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2005-12-08 Home Front: Politix
Democratic Base 'Ashamed' of Hillary Clinton
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Posted by Steve 2005-12-08 10:51|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [28 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

Posted by tu3031 2005-12-08 11:14||   2005-12-08 11:14|| Front Page Top

#2 Such hatred - and it's not even directed at the right wing! It's at a left-leaning centrist!

Anyone else think that they use the word "shame" way, way too much?

(yes, I know Hilary's a left-winger, but her public persona has been centrist lately)
Posted by gromky">gromky  2005-12-08 11:33||]">[]  2005-12-08 11:33|| Front Page Top

Posted by The Happy Fliegerabwehrkanonen 2005-12-08 11:44||]">[]  2005-12-08 11:44|| Front Page Top

#4 What the hell's wrong with you guys? Kucinich's unelectable.

Mugabe/Chavez 2008!

Much better.
Posted by Dreadnought 2005-12-08 11:52||   2005-12-08 11:52|| Front Page Top

Posted by tu3031 2005-12-08 11:54||   2005-12-08 11:54|| Front Page Top

#6 Osama / Hussein in '08!

Surefire winner!
Posted by CrazyFool 2005-12-08 11:56||   2005-12-08 11:56|| Front Page Top

#7 Ha! Bring them on! I will crush their skulls between my nassive thighs!
Posted by Hillary Rodham Clinton 2005-12-08 12:00||   2005-12-08 12:00|| Front Page Top

#8 I see it already:

Jong Il/Kucinich 2008!
Mugabe - Sec. of Agriculture
Castro - Minister of Aquatic Sports
Chavez - Sec. of Energy
bin Laden - Sec. of Homeland Security
Trafficant - Sec. of Corrections
Posted by BA 2005-12-08 12:16||   2005-12-08 12:16|| Front Page Top

#9 Don't be silly, even the Dems wouldn't elect leaders that could be knocked out on a technicality (foreign birth). Sheehan/Free Mumai 2008

Posted by rjschwarz 2005-12-08 12:31||   2005-12-08 12:31|| Front Page Top

#10 Kennedy - Sec. Transportation
Kerry - Sec. Defense
Carter - Sec. State
Posted by Robert Crawford">Robert Crawford  2005-12-08 12:32||]">[]  2005-12-08 12:32|| Front Page Top

#11 Secretary of Defense - Not applicable.
Posted by Matt 2005-12-08 12:44||   2005-12-08 12:44|| Front Page Top

#12 Talk about yer honor / shame culture...
Posted by Seafarious">Seafarious  2005-12-08 13:08||   2005-12-08 13:08|| Front Page Top

#13 perhaps "dishonor/shame" would be a better descriptor.
Posted by Abdominal Snowman 2005-12-08 13:15||   2005-12-08 13:15|| Front Page Top

#14 Popcorn time!
Posted by Mike 2005-12-08 13:34||   2005-12-08 13:34|| Front Page Top

#15 Nah....try this one....

Sheehan / Streisand 2008!!
Posted by Desert Blondie 2005-12-08 14:23||]">[]  2005-12-08 14:23|| Front Page Top

#16 My long-standing prediction that the Dem establishment (essentially, the Clintons) would jettison the far left appears to be coming true. That these moonbats are portrayed as the party's "base" really says more about the position of the person making the characterization than it does about the Democratic Party.
Hillary is no fool and she is obviously angling for a showdown. She either doesn't think the leftniks are any kind of base or she believes she can build a new one in time for the '08 election.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-12-08 14:24||   2005-12-08 14:24|| Front Page Top

#17 The real progressive ticket: McKinny/Kaczynski
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-12-08 14:25||   2005-12-08 14:25|| Front Page Top

#18 Let me see if I understand the liberal mind:

It was okay for Bill to have Lewinskis in the Oval; it was okay for Bill to tell the world that he didn't, etc.

But it's not okay by the libs for Billary to be in favor of a volunteer Army and their mission that the Donks helped send over to Iraq.

Have I got that right?
Posted by Captain America 2005-12-08 16:19||   2005-12-08 16:19|| Front Page Top

#19 Zarqawi and Sharpton '08

Beheadings in Oval effective 01-2009
Posted by Captain America 2005-12-08 16:20||   2005-12-08 16:20|| Front Page Top

#20 the Kossacks think theyre the Democratic Base?? Hoo boy - if theyre our based we're domed, I tell you.

Clintons claim to fame in American politics is turning the Democratic party away from idiots like that. Yeah some of them rallied around in the late 90s - that was cause Rightwing types attacked the Clintons so bitterly, and the lefties just assumed the enemy of their enemy was their friend - some still do, but not the Kossacks.

Hilary will do fine without the Kossacks - though theres increasing buzz that Mark Warner of Virginia just might emerge as the DLC candidate in '08. Meanwhile who do the Kossacks have - Russ Feingold? Spare me.
Posted by liberalhawk 2005-12-08 17:07||   2005-12-08 17:07|| Front Page Top

#21 BTW, in case anyones wondering, Im not committed to Hillary in '08. I like Warner, and I think Evan Bayh is another good possibility. Im not too keen on Edwards, and I think Kerry, Dean, Feingold, etc would all be disasters.
Posted by liberalhawk 2005-12-08 17:09||   2005-12-08 17:09|| Front Page Top

#22 The Kossacks are the base that swings the donk primaries. It's going to be 1972 redux. Only this time the donks won't even have the advantage of running against a crook. Unless the trunks nominate Duke Cunningham.

This election is almost over and I can't think of who the trunk nominee will be.
Posted by Snoluling Croluger3412 2005-12-08 17:13||   2005-12-08 17:13|| Front Page Top

#23 I don’t agree. The ‘08 election defiantly hasn’t started. In spite of posturing by various would-be candidates, there is little indication who whom either party will actually nominate. Speaking for myself, I would rather not vote for McCain: although I will if the Democrats nominate Clinton. Now, if the donkeys were to do something very, very clever – say, for example, nominating Bill Richardson of New Mexico – my vote would come back into play.

Unfortunately, that is very unlikely. I find it highly plausible that the ‘08 presidential race will become a “lesser of two evils” event in which both parties work very hard at making their most loyal members stay home, getting drunk and wondering why they donated their hard earned cash to the RNC or DNC, respectively.

Posted by Secret Master 2005-12-08 18:16||   2005-12-08 18:16|| Front Page Top

#24 Bill "I was drafted by pro baseball...ooops" Richardson? Not a chance. Let's root for the Donks to satisfy their base
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-12-08 19:29||   2005-12-08 19:29|| Front Page Top

#25 Iwasa drafted byda N-arf-L

Posted by Red Dog 2005-12-08 20:09||   2005-12-08 20:09|| Front Page Top

Democratic Base 'Ashamed' of Hillary Clinton
Get in line.

Right behind disgusted. >:=(
Posted by Barbara Skolaut">Barbara Skolaut  2005-12-08 20:15||]">[]  2005-12-08 20:15|| Front Page Top

#27 that picture of the Hildabeast makes me wanna puke every time I see it
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-12-08 21:53||   2005-12-08 21:53|| Front Page Top

23:50 Barbara Skolaut
23:49 2b
23:41 Barbara Skolaut
23:08 RG
23:06 Old Patriot
22:50 Scooter McGruder
22:45 Bobby
22:41 Bobby
22:38 Grunter
22:09 Frank G
22:00 Subsunk
21:53 Frank G
21:50 Anonymoose
21:47 Damn_Proud_American
21:43 lotp
21:37 Alaska Paul
21:27 mac
21:25 jpal
21:22 Bomb-a-rama
21:16 gromgoru
21:10 gromgoru
21:08 Threarong Sholump2965
21:04 Secret Master
21:04 Alaska Paul

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