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2006-11-24 India-Pakistan
Commies, IslamoNutz Ink Slew Of Thingys
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Posted by .com 2006-11-24 05:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [39 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 And just what would Pakis have to trade to China? Certainly no commercially traded articles which China makes better and cheaper already. Maybe intact F-16's if we are stupid enough to go through with the deal ?
Posted by SpecOp35 2006-11-24 12:28||   2006-11-24 12:28|| Front Page Top

#2 PAKISTAN > "useful idiot" agz INDIA-USA, area for Chinese goods, + "living/moving space" for China's troublesome Muslim minority. As a Commie Maosist-Stalinist centralized State, in LT Beijing will need to EXPAND, BY TREATY ANDOR BY MIL FORCE. CHINA is setting up for the POST-AMERICA/AMERIKA, POST-COMMUNIST-ISLAMIST HONEYMOON day when all hell will break lose between former anti-American/West allies Secular SOcialism and God-based Socialism, i.e. Commies + Radical Islamists. CHINA WILL EXTERMINATE THE MUSLIMS JUST LIKE 200MILYUHN-PLUS AMERIKANS, AND TAKE OVER 1/2-PLUS OR ALL OF ASIA JUST LIKE CONUS-NORAM. DITTO FOR RUSSIANS.
Posted by JosephMendiola 2006-11-24 21:22||   2006-11-24 21:22|| Front Page Top

#3 NET POSTER rant [paraphrased] > "America under Dubya is moving towards SOCIALISM + COMMUNISM, and GOD D **** HELP US ALL, the SOCIALISTS + COMMIES DON'T KNOW HOW TO STOP IT". Yammamoto and Naguma want to attack PEARL HARBOR, but HORROR OF HORRORS, OH THE HUMANITY!, THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO STOP THEIR OWN ATTACK. THEY'RE OWN VIOLENCE, THEY'RE OWN DESTRUCTION. STalin can't stop Stalin, Hitler can't stop Hitler, Rommel can't stop Rommel, etc.
Posted by JosephMendiola 2006-11-24 21:27||   2006-11-24 21:27|| Front Page Top

#4 Why is anyone surprised?

Neither China nor Russia is an ally in the War on Jihad. They never have been and perhaps never will be allies.

This is pay back from the Ruskies for supporting the Afghanistan mujahideen against the imperial Soviets.

It's pay back from Chicoms for buying "Free Tibet" and "Keep Tiawan Free" bumper stickers.

So China brings the Pakis under their Nuke umbrella and Russia brings Iran under their Nuke umbrella....are you saying "Suprise"?

The Cold War continues unabated except that now the Commies are using "religious" surrogates: Jihadist Muslims.

Same old same old.

Once upon a time I would have thought we had natural allies in the WAR on JIHAD: Europe, Russia, and China. Five years after 9-11 I hear the Ruskies and Chicoms laughing in the background and Europe can't wipe the smirk off it's ugly face. Don't get me started on South America. All of them want the USA taken down.

Yeah, we (USA) have a few allies: Austrailia and Japan. To a lesser extent, Great Britain and Canada. A few enclaves in Eastern Europe.

What I rue most of all is the power wasted. If Western Civ rose up as one, united, the threat ( of muslim jihad) could be put down like a rabid dog. Our grandchildren and great grandchildren (those few that survive and share our ideals and values) will curse us for failing to act now. And rightly they should.

Posted by Mark Z 2006-11-24 23:14||   2006-11-24 23:14|| Front Page Top

Posted by gorb 2006-11-24 23:17||   2006-11-24 23:17|| Front Page Top

#6 Whoops, Mark Z sneaked one in on me! :-)
Posted by gorb 2006-11-24 23:17||   2006-11-24 23:17|| Front Page Top

#7 Shouldn't that say "Joesetta Stone"?
Posted by Seafarious">Seafarious  2006-11-24 23:18||   2006-11-24 23:18|| Front Page Top

#8 Well, sort of like Joe said, China will be China, and Russia will be Russia. I don't think it's payback so much as a grab for the top dog position, even if they will be king of a poisoned kingdom for only a short while.
Posted by gorb 2006-11-24 23:20||   2006-11-24 23:20|| Front Page Top

#9 Seafarious: :-) Taking it to the next level!
Posted by gorb 2006-11-24 23:21||   2006-11-24 23:21|| Front Page Top

#10 gorb: In moderate quanity gin & tonic has a clarifying effect on the mind. :)
Mark Z
Posted by Mark Z 2006-11-24 23:27||   2006-11-24 23:27|| Front Page Top

#11 I'm up to my fourth dose and I still don't understand! :-)
Posted by gorb 2006-11-24 23:28||   2006-11-24 23:28|| Front Page Top

#12 gorg: I've got to laugh otherwise I'll cry. Cheers.
Posted by Mark Z 2006-11-24 23:31||   2006-11-24 23:31|| Front Page Top

#13 gorb...excuse me...that was supposed to be spelled g-o-r-b....don't blame the G & T.
Posted by Mark Z 2006-11-24 23:35||   2006-11-24 23:35|| Front Page Top

#14 Izz OK ................. :-)
Posted by gorb 2006-11-24 23:40||   2006-11-24 23:40|| Front Page Top

23:40 gorb
23:35 Mark Z
23:31 Mark Z
23:28 gorb
23:27 Mark Z
23:21 gorb
23:20 gorb
23:18 Seafarious
23:17 gorb
23:17 Seafarious
23:17 gorb
23:14 Mark Z
23:09 gorb
23:06 gorb
22:59 wxjames
22:57 C-Low
22:48 Zenster
22:44 rjschwarz
22:42 Zenster
22:42 gorb
22:40 Verlaine
22:37 Zenster
22:32 Zenster
22:29 Verlaine

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