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2007-10-31 -Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
4.0 - 4.5 Earthquake Hits Silicon Valley, CA!
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Posted by Zenster 2007-10-31 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [27 views ]  Top

#1 Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Posted by Anonymoose 2007-10-31 00:08||   2007-10-31 00:08|| Front Page Top

#2 Various > indic magnitude as high as 5.6???
Posted by JosephMendiola 2007-10-31 00:14||   2007-10-31 00:14|| Front Page Top

#3 You got it, Joe. Latest reports indicate the epicenter was in San Jose's eastside Alum Rock neighborhood with a magnitude 5.6 located on the Caleveras fault. Due to proximity, the severity was nearly as bad as the 7.0 of 1989. Fortunately, this time there was none of the vertical shear that made the Loma Prieta quake so devastating. Instead, there was lots of lateral oscillation that dissipated energy much less destructively.

My friend who lives in the Alum Rock area reported no damage so this one was a "good quake". You want lots of small quakes instead of one big shaker. Fortunately, my Victorian duplex survived the 1906 monster so I'm confident in riding these puppies out. The eerie "grinding" sound that arrives in sweeping subsonic waves still makes it hard to get a round toothpick up your asshole when it happens, but other than that, this one doesn't seem to have been too bad.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-10-31 00:26||   2007-10-31 00:26|| Front Page Top

#4 See also NOWPUBLIC's worldwide quake category/portal - Quakes around ALASKA-ALEUTS, 2.5 on 10/30 in Greater Los Angeles Area, PAPUA NEW GUINEA. NOWPUBLIC Poster [paraph]- [another?]busy day for Earth's tectonic plates. GUAM STILL TREMORIN'.
Posted by JosephMendiola 2007-10-31 00:56||   2007-10-31 00:56|| Front Page Top

#5 GUAM K57 > 7.2 MAGNITUDE QUAKE SHAKES GUAM. Indonesia-Sumatra seen in the sky - for the future. *RUMORMILLNEWS > SOMETHING BIG IS COMING. Yep, MADONNA SAYS SHE LOVES ISRAEL - descendant of ABRAHAM/ADAM???
Posted by JosephMendiola 2007-10-31 01:05||   2007-10-31 01:05|| Front Page Top

#6 So here I was sitting at the office, 10 stories up and the jolt hits. Building sways side to side and I'm looking at the floor, ceiling and everything else literally move like a oversized slinky wobbling. Let me tell you this..when you're 10 stories up that 5.0 quake doesn't look like anything minor.
Posted by Valentine 2007-10-31 01:05||   2007-10-31 01:05|| Front Page Top

#7 *BREAKING* FREEREPUBLIC > Poster claims EXPLOSIONS OBSERVED ON PLANET MARS [NJ Obervatory]. Heading towards earth at high speeds. *FR > STRANGE LIGHTS AND EARTHQUAKE IN NEW JERSEY article.
Posted by JosephMendiola 2007-10-31 01:11||   2007-10-31 01:11|| Front Page Top


Jeebus CrispY!! We're all toast who's goona SAVE US!


Posted by Red Dawg">Red Dawg  2007-10-31 02:18||   2007-10-31 02:18|| Front Page Top

#9 Mars attacks: The spectroscope indicates the gas to be hydrogen and moving towards the earth with enormous velocity.

A hydrogen bomb?
Posted by twobyfour 2007-10-31 02:49||   2007-10-31 02:49|| Front Page Top

#10 Lucky it is not coming Saturn, that would be methane... needless to say, that would be a horrible death, like falling into a planetary scale septic tank.

Posted by twobyfour 2007-10-31 02:57||   2007-10-31 02:57|| Front Page Top

#11 Have you ever met that special someone, a whimmins who eyes locked on to yours and the exciting voltage between you both began to loop as if the two of you were predestined for each other?

Dejevu, It happened today all over again! There I was feeling really good, calm like I was locked into a dream state when she unbelievably took off her top and jumped up onto a Red Truck!.

Damn we were having a blast when out of the blue, SHE STRUCK, the Ground was shaking so rudely the Lock on our DREAM STATE WAS BROKEN!

Damn I hate THAT when it Happens!!
Posted by Red Dawg">Red Dawg  2007-10-31 04:30||   2007-10-31 04:30|| Front Page Top

#12 if that twerent shaggy enuff..just wait.. it twill come to pass..

Posted by Red Dawg">Red Dawg  2007-10-31 04:35||   2007-10-31 04:35|| Front Page Top

#13 LOWER AMERICAS as well.
Posted by JosephMendiola 2007-10-31 05:03||   2007-10-31 05:03|| Front Page Top

#14 Here's hoping that only things are broken, but people (and dogs and other pets) are ok. Stay safe, JosephM, and your dear mother. Zenster, thank you for informing us. Valentine, a good thing you were in a California-standards building. Red Dawg, you've my sympathies -- better luck next time. ;-)

You West Coast Rantburgers will be in my thoughts today.
Posted by trailing wife 2007-10-31 06:37||   2007-10-31 06:37|| Front Page Top

#15 Zenster, now I know why you are known as Rock-n-Roll.
Posted by Deacon Blues">Deacon Blues  2007-10-31 07:32||   2007-10-31 07:32|| Front Page Top

#16 You's got know, that somewhere in that population, some dad just told his kid to pull on his finger. That kid won't be right for the rest of his/her life. :)
Posted by Procopius2k 2007-10-31 09:29||   2007-10-31 09:29|| Front Page Top

#17 This was Bush's fault.
Posted by Bright Pebbles 2007-10-31 09:56||   2007-10-31 09:56|| Front Page Top

#18 Valentine, a good thing you were in a California-standards building.

You could not be more right, trailing wife. Subsequent to the 1906 catastrophe, California put in place some of the most comprehensive and stringent civil codes regarding earthquake preparedness and structural regulations. Even simple things are seen to, like making sure that regional fire departments have all the correct hydrant adapters on each truck.

Fortunately, my Victorian had its old mud-sill foundation completely reworked over to rebar reinforced backfilled cinderblock complete with French drains. This old domicile can take quite a rattling and come through in fine fettle. There is nothing like a redwood framed house for flexing instead of cracking. During my recent remodel, I managed to redesign all of the cabinetry so it is coaxial with the local faults. That way things move side-to-side instead of having cupboard doors swing open as they belch their contents onto the floor. In the 7.0 of 1989, I lost over 40% of my vintage Pyrex collection that way. My kitchen was ankle deep in broken glass.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-10-31 10:07||   2007-10-31 10:07|| Front Page Top

#19 You want lots of small quakes instead of one big shaker.

lots of small quakes precede and follow big ones.

Subsequent to the 1906 catastrophe, California put in place some of the most comprehensive and stringent civil codes regarding earthquake preparedness and structural regulations.

Not quite. As the linked article indicates, the building code was, if anything, loosened after the '06 quake as part of the effort to demonstrate to east coast money that the big one was mostly fire damage and SF should be rebuilt. Code tightening didn't start until the '30s.

Having left quake country for Quaker country, I am no longer fully up to date, but I'd bet Peace of Mind in Earthquake Country is still the best layman's book for scientific background and preparedness.

As I recall from the '75 edition, the most dangerous city in the country, considering both building code and quake potential, was Salt Lake City.
Posted by Nimble Spemble 2007-10-31 11:26||   2007-10-31 11:26|| Front Page Top

#20 I can see Zenster crawling out of the rubble naked, clutching a toothpick with his thighs.
Posted by wxjames 2007-10-31 12:22||   2007-10-31 12:22|| Front Page Top

#21 Zen, you're on the quake coast as well?
i'm happy to report that the quake didn't topple a thing, and i'm fairly close to the epicenter.

now, HED boys, let's topple some buildings on some more AlQ-tips, so i can hand out some serious candy tonight! Happy Halloween!
Posted by Querent 2007-10-31 13:09||   2007-10-31 13:09|| Front Page Top

#22 Glad to know you made it through unscathed, Querent. Did you get to share in the joy of the moment?
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-10-31 13:21||   2007-10-31 13:21|| Front Page Top

#23 I can see Zenster crawling out of the rubble naked, clutching a toothpick with his thighs.

That would be quite a feat, wxjames. Certainly more than most would be capable of. But why naked?
Posted by trailing wife">trailing wife  2007-10-31 13:48||   2007-10-31 13:48|| Front Page Top

#24 Certainly more than most would be capable of. But why naked?

Because he has a secret ManCrush© on the Zenman. Oops! Damn it, I let the cat out of the bag. Sorry wxjames, my bad.
Posted by Thereter Big Foot7287 2007-10-31 13:56||   2007-10-31 13:56|| Front Page Top

#25 That way things move side-to-side instead of having cupboard doors swing open as they belch their contents onto the floor. In the 7.0 of 1989, I lost over 40% of my vintage Pyrex collection that way. My kitchen was ankle deep in broken glass.


I'm given to understand you can buy "Pyrex" these days but it isn't real borosilicate glass any more.
Posted by Abdominal Snowman 2007-10-31 14:09||   2007-10-31 14:09|| Front Page Top

#26 Zenster is a female, isn't she ?
Posted by wxjames 2007-10-31 14:18||   2007-10-31 14:18|| Front Page Top

#27 Or maybe I'm a female.
Posted by wxjames 2007-10-31 14:19||   2007-10-31 14:19|| Front Page Top

#28 Harry Reid said the fires that burned my neighborhood were because of global warming. I'm sure he's preparing a speech to blame you people in NoCal and your dirty SUV's for causing this tremor. He's out of touch. We all know its really the wrath of Allan...
Posted by Intrinsicpilot 2007-10-31 14:19||   2007-10-31 14:19|| Front Page Top

#29 We have a house up in the hills on the east side of the San Francisco bay that we're currently renting out .... didn't hear of any damage there. But that house is on bedrock & was unscathed by the 87 quake.
Posted by lotp 2007-10-31 14:24||   2007-10-31 14:24|| Front Page Top

#30 I'm given to understand you can buy "Pyrex" these days but it isn't real borosilicate glass any more.

Exploding Pyrex

Pyrex bowls were originally made of something called borosilicate glass, which is very resistant to thermal shock. Currently, Pyrex is made of soda-lime glass, presumably as a cost-cutting measure, as soda-lime glass is very inexpensive. Also, Pyrex is no longer made by the original manufacturer, and is essentially a brand name, rather than a material.

Great way to completely destroy one of the great American brand names. Corning must be beyond stupid to have allowed this to happen. Thank goodness I have always collected the 1930s - 1960s colored bowls and refrigerator "jars". Most of you will remember them from your grandmother's kitchen.

I have the refrigerator "jars" in every size and almost all colors of the rainbow. I use them as color coded salsa dishes so people will know the heat of each preparation.

My collection also includes two pristine examples of the incredibly rare Pyrex cornbread pan, which I also have in cast iron and very rare WWI aluminum as well.

I rarely pay more than $5.00 per piece with an average purchase price of $1.00. I also have oodles of the clear pyrex in all shapes and sizes. You can tell the oldest pieces by their serif font on the maker's mark. I refuse to buy any of the modern crap as it is both ugly and, now, unreliable. According to eBay prices, the collection I've bought for a few hundred dollars is worth a few thousand by now. Thrift shops and flear markets are your friends.

lotp, your property in San Francisco is likely unaffected. My friend lived within a mile or so of the epicenter and his house suffered no damage.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-10-31 15:10||   2007-10-31 15:10|| Front Page Top

#31 How can you tell which kind of Pyrex you have?
Posted by Nimble Spemble 2007-10-31 15:22||   2007-10-31 15:22|| Front Page Top

#32 Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Dogs and cats living together..... We're trapped!!! Trapped, I tell ya! Like Mars Flies in a Klein Bottle!

Hang in there, Joe! I can send you some handicap grab bars to mount to the wall near your desk, like I've got, to have something to hold onto when the BIG ONEĀ™ hits.
Posted by Alaska Paul">Alaska Paul  2007-10-31 16:30||   2007-10-31 16:30|| Front Page Top

#33 I thought it was Queen Latifa and Refrigerator Perry Slam Dancing.
Posted by Deacon Blues">Deacon Blues  2007-10-31 16:41||   2007-10-31 16:41|| Front Page Top

#34 I live in Marin and I didn't feel it. Not even a whisker. I heard a strange noise though, sort of like a critter under the house. That was it. No idea if it was related or not. I guess I'm just not seeeeeeeensitive.
Posted by remoteman 2007-10-31 17:04||   2007-10-31 17:04|| Front Page Top

#35 How can you tell which kind of Pyrex you have?

One the bottom of every piece is a production code encircling the Pyrex logo. There are some collector's guides that probably list what the number groups mean.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the older clear Pyrex pieces have the logo printed in a very distinctive serif font as compared to their modern products. Between that, and collecting the old colorful shades like in the above images, I am usually assured of getting the older items. Fortunately, the newer designs are quite repugnant so I've never even considered collecting them. Other than using a spectrophotometer or energy dispersive x-ray analyzer to distinguish between the boron and sodium content, I really couldn't tell you how to go about it.

Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-10-31 18:26||   2007-10-31 18:26|| Front Page Top

#36 Had a persnickety little 3.0-3.2 aftershock rumble through about an hour ago.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-10-31 20:35||   2007-10-31 20:35|| Front Page Top

#37 I felt that one last night while lying in bed suffering from my latest bout with arthritis (that's what the doctor in the ER diagnosed it as today rather than gout). Felt a short, rolling, up & down jolt followed by a prolonged SW to NE shaking - felt like there was an 18-wheeler rumbling right outside the house walls. Lasted about 10 second or so here.

I live in Antioch, well NE and inland of Alum Rock and the last time I felt anything like this one was during the 1989 Loma Prieta quake (that one was scary) and another one back in 1986.

When I was working at LBNL, one of my nightmares was working when the big one hit on the Hayward fault which ran about 50 yards to the west of the Lab's main gate. The guys last night said it;s due (average is a big quake on the Hayward fault every 140 years and it;s been 139 years since the last one).

Posted by FOTSGreg">FOTSGreg  2007-10-31 20:48||   2007-10-31 20:48|| Front Page Top

#38 Lived in Fremont for ~5 years, FOTSGreg - had the same worry.
Posted by lotp 2007-10-31 21:22||   2007-10-31 21:22|| Front Page Top

#39 another one back in 1986

I managed to be outside for that one and the weird grinding sound of the plates rubbing up against each other sounded like satan growling. It can be truly disconcerting when terra firma is no longer quite so firma.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-10-31 21:29||   2007-10-31 21:29|| Front Page Top

#40 looooong day, and I didn't have a chance to say to Zen, FOTSGreg, et al, all our bay area RB'ers....glad you're all fine!
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2007-10-31 21:33||   2007-10-31 21:33|| Front Page Top

#41 Second that. Glad everyone is okay.
Posted by Pappy 2007-10-31 21:41||   2007-10-31 21:41|| Front Page Top

#42 Third that. This thread has been very enjoyable and informative. Classic Rantburg.
Posted by ryuge 2007-10-31 23:49||   2007-10-31 23:49|| Front Page Top

23:49 ryuge
23:17 gorb
23:01 gorb
22:55 gorb
22:44 Zenster
22:43 anymouse
22:35 Zenster
22:32 twobyfour
22:29 twobyfour
22:05 Pappy
21:59 Besoeker
21:57 mhw
21:55 Red Dawg
21:55 Pappy
21:54 Besoeker
21:52 Besoeker
21:51 Besoeker
21:47 Besoeker
21:43 Frank G
21:41 Pappy
21:41 Frank G
21:33 Frank G
21:33 Mike
21:29 Zenster

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