Top

#1 "I am tired of being afraid . . . I don't want my girls to live in a country that is based on fear."

If that is what you think the United States is "based on" then see if you and your clan to can muster the morale courage and fortitude to pack up and live elsewhere. You'll not be missed, I assure you.
Posted by Besoeker 2008-02-22 08:02||   2008-02-22 08:02|| Front Page Top

#2 It's the whole liberal ungratefulness short sighted view of America, cause most of the time their heads are stuck up their collective asses. It's dark in there among their own bile.
Posted by Procopius2k 2008-02-22 08:25||   2008-02-22 08:25|| Front Page Top

#3 Actually much of the best of this country's history was based on fear.

The Constitution was written with 3 branches of the federal government because of a fear that an executive would be too powerful.

The Bill of Rights was written because of a fear that the 3 branches of the federal government would be collectively too powerful.

We have a strong military because of the fear of the barbarians of other lands.

We have a history of professionalism in the police because of a fear of criminals.

We have accounting standards because of a fear of fraud.
Posted by mhw">mhw  2008-02-22 08:47||]">[]  2008-02-22 08:47|| Front Page Top

#4 We are a market based economy. Two things move Markets; Greed and Fear. Don't like Greed? Leave. Don't like Fear? Leave.
Posted by Nimble Spemble 2008-02-22 08:54||   2008-02-22 08:54|| Front Page Top

#5 I'm tired of Michelle Obama.
Posted by tu3031 2008-02-22 09:00||   2008-02-22 09:00|| Front Page Top

#6 Listen closely to what Mrs. Obama is saying. It's your best opportunity to learn more about Mr. Obama.
Posted by MarkZ 2008-02-22 09:24||   2008-02-22 09:24|| Front Page Top

#7 Funny -- she doesn't want to live in a country based on fear, but isn't that what her husband has been selling?
Posted by Rob Crawford">Rob Crawford  2008-02-22 09:34||   2008-02-22 09:34|| Front Page Top

#8 Y'all laughed at the Hillary saluting pics. Cause the officer corps disliked the Clintons cause they wanted the Gheys in the showers, and cause they had pet generals. Now youre gonna get this. Sometimes I think the hate on hillary campaign was in part cause you WANTED a liberal that fit your stereotypes, not one who didnt like Senator Clinton. Well youre getting your wish, live with it.
Posted by liberalhawk 2008-02-22 09:48||   2008-02-22 09:48|| Front Page Top

#9 Projecting LH, like most liberals?

It was the Clinton's who started off their administration by a display of hatred by their staff of those in uniform. As for gays in the military, enough of the horse crap - it's the LAW. Made by Congress. Amazing with a majority in his first two year in office and control now of both houses, your kind have never made a serious effort to change the LAW. The policy the military follows is in accordance with law.

That law is implemented in Title X United States Code. Subsection of which is known as the Uniform Code of Military Justice. In the Punitive Articles of the code is Article 125, Sodomy. "(a) Any person subject to this chapter who engages in unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same or opposite sex or with an animal is guilty of sodomy. Penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete the offense. (b) Any person found guilty of sodomy shall be punished as a court-martial may direct." Now while some argue that 'straights' may also engage in some form of sodomy, the nature of our law calls for reasonable doubt. Therefore a pair of heterosexuals behind closed doors is granted such doubt while a same sex couple could not logically be granted any doubt. However, the military being different from civil society also have to abide by Article 78 Accessory After the Fact "Any person subject to this chapter who, knowing that an offense punishable by this chapter has been committed, receives, comforts, or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial, or punishment shall be punished as a court-martial may direct." Thus, the compromise of Don’t Ask, Don't Tell (DADT), because under military law, if you know you have to tell and act. This is Congress' law. Those in the military establishment may like it, but it is not their law. I doubt that other than the most antagonistic individuals would want to establish a principle that the uniform military should disobey law imposed by Congress that is their Constitutional power to do so. That is why it is not like blacks or women. Segregation was policy not law. A president could alter policy, he can not alter law. Women are still facing limitations within the military establishment because of laws in place. We are still working our way through that one too, but in the halls of Congress.
Posted by Procopius2k 2008-02-22 11:00||   2008-02-22 11:00|| Front Page Top

#10 Its only based on fear since George W. came to offic e, before that we didnt have a madman ruining our rescources and econ omy, though with these events unfolding over the last 8 years King George has given us a reasonable thing to fear, his idiocy.
Posted by Zenobia Snineng1617 2008-02-22 11:00||   2008-02-22 11:00|| Front Page Top

#11 moonbat alert..
Posted by Beavis 2008-02-22 11:01||   2008-02-22 11:01|| Front Page Top

Redacted by moderator. Comments may be redacted for trolling, violation of standards of good manners, or plain stupidity. Please correct the condition that applies and try again. Contents may be viewed in the sinktrap. Further violations may result in banning.
Posted by Icerigger">Icerigger  2008-02-22 11:03||   2008-02-22 11:03|| Front Page Top

#13 Thanks, Cindy. How was Egypt?
Posted by tu3031 2008-02-22 11:06||   2008-02-22 11:06|| Front Page Top

#14 By the way, nice website too.
Do the demons just visit you in your sleep, or do you see them all the time?
Posted by tu3031 2008-02-22 11:09||   2008-02-22 11:09|| Front Page Top

#15 I'm in fear of the Obama's pollyanna Liberal mindset. The Carters are trying to get back into the White House disguised as African Americans.
Posted by GolfBravoUSMC 2008-02-22 11:13||   2008-02-22 11:13|| Front Page Top

#16 It's funny the projecting that goes on about W. Moonbats live in fear of a total fantasy version of this administration. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny.

If Michelle Obama lives in such fear it's no wonder she's never been proud. Mr Obama projects Optimism in his speeches, it must make for interesting dinner conversation.
Posted by rjschwarz 2008-02-22 11:19||   2008-02-22 11:19|| Front Page Top

#17 GB, I think you're right. Everytime I listen to B.O. , I have images of Jimmah Carter.
I also think Michelle's greatest is fear is that someone will obtain her Princeton thesis before the election and expose all her Marxist rants.
Posted by GK 2008-02-22 11:22||   2008-02-22 11:22|| Front Page Top

#18 Keep talkin' big mama. Keep talkin'.

In an ideal race I would like to have seen good candidates for each party - mccain for the d's and Thompson for the r's. This is what was dealt and I sure did not expect hillarity? to make the neophyte mistakes she did - she thought gender trumps race, health care trumps war, experience trumps hope. To top it, she played b.o.'s game rather than making him play hers, said some stuuupid quotables and caucus date mistakes in Iowa, and in general made herself into the very stereotype of establishment her campaign was campaigning against.

I hesitate to use b.o.'s wife as a thermometer (obamater?) but she is willingly, openly saying some way out there things and having her paper censored until post election should be a red flag the size of a texas flag at a car dealership outside Dallas.

More than any other election the concept of what the spouse is about has been emphasised - Thompson's wife, headwards' other, willy j, now mccain.

All this talk about fear is bs. Wasn't even an issue until about 2003 - self perpetuating the more you talk about it the more you gotta talk about it whether you agree or disagree; same same as goerbal swarming.

LH is right, a lot of people were clammering for b.o. to defeat hillarity! and now it looks like it will happen. Well here is the gambit in play; the b.o. memtum looks unstoppable now but if the honnahlee camps blows its super neato cool guy load over the next month people will lose interest as it is inevitable - the man has peaked. Hillarity campers will likely tow the line but many may not as mccain is a definate crossover choice. Especially since hillarity fans are used to her putting out concrete ideas or turned off by such a cheeky winner. Look for the race and white burdon equal opportunity its about time stuff to come out hot and heavy over the next month to retain those voters in the d party.

Me, I want a good president - party over here party over there whatever. Obama is not just starting to chill me, I am genuinely concerned about what could happen under his presidency.

Ok, coffee is done. My 1.4 Kenyan Shillings.
Posted by swksvolFF 2008-02-22 11:26||   2008-02-22 11:26|| Front Page Top

#19 LiberalHawk and RJ make the same point, in opposite: some people live in a fantasy political and cultural world.

For some, it's BDS.

For others, it's the VRWC.

Both are unhealthy.

I dislike Hillary intensely (heck, I refer to her openly as the Hildebeast) but I'm not blind, I hope, to what unceasing hatred does to my soul and to my outlook on life.

Ditto, the moonbats with BDS behave in ways that are just plain loopy, all from a flawed premise about a decent man.

LH points out that the Clinton haters are about to get their wish: Hillary will soon depart the political scene, as she's about to be denied what she's openly sought the last eight years. But before you cheer too lustily, please take a look at what's taking her place. Obama is a hard-left socialist type, the most liberal senator in the land. And he just might be elected our next President. And as LH points out, we'll have to live with it.

Likewise, RJ wonders about Michelle Obama's mindset. One wouldn't be surprised if she saw Rethuglican trolls under every table. It's a fantasy. Be careful of what you wish for, Mrs. Obama.
Posted by Steve White">Steve White  2008-02-22 11:48||   2008-02-22 11:48|| Front Page Top

#20 And as LH points out, we'll have to live with it.

We're electing a President not a King. This just makes Congressional elections more important. Even with a 'majority' in the House, Speaker Pelosi couldn't get her agenda through, not just because of the Trunks, but because not all of the members of her own broad tent party will support it. The same goes on in the Senate. Filibuster reduces the functionality of wanta to coulda. It doesn't matter if its Obama, McCain, or something else, the system isn't going to be pretty. It was made that way for a reason.
Posted by Procopius2k 2008-02-22 12:16||   2008-02-22 12:16|| Front Page Top

#21 It was made that way for a reason.

And that's why it's the oldest written governing document still in operation. Often imitated but never equaled. Thanks to the indispensible one whose birthday we celebrate today.
Posted by Nimble Spemble 2008-02-22 12:21||   2008-02-22 12:21|| Front Page Top

#22 thank you SW - though I could live with a hard left socialist on domestic policy, even if I disagreed with several of those policies (esp on trade). After all thats an area where congress has a huge say, and where most policies are reversable. And where, IMHO, SOME swinging of the pendulum is in order.

Im much more worried about the for and security policy tendencies. I expect an administration divided between "realists" like Brezinski, who are at least willing to use force, if also animated by dislike for Israel, antipathy to democracy promotions, and a desire for vengeance on the neocons, on the one hand, and some real McGovernite kumbayah types on the other hand. In a dangerous world, both the follies of each camp, and the likelihood that Obamas inability to keep the two camps in order, could lead to paralysis and disaster.

I would be delighted if everything works out hunky dory. I am afraid that our adversaries will read the kumbayah idealism as weakness, and will push hard, while our friends will scurry for cover. In particular our not really reliable friends, like the Saudis and their gulf neighbors, will be quick to appease Iran. Egypt could well come apart at the seams, and the likely paralysis between Brezinski whose instincts will be to stand by Mubarak, and the doves who will push to cut him off, are likely to leave us with the worst of both worlds, much like Iran in 1979. I also suspect that they will pressure Israel when the PA negotiations dont go well - so would any US admin, possibly, but these guys will push harder and to a less reasonable goal - and that will NOT lead to peace, but to backlash in Israel, where Bibi would be delighted to lose US aid (good excuse to cut off the Israeli welfare state). And the Bibi admin will only complicate matters in the arab world further. I can see things getting very bad very fast.

Posted by liberalhawk 2008-02-22 12:37||   2008-02-22 12:37|| Front Page Top

#23 I'm tired of BS. The voters need to listen to what HRC and BO are saying. They promise that nearly every aspect of our lives will be controlled by a strong central government reminiscent of the USSR. This is not freedom. This is the tyranny of the left.
Posted by JohnQC 2008-02-22 12:40||   2008-02-22 12:40|| Front Page Top

#24 "Hillarity campers will likely tow the line but many may not as mccain is a definate crossover choice. "

Dont count on it. I dont know of anyone whos a Hillary supporter whos thinking of McCain who isnt Jewish. Maybe there are more.
Posted by liberalhawk 2008-02-22 12:41||   2008-02-22 12:41|| Front Page Top

#25 We got lousy candidates all around. None of them were any good. Well, I liked Hunter and Thompson but they didn't stand a chance, did they? So now we've got a real, frickin' mess. No, LH, I won't get used to it.

Obama has one really big advantage in that he is NOT Clinton. We already had a Clinton in the White House and we know that was bad so we're taking fear of the unknown Obama over the fear of the known Clinton.

We know McCain too. Most of you will probably vote for him because you see him as the lesser of the evils. But I don't believe that any of them are fit to hold the office.
Posted by Ebbang Uluque6305 2008-02-22 12:46||   2008-02-22 12:46|| Front Page Top

#26 Yes, it is going to be shit sandwich time. Hillary is a no-do in my book. We know she is a crooked as a dog's hind leg, but that husband of hers is even worse. There are no Constitutional limits on him as a presidential spouse. He is going to be able to do almost anything he likes. I think that is extremely dangerous. Obambi is real trouble too. He has some virulent anti-Israel folk on his staff, which I don't like. Both he and Hillary are going to put the country's economy into the toilet as they nationalize health care and raise taxes...a lot. And I think both of their foriegn policy efforts are going to create significant turmoil. McCain is no conservative, but he is certainly a whole lot better than either of these two.
Posted by remoteman 2008-02-22 14:06||   2008-02-22 14:06|| Front Page Top

#27 Hillary aint gonna do nothing but make speeches in the Senate - dont you guys realize that? She didnt rerail the Messiah last night, and the polls show them in a statistical dead heat in Texas. that was her last chance. Shes toast.

Its McCain or Obama now.

Id love for Obama to convince me that his wifes words dont mean what they sound like, that he didnt mean it about making kumbayah with Ahmadinajad, that he really understands the nuances of Olmerts negotiating and political positions, that hes gonna say bye-bye to Brezinski and Malley, and will run a nice liberal hawkish admin but with his U of C friends in place instead of the Clinton crowd - Id also be happy if the Redskins won the superbowl in 2009, but I aint counting on it.

So at this moment, Im inclined to McCain, even though Im AGAINST his stated policies on taxes, health care, abortion, etc.

Im in an apocalyptic mood. Come Nineveh, come Tyre.
Posted by liberalhawk 2008-02-22 14:12||   2008-02-22 14:12|| Front Page Top

#28 swksvolFF,
"goerbal swarming"
You made me think of Global Warming in propaganda terms - Goebbels Warming.
Posted by Glenmore">Glenmore  2008-02-22 15:29||   2008-02-22 15:29|| Front Page Top

#29 How about "Gerbil Worming" about as messy.
Posted by Redneck Jim 2008-02-22 15:58||   2008-02-22 15:58|| Front Page Top

#30 prediction:

Hellary will quit politics altogether when she loses the primary race for Prez to

And when Hildebeast does quit the race, I for one will feel your pain liberal hawk...

/B Clinton
Posted by RD">RD  2008-02-22 22:10||   2008-02-22 22:10|| Front Page Top

#31 This broad yappin' like thinks she's on Oprah. Big applause from the brain dead, I gotta grevience Dems. Wise up toots you're blowin' for your hubby; just ask Teresa Heinz
Posted by regular joe 2008-02-22 22:58||   2008-02-22 22:58|| Front Page Top

#32 Very nice analysis, liberalhawk. We don't always agree, but I'm so glad you've never let yourself be driven off.
Posted by trailing wife">trailing wife  2008-02-22 23:27||   2008-02-22 23:27|| Front Page Top

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