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2006-12-08 Home Front: WoT
What a Real War Looks Like (it would be a start)
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Posted by ed 2006-12-08 15:08|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [30 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Victory today requires the same: smashing Iran's totalitarian regime and thus demoralizing the Islamist movement and its many supporters, so that they, too, abandon their cause as futile.

Agreed but totally insufficient. Flatten Tehran, flatten Qom, yes. But sterilize Waziristan and bomb every Egyptian newspaper that publishes an anti-semitic cartoon; taking out every television station in the middle-east which aired that Protocols mini-series would be a good start. So too the Turkish studio that produced that Valley of the Wolves movie and, while we are at it, try, convict and execute Billy Zain for his participation in the project as the traitor he is.

Yet all of this is but to begin. To eliminate the ideological underpinnings of this 7th-century barbarism it needs to pulled up at the roots and the ground salted where it stood. This means the total destruction of Mecca; preferably during the height of whatever season is most holy to the Temple of Elemental Evil. If a million hajjis are on hand then so much the better. We do not just need to defeat these bastards; we need to make an example of them.

Time to go Roman. Kill faster. Total war.
Posted by Excalibur 2006-12-08 15:35||   2006-12-08 15:35|| Front Page Top

#2 Excalibur -

This means the total destruction of Mecca;

...Although I agree there needs to be a serious, no-holds barred effort to get the attention of the Muslim world, flattening Mecca would have little effect other than to further anger what I am rapidly beginning to consider no more than a mindless cult.
Islam has no organized structure, unlike Catholicism or to a far lesser extent, the other Christian faiths or Judaism. If we were to lay one warhead down on Mecca, some mullah would declare a fatwa that as long as you were doing Jihad, you didn't have to make a pilgramage. Another would say that if you died from radiation poisoning while trying to get there, you would go directly to paradise, do not pass Medina and collect 72 virgins.
I'm not saying that wiping Mecca off the map wouldn't be useful - it might indeed convince the one third of the Earth's population that's gone renegade that perhaps it's time to back off. But there are far better targets - Qom, Riyadh, and Damascus - that would have a far more immediate and beneficial impact. And before we kill cities - which we may have to do someday whether we like it or not - there are individuals who need to die very public and very surprised deaths. The mullahs and shiekhs who incite and lead this madness from their caves or their homes or their pulpits MUST come to fear the consequences of opening their mouths. They MUST learn to live like Zarkawi, al-Zawarhiri and bin Laden - always looking over their shoulders, never knowing who they can trust. If it means sending in the Special Forces, then DO so, and to hell with the 'ramifications' - they brag about how they love death more than life, so let us reward them.

Posted by Mike Kozlowski 2006-12-08 15:57||   2006-12-08 15:57|| Front Page Top

#3 Good piece, lot of truth in it.
Posted by anonymous5089 2006-12-08 16:03||   2006-12-08 16:03|| Front Page Top

#4 Another would say that if you died from radiation poisoning while trying to get there, you would go directly to paradise, do not pass Medina and collect 72 virgins.

To me this would not be a bug but a feature.

But there are far better targets - Qom, Riyadh, and Damascus - that would have a far more immediate and beneficial impact.

A casual glance at what I wrote would reveal Qom is already my list but by all means let's flatten Damascus and Riyadh as well. This is not one of those either/or situations. The excluded middle of your argument includes all sorts of other places I would cheerfully revert to pre-European contact technological levels; Indonesia, say.

Posted by Excalibur 2006-12-08 16:54||   2006-12-08 16:54|| Front Page Top

#5 Mike, I disagree. A pilgrimage to mecca is a major requirement of the muzzie death cult. Totally destroying mecca (nuke the place with a dozen 1MT devices, fuse the entire plain around about into radioactive glass) is essential to break the bonds between islam and the middle east. At the same time, every ARAB capital in the world needs to be destroyed, and so do any peripheral gathering places of more than a few hundred muslims.

The first order of business is to break the power of this death cult over people's lives. That means destroying the source of that power - the MME, the dictatorial rulers of the halls of power, the imams and their power, the madrassahs and other religious schools, and everything else associated with islam. That means pulling out of the entire middle east and flattening everything but Israel from Morocco to Pakistan, as well as hitting Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia. Do not exclude any majority-muslim country, from Albania to Somalia and Chad, and all across Africa to Mauritania. Make Carthage look like a Sunday school picnic. Anything less is futile.
Posted by Old Patriot">Old Patriot  2006-12-08 17:13||]">[]  2006-12-08 17:13|| Front Page Top

#6 None of this will happen until a city in the US is destroyed by an islamic nuke. Also, the retaliating POTUS would have to be a Democrat.

Sad, but true.
Posted by Parabellum 2006-12-08 18:03||   2006-12-08 18:03|| Front Page Top

#7 Parabellum,

If the retaliating POTUS is a Democrat, there won't BE any retaliation. That's the problem.
Democrats are cowards and traitors who truly hate this country. They'll stand in the ashes for a photo op asking "Why do they hate us?"
Posted by mac 2006-12-08 19:04||   2006-12-08 19:04|| Front Page Top

#8 Unfortunately Islam is a distributed rather than centralized system, Mecca or no. Any ignorant Koran-thumper can set himself up as a pope-equivalent. All he needs is some equally ignorant adherents. Decapitation is not a viable approach - need to work with the grubbing hoe to dig out all the weeds.
Posted by Grath Gluper1977 2006-12-08 19:15||   2006-12-08 19:15|| Front Page Top

#9 Destruction of Mecca will destroy Islam about the same way the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans destroyed Judaism. Didn't happen then, won't happen in the future.
Posted by Anguper Hupomosing9418 2006-12-08 20:21||   2006-12-08 20:21|| Front Page Top

#10 If the retaliating POTUS is a Democrat, there won't BE any retaliation.

You don't know Hilary. Hell hath no fury...
Posted by Nimble Spemble 2006-12-08 21:00||   2006-12-08 21:00|| Front Page Top

#11 I am unpleasantly surprised at how quickly many of you are to abandon what is not an entirely bad situation. First of all, the Arab world has been shaken to its roots, and slowly and grudgingly, democracy is starting to grow there in all sorts of places. And once rooted, it is damnably hard to eliminate.

Three years ago we feared a war between the west and the Moslem world. Today things are not so clear, with much of the contest between Sunni and Shia. But even that is very limited to certain countries.

Iran and Syria are not new threats--they were just as obnoxious before. So why now feel despair that they scheme against us and everyone else? The same with our "allies"; they were duplicitous before, and they still are. Nothing has changed, so why be depressed?

And Iraq is not going to "fall". We have worked overtime to insure that no matter what, it would take chaotic decades to become a theocracy, no matter what tater wants. And there are still plenty of patriotic Iraqi Shiites who see Iranians as the enemy.

President Bush has two more years to bring about sweetness and light. The democrats may be annoying, but little else. And Joe Lieberman will insure that the Senate doesn't throw in the towel.

So what does Bush need to do for a win? A new election this coming January to create a permanent and stable Iraqi government, followed shortly thereafter with the hanging of Saddam. And once that government is in place, a Status of Forces agreement allows us to stay in rural Iraq, out of harm's way, and let the Iraqis settle things.

At that point, most people expect a blow-up. They are mistaken. Most likely the Iraqi Interior Ministry will round up an s-load of known perpetrators, who will then just disappear. The word will quickly get out, and much of the violence will end.

So what will be left of "the war" (the occupation), when no more US personnel are killed, and most of the violence in Iraq is over? There will still be a year and a quarter of Bush's Presidency to go.

What? We won? When did that happen?
Posted by Anonymoose 2006-12-08 21:03||   2006-12-08 21:03|| Front Page Top

#12 'Moose, I'd absolutely love to believe you're right. From your keyboard to God's eyes...
Posted by mac 2006-12-08 21:24||   2006-12-08 21:24|| Front Page Top

#13 Destroying Islamic totalitarianism requires a punishing military onslaught to end its primary state representative and demoralize its supporters. We need to deploy all necessary force to destroy Iran's ISLAM'S ability to fight, while minimizing our own casualties. We need a campaign that ruthlessly inflicts the pain of war so intensely that the jihadists renounce their cause as hopeless and fear to take up arms against us.

There, fixed that.

Agreed but totally insufficient. Flatten Tehran, flatten Qom, yes. But sterilize Waziristan and bomb every Egyptian newspaper that publishes an anti-semitic cartoon; taking out every television station in the middle-east which aired that Protocols mini-series would be a good start. So too the Turkish studio that produced that Valley of the Wolves movie and, while we are at it, try, convict and execute Billy Zain for his participation in the project as the traitor he is.

Yes, and yes especially to the crushing of Islam's propaganda machine, Excalibur. The damage it does and death it promotes is beyond comprehension and yet does not even show up on our military's radar.

And before we kill cities - which we may have to do someday whether we like it or not - there are individuals who need to die very public and very surprised deaths. The mullahs and shiekhs who incite and lead this madness from their caves or their homes or their pulpits MUST come to fear the consequences of opening their mouths. They MUST learn to live like Zarkawi, al-Zawarhiri and bin Laden - always looking over their shoulders, never knowing who they can trust. If it means sending in the Special Forces, then DO so, and to hell with the 'ramifications' - they brag about how they love death more than life, so let us reward them.

Absolutely, Mike K! If we are ever to win this war against Islam, conspicuously killing its top tiers of command is a vital first step. Myself and others have been hollering to the rooftops about this for some time now. Until this clandestine program of executions begins, no progress will be made.

That means destroying the source of that power - the MME, the dictatorial rulers of the halls of power, the imams and their power, the madrassahs and other religious schools, and everything else associated with islam. That means pulling out of the entire middle east and flattening everything but Israel from Morocco to Pakistan, as well as hitting Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia. Do not exclude any majority-muslim country, from Albania to Somalia and Chad, and all across Africa to Mauritania.

You are describing the Muslim holocaust that I continue to predict, Old Patriot.

Some, and quite possibly all, of these measures will be required of us in the near future. I say that Mecca and Medina, possibly even Qom, should all be saved as "hostage" targets to be used specifically as demoralizing blows (like Hiroshima or Dresden), in retaliation for any large-scale terrorist atrocities.

Before then, massive disproportionate retaliation must be the rule. For every victim of a terrorist atrocity, one to ten thousand Muslims must die. Kill enough of them so that they rebel against their terrorist overlords and begin the essential change from within that we cannot impose from without. If such reformation proves impossible, let the Muslim holocaust proceed.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2006-12-08 23:42||   2006-12-08 23:42|| Front Page Top

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