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2006-06-12 International-UN-NGOs
Brownie, You're Doing a Heck of a Job
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Posted by ryuge 2006-06-12 03:40|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [20 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Excellent article. I always knew that I (we) didn't count in the view of the elitists. It has never bothered me simply because I return the sentiment.

As for the quibble over Bolton demanding Brownie apologize, it is no matter - Annan supported the comments and criticisms. They stand and there is no danger they will buy a clue - the last paragraph says it all.

Posted by flyover 2006-06-12 05:14||   2006-06-12 05:14|| Front Page Top

#2 “They know that all you denizens of fly-over country don't count. You're too dumb to understand.”

Even though I tend to agree with the bulk of the UN criticism advanced in the authors’ opinion, it seems to me Brown’s statement suggests just the opposite. By advocating that the US Tranzi crowd to be more strident in trumpeting the virtues of the UN to Middle America, it would appear that he recognizes the significance or their informed consent. If he truly believed that “fly-over country” was irrelevant why would he even make the statement in the first place? I’m not sure why I should be offended by that.
Posted by DepotGuy 2006-06-12 12:25||   2006-06-12 12:25|| Front Page Top

#3 ...significance or of their informed consent.
Posted by DepotGuy 2006-06-12 12:28||   2006-06-12 12:28|| Front Page Top

#4 Depot Guy, It's not that he said that middle America is unimportant, (your point is right on)the insult is that he said middle America is uninformed, and therefore unaware of the U.N.s value. I have news for him. I know exactly what it's worth to the U.S.
Posted by Mike N. 2006-06-12 13:19||   2006-06-12 13:19|| Front Page Top

#5 I'm willing to bet the average fly-over country, knuckle-dragging red-stater has a better handle on what the UN really does, thanks to Rush and FoxNews, than does the average "progressive".

/Though I live in one of the bluest of blue states, I consider myself a transplanted knuckle-dragging red-stater.
Posted by Xbalanke 2006-06-12 17:29||   2006-06-12 17:29|| Front Page Top

#6 "I tend to agree with the bulk of the UN criticism advanced in the authors’ opinion..."

DepotGuy, are you saying you agree flyover-America IS ill-informed? Or what, exactly? You sort of skated over that bit, so a bit of clarification seems appropriate.

The UN took a wrong term decades ago since its operating rules were naively based upon a presumed level of honor and easily subverted by voting blocks - of dishonorable interests. It can't be "fixed" because such efforts will be voted down by these blocks, as the Human Rights Comm fiasco demonstrated clearly.

It's dead.
Posted by flyover 2006-06-12 17:48||   2006-06-12 17:48|| Front Page Top

#7 DepotGuy, are you saying you agree flyover-America IS ill-informed? Or what, exactly? You sort of skated over that bit, so a bit of clarification seems appropriate.

Browns’ statement didn’t appear to necessarily be a characterization that the average US citizen is ill-informed but to say that their perceptions of the UN are shaped more by the critics and less by the advocates. (Perhaps that might make them better informed?) And the US had an obligation to advance the positive aspects to it’s citizenry otherwise it would be viewed as taking advantage of the UN simply as a tool to advance their agenda only when convenient. Bottom line, Brown wasn’t hired to develop an ambitious reform agenda he was hired to be nothing more then a diplomatic pitch guy. I equate his speech as a Sales manager rallying the troops by saying “The competition is kicking our ass…now get out there and sell ‘em on Value!” The problem is that there is a real arrogant implication that it’s not an inferior product but simply customer perception. (Especially arrogant when you are talking about the UN) I get the impression that the object of Bolton’s rancor wasn’t a condescending statement about the average citizen but a senior UN official openly criticizing the US.
Posted by DepotGuy 2006-06-12 20:46||   2006-06-12 20:46|| Front Page Top

#8 Thanks, DepotGuy, I think I get your drift. I believe that they are infinitely more out of touch with reality, LOL, than flyover-America.

I've read several times here that every nation should act (solely?) in its own interests - the pragmatic view. Yet the UN charter was written in a time when many believed that honor would overcome such pragmatism and that the principled view would prevail. Well, that didn't happen. The UN has evolved into a craven pile of kleptocrats, IMO.

Again, thanks for the response.
Posted by flyover 2006-06-12 21:10||   2006-06-12 21:10|| Front Page Top

#9 I was taught as a child that the UN was a work-saving organization. I and everyone I knew collected money for UNICEF on Halloween, then turned in my full box (we added from our own pocket money, and whatever pennies my parents hadn't given out) at school. It took a serious effort on the part of the UN, and despite all the cheerleading of the New York Times, for me to see the UN for the danger it is. The Red-Staters just skipped the NYT stage, is all.

We Americans are results oriented, and the UN simply has not delivered on its promises, and in fact has been retrograde. Cheerleading by the US government cannot change that simple fact.
Posted by trailing wife 2006-06-12 22:32||   2006-06-12 22:32|| Front Page Top

14:51  fuck you scum
23:57 JosephMendiola
23:53 JosephMendiola
23:51 flyover
23:45 RD
23:40 JosephMendiola
23:31 JosephMendiola
23:25 JosephMendiola
23:11 RD
23:11 ryuge
23:05 ryuge
23:01 ryuge
23:00 Anonymoose
22:59 trailing wife
22:55 trailing wife
22:50 trailing wife
22:47 flyover
22:42 Zenster
22:36 Frank G
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22:32 trailing wife
22:29 Alaska Paul
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