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2006-02-26 India-Pakistan
Bush and India
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Posted by Anonymoose 2006-02-26 09:24|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [34 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 The release of this story, just ahead of the planned Bush visit to Pakistan, is no coincidence. The story may not even be true, but that is not the point. The point is to make sure both India and Pakistan know India has a friend in the White House - a BIG friend.
Posted by Glenmore">Glenmore  2006-02-26 11:14||   2006-02-26 11:14|| Front Page Top

#2 He should get a warm welcome there - he's helped send a lot of US jobs their way.
Posted by DMFD 2006-02-26 14:33||   2006-02-26 14:33|| Front Page Top

#3 They never heard that Bush has a deep animosity to any form of "self-promotion", and if someone ever tried it with him, that was the end of their job interview. Neither did I, anonymoose.
Posted by Edward Yee 2006-02-26 18:17||]">[]  2006-02-26 18:17|| Front Page Top

#4 Edward Yee: That's the one thing you could have done at a Bush interview that was a killer. It came out right when he was elected and he had to interview all sorts of people.

Bam! Dossier closed, have a nice day. You could talk up other people all day, but if you puffed yourself, the door is over there and there will be no phone call. It was no great secret, as the few who screwed up later learned to their horror.

Other than that, Bush preferred the friendly and folksy approach, punctuated with killer questions, for which the interviewee had unlimited time, and had better use a significant amount of it.

The best part was that if Bush accepts you and knows what you offer, you are in his tight circle of intense mutual loyalty.

He also has a down about leaks, which was evidenced by classes being given by the administration to incoming personnel about how not to get trapped or blackmailed into leaking, what to do if you accidently leak, and what will happen to you if you leak.
Posted by Anonymoose 2006-02-26 19:33||   2006-02-26 19:33|| Front Page Top

American business has helped send a lot of jobs there, and to a whole host of other countries as well.

This was a process that started long before Bush became President.

I find the Indian people fascinating, hell...I married an Indian woman, she's been a damn site better wife than my first two spoiled American wives.

When the showdown with China comes, if ever, India will be key to our success.
Posted by Vinkat Bala Subrumanian 2006-02-26 19:40||   2006-02-26 19:40|| Front Page Top

#6 Vinkat - got nothing against India. The government and businesses of India are looking after their own people. That's the way it should be. Too bad the US govt. (and business community) doesn't feel the same way.
Posted by DMFD 2006-02-26 21:56||   2006-02-26 21:56|| Front Page Top

"The government and businesses of India are looking after their own people. That's the way it should be. Too bad the US govt. (and business community) doesn't feel the same way."

You will get no argument from me on this point!

My position is, jobs have been sold overseas for long before Bush.

I think in the interests of disclosure, I'm an American, born and raised. Don't much like outsourcing, as I have benn impacted by it.

But it cannot be blamed on Bush.

Importing Muslims! Bad idea. My wife, (Hindu from pre-partition Pakistan) can tell you, Muslims are BAD NEWS, all the way around.

I agree. There are those that will say that allowing an Islamic country to manage our ports is no big deal, because the security is controled by us.

To them I say, you are idiots. I will not itemize all the reasons why it is bad, saner minds than me have already done so.

We are under a full scale invasion, economicaly and psychologically. Our enemies have discovered what paralizes our political aparatus, and our instinctual resolve.

In essence we have been infected with a pathogen that uses our own system against us. How the .com's of the world can juxtapose "hunter/killer teams" with lets let them manage our ports amazes me.

Zenster has been a voice calling for HARD action, I have called for genocide against our enemies. Numerous voices have enumerated the same but with different language. I don't quibble.

Islam MUST be DESTROYED. This is for all the marbles, we are already WAY behind the 8Ball.

In reality, I will be dead as most of you will be if Islam is allowed to play out its game. I'ts what we leave for our children and grand-children...and maybe our great-grand-children that I worry about.

As horrible as it may sound, the cost of exterminating Islam and its adherents today, is a small price to pay for what the cost of not doing it might bring tomorrow.

If no one else is prepared to harden their resolve and sacrifice their soul, I, and others are. ISLAM
must be stopped.

If it it means killing 1.7 billion people to save the other 5 or so billion, so BE IT!

This could all be obviated by seizing their only source of income. We must inject ourselves as stewards of their future, Without Petro-Dollars they are nothing, we must moderate, or destroy.

I am willing, are you? If so, then write you reps, they don't respond vote them out. Also, buy weapons and ammunition, prepare for the conflict ahead.

Premption: (.com, Frank Git, et al now is the time to stop waffling on both sides of the fence.). NO MORE MUSLIMS in THE USA!

Posted by Vinkat Bala Subrumanian 2006-02-26 23:02||   2006-02-26 23:02|| Front Page Top

#8 Fuck off. You're a thoughtless fuckwit - "saner minds" - LOL - that's no stretch. Truth is, you haven't read or comprehended the facts on the ports issue. It sounds as though you expect everyone who fears or hates or sees Islam for what it is to just fall in line cuz you're a tough-guy anti-jihadist or some such blather.

I'll wager you don't have the first clue what to do, when or where, much less how. I'll wager the toughest thing you've ever personally faced is someone dissing your threads.

You have opinions. Fine. When the facts are revealed, and it has been glacial on the ports thingy, then you should be man enough to change your opinion to keep synched with them. That you've failed, as Zenster has failed, you invite ridicule. That was, and still is, my point. Many people, far "saner" than you have illuminated the rest of us with facts that make it singularly foolish to continue in your position.

Now you've escalated. If you have been around awhile, you'll know that lecturing me about the dangers of Islam is, at the very least, tantamount to preaching to the choir. You can't teach me dick about Islam in practice. So unless you're a world-renowned fucking expert on their texts, then you're sorta shit out of luck. Save the bandwidth.

Your posts don't impress - we've heard this shit so many times before it's boring. In fact, I'll bet serious money you've been here under other nyms, spouting the same half-baked views. Your inability to adapt makes all of your commentary suspect - or aren't you smart enough to grasp that?

Are you our moron from San Jose? Or a different moron?

Tough guy. Right. I've killed more people than you've had fist-fights with, sonny. Get a grip, and get constructive or get fucked. I won't be around much longer, but I'll be happy to make fun of you every time I see you post more butter-bar wannabee nonsense.
Posted by .com 2006-02-26 23:21||   2006-02-26 23:21|| Front Page Top

#9 Vinkat Bala Subrumanian: I do see a future alliance between India and the US, but I'm afraid that I also foresee a horrific, apocalyptic, knock-down-drag-out fight between India and China.

With both nations keeping their professional militaries in the rear as second eschelons, and throwing astouding numbers of lightly armed infantry at each other, as in World War I, and to much the same effect, but on a far more grotesque scale.

More than anything else, this would be a demographic war, the cause of which is based on more young men than there are women, or jobs. Men sent to die because they are excess. It would be a war of senseless slaughter, for slaughters' sake.

I do not know how such an eventual war could be averted. The demographic pressure continues to build.
Posted by Anonymoose 2006-02-26 23:29||   2006-02-26 23:29|| Front Page Top

#10 One item that most forget about Bush... he worked in his Dad's White House... he's had experience with Dad as CIA director, then VP and as US President. There was lots he saw about foreign policy from his view in his Dad's White House, that began to formulate some thoughts.

Folks forget, he does have an MBA. That's business and management. These are the folks that are paid to have "the vision," not the day to day operations.
Posted by Sherry">Sherry  2006-02-26 23:39||   2006-02-26 23:39|| Front Page Top

10:32 Vinkat Bala Subrumanian
09:14 Elmiting Gluger1772
23:53 11A5S
23:45 Chomoling Slavigum6553
23:43 .com
23:43 Sherry
23:41 Sherry
23:39 Sherry
23:37 Old Patriot
23:30 .com
23:29 Anonymoose
23:27 Sherry
23:21 .com
23:08 trailing wife
23:02 Vinkat Bala Subrumanian
23:02 Quintus Arrius
22:59 Angitch Thuth8830
22:41 Frank G
22:31 Redneck Jim
22:28 Fred
22:17 Chuque Whaiper2223
22:15 Old Patriot
21:56 DMFD
21:53 Chuque Whaiper2223

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