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2006-09-23 Olde Tyme Religion
Protesters demand Pope’s removal for ‘fanning hostility’
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Posted by Fred 2006-09-23 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [20 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Is it generations of inbreeding that cause such behavior, or just the lack of anything else interesting to do in yet another Islamic Republic of No Fun, that causes such tedious seething, ranting and raving?

It can't all be blamed on general illiteracy and poverty. There's plenty of other places in the world that are even worse off on those two counts, yet they don't keep acting like spoiled brats.
Posted by Swamp Blondie 2006-09-23 01:35|| ]">[ ]  2006-09-23 01:35|| Front Page Top

#2 I don't think their campaign will result in the removal of the Pope. They did some nice signs though. Maybe they should try to demonstrate their influence on a smaller scale first. If they can get Jerry Springer ousted from Dancing with the stars, I would be much obliged and less likely to consider them as totally Coockoo for Cocopuffs.
Posted by Super Hose 2006-09-23 01:53||   2006-09-23 01:53|| Front Page Top

#3 LOL - great graphic!
Posted by Craick Whinetle9127 2006-09-23 02:32||   2006-09-23 02:32|| Front Page Top

#4 "Fanning hostility"? I'm an agnostic, but if they harm on single hair on the Pope's head and they haven't seen fuckall of hostility yet.

It can't all be blamed on general illiteracy and poverty.

You are so right, Swamp Gal. This sort of violent pychopathy requires endless hours of poisonous inculcation, rigorous programming plus endless hours of murderous and genocidal indoctrination. All courtesy of guess who?

Islam. Not Islamism. Not Islamists. Not Islamofascism. Islam plain and simple. Everywhere you look, hatred for the Jews. Enmity for America, the "Great Satan". They can kneel down and blow me pray we don't incinerate them just for gits and shiggles.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2006-09-23 04:19||   2006-09-23 04:19|| Front Page Top

#5 Hey, Super Hose - good to see you posting again! Remember this? Lol. Save that, it took me a long time to find it. :-)
Posted by .com 2006-09-23 05:45||   2006-09-23 05:45|| Front Page Top

#6 Yes, well, that's a little bit of 'istory, now isn't it, .com? Did some digging, didn't we?
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2006-09-23 06:00||   2006-09-23 06:00|| Front Page Top

#7 Heh, I got snookered by the Plethora of Steves. Note that they hadn't yet coalesced into an Army... We should've acted then and there, but we hesitated and they've only grown stronger and more numerous since. Hell, even Fred's intimidated by the demographic implications - he made 2 into Mods to buy 'em off. :-)
Posted by .com 2006-09-23 06:16||   2006-09-23 06:16|| Front Page Top

#8 LOL .... I'd forgotten how you took that 'nym, SuperHose.
Posted by lotp 2006-09-23 08:11||   2006-09-23 08:11|| Front Page Top

#9 I'm an agnostic, but if they harm on single hair on the Pope's head and they haven't seen fuckall of hostility yet. Fuckin-A, brother.

Kind of creepy. Mr. exJAG's boss, a JAG O-5, is a white female who married an Egyptian and converted to Islam back in the early 90s. They have two daughters, 11 and 13, who remain unbagged. As far as I can tell, they're real-live MMMs (Mythical Moderate Muslims).

We went to a BBQ at their house last night (no pork, of course), where I overheard a guest ask her: "that big mosque we passed on the way here, is that yours? Do you go to mosque?" Response: "oh no, not around here. That one's too political, and besides, CID is watching it. [Giggle]!"

I feel bad for feeling extremely creeped out. But then every day I see stuff like this and don't feel bad at all. In fact, I find I'm very angry with her for acting like it's not her problem. Catholics, Mormons, Protestants, Jews, and agnostics work for her, and what's on the office calendar? Ramadan.
Posted by exJAG 2006-09-23 10:02||   2006-09-23 10:02|| Front Page Top

#10 If Ramadan is on the office calendar and Rosh Hashona and Christmas aren't, an anonymous complaint through the EEOC office is in order. At the military post where I work, that sort of thing gets taken quite seriously.
Posted by lotp 2006-09-23 10:10||   2006-09-23 10:10|| Front Page Top

#11 Would appreciate an RB list of imans for removal.
Posted by regular joe 2006-09-23 10:14||   2006-09-23 10:14|| Front Page Top

#12 The slaves of Mohammad (PTUI)are permitted only one lone avenue of expression - violence.

No other form of self-expression is permitted. No music, no dance, no writing, no sex, no comminication with the other sex, no laughter, no friendship.

Screeching anger and violence are enforced as the only permitted expression. Death is worshipped so because islamic life is hell.
Posted by Thinemp Whimble2412 2006-09-23 10:30||   2006-09-23 10:30|| Front Page Top

#13 No, no, lotp, she's very multicultural and diverse and all that (and the CG is Jewish, heh).

I'm getting at a larger issue: I think being Muslim is incompatible with military service. Her subordinates' feelings about Islam are about the same as here at RB. Yet the more the Religion of Perpetual Outrage escalates, the more she parades her Muslim-ness around.

Clearly, everyone is expected to politely bear it and avoid the subject, much like that episode of Fawlty Towers ("don't mention the war!") But what they feel is stifled, constrained, and dubious about her loyalty, as she never says a word to reassure anyone, either about her own faith or about the rage-du-jour.

We bar homosexual conduct in the service because it creates many of the same problems. Right or wrong, unit cohesion is seriously undermined with a Muslim in charge.
Posted by exJAG 2006-09-23 10:42||   2006-09-23 10:42|| Front Page Top

#14 "I feel bad for feeling extremely creeped out."

Rantburg, thankfully, is one place you don't have to feel that way.

Posted by Dave D.">Dave D.  2006-09-23 10:54||   2006-09-23 10:54|| Front Page Top

#15 A Black 0-6 whom I greatly respect has a good model for diversity, I think. He suggests there is a line between two extremes. At one extreme a minority (or white male, for that matter) identifies with the institutional Army culture 100%. At the other extreme, the person identifies with his/her race/religion/ethnic identity/regional identity (think, southern or Texan or ...) 100%.

Neither of these really happens. In real life, people are somewhere on the spectrum. It's okay for the military to impose a core culture of its own, so long as it doesn't ask e.g. blacks or Jews or whomever to totally set aside the rest of their personal identity. And it's okay for people to retain that identity, so long as they are willing to embrace the core values of the military. And it's common for people to move along that spectrum over time.

He also has some wise things to say about different leadership styles and their value to the Army in different situations.

Sounds like the O-5 you're talking about isn't giving any signs that she's invested on the institutional / national side of that spectrum. Some Muslims do, however, and I have no problems with them serving.
Posted by lotp 2006-09-23 10:59||   2006-09-23 10:59|| Front Page Top

#16  They also said protests would continue till the Pope did not apologise to the Muslim community over “his derogatory remarks against Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)"

Posted by Frank G 2006-09-23 11:27||   2006-09-23 11:27|| Front Page Top

#17 Would appreciate an RB list of imans for removal.

All of them?
Posted by Rob Crawford">Rob Crawford  2006-09-23 11:50||]">[]  2006-09-23 11:50|| Front Page Top

#18 Yet the more the Religion of Perpetual Outrage escalates, the more she parades her Muslim-ness around.

I think you have that backwards. The less we do to defend ourselves against the Religion of Perpetual Outrage, the more confident she is in shoving it in everyone's face. The more we volunteer to be dhimmi, the more she feels to be one of the Master Religion.
Posted by Rob Crawford">Rob Crawford  2006-09-23 11:54||]">[]  2006-09-23 11:54|| Front Page Top

#19 We used to have a Dead Pool, where we could throw the worst of the holy men to anticipate their departure from the gene pool. It was one of those things that didn't make the switchover when we converted from Microsoft to Open Source.
Posted by Fred 2006-09-23 11:59||   2006-09-23 11:59|| Front Page Top

#20 exJag, I agree with you. If anyone in my platoon/company was a Muzzie I'd watch the bastard like a hawk. Probably couldn't get a night's sleep if they were close. That said, I'd like to see a draft re-instated so we can force these useless f**kers into military. Notice how they come here, parade their asses thru our streets, yet never serve. We could identify the disloyal ones immediately and take care of them posthaste. This would get them out of general population where they are becoming nothing more than a fifth column. Your O-5 displays typical behavior. If there were three or more of them huddled around, you'd see blatant, outright derision of any non-muzzies. This bitch is an idiot and turncoat. Nothing else positive to say.
Posted by SOP35/Rat 2006-09-23 12:03||   2006-09-23 12:03|| Front Page Top

#21 SOP - that sounded totally contradictory to me. No draft. Expose em where they are. We don't want them armed and trained at our expense if they're muzzies first, Americans second
Posted by Frank G 2006-09-23 13:49||   2006-09-23 13:49|| Front Page Top

#22 All of them?

The very model of brevity, you are, RC.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2006-09-23 14:10||   2006-09-23 14:10|| Front Page Top

#23 "I'm getting at a larger issue: I think being Muslim is incompatible with military service."

I'm not there yet-- not quite; but I edge closer and closer to that as time goes by and I see us continue to follow a trajectory guided far too much by our mindless committment to liberal notions of "fairness," "inclusiveness," and "diversity," and far too little by a prudent, level-headed, clear-eyed regard for our, and our children's, continued survival and freedom. A nation which, even after the monstrous atrocities of 9/11, still cannot bear the thought of giving special scrutiny in airports to young males of Middle-Eastern appearance because it fears it would be guilty of "racial profiling" is a nation stuck in denial and, frankly, "stuck on stupid."

If some day one of our cities disappears in a blinding flash and a thundering roar, it will be for one reason only: we were too afraid of being "mean" to Muslims.

God help us.

Posted by Dave D.">Dave D.  2006-09-23 14:22||   2006-09-23 14:22|| Front Page Top

#24 If some day one of our cities disappears in a blinding flash and a thundering roar, it will be for one reason only: we were too afraid of being "mean" to Muslims.

God help us.

I wish more people saw it this clearly. It probably will not be just one city. I wish it weren't so, but I believe that it is so.
Posted by SR-71 2006-09-23 15:34||   2006-09-23 15:34|| Front Page Top

#25 One city, if any.

Unless they source the weapon from a competent manufacturer, they have freaking no chance to build an A-bomb.

Think of all the videos of a jihadi firing a mortar, where they have no idea of how to emplace it, prep if for accurate fire and use it in a military fashion. They have no idea where the bomb will actually land and where the chances it will actually hit us are almost nil.

Islam truly makes a believer incompetent in any modern sense.

Also, LOVE the banner graphic. Heh.
Posted by Brett 2006-09-23 17:22||   2006-09-23 17:22|| Front Page Top

#26 Dave D., I'm there because some fuckwit convert (Hasan Akbar) almost killed one of my friends with a grenade in Kuwait. I'm there because every Muslim chaplain in the US military was personally hand-picked by Abdurahman Alamoudi, who is now serving 23 years in federal ass-pounding prison. I'm there because one of those chaplains (James Yee, a convert who studied in Syria) got nailed smuggling classified data out of Gitmo. I'm there because another wanna-be convert (Ryan Anderson) got picked up trying to pass info on equipment and movements to AQ on a jihadi message board.

I'm there because now, a very nice lady who made some bad decisions when she was young, forces her beliefs on Christians who are very worried about the Pope right now. Further, she has no plans to return to her native soil when she retires (because the US is just too hostile to Muslims). How do you faithfully serve a country you never plan to see again?

Soldiers were not expected to be sensitive to Germans serving alongside them during WWII, or to be careful to show respect for Mein Kampf and Nazi holidays. I see no benefits to be gained from allowing Muslims to serve, only opportunities for disruption and infiltration. Perhaps it would make the difference between victory and defeat, perhaps not, but I want them out.
Posted by exJAG 2006-09-23 17:24||   2006-09-23 17:24|| Front Page Top

#27 I'm there because exJAG makes F**king sense!
Posted by Frank G 2006-09-23 17:30||   2006-09-23 17:30|| Front Page Top

#28 I had forgotten about Abdurahman Alamoudi. Oh, well. You who are already there, leave the door open for me if you don't mind. I'm sure I'll only be a few more days... LOL!

Posted by Dave D.">Dave D.  2006-09-23 17:36||   2006-09-23 17:36|| Front Page Top

#29 Further, she has no plans to return to her native soil when she retires (because the US is just too hostile to Muslims). How do you faithfully serve a country you never plan to see again?

Ah. That's an important detail I didn't pick up on earlier.
Posted by lotp 2006-09-23 19:00||   2006-09-23 19:00|| Front Page Top

#30 Then why doesn't she just quit? Somebody should ask her. If you hate the US why don't you just do the honorable thing. That being quit the military and move to the flea infested sand dune you want to call home?
Posted by 3dc 2006-09-23 20:06||   2006-09-23 20:06|| Front Page Top

#31 She may not be free to do that. Among other things, if her law school was paid for by the military, as is usually the case with JAGs, she may still have a service commitment to repay the schooling.
Posted by lotp 2006-09-23 20:16||   2006-09-23 20:16|| Front Page Top

#32 I can't imagine that life under Sharia would be any more attractive to a woman head of household than life in the US for an observant muslim. Must be planning on life in Europe.
Posted by Super Hose 2006-09-23 20:23||   2006-09-23 20:23|| Front Page Top

#33 Soldiers were not expected to be sensitive to Germans serving alongside them during WWII, or to be careful to show respect for Mein Kampf and Nazi holidays. I see no benefits to be gained from allowing Muslims to serve, only opportunities for disruption and infiltration. Perhaps it would make the difference between victory and defeat, perhaps not, but I want them out.

Sweet merciful crap! You certainly make a good case, exJAG. I suppose that's what you're trained to do. I'm really glad you're sticking around here at Rantburg. You have just made an extremely pursuasive argument against having Muslims in the military. Like David D., I too, will have to consider this a bit more. I'll say that, when it comes to Islam, it barely goes against all I've had to realign to over the last few years.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2006-09-23 22:45||   2006-09-23 22:45|| Front Page Top

#34 exJAG: agreed.

Also in WWII German and Japanese citizens were put in internment camps until the end of the war because they didn't know if you were a spy, or a saboteur (now read terrorist) or not.

And since you can't tell and you're a nation at war you quarantine.

But today this kind of self-preservation is impossible because of the multiculti indoctrination.

We are doomed.
Posted by anon1 2006-09-23 23:33||   2006-09-23 23:33|| Front Page Top

23:53 anon1
23:40 anon1
23:33 anon1
23:24 Sherry
23:09 Frank G
23:06 anon1
23:06 Van Helsing
23:05 Rafael
23:05 Frank G
23:00 anon1
22:48 anon1
22:48 CrazyFool
22:46 Frank G
22:45 Zenster
22:45 Frank G
22:44 Sheretle Thruque5606
22:44 anon1
22:43 Sheretle Thruque5606
22:41 J.D. Lux
22:35 Zenster
22:34 Barbara Skolaut
22:34 Korora
22:31 Barbara Skolaut
22:29 Barbara Skolaut

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