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2007-06-19 India-Pakistan
Pakistani parliament protests honour for Rushdie
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Posted by Steve White 2007-06-19 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [30 views ]  Top
 File under: Global Jihad 

#1 Pakistani parliament protests honour for Rushdie

good gawd these paki pols are worser than ours....


... murtha, reid, pelosi, skerry, hellary, boxer, bush, arlen spector, leahy, durbin, ted 'the lush' kennedy, schumer...


OMG what waz I stinking!
NAW no way I apologize, ima getting sick now...
Posted by Red Dawg">Red Dawg  2007-06-19 02:32||   2007-06-19 02:32|| Front Page Top

#2 Rushdie’s knighthood was an insult.

Ab-so-fucking-lutely! He oughta been made Supreme Emperor of All Muslim Lands™ so he could pimpslap the entire bunch of these whingeing pansy-ass lily livered tantrum-prone layabout nancyboys hard enough that they'd be looking for their teeth half a yard up queer street.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-06-19 04:52||   2007-06-19 04:52|| Front Page Top

#3 Exactly why there's never been a muslim Shakespeare/Voltaire/Joyce let alone a Wilde.
Posted by Howard UK 2007-06-19 06:42||   2007-06-19 06:42|| Front Page Top

#4 woman member of parliament from a conservative religious party
say it ain't so - youse represented by wymyns?
Posted by Spot">Spot  2007-06-19 08:32||   2007-06-19 08:32|| Front Page Top

#5 has a picture of Rushdie with his wife who is kinda hot. She's a couple of inches taller than he is and more than a few years younger. Showing some skin too in a most unIslamic manner. It's enough to give hope to fat old bald guys the whole world over.
Posted by Ebbang Uluque6305 2007-06-19 14:51||   2007-06-19 14:51|| Front Page Top

#6 I gotta get me a copy of that book. Anything that pisses them off that bad must be good.
Posted by Ebbang Uluque6305 2007-06-19 14:53||   2007-06-19 14:53|| Front Page Top

#7's How American of me.
Posted by Ebbang Uluque6305 2007-06-19 14:57||   2007-06-19 14:57|| Front Page Top


C'mon, cry me a river. Make it deep and wide!
Posted by mojo">mojo  2007-06-19 15:25||   2007-06-19 15:25|| Front Page Top

#9 I thought The Satanic Verses was actually rather dull, Ebbang Uluque6305. I don't think it would have sold well were it not for the fatwa.
Posted by trailing wife 2007-06-19 16:27||   2007-06-19 16:27|| Front Page Top

#10 From Ebbang Uluque6305's link:
Labour's Lord Ahmed expressed surprise at the decision to give a knighthood to Rushdie, who was placed under a fatwa, or death sentence, by Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini 18 years ago after the publication of the allegedly blasphemous The Satanic Verses.

"I was appalled to hear Salman Rushdie had been given a knighthood," Lord Ahmed said.

"Two weeks ago the Prime Minister was calling for building relations between the Muslim world and Britain, then suddenly this knighthood is given to a man who has not only been abusive to Muslims, but also to Christians - because he used abusive language towards Jesus Christ."

He said whoever had made the decision had made Gordon Brown's job very difficult as he takes over as Prime Minister.

"The confidence that was being built within Britain with inter-faith work and community cohesion work has once again been damaged because of this provocative decision.

"This man not only provoked violence around the world because of his writings, but there were many people who were killed around the world.

"Forgiving and forgetting is one thing, but honouring the man who has blood on his hands, sort of, because of what he did, I think is going a bit too far."

Not quite got that "freedom of Speech" part clear as of yet, eh Lord Ahmed? Here's a clue for you, go piss up a rope. In light of Rushdie's somewhat marginal accomplishments, I'd have to agree with other critics of his and suppose that this entire affair amounts to a pimpslap for Islam by Britain's royal family. With each ensuing bit of further crapulence, slowly but surely Islam issues its own death fatwa.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-06-19 17:16||   2007-06-19 17:16|| Front Page Top

#11 a pimpslap for Islam by Britain's royal family

That's my take on it too. I've always admired Queen Elizabeth.
Posted by Ebbang Uluque6305 2007-06-19 18:05||   2007-06-19 18:05|| Front Page Top

#12 Anything that pisses them off that bad must be good.

It's damn near unreadable.
Posted by Pappy 2007-06-19 21:47||   2007-06-19 21:47|| Front Page Top

#13 A n y t h i n g ... t h a t ... p i s s e s ... t h e m ... o f f ... t h a t ... b a d ... m u s t ... b e ... g o o d.

A l l ... b e t t e r, ... P a p p y ?
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-06-19 22:18||   2007-06-19 22:18|| Front Page Top

#14 Forget Rushdie. What will the Pakistanis do when they discover that Meatloaf was knighted. I mean, that can't be halal.
Posted by Super Hose 2007-06-19 22:34||   2007-06-19 22:34|| Front Page Top

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