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2006-06-22 Africa Subsaharan
South Africans told to stop 'whingeing' about crime
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Posted by anonymous5089 2006-06-22 08:29|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [25 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

"There have been calls for South Africa to reinstate the death penalty, which was abolished with apartheid."

I'd say reinstate the death penalty AND apartheid. The Native Africans have demonstrated time-after-time, in country after country that they are incapable of governing, themselves or a country.

Re-colonize Africa, most of the natives will thank us!

Posted by Manolo 2006-06-22 09:00||   2006-06-22 09:00|| Front Page Top

#2 Re-colonize Africa, most of the natives will thank us!

Won't happen in this century, nor in the next (europe probably won't exist as such anymore); last time we did it, there was a demographic unbalance in our favor (expansion in Europe, shrinkage in the south, now it's reversed), huge technological advance (now Africa is cramming with small arms), and many natives delighted to be freed from predation and/or oppression from their neigbors by the new european masters.

Furthermore, colonization was a leftwing stuff, brought by a strong belief in the West own values, and the wish to bring them to the less advanced people (for example, AFAIK, the french nationalist clearly opposed colonization after 1870, saying it deprived France from ressources needed for the rematch against Germany, and freemasonry, which here is associated with socialism, was a driving force behind colonization, working hand in hand with the religious they were fighting to the finish at home).

so,, there is no more means, no more will, and it won't happen, except in the neocolonialism form evoked in the shiraq/african coup post, in which decolonization was actually a privatization of colonization for the benefits of "old boys networks", with freemasonry again playing an huge role (for Francafrique, this is the Grande loge nationale de France, IIRC, a rightwing gaullist lodge).

Besides, this is the turn of Europe to be colonized, by its ex-colonized.
Posted by anonymous5089 2006-06-22 09:13||   2006-06-22 09:13|| Front Page Top

#3 I'd add that white are being chased from Africa since the 60's, and it's continuing (re the mass fleeing of french during the Ivory coast troubles, or the "white flight" of afrikaneers from a country they build, and where they where long the vast demographic majority), and they're being remplaced by indians, lebaneses and chineses who have no wish to "develop" Africa, only to "buy" it and to do business.

Add the loss of the colonial empires in Asia, and you'll find that the white/western sphere of influence is steadily shrinking since WWII, and even the "homeland" (Europe, and also CONUS) is now experiencing influx of aliens, which is IIUC an exception despite the massive intra-african migrations, in that sense there are not millions of non-asians pouring in Asia, or non-african pouring in black Africa, or non-muslim in the Oumma(Tm).

Face it, the West is on the run, and besieged at home.
Posted by anonymous5089 2006-06-22 09:19||   2006-06-22 09:19|| Front Page Top

#4 Sorry to say but any Afrikans left in South Africa should be taking these guys advice and emigrating. Yeah they have a right to stay, and a historical attachment dating back longer than the Bantus but the place is falling apart and only a fool would stay until the final collapse.
Posted by rjschwarz 2006-06-22 10:25||   2006-06-22 10:25|| Front Page Top

#5 Despite the horrific stats, Jamaica still exceeds South Africa as the world's leader in homicides per 100,000.
Posted by Lancasters Over Dresden 2006-06-22 10:26||]">[]  2006-06-22 10:26|| Front Page Top

#6 That's a comforting thought Lancaster.
Posted by bigjim-ky 2006-06-22 10:41||   2006-06-22 10:41|| Front Page Top

#7 Afrikaaners are renowned for their stubbornness and their violence. Though they are less common than the lilly-livered British who are most of the whites in SA, they are far less inclined to be pushed.

N.B.: The whites of Rhodesia were Brits. Had they been Afrikaaners, it is unlikely that Bob could have taken as much advantage of them as he did without there being a LOT of bloodshed.
Posted by Anonymoose 2006-06-22 10:48||   2006-06-22 10:48|| Front Page Top

#8 The safety and security minister, Charles Nqakula, sounds like an urban liberal mayor from the 1970s (*cough* Lindsey! *cough*).

I'd be willing to bet quite a few South Africans of all colors are willing to emigrate. Those would probably be the ones who are interested in bringing their children up in a safe place, self-selected for ambition and willingness to work, and with a low tolerance for leftist BS. In other words, Americans born in the wrong place.

I agree with Steve. Issue visas.
Posted by Mike 2006-06-22 12:11||   2006-06-22 12:11|| Front Page Top

#9 One quible, anon. Mexicans and South Americans, who account for the vast majority of recent immigrants to the Continental United States, are by definition Westerners (members of western culture).

Posted by Secret Master 2006-06-22 12:21||   2006-06-22 12:21|| Front Page Top

#10 One quible, anon. Mexicans and South Americans, who account for the vast majority of recent immigrants to the Continental United States, are by definition Westerners (members of western culture).

I know, I know, I'm just being all Pat Buchananite.
Still, Huntington classified South America as a civilization distinct from the USA-Europe western one, but I'm not savvy enough to know if this is valid or not.

Also, Africa is not as deserted by westerners than in my rant, there's heavy investment in it for oil or other ressources, but this falls in the "neo colonialism" definition (this was invented by marxists, of course), my point about populations shift remains.
Posted by anonymous5089 2006-06-22 12:31||   2006-06-22 12:31|| Front Page Top

#11 As to the Afrikaans emigration, we certainly see this on the medical end. The number of Afrikaaner-SA and Jewish-SA young physicians looking to leave SA for training in the U.S., followed by the coveted green card, is exploding. I get several applications a year for our program. The young docs are generally superb and work very hard.

University of the Witwatersrand is one of the better medical schools in the world. It's unfortunate that a fair percentage of their graduates are leaving SA; they're just the people SA needs to keep.
Posted by Steve White">Steve White  2006-06-22 12:43||   2006-06-22 12:43|| Front Page Top

#12 That's step one in creating a dictatorship/ thugocracy...make sure you harass/jail/run off your educated and professional class-- doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants.
Posted by Seafarious">Seafarious  2006-06-22 13:58||   2006-06-22 13:58|| Front Page Top

#13 Side note - due to "diversity" concerns, SA is slated to host the next World Cup in 2010. Either the festivities proceed inside armed camps, or a monumental trainwreck on the way.
Posted by Jaith Clonter9123 2006-06-22 14:03||   2006-06-22 14:03|| Front Page Top

#14 I know, I know, I'm just being all Pat Buchananite.
Still, Huntington classified South America as a civilization distinct from the USA-Europe western one, but I'm not savvy enough to know if this is valid or not.

They’re all pretty “western,” depending on where you go and whom you speak with. In many ways Mexican culture isn't that radically different from American culture. Aside from soccer we like the same sports, drive the same cars, watch similar television programs, practice the same religions, listen to similar pop music, and have similar political systems (although theirs is VERY corrupt). The Brazilians I've known are very much Westerners, abet with their own unique perspective. Argentineans consider themselves to be more-or-less Europeans (again, this is in my limited experience).

Back when Secret Master was “young and able” (as Slim Harpo would say) I had several rather interesting Latino girlfriends. One was a 5'10" half-Indian, half-French girl from Guatemala. She liked to wear hot pants and listened to Death Metal (Secret Master was an 80's metal musician). I’m not sure you can get more western than that. The other girlfriend was a hard-right Bolivian Jew with dual Israeli citizenship (my favorite quote: “The Palestinians have their country. It’s called Jordan.") Her uncle was Sargent Mario Teran - better known as the man who executed Che Guevara. I honestly not certain you could be more western than that, either.
Posted by Secret Master 2006-06-22 14:14||   2006-06-22 14:14|| Front Page Top

#15 ‘Our new Constitution is a powerful symbol of reconciliation, justice and of the ending of centuries of conflict’
FW de Klerk, 1993 Nobel Peace Prize

‘What is important is that we can build an homogeneous South Africa on the basis not of colour but of human values’
Albert Luthuli, 1960 Nobel Peace Prize

‘A person is a person through other people’
Desmond Tutu, 1984 Nobel Peace Prize

‘Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will experience the oppression of one by another’
Nelson Mandela, 1993 Nobel Peace Prize

As you can see from these august Laureates, there is no problem in SA. Always silent is nie die Boer nie.

Posted by Besoeker 2006-06-22 14:19||   2006-06-22 14:19|| Front Page Top

#16 Boesoeker, lol! That would be, "no boer is a good boer?" ?? )BTW, if you England-side, we have the best boerewors in the United Kingdomstan of Engalnd, sic.


re No 7, "Afrikaaners are renowned for their stubbornness and their violence. Though they are less common than the lilly-livered British who are most of the whites in SA, they are far less inclined to be pushed".

Jeezua, guy, you know what you talking about on this one. Stick to what you really know. Can't tell if you never been there, but I have some books, you can read about it all.

"N.B.: The whites of Rhodesia were Brits. Had they been Afrikaaners, it is unlikely that Bob could have taken as much advantage of them as he did without there being a LOT of bloodshed".

Had they been Afrikaans, I reckon Rhodesia would have been a province of RSA, around the time the Federation collapsed/Independance Post WW2-style, early/middle '60's. You will find out that the South Africans/Afrikaaners pulled their border support around '74-'76, probs to avoid sanctions.
Only the Rhodesians had some sense to resist, but were not supported, and, as a point, deliberately undermined, and, no, I have no axe to grind, I am relating what I see as History, thanks a lot.

My point, anon, is that we are not lily-livered British, we are Rhodesians rejecting what Britain could see in the future for us, (you didn't want to have a British accent out there post '65), and we fought for it until sold out by the expedient politicians (Kissinger/Thatcher), when the war was nearly won by the Rhodesian Security Forces at a kill rate of 10-1, or more for a while. Obviously, if you want more int, there are archives, every sit-rep of every contact that every happened, ongoing project somewhere.

I reckon a small count of 40,000 dead over about a population of 5 million is bloodshed from about '72-'81, when it got hot. But that's my own yard-stick for blood-shed. Are you saying there would have been even more than there was? And whose blood?

The scene is brewing in South Africa for your blood-shed, anon. You only dreamed it, it will happen. That is why people are emigrating, they've had enough of their dogs and cattle getting poisoned and getting car-jacked and shot.

Just for interest, which other country/countries in the world has or have declared Unilateral Independance from the British Empire?
Posted by rhodesiafever">rhodesiafever  2006-06-22 19:17||   2006-06-22 19:17|| Front Page Top

#17 South Africa's murder rate is 70% higher than Jamaica's - Link
Posted by phil_b">phil_b  2006-06-22 19:37||]">[]  2006-06-22 19:37|| Front Page Top

#18 Still, Huntington classified South America as a civilization distinct from the USA-Europe western one, but I'm not savvy enough to know if this is valid or not.

Do some business in Mexico. Then you'll know. And you'll know why 40% of Mexicans would rather be in America. It's not just the money.
Posted by Nimble Spemble 2006-06-22 21:08||   2006-06-22 21:08|| Front Page Top

#19 "No Boer is [n]ever silent," I think. Certainly Mr. Besoeker could be defined so -- when he's charming, when he's informative, and when he would be wiser to say nothing at all.
Posted by trailing wife 2006-06-22 22:46||   2006-06-22 22:46|| Front Page Top

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