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2006-12-02 Home Front: Culture Wars
Muslims Seek Prayer Room at Airport
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Posted by DragonFly 2006-12-02 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [25 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 When in Rome - they can just leave the US.
Posted by 3dc 2006-12-02 00:09||   2006-12-02 00:09|| Front Page Top

#2 Of course, once they've a prayer room, it's a mosque with all that entails.
Posted by gromgoru 2006-12-02 00:17||   2006-12-02 00:17|| Front Page Top

#3 By the way, why is this article in Non-WOT?
Posted by gromgoru 2006-12-02 00:17||   2006-12-02 00:17|| Front Page Top

#4 "When we pray, we don't want a problem. We don't want what happened last week," said Abdulrehman Hersi, an imam at Darul-Quba mosque in Minneapolis, referring to six clerics who were barred from a US Airways flight in Minneapolis after drawing the concern of some passengers.

Guess what, asshole. Demanding preferential treatment makes you into part of the problem, NOT its solution. Do you see Jews demanding areas set aside for their private worship? No? Then why do you think that you are entitled to any special consideration?

We need to begin flogging these traitorous fucks with the simple matter of equal protection under the law. If they cannot stand the notion that Islam will not receive preferential treatment, deport their terrorist asses or jail them for sedition.

I'll freely confess that back when I first posted here it was of some interest to learn about Arab culture and all of the nomenclature needed to intelligently discuss the issues arising therefrom.

After over five years of posting about these sick twisted Islamic fuckwits, I've had it up to here about knowing their terms and vocabulary for what amounts to an assault upon my life, loves and world.

FOAD, Islam.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2006-12-02 00:23||   2006-12-02 00:23|| Front Page Top

#5 Of course, once they've a prayer room, it's a mosque with all that entails.

Spot fucking ON, gromgoru!
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2006-12-02 00:28||   2006-12-02 00:28|| Front Page Top

#6 Most airports already have chapels. Let them pray there if they feel the need.
Posted by Swamp Blondie 2006-12-02 00:42|| ]">[ ]  2006-12-02 00:42|| Front Page Top

#7 Convert one of the shitters, issue flushable karens
Posted by Captain America 2006-12-02 00:57||   2006-12-02 00:57|| Front Page Top

#8 Most airports already have chapels.

Are they non-denominational?
Posted by gorb 2006-12-02 01:58||   2006-12-02 01:58|| Front Page Top

#9 Let them go to the nearest mosque for their prayers. If they miss their flights, that is a feature, not a bug.
Posted by Anguper Hupomosing9418 2006-12-02 04:28||   2006-12-02 04:28|| Front Page Top

#10 gorb, yes, the ones I've seen are. That's probably why they want their own room....some infidel might also want to use it at the same time. TS.
Posted by Swamp Blondie 2006-12-02 04:39|| ]">[ ]  2006-12-02 04:39|| Front Page Top

#11 "When we pray, we don't want a problem. We don't want what happened last week,"

Well if they didn't decide to switch seats to a "let's hijack the plane" configuration, and they didn't ask for seatbelt extenders which they clearly didn't need, and they didn't act like royal jackasses aside from their prayer ritual... then it never would have happened.

Of course if that never happened, then you wouldn't get your little media spotlight, would you?
Posted by eLarson 2006-12-02 09:40||]">[]  2006-12-02 09:40|| Front Page Top

#12 And I demand every airport set aside a special waiting area for my Temple of Baal. I plan to sacrifice before an image of a Golden Calf and will probably need some alone time with the temple wenches. Though I admit all those chain-mail bikinis are not going to come cheap.
Posted by Excalibur 2006-12-02 09:52||   2006-12-02 09:52|| Front Page Top

#13 Are they non-denominational?

There was an article the other day about even non-Wahhabi muslim students having to find other rooms on campus to pray because the group that took over the 'non-denominational' space was so obnoxious.

There's a reason that the phrase 'camel's nose in the tent' has Arabic connotations.
Posted by KBK 2006-12-02 10:11||   2006-12-02 10:11|| Front Page Top

#14 Captain America's got it right. I've been known to kneel down and pray to the porcelien god myself, though I am somewhat a lapsed member of that sect.
Posted by Glenmore">Glenmore  2006-12-02 11:13||   2006-12-02 11:13|| Front Page Top

#15 I'm starting to wonder if there was anything else this group of recon artists imams did. Too loud, too obvious, what was the real rehearsal?

/Got me little shinny hat on
Posted by Shipman 2006-12-02 11:35||   2006-12-02 11:35|| Front Page Top

#16 Give them a nice spot on the main taxiway.
Posted by SpecOp35 2006-12-02 11:57||   2006-12-02 11:57|| Front Page Top

#17 Just a way of marking their territory.
Posted by DMFD 2006-12-02 13:06||   2006-12-02 13:06|| Front Page Top

#18 Great. I can't find a smoking section in most airports, but they'll bend over backwards for these assholes.
Screw 'em. Tell them to pray in a Somali driven cab...
Posted by tu3031 2006-12-02 14:58||   2006-12-02 14:58|| Front Page Top

#19 Just a way of marking their territory.

Exactly. It's their group dominance display. That's why they must be smacked down hard and humiliated at every opportunity.
Posted by ed 2006-12-02 15:07||   2006-12-02 15:07|| Front Page Top

#20 Not until there's FULL true reciprocity at the airports in Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus, Tehran, and Mecca.

Seriously, even here in the US, the won't allow infidels into their own moskkks, much less into a setaside room at the airport they feel is their own. At first, I thought, let them pray at the non-denom. chapel that every airport has, but then I came to my senses and realized that would just stir the hornets' nest when someone of another faith is in there.

True story. Right after 9/11 (I rode to work with 2 Muslims back then), I called the younger one and asked if he wanted to go to my church for a memorial service. It was to be non-denominational, just more to remember the victims and pray for them (however you felt). He declined, which didn't shock me. I asked if they were doing anything like that at his moskkk, and he said NO! (I was naive then about the depth of death cult this so-called "religion" was back then). I then asked if I could visit his mosque with him sometime (truly, I was curious then about what they believed). He told me "I wouldn't feel comfortable taking you there". He might as well have called me cracker or something. Here I was trying to open up to him a dialogue between our faiths, I was truly curious about his and wanting to find out what they believe. Because I was white/Christian/infidel, I wouldn't be invited to his moskkk. I still wonder what goes on within those walls and it's literally just a mile up the street from us.
Posted by BA 2006-12-02 15:41||   2006-12-02 15:41|| Front Page Top

#21 Daily as a part of my job I look at Homeland Security message traffic from DHS, the IC and state and local agencies across the country, as well as open source reporting. Every week, and sometimes every day, we see the ongoing nature of islam seeping into the fabric of the country. Uncompromising, adamant, deceitful, purposeful, and with a shared vision of conquest. Like fools we let them in, and the rising tide of their presence is everywhere.
The slippery slope of cultural suicide is accelerated every day by the compromises everyday Americans make, thinking that through accomodation we can build the goodwill for our vision of "multiculturalism" and harmony. Utter horsesh!t. The invasion has begun, and so has the planning for the fifth column. WAKE UP people, your very freedoms and country are at grave risk, and you are asleep, too timid and PC to confront these invaders. Even the least of them supports your conversion and Sharia as law. Many more want to harm you and take what you have got as theirs by right of conquest. I've never been so frightened by a threat as I am of this one. We are slipping towards European-style catastrophy day by day.
I hate sounding like a paranoid loon, but it is really that serious!
Posted by JustAboutEnough">JustAboutEnough  2006-12-02 15:44||   2006-12-02 15:44|| Front Page Top

#22 Well said... and true. I often wonder just how many people outside of the various bubbles (RB, LGF, etc) where this behavior is seen for what it is, have realized this. I think not many - so the camel's nose gets further under the tent every day. Our civility and sense of fair-play will soon come back to haunt us.
Posted by .com 2006-12-02 15:51||   2006-12-02 15:51|| Front Page Top

#23 Exactly why I think this is gonna get a LOT nastier before it's over. I'd bet the average American has NO clue of the threat Islam truly is. I'd doubt even your average "conservative" does (e.g. those that listen to Rush or Hannity). Another reason I love the 'burg, because we "get it", as well as getting overseas news, that on it's own, appears to be a minor incident, but when all pieced together, forms the threat we all face.

I see multiculturalism dying quickly in some of the Euro countries who are facing the threat full on right now (the Danes during the cartoon-ifada, the Netherlands after Theo van Gogh and their "anti-immigrant" politician being off'd, etc.). Some of these countries were probably the MOST multi-culti, and I believe if they can shake it off, so can we. Unfortunately, I believe we'll have to be hit again, and big. But, I do believe the "real" America will stand up when we get hit again, and next time it REALLY ain't gonna be pretty when we strike back.

A big part of this is the coming civil war that will need to happen to win the WoT once and for all. The LLL, the MSM and the average American who'll pull that lever for personal gain (welfare receipients, abortion rights diehards, gay "rights" agenda pushers, etc.) are ALL lined up on the side of the jihadis right now. What they don't see (or refuse to see) is that if the jihadis took over, they'll be the first to be beheaded on You Tube. We will win this thing, first of all because there are many who see this threat. But, second of all, is because those who are fighting on the right side own all the guns!
Posted by BA 2006-12-02 16:03||   2006-12-02 16:03|| Front Page Top

#24 But BA. don't forgot that those whoe don't 'get it' are working hard to take the guns away from those who do. Watch the next Congress at work, for starters.
Posted by Glenmore">Glenmore  2006-12-02 18:12||   2006-12-02 18:12|| Front Page Top

#25 And they also want C4 and detonators left for assembly.
Posted by Sneaze Shaiting3550 2006-12-02 19:07||   2006-12-02 19:07|| Front Page Top

#26 What goes on in the moskk stays in the moskk. Our sense of fair play is seen as a trait of weakness to be exploited. At our peril. We need to watch this Minneapolis situation very closely, all right. The enemy is probing our defenses and our infrastructure. If the government cannot see the threat, then the people need to act or put enormous pressure on the govt. First order of business is to get the people aware of the threat, and the biggest impedent to that is the MSM.
Posted by Alaska Paul ">Alaska Paul  2006-12-02 20:45||   2006-12-02 20:45|| Front Page Top

#27 Sorry, BA - I didn't mean to ignore your remark. Were you still friends with the Muzzy who wouldn't invite you to Friday Prayers, I'd suggest you wait for him outside and, when he emerged, go up to him and greet him loudly and warmly. His reaction would be The Lesson - one that all of America needs to see and understand.

As I've said before regards the Saudis, one primary lesson I learned there was: You can be his friend, but never ever make the mistake of thinking he's your friend.

We are but infidel cattle - and any notion otherwise is delusional.
Posted by .com 2006-12-02 20:52||   2006-12-02 20:52|| Front Page Top

#28 lol .com,
you gave me visions of folks standing outside mosque's similar to abortion clinics counciling them before they go in.
that would be an interesting ploy.

Posted by Jan 2006-12-02 21:00||   2006-12-02 21:00|| Front Page Top

#29 Maybe this could be an avenue for really stirring up the shit with Muslims in America. Have large groups of Christians stand around outside of Mosques and leaflet while witnessing to exiting Muslims. Let the Muslims try and raise a stink only to get slapped down in court over First Amendment rights.

More than anything, make sure that plenty of news coverage happens whenever and wherever there are any threats of violence or squealing about attempted conversions. Get Islam's religious intolerance under a glaring spotlight. If I were a Christian pastor, this would be near the top of my priority list. All other faiths need to begin exposing Islam for the religious fraud it is. No peace for Muslims so long as their is no real freedom of religion in Islamic countries.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2006-12-02 21:37||   2006-12-02 21:37|| Front Page Top

#30 But BA. don't forgot that those whoe don't 'get it' are working hard to take the guns away from those who do. Watch the next Congress at work, for starters.

True, but the actual ACT of taking them is a whole 'nother matter. Sure, in some LLL cities, you might get the cops to round them up. But (as someone posted here yesterday, I believe), if they tried to get the military to confiscate guns, something like 90+% said they would NOT do it. Add to that, if they tried to do it full-scale, I'd be willing to bet there'd be some massive violent retaliations.

Sorry, BA - I didn't mean to ignore your remark. Were you still friends with the Muzzy who wouldn't invite you to Friday Prayers, I'd suggest you wait for him outside and, when he emerged, go up to him and greet him loudly and warmly. His reaction would be The Lesson - one that all of America needs to see and understand.

No problem, I didn't think ya dissed me at all. And, your right, it would be the lesson of all lessons. Funny thing is, he only lives like 6 houses up from me, works with me (although on different floors), and we actually have a lot in common. I have NO doubts though, that if push came to shove, he'd be Muzzie first! The other one I rode with though, is very Americanized (to the point of being your average overweight, completely into the easy life), so I don't worry about him at all. Don't see either one of them very much anymore. And, they are Bangladeshi, not some hard-core Wahhabis from Saudi. I used to push their buttons (after 9/11 and my eyes were opened) and start up discussions about Israel in the car. I was completely blown away by how quickly the younger one went completely ape-$hit batty, and he had NEVER been there, didn't know any "Palestinians" at all, etc. He was born in Bangladesh, but his folks came here and raised him (around early middle school age, I think) in NYC. ABSOLUTELY no connections to Israel/Palestine at all, but that's what he tried to mold everything into, how the evil Jooos were the root cause of everything bad in this world. Cog Dis to the extreme.
Posted by BA 2006-12-02 22:07||   2006-12-02 22:07|| Front Page Top

23:47 Chuck Simmins
23:24 Zenster
23:21 trailing wife
23:16 gorb
23:08 GORT
23:02 zazz
22:59 Zenster
22:42 wxjames
22:37 Pappy
22:36 twobyfour
22:34 Verlaine
22:30 Pappy
22:19 Verlaine
22:18 .com
22:10 Wheager Unung4824
22:07 BA
22:04 Sock Puppet of Doom
22:02 SR-71
21:57 Frank G
21:54 Zenster
21:45 markawarka
21:44 john
21:38 Frank G
21:37 Zenster

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