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2006-11-17 Home Front: Politix
More Repub Beltway Idiocy: Roy Blunt elected Minority Whip
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Posted by OldSpook 2006-11-17 10:56|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [19 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 How f**king cluesss can they get? You LOST the election. You need to CHANGE! And yet you electe the same leadership that screwed thigns up.

Way to go f**kwits Repubs in the House.

You've just flushed any chance to regain the trust of the party and the people right down the toilet, and 08 along with it. Same old back scratching insider country club old-boy (asshole) behavior that got you tossed, and you repeated it.

Posted by Oldspook 2006-11-17 11:07||   2006-11-17 11:07|| Front Page Top

#2 Oh, now I'm starting to understand how Carter got elected.

What will the next D President contribute to the decline of our civilization? could France 2011 match Iran 1979?
Posted by Kalle (kafir forever) 2006-11-17 11:31||   2006-11-17 11:31|| Front Page Top

#3 Well guys unless we get a 3rd party I guess we should all prepare for Hillary 08'.

I guess I should go ahead and invest in that Chineese for dummies book. They will be our new overlords and I think its a safe bet that when we fall and they replace US they wont have any qualms about doing what must be done to the Radical Muslims US EU or anyone else who dares try them. Dark Ages here we come Shralalala.
Posted by C-Low 2006-11-17 12:10||   2006-11-17 12:10|| Front Page Top

#4 I here Australia is nice.

I'll say it again, the Dems look (at least to the general public)like they are shaping up, and the Pubs just continue to step on their own thingies.
Posted by Mike N. 2006-11-17 13:11||   2006-11-17 13:11|| Front Page Top

#5 I mean I hered it was nice. No. Wait, that's herd. Ummmm... Hear? Yeah. That's the word I was looking for.
Posted by Mike N. 2006-11-17 13:13||   2006-11-17 13:13|| Front Page Top

#6 C'mon, guys, lighten up! They don't gotta change everything to make a change! They bounced Hastert, right? He had the most tar on him. I never even heard of the the other guys. Couldn't ya even wait until next spring to see how things shape up?
Posted by Bobby 2006-11-17 14:04||   2006-11-17 14:04|| Front Page Top

#7 Bobby, yes would could, but that goes against the instant gratification that us 'Burgers live for.
As for me personally, I was looking for a little more than an ethics and effectiveness housecleaning. I was hoping for a sign that policy priorities will calso change.
Posted by Mike N. 2006-11-17 14:40||   2006-11-17 14:40|| Front Page Top

#8 I never could understand a lot of enthusiasm for either party, but all you GOP fans should lighten up. It's not like the new and unimproved House minority leadership is going to be compared to some combination of Pericles, Washington and Lincoln - Pelosi and Hoyer could wind up making these guys look pretty good.
Posted by Unereper Spavising4153 2006-11-17 15:19||   2006-11-17 15:19|| Front Page Top

#9 Point taken US4153.
I think it's time to panic and redeploy our money and efforts. Maybe the Natural Law Party.

Posted by Shipman 2006-11-17 16:51||   2006-11-17 16:51|| Front Page Top

#10 I'd still rather pick the most good candidate, not the least bad. :-(
Posted by gorb 2006-11-17 19:22||   2006-11-17 19:22|| Front Page Top

#11 I think I might start voting for the new "Stop Raising Taxes" party.
Posted by Mike N. 2006-11-17 21:46||   2006-11-17 21:46|| Front Page Top

#12 GEORGE WILL + JIM BOHANNON > iff I heard and read correctly, its starting to dawn/appear to Americans that the new Democratic Congress is NOT serious about their own 2006 talking point i.e. WITHDRAWAL FROM IRAQ. Voters will know for sure come January-April of 2007, once the Dems begin assuming their Congressional leadership poistions. BOHANNON > the PELOSI-MURTHA affair is a post-elex indicator that the ONLY THING AMER VOTERS HAD DONE BY PUTTING THE DEMS WAS TO MAKE LUDICROUSLY PUBLIC/OVERT THE DEMS INABILITY TO MANAGE THEIR OWN INTRA-COMPETITIVE POST 9-11 NATIONAL AGENDA(S), i.e. LIBERAL [Libertarian vs Socialist] VERSUS their new post-elex 2006-??? RIGHT-LEANING/CENTRIC CONSERVATIVE AGENDA. WILL > the GOP-Right will NOT prevail in 2008 either iff they continue to allow = fail to prevent the pro-DemoLeft MSM from controlling national perceptions of Dubya's policies in the ME, espec wid the Dems prove in 2007 to be unable to choose between WITHDRAWAL = USA DOING MORE TO CONTROL THE PROBS IN IRAQ.

Taken collectively, it appears that DEMS may bring in their own HANGMAN'S ROPE to hang/destroy themselves, by and for themselves, vv the 2007 Congress. MIGHT WANNA BUY CARAMEL OR EXTRA GARLIC WHEN YOU BUY THAT POPCORN.
Posted by JosephMendiola 2006-11-17 23:35||   2006-11-17 23:35|| Front Page Top

#13 You've got it easy in Guam, JosephM (except for the earthquakes and things, I mean) -- I seem to recall you-all voted in across-the-board Republicans. Certainly even the traditional media have noticed that all is not well in the heads and hearts of those they worked so hard to bring to power. It's been what? less than a fortnight, likely the fastest the media have turned against anybody ever.
Posted by trailing wife 2006-11-17 23:41||   2006-11-17 23:41|| Front Page Top

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23:57 Zenster
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23:50 .com
23:48 Pholing Glineque9578
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23:42 twobyfour
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23:35 JosephMendiola
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23:33 Frank G
23:32 Pholing Glineque9578
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