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2005-11-30 Home Front: Culture Wars
Michelle Malkin: Who are you calling angry?
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Posted by Steve 2005-11-30 15:40|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [23 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Oh god, high school flashback! The pretty girls are making fun of Janeane again!
Posted by BH 2005-11-30 16:29||   2005-11-30 16:29|| Front Page Top

#2 And what would you like for Christmas, Janeane? A personality, a boyfriend, a Lady Shick?
Posted by Santa 2005-11-30 16:34||   2005-11-30 16:34|| Front Page Top

#3 Throw some deodorant in the stocking and a sense of humor makeover.
Posted by John Q. Citizen 2005-11-30 16:36||   2005-11-30 16:36|| Front Page Top

#4 I remember when the movie Falling Down (1993) came out. Michael Douglas portrayed a right-wing conservative "going postal". Rush Limbaugh, I believe, pointed out that it's not conservatives who go postal as a rule, but leftists.

No matter where you go in the US, red state or blue, if you hear about somebody who goes on a rampage and violently attacks a lot of people, they are almost invariably have liberal democrat leanings. They are "down on their luck", often out of work for an extended period, socially miserable with rotten family lives, suffer from many psychological complexes such as feelings of persecution and paranoia. They do not smile, their grins are forced; and they do not really laugh, because everything in their lives is miserably serious to them.

Leftists can be easily divided between those that can live with the world and those who are in purse-lipped agony about normal life. Much like the character Pap Finn (Huck's father), they never had $50 in their pocket and knew that anybody who did got it by stealing it from somebody like him.

Even back then, they were called Jacksonian democrats. But it was not a uniquely southern phenomenon. In the northeast, the old Calvinist attitudes still shine through: feelings of elitism and contempt for "lesser men", yet craving their adoration; the conviction that wealth is conveyed by unfair good luck ("life's lottery"); that man should have equality forced on him, not just equality of opportunity (excepting the elites, who get more).

Idealistic Pessimism. This is the blue state disease. Just the opposite to the red state attitude of Realistic Optimism. It is why blue stater liberals are so bitter. Politics isn't an important sidelight in their lives, they expect government to do things for them. Unless "their side" wins, they face years more of bitterness and denial. Not just as a group, but personally. Camelot must come, the New Jerusalem must be reborn, where perfection will be obtained.

Remember the famous tale from the Clinton inaguration grandstand? An over-flight of military aircraft was greeted with sneers and curses by one prominent leftist, until another one corrected him: "No, no. Those are *our* aircraft, now."

Such unhappy people. May they remain so for a very long time, for they find happiness only in the misery of others.
Posted by Anonymoose 2005-11-30 16:44||   2005-11-30 16:44|| Front Page Top

#5 "hard to believe she was once considered a comedienne"

She used to be a Brunette too LOL.
Posted by doc 2005-11-30 17:19||   2005-11-30 17:19|| Front Page Top

#6  knew that anybody who did got it by stealing it from somebody like him.

That's an easy to over look trait that Pap had. Another piece of I forgot about that MT dagger.

Muck! JG is being attak!

Posted by Shipman 2005-11-30 17:32||   2005-11-30 17:32|| Front Page Top

#7 sorry Muck - she being lying Skank ho
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-11-30 18:24||   2005-11-30 18:24|| Front Page Top

#8 still waten fore her ta skankee ho fore me sumtime.

Posted by muck4doo 2005-11-30 18:59||]">[]  2005-11-30 18:59|| Front Page Top

#9 She's right on the money. Democrats have become the "party of hate". I wish it wasn't true because I'm not totally thrilled with the republicans. Sadly, the democrats offer no alternative other than bashing.
Posted by AuburnTom 2005-11-30 19:15||   2005-11-30 19:15|| Front Page Top

#10 fair enuf, Muck
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-11-30 19:39||   2005-11-30 19:39|| Front Page Top

#11 MM forgot the assult by the Dem's union thugs upon a Florida Republican office during the election or the criminal vandalism [gawd, sack Rome once and everyone uses your name for destruction ever after] of the 'get out the vote' vehicles in Wisconson. Yep, projection is certainly the Dem's game.
Posted by Thaviter Clomolet6980 2005-11-30 20:33||   2005-11-30 20:33|| Front Page Top

#12 MM forgot the assult by the Dem's union thugs upon a Florida Republican office during the election

As I recall, it was actually multiple campaign offices in multiple states, all on the same day. Had there existed a federal prosecutor with balls, I bet they could have RICO'd the AFL-CIO for that little stunt.
Posted by Robert Crawford">Robert Crawford  2005-11-30 21:58||]">[]  2005-11-30 21:58|| Front Page Top

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