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2007-10-14 Afghanistan
US soldiers burnt Koran: report
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Posted by tipper 2007-10-14 09:38|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [23 views ]  Top

#1 Gee, if only the Pope's followers were so devout.

They were once, you know....
Posted by Bobby 2007-10-14 10:00||   2007-10-14 10:00|| Front Page Top

#2 It is unlikely that during a raid, a soldier took the time to "burn a koran".

Another stirred up incident. Pointless and vain.
And it is just a damn book. If your religion is only just a book, than it is also pointless.

Maybe it needs to be burnt.
Posted by newc">newc  2007-10-14 10:03||   2007-10-14 10:03|| Front Page Top

#3 This story undoubtedly will soon make the covers of the New York Times and Newsweek, respectively.
Posted by Sigmund Freud 2007-10-14 10:16||   2007-10-14 10:16|| Front Page Top

#4 “You have desecrated our religion,” resident Azim Khan told the US delegation.

Considering that Islam is an indelible stain on modern civilization, perhaps some serious "desecrating" is in order.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-10-14 10:21||   2007-10-14 10:21|| Front Page Top

#5 What, were the toilets backed up?
Posted by doc 2007-10-14 11:14||   2007-10-14 11:14|| Front Page Top

#6 The proper response would be to drop millions of rolls of toilet paper with the Koran printed on them and to do it in such a manner that they would unroll in the air - tp'ing the land and trees below...

The pious would need to spend their energies trying to save every page....

Posted by 3dc 2007-10-14 12:28||   2007-10-14 12:28|| Front Page Top

#7 I got one of dem kerans free from the internet. It collects meted snow on the floor of my garage under my car in the winter and dripping oil in the summer. Gonna have to return it to some imam soon - it's almost ready.
Posted by jds 2007-10-14 12:30||   2007-10-14 12:30|| Front Page Top

#8 What, were the toilets backed up?

Yup, the one they were burning was a second Koran.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-10-14 12:53||   2007-10-14 12:53|| Front Page Top

#9 What, were the toilets backed up?

Do they have to do restores? Can anyone do it or is that part of the Imam's job description?
Posted by Nimble Spemble 2007-10-14 13:04||   2007-10-14 13:04|| Front Page Top

#10 And while were at it why don't we just burn the Talmud. Its just a pointless book after all?
Posted by Leah Ashley 2007-10-14 13:12||   2007-10-14 13:12|| Front Page Top

#11 ahhh the Leah Ashley from the Liberty thread-jacking, returns
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2007-10-14 13:14||   2007-10-14 13:14|| Front Page Top

#12 I guess this is proof that Islam is bogus - its so weak that it cannot survive someone abusing their book.
Posted by OldSpook 2007-10-14 13:17||   2007-10-14 13:17|| Front Page Top

#13 Her Moral Equivalency Leah Ashley speaks.

Sure, let's burn Talmud. And see what happens. I can tell you: NOT A THING.

Posted by twobyfour 2007-10-14 13:21||]">[]  2007-10-14 13:21|| Front Page Top

#14 THE US military said it would investigate claims

The American military operates by the same presumption of innocence as required by the U.S. Constitution for civilians, Ms. Ashley. It wouldn't do for those of us with no access to actual evidence to prejudge. Especially given the tendency in that part of the world for hysterical mob action based on dreams and visions and the visitations of djinns.
Posted by trailing wife 2007-10-14 13:27||   2007-10-14 13:27|| Front Page Top

#15 Yawn... it's probably as bogus as all the other claims made to whistle up a mob on a moments' notice.

Posted by Sgt. Mom 2007-10-14 13:35||]">[]  2007-10-14 13:35|| Front Page Top

#16 And while were at it why don't we just burn the Talmud. Its just a pointless book after all?

Oh, certainly, let's do that. After all, isn't it the Jews who are flying fully loaded passenger jet airliners into skyscrapers, beheading Christian schoolgirls, gang raping young Sudanese boys, causing polio epidemics, bombing crowded nightclubs and commuter trains, gunning down hundreds of fleeing schoolchildren, ushering uncovered young women back into burning buildings and meting out lashes to rape victims? How dare we show the slightest disrespect for such savage barbarity?
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-10-14 13:43||   2007-10-14 13:43|| Front Page Top

#17 “We respect your religion,” he said.

I don't. Islam is backward and stifling. I respect the right to practice it, same as I would for any of a number of goofy cults. But that is because I come from a modern, pluralistic culture. And I'm still going to laugh and point. Let us know when you want to grow up and join the modern world.
Posted by SteveS 2007-10-14 14:27||   2007-10-14 14:27|| Front Page Top

#18 And while were at it why don't we just burn the Talmud. Its just a pointless book after all?
Posted by Leah Ashley

Go ahead, add the bible too. Nothing will happen. Because you see the faith of Christians and Jews is a little more then paper thin.

When will you get outraged about the Saudi's burning bibles which are confiscated? This has been going on for years yet it's never hit the newspapers. No bias there....
Posted by CrazyFool 2007-10-14 15:04||   2007-10-14 15:04|| Front Page Top

#19 You can burn my RSV. Its the words that matter, not tha pages they are printed on.

Wie out Rome and the Catholic Church still stands - its the faith in our hearts that matters.

Unlike modern Chsitianity, Islam is wordly - its tied to books, ruling politics, and locations like Mecca. Islam is the religion of slave makers.
Posted by OldSpook 2007-10-14 15:09||   2007-10-14 15:09|| Front Page Top

#20 “We respect your religion,” he said.

Spot on Steve!

If Captain Jason Coughenour punishes anyone he should be court marshalled. Come to think of it Coughenour should have his ass handed to him for making such a stupid statement.

Burning a terrorist training manual? Give me a fruvking break. Every one knows you wipe a pigs ass with the book BEFORE you burn it.

Ashley can you say Dhimmi?
Posted by Icerigger">Icerigger  2007-10-14 15:13||   2007-10-14 15:13|| Front Page Top

#21 There's a strong horse horse in this news item, and there's a weak horse.

Karzai and the UN are already preparing the terms for western surrender in Afghanistan.

Bush's key mistake was not to swiftly crush and punish Afghanistan after 9-11.
Posted by Thong Speaking for Boskone3200 2007-10-14 15:42||   2007-10-14 15:42|| Front Page Top

#22 Perhaps we should build a Koran library and then stock the shelves and hold it hostage for the good behavior of Mulsims in the region. I fyou don't go around killing non_muslims we won't burn the library.
Posted by rjschwarz 2007-10-14 17:35||   2007-10-14 17:35|| Front Page Top

#23 I believe this story is true about as much as I believe in Gore's global warming story.

Terrorist tactics 101.
Blame the US for torture, abuse and desecration. It is in the Al Quada employee handbook.
Posted by DarthVader">DarthVader  2007-10-14 17:50||   2007-10-14 17:50|| Front Page Top

#24 Bush's key mistake was not to swiftly crush and punish Afghanistan after 9-11.

Removing them from power in a month and a half isn't swiftly crushing them?!
Posted by Rob Crawford">Rob Crawford  2007-10-14 18:16||   2007-10-14 18:16|| Front Page Top

#25 Perhaps we should build a Koran library and then stock the shelves and hold it hostage for the good behavior of Mulsims in the region. I fyou don't go around killing non_muslims we won't burn the library.

I think you're onto something here, rjschwarz. We need to consider buying up or confiscating all of the most venerated and treasured copies of the Koran and then threaten to burn them in retaliation for future Islamic atrocities. Muslims are idiotic enough to attach so much importance to the physical manifestation of their faith. We need to capitalize upon that superstitious fear. This is akin to holding the shrines hostage but much more doable.

After all, try to remember that at its first opportunity, Islam will make a bonfire out of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, the Mona Lisa and nearly every other important bit of Western heritage.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-10-14 18:20||   2007-10-14 18:20|| Front Page Top

#26 Removing them from power in a month and a half isn't swiftly crushing them?!

It's pretty damn obvious we didn't crush them anywhere nearly enough. Shari'a law would not have been re-installed if we had.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-10-14 18:22||   2007-10-14 18:22|| Front Page Top

#27 Ho hum. Yawn. I guess I'll count the matches in my matchbook collection. Probably time to get rid of some of the collection.
Posted by JohnQC 2007-10-14 18:30||   2007-10-14 18:30|| Front Page Top

#28 The Pakistanis burned 300,000 of them after the "great quake" for warmth. At least the book is good for something.

snark, snark, snark.

The Moslems who cried wolf.
Posted by newc">newc  2007-10-14 19:51||   2007-10-14 19:51|| Front Page Top

#29 This is BS. The Saudi government has handed out millions of Wahabi approved Korans in the English and other languages. They refer to same as the "Noble Koran," meaning: other translations are treated as Christians treat the "Vulgate" translations. This issue is terrorism in another form.
Posted by McZoid 2007-10-14 20:13||   2007-10-14 20:13|| Front Page Top

#30 Bush's key mistake was not to swiftly crush and punish Afghanistan after 9-11.

Removing them from power in a month and a half isn't swiftly crushing them?!

Shhhhh Rob - it thinks it's a strategist. You'll crush its self-esteem.
Posted by Pappy 2007-10-14 20:22||   2007-10-14 20:22|| Front Page Top

#31 This story reminded me of the siege of the Church of the Nativity. There were reports of desecration of Bibles back then, but little outcry from the MSM.

One of the reports were that the Palestinians used pages from the Bible as toilet paper.

Respect for religion and sacred objects goes both ways.

See story at FreeRepublic: Link

Similar story at Worldnet Daily: Link
Posted by Delphi 2007-10-14 21:39||   2007-10-14 21:39|| Front Page Top

#32 This story reminded me of the siege of the Church of the Nativity. There were reports of desecration of Bibles back then, but little outcry from the MSM ... One of the reports were that the Palestinians used pages from the Bible as toilet paper.

Good connection, Delphi. Not necessarily one the MSM would make but good nonetheless.

Respect for religion and sacred objects goes both ways.

However right you are, this is definitely not the case and it appears as though a third—or fourth, depending upon interpretation—World War will be needed to establish this. From all indications, this one shall be complete with atomic bombs et al as well.

Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-10-14 22:25||   2007-10-14 22:25|| Front Page Top

#33 Gee, if only the Pope's followers were so devout.

They were once, you know....

There are others out there, that while not Catholic, are Christians and are paying close attention to these matters, Bobby. Trust me, if the Southern Baptists have to storm the beaches on bass-boats, carrying their full arsenal (not to mention scarier dogs than were at abu gharib), it's gonna get nasty. But, we get fried chicken and potato salad after we're done!

What, were the toilets backed up?

Not many toilets in the hinterlands, doc. Ever read Tommy Franks' book? If not do so, there's some fine commentary in there about bathrooms, even in the capital city, lol!

Serious question time. How many Afghanis can actually, ya know, read? Not trying to slam on them personally, but aren't they some of the most illiterate folks on the planet? Thusly, do they really read the Koran, or is it just the local imam's "Books on Tape" tellin' them what to believe?
Posted by BA 2007-10-14 23:09||   2007-10-14 23:09|| Front Page Top

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